Chapter 47 - Give Up

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Warning: I might get a liiiiiiittle bit graphic with the gore here, so, brace yourselves.


[Robin's POV]

I held the gun up at Jane as she gripped to her shoulder.

"FUCK!!" She sneered, holding a bloody shoulder, which looked like it had a bone popping out. "You've got a lot of guts shooting at me, you fucking slut!!"

"Robin, get out of here, this isn't your fight," Jeff said.

"That's where you're wrong, Jeff," I said, my eyes still glued on Jane. "It wasn't my fight until she ruined me and turned me into a monster."

He was quiet as I glared at Jane.

"Give up, Jane. Its over," I snapped. "You're followers are all dead, and you have nothing."

"All of them" she snapped.

"I turned your Dr. Frankenstein's head into scrambled eggs, and burned his toys," I sneered. "Face it, you have nobody."

"There's still Jeff," she smirked.

I shot at her side and made her collapse and scream.

"Jeff is nobody's. He's not your little bitch anymore," I sneered. "He was never yours to begin with."

She glared at me.

"You were worse than my rapist ex-boyfriend," I said. "And he did some pretty jacked-up shit to me that would even give you nightmares. And trash like you doesn't deserve a heart like Jeff's."

"Just give up, Jane," he said.

She was quiet before she smirked. "Over my dead body."

Next thing I knew, she threw something and I yelped at a sharp pain in my shoulder as Jeff raised the rifle and Jane ran up and jumped high over us as he tried to shoot at her.

I grunt and ripped out the knife as I ran after her, climbing up the stairs to the balcony and beaming the knife at her, getting her in the back and letting her collapse.

She then tried to run before she raised a gun and shot Jeff in the hand, making him drop the rifle and yelp.

"JEFF!!" I shouted as then Jane shot again and he collapsed, holding his stomach.

I grunt as Jane laughed and then I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

Gold strings.

Leftovers from the Puppeteer.

I grabbed a few and jumped off the balcony and swung down, tackling Jane hard to the ground.

I grunt as I flipped her around and punched her repeatedly in the face.

She then flipped me around and sat over me and started punching me next before I raised the knife and stabbed her in the breast, making her scream as I twisted it before she smacked my hand away and punched me in the mouth last time before getting up.

Jeff then tackled her, only to be stabbed in the stomach where he was shot and shoved off, panting on the floor.

I groaned and got up before reaching over to my gun and about to shoot when she jumped over and stabbed my leg, twisting the blade and making me scream as it dug into bone.

"Its going to be so much fun gouging your eyes out with a fork once I'm done with you both," she sneered.

"Think again."

All of a sudden, a black tentacle shot out and grabbed Jane, lifting her off of me and holding her in the air.

I looked over and saw all the Creepys there.

"Let me at her!! I know just the Halloween candy I can stuff into her head!!" Laughing Jack cackled as Toby and Masky ran over to me and Jeff.

"No," Slender Man said. "This is all Robin's decision what we decide."

I was helped out by Toby and limped over as Masky checked on Jeff.

I glared at Jane as she was lowered to my level, still trapped by SlenderMan's tentacle, before I felt a tug and looked to see Charlie the Bear holding up a knife.

I leaned down and grabbed it before looking back at her black soulless eyes.

"You made me into some sort of monster," I sneered. "Now its my turn."

I stuffed the knife into her mouth and dragged it out of the corner of her lip, making her scream in agony as I carved a Glasgow grin onto her cheek, repeating it with her other cheek.

I then jabbed the knife into her eye sockets and twisted theblade around in each eye, blood spraying on me as I did so, then slitting her throat.

I tossed the knife aside as Slender Man let her body drop to the ground.

"Jack and Jill," I said. "She's all yours. Go nuts, but save me a picture."

"Laughing Jack and Jill laughed as they got to work and I looked back at Jeff, feeling worried as Masky helped him, suddenly a crash above us letting the ceiling collapse and flames shooting up everywhere.

The fire went out of control!

"We got to get out of here!" E.J. shouted as he grabbed Seed Eater's reins.

"Do we let her burn?" Jill said, pointing at Jane's now mangled corpse as Jack stuffed some more candy up.... a certain place........ Snickering to himself.

"Better her than any of us. Let's go," Ben said, picking up Sally as Slender Man grabbed us all with a tentacle and we teleported out back to the woods.

I was put down and looked back at Jeff as Smiley sniffed him, whimpering as he nudged his head with his nose and I crawled over to Jeff's side.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"He's loosing blood," Masky said. "But nothing he's not used to. He'll be alright."

I sighed with relief as Jeff reached up and held my cheek.

"My Robin," he smiled.

I smiled and held his hand as I leaned down and kissed his lips passionately for a bit, before pulling back.

"Let's go home," I smiled.


Picture: Okay, not CreepyPasta related, but..... Its Sarah Paulson,  and not only is she kind of representing how Robin is at the moment..... She's my fucking mom! (not really but you know what I mean XD) I mean, look at her, she's gorgeous AF!!!!!

♡~ sapphire.

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