And So The Plot Thickens

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(This is going to be shorter due to it setting up the next sets of conflict within this story! I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Also, follow @sylvieontherun on Tiktok)


Apparently, Loki isn't some all-knowing godfather-like Odin, or he would have seen this disaster coming. Something is happening to all the timelines we split apart...and it's not good. It's pretty, beautiful even to see each and every timeline on its own path...but some paths were starting to collide. Two timelines I had ripped off the sacred timeline have begun an odd dance with one branches will form from them that almost seem to grasp on to one another in a coil pattern.

If I hadn't seen it happening...far out in the back of the citadel at the end of time...then we might of all been dead already. If the sacred timeline having all these branches could create a multi-versal war, think of the chaos that would happen if these newly separate timelines started to connect! It's like grafting a plant to another... sometimes it takes and goes well with the plant...but other times everything recoils and sputters into nothingness.

With Loki off with his boyfriend, it's up to me alone to defend the separate the pieces from one another. If two branches turned timelines collided, Ragnorok would be real, Fenrir would be baring his teeth at the end of all time, ready to feast upon the dead timelines from endless war.

I had a tempad set up to tell me when a branch or what I call "coil"s happen, so I can dispose of it immediately. Every time actually get's easier to perfect, more solid, like I know what I'm doing is correct instead of just guessing and hoping no one dies. Is this truly my glorious purpose? Princess of Asgard reduced to a branch pruner?

In my free time, I wander the reject dump of existence, the plane of which people and things are dumped when they are pruned. Don't worry, the cannibalistic pirates and marauders I've dealt with, it's just the other variants sent here that I'm interested in. Most of them, of course, or Loki's...and yet something feels off. I haven't found a single variant that wasn't some form of a Loki, or any Loki variant that was female-presenting.

There was one Loki that was a cross-dressing frost giant with hot pink nails and a neon green wig- but I'm trying to forget about that one.

This desolate wasteland is fascinating...with not a single object within it without an interesting tale or story. That large boat we saw get decimated by Aloith before Loki and I first met The One Who remains, the USS Elridge...I was able to found out its story by traveling to the new-age internet Midgard and research it. It was a part of a government conspiracy to try to learn how to teleport objects like boats and vessels, nicknamed the Philadelphia experiment. I made Alioth give me that vessel back just so I could look over the primitive Midgardian handiwork.

But all of that looking around was merely to pass the time in a timeless space. I did see Kid Loki and Alligator Loki a few times in my travels, making sure to say hello. Kid Loki isn't doing well with the death of Classic Loki, it seems, as he was a mentor to the younger Loki and meant a lot to him. Kind of heartbreaking, but still, he did mess up to the point of killing Thor- so I can't give him too much sympathy.

But anyway, back to the fate of the universe.

I travel to the TVA to look for the lovers, praying to the Gods I wouldn't see anything emotionally scarring when I do find the pair. It's almost impossible to track down Loki on the tempad, because just like me, he knows exactly where to go if he wants to not be followed or found. Mobius on the other hand, if he isn't with his star-crossed soulmate, is always capable of being tracked on the tempad since he worked in the TVA and had his heat signature saved.

While stalking the endless lengths of the archives, I bump into Hunter-B1- I can't deny it any further. Her real name is Sigyn Iwaldidottir, my old best friend on Asgard when we both were only kids...and my former crush back when I was just starting to question my sexuality. But that doesn't matter now...none of the past does...I can't even remember most of Asgard. If only I could enchant myself, but alas, my brain is far too strong.

The TVA had begun to turn into several different groups focusing on various tasks to the benefit of everyone, including everything from clothing sewing to cooking and baking. The sewing one is of note because this is the first time I've ever seen her in anything other than her old TVA hunting outfit.

Now she's wearing a plain white shirt and ripped black leather pants...and yet continues to look like a goddess.

"Have you seen Loki or Mobius anywhere? There's something strange going on with the various timelines..." I say, trying my best to not make direct eye contact with her.

She grins, "You look like your working yourself half to death, are you sure you don't just need some time off?"

I shrug, "I don't know, but this is urgent, have you seen them?"

"Yeah, I think they just were headed to check on the kitchens and make sure no one is accidentally burning this place down," She laughs, "I thought Loki would want to burn this place the ground, but now that he is semi in charge he actually has seemed to grow a conscience,"

I give in and look into her eyes, melting ever so slightly, "Thank you,"

"No problem, any time," She nods, leaving an awkward silence in its place.

Just to make this whole mess between us end, I walk off quickly towards the kitchens. The TVA's halls are still so confusing, even with some attempts to label paths and roadways, it's what a Midgardian might have called an 'endless IKEA'.

I do manage my way to the kitchens, finding a cringe-worthy scene of Mobius introducing Loki to the concept of desserts and chocolates. It looks like they raided a few bags of Midgardian Halloween candy, displaying it all on a table for Loki to pick and choose and try.

I walk up to them, getting straight to the point, "We have a problem with the timelines,"

Mobius looks up at me quickly, "Why, what's happening?"

"Timelines that I had separated from the sacred timeline have begun to coil out toward one another, I fear a successful coil might be end of both timelines if we don't do something about it,"

Loki reclines in his chair, "What do you mean by coil?"

I run a hand through my hair, "Like the coils of DNA- wait- you went to fancy Asgardian finishing school, you wouldn't know anything about that,"

He raises a brow at me, but I elect to ignore his distaste in my comment for the time being.

"All you need to know is that timelines are reaching out towards one another for some reason and it's probably not going to end well unless we investigate,"

Poping a piece of chocolate into his mouth, Loki stands up and says, "Alright, I and Mobius will come with and pinpoint the specific timelines that this is happening to, then go and find out what's going on,"

"It's better than the sappy lovefest you two have going on," I chuckle.

"You're just jealous since you haven't confessed your feelings to the adoring goddess,"

"You're a child,"

"No, you're a child,"

Mobius gets up and gives Loki a small side hug, "Kinda crazy we are letting two children run the timelines,"

Loki gives a cheeky smile to his lover, "And yet you still love me,"

Mobius returns this with a smirk, "Unfortunately,"

Sighing loudly in an attempt to stop the listless flirting going on between the two of them, I get out my tempad and open up the portal to the citadel at the end of time. The pair of them can be lethally pouring love out of them...but the reason I can't stand it is that I've never had a love like that. I've never had a love so real, so made to be.

I might be a bit jealous is all...

Jealous that this other Loki can get all the world, all the knowledge at his fingertips, this Loki has found pure love when I can't.

Annoyed to the point of exhaustion, I walk through the portal so we could get this over with ASAP.

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