Chapter two: Auradon

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•~Y/n's P.O.V~•
Ok. Everything is going to be fine. Just stick with the plan. Ignore what happened last night. *sigh*

Oh who am I kidding? No one could just ignore on what happened last night.

||Flashback to last night||
We were all sitting at the table for dinner as Evie brought the food to the table. She sat down after that. We each served ourselves. It was quite silent until Ben cough and began talking to me.

"Uh s-so Y/n. Are you excited for tomorrow?" Ben asked. 'Shoot. Conversation! Ok, Y/n. Act enthusiastic. You need your good reputation.'

"I am. I'm just a little nervous on adjusting to a new setting." I said, shyly. 'Man, I sound believable.' "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll fit right in. Just take some time on it." Ben smiled. 'He's way too nice.' "I hope so, too" Carlos then spoke up. "I don't remember this sweet Y/n when we were here." He smirked. "Yeah. A little too sweet, if you ask me." Mal said. "I, just, am nervous about the new change." I looked down at my food.

"Oh really? Then where was this innocent and nervous Y/n when she was fighting some street kids for money the other day?" Queen called out. 'Oh yeah. I forgot about that.' "That's the Y/n we remember." Jay said. "She always gets herself in trouble around here. She's either alone walking around abandoned buildings or getting into fights with Ursula's son and that one-handed pirate's daughter. Her only 'friends' since you guys left." Cruella said. "I don't fight with Nick or Danny. They help me. The only people I got from home." I mumbled that last part. "What have I told you about mumbling? It really gets me annoyed, you brat."Queen said. She was really getting on my nerves.

"Mom! She not a brat." Evie exclaimed. "Hey. Why don't we just continue to eat?" I tried to stop their fighting but I was shushed, like always. "Don't talk back to your mother, Evie!" Cruella reminded Evie. "She's right, mom. Queen shouldn't insult Y/n!" Carlos defended me. "Carlos! Don't you start, too" Jay, Mal, and Jafar joined in eventually. I looked over at Ben. He tried to calm down Mal but that wouldn't help. I didn't really care about the fight until Jay threw food at Cruella, Who I happen to be sitting next to. The food splattered, mostly, on Cruella. But also on me.

"Everyone Stop!!" I slammed the table. I stood up. "That's another I hated about being here! Family is something I miss from my own home! As 'evil' as you people think you are, you people seem like you have nothing else to do other than fake your viciousness. I can't wait to leave this island. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my room." I left the table and head up to my room.

When I was in my room, I locked the stairs and changed out of the stupid dress and into something comfortable. I threw the dress onto a pile of clothes and laid down on my bed. I groaned but it was muffled by my pillow. 'Why do they have to be such idiots?' I have always felt hated on this island other than Nick and Danny. They came to the island with me but without their parents. They escaped this place but left their children back. I swear if I tell Queen, Jafar, or Cruella about my father, they'll start spoiling me. I wish they could come with me. Maybe I could convince Ben on taking them with me. But he probably doesn't trust me anymore. They always ruin my plans. As much as I am grateful for them defending me during dinner, They still are annoying.

I suddenly hear a knock on the stairs. I look up from my pillow and said "Go away.", then put my head back in the pillow. I, then, heard the gears shifting to open the door called "stairs" and heard it close. I feel someone sit next to me on the bed. "Sorry for the way we acted." I realized that Carlos was in my room. I sat up from my bed and sighed. "I don't want to go to Auradon but I want to leave the island." I looked down at my lap. Carlos and I have had an ok relationship. I remember when my first year here, Carlos had a crush on me. But I think that's gone now. I have to say that like him the most out of the four. "That's how we felt remember?" He said. "Yeah. But I was stuck here. And when I leave in the morning, Nick and Danny will be, too." I looked up. I notice that Carlos was still wearing the clothes from earlier. "So what's deal with you guys? Are you going back to Auradon and picking me up in the morning or staying the night?" I asked. He laughed. "We're staying for the night but I'm not sure about Ben, though." He put one of his arms around my back. I flinched. I really hate being touched without me knowing.

When I flinched, he looked over at me and remembered the last time something like this happened. He blushed and quickly moved his arm. "I better be going now" He stood up and headed for the stairs. "Ok then. Night. Don't forget to close the stairs." I laid back down. "Got it. Goodnight Y/n" I heard the stair slowly close.

I sighed. I really hope tomorrow is a good day. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

||Back to current time||

Now, I have to walk passed the people I yelled at. I don't regret it. It's just that they're gonna all give looks. I changed into a black button-down shirt with a tank top underneath and black leggings. (I just really love that outfit. I change it up in another chapter.)I added black converse. I picked up my satchel and put it on my shoulder, letting it cross by my chest.

