Chapter 31 - You're Wrong...

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[Robin's POV]

I groaned as I woke up, my head hurting as I felt myself lying of a cold stone floor.

I looked around and saw I was alone.

I tried to move but couldn't move and saw I was tied at my wrists and ankles by gold threads.

I desperately tried to pull at them to see if they would snap, but nothing. It was as strong as rope.

I cried quietly as I felt the thread dig into my wrists and ankles.

Just then a door opened and I gasped as I looked up to see a tall man enter with.... a white mask....

He had black empty eyes and a red grin across his face.

He also held a knife.

I felt whimpers escape me as I tried to get away, and he held a knife up.

I screamed when a voice spoke.

"That's enough," A woman's voice spoke.

A pale woman with lonGbblack hair, wearing a black cocktail dress and black heels, eyes black as night and her lips painted black.

"You'll get your turn soon enough," she smirked.

The man just walked away quietly, leaving me with the woman.

"Hmmm... So, this is the infamous Robin," she said.

"W-Who are you?" I asked.

"Let's just say, I'm an old friend of Jeff's..... Jane," she said.

"What do you want from me?" I sobbed.

"Nothing more than revenge on Jeff," she said. "And I know the one place it'll get him."

I looked at her nervously.

"You, are the one thing that'll have me kill Jeff one way or another. Im return... I can give you what you've wanted lately."

"How would you know?" I asked.

"Its normal for some women to one day want a child in their future," she snickered.

I gasped.

She smirked. "Yeah... I know. That you can't have kids, because of how constantly you were tortured... I can get you something that will asure you have a little kid running around."

"But... Jeff...." I mumbled.

"You don't need him. He doesn't even want kids. Believe me, I know," She said. "You know, you can leave him. Before he pulls you into his trap, saying he loves his little Robin, how he wants to protect her... Next thing you know, you end up in a ditch gutted like a trout and with your throat slit wide open like a clam."

I gulped nervously. "N-No... Y-You're lying," I cried.

"Boys are boys, honey," she said. "But Killers can never love... Much less Jeff, who can probably love as much as that stupid clown, Jack, ended up loving that Isaac creep."

Could... Could she be right....?

"Trust me, honey. I know how to make him grovel, but I need your help," she smirked.

No.... No, I can't believe her! She shouldn't be trusted, I just have that feeling...

"I'm sorry, but... I can't... I can't betray him, I can't believe you," I said.

Next thing I know, I felt a sharp pain hit my head and it all went black.

[Jane's POV]

"Really though you would be easy to manipulate," I sighed, tossing the brick aside, and taking out my knife. "Let's see how Jeff will like you're new makeover once we're done."

I then dug my knife into the corners of her lips and sliced nice and deep up scross her cheek to her ear.

Not exact, but hey, neither are eyebrows.

She bled there on the floor as he walked in.

"Be sure you get her all.... dolled up, so she can see Jeff when he gets here," I smirked.

His gold eyes glimmer to green as he smirks.

"With pleasure."


Picture: Jane the Killer


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