Chapter 33 - Take Us To Her, Smile

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[Jeff's POV]

"Jeff, stop!" E.J. said as I stormed out into the rain, but he puls me back into the house.

"You're an idiot if you think you can just storm off anywhere and go against 3 psychotic rogues," Laughing Jack said.

"They stole my Robin, and God only knows what he's doing to her," I sneered.

"He's right. The rapes and abuse Robin was put through in the past will seem like nothing compared to what a rogue like Jason the Toy Maker is capable of," Ben said.

"You can't go there alone, Jeff,"  Clockwork said.

"And neither can we," Toby said.

"That's why you should all be glad Smile can heal quick," Slender said as we turned and saw Smile emerge, good as new.

"Smile," I said, running over and petting him, then taking out the red fur.

"Then Smile can take us to her," I said, holding the fur out to him.
"There's a plan now," Toby said.

"Creepys, gear up!" Clockwork ordered.

"Sniff 'em out, Smile. Take us to her," I said as he sniffed thoroughly before barking as he got the scent.

"Let's go," I smirked.

[Jane's POV]

I admired his work as he cleaned up.

"My, my, Jason," I smiled. "You've really outdone yourself."

"I only do the best I can," he said. "Just need to get rid of these organs."

"This will be just enough to bring Jeff to his knees," I smirked.

"Let's give her a test run, shall we?" Puppeteer said.

"Sure, why not?" I smirked, leaving.

"Jeff should be here soon."


Picture: Smile Dog


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