I unlocked my stairs and took one step. I looked back at the room that I've lived in for 7 years. Won't miss this place! I walk down a few more steps and closed the stairs. I locked it with a key that I just put in my satchel and continue to walk down the stairs.

No one was there. I went outside and saw the same limo from yesterday. There, was waiting Ben, Mal, Carlos, Jay, and Evie. "Ready?" Ben asked. I thought about it. Yes, I do hate this place but.... Danny and Nick. They'll be stuck here. They'll be tortured here. Just like how I've would've been without them. "W-Wait!!" I heard two voices in the distance coming closer. I turned around and saw Nick and Danny.

"You're leaving and not saying goodbye?" Nick smirked. I hugged him and Danny. They both hugged back. "Who are these two?" Ben asked, gesturing my friends. They let go and turned to Ben."We're her friends. I'm Daniella Jones, daughter of Captain Jones but I'm guessing you prefer, 'Hook'." Danny said. "And I am Nick , Son of the sea witch, Ursula." Nick stepped closer to Ben. "So, you're taking our Y/n to Auradon, am I correct?"Nick asked Ben. "And you didn't ask us?" Danny asked, playfully. They were always like this. I hated when they called me theirs but I still like being with them.

"I-I didn't know yo-" Ben was interrupted by Nick. "Well, Now you know. So, Where's the invite?" Nick smirked. "Well, I guess I could take two more guest. Jut you need to be ready, in ten minutes. My parents are expecting me at that time." "We're pretty quick. We'll be ready in three." Danny boasted. "We'll be waiting here." I said, cheerfully. I watched them as they walked away and disappear into the mist. I turned back to the group and they all looked at them. I felt really emotional right now. I wanted to thank Ben for letting Danny and Nick come with us. I didn't want them to be alone like I would have been. I walk over to Ben and hugged him. Everyone was shocked. They always seen me as a tough girl but hey, I have my soft side. "Thank you." I told Ben while still hugging him. I let go and look back at him. I was inches shorter than him so I had to slightly look up. "Thank you for letting them come." He blushed. "I-It's no problem. A king must do to help his subjects, right?" He said.

"We're back!" I heard two voices in unison. Danny and Nick were back with backpacks that had a key chain accessory that resembled their parent. "Then, shall we go?" Ben asked. The three of us nodded. The eight of us entered the limo. Ben sat near the door and Mal sat next to him. Evie sat next to Mal an Jay next to Evie. On another side, Danny sat to the right of Nick. I sat to the left of Danny and Carlos sat next to me. Evie and Mal began talking to each other and Jay and Carlos did, as well. I began talking to Nick and Danny and that's just how the ride went. I didn't forget the plan. I will return home. And now, I can take Nick and Danny with me.


"We're here." Ben announced. We all look out the window and saw a big school. There was a sign that said 'Auradon Prep'. We stopped in front of the school. Danny looked nervous, Nick looked unimpressed, and I was just bored. The driver got out of the limo and open the door for us. Ben walked first. Then, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos followed. The three of us stayed in the car until everyone fully got out. I stepped out the car and helped Danny out because she was scared. Nick came out last. Everyone at in the front that was waiting for their king, starred at us newcomers.

"Ahem. Welcome back, King Ben." A women said. She came closer to our group. She wore a blue dress with a pink bow near her neck. "Who are these children, Ben?" She asked. 'Wait... I know who she is. The Fairy Godmother. I thought she was dead. Guess not.' "These are new villain kids from the island. This is Danny, Daughter of Captain Hook." Ben gestured to Danny. "Pleasure." She softly curtsied. "Nick, Son of Ursula." He gestured to Nick. "Hello." Nick said, softly smiling. "And this is Y/n. Daughter of... Wait you never told me about your parents." "You don't need to know about them. I'm Y/n Magic. I hope to enjoy the year with you." I said, smiling. 'This hurts my face.' "They seem so well mannered. Are you sure they're villain kids?" Godmother asked. "Yes, we are. We're just trying our best for this new start." Danny said. "Well, then. Welcome to Auradon Prep. Ben, I'm guessing, will be showing you to your rooms?" "Yes. Right this way." Ben started to walk inside and we followed. I felt like people were talking about us. I was right. I heard them all. Like, they never had villains come to this school.

I'm here now. I have magic now. I will find my home and maybe cause some destruction while I'm here. Auradon, Watch your back.

A/n:YES!! Here's your chapter two. So for that two month wait. I have just been busy with school lately. Especially, since this week was state testing. So I hope you like this chapter. I'll be off writing Chapter 1 to Daughter Of Rumplestiltskin and chapter three of this story. Bye! ~Daydreamer_Iris

Finished:April 6th 2016 9:50 PM On Window 8 Tablet.

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