Chapter 49 - 'Til DEATH Do We Part

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[Third Person POV]

The choir sung as the bride gracefully glided down the church aisle, her father holding her arm as they arrived to the alter. The guests smiled and stared in awe at the beautiful woman, wearing her white lace and pearl gown.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" the justice of the peace asked.

"I give this beautiful woman to this man," the father smiled, kissing his daughter's hand before handing it to the groom and taking a seat next to his wife.

Soon, the choir was silenced and everyone took their seats at the 

"We are gathered here today, to bring together these two hearts in holy matrimony," he spoke. 

The bride and groom smile happily at one another, bridesmaids wishing to have the glory of their friend, groomsmen smiling at their lucky friend.

"If anyone objects to the union of these two lovers, speak now or forever hold your peace," the justice said.

All of a sudden there was a laugh at the back of the church, and everyone frowns and turns, surprised to see a monochromatic clown girl giggling as she skipped down the aisle, holding a Halloween bucket full of candy.

"Wow, this party is so..... BORING!!" She giggled, then cleared her throat. "What were my words again? Oh, right! I OBJECT!"

"Excuse me, but who the hell are you?!" the bride snapped.

"My, someone's crabby on her wedding day," the clown girl laughed. "But then again, I would be too if I was marrying limp dick over here, and not that NASA rocket shuttle that nailed you last night."

The crowd gasped as the bride's eyes widen.

"Who was it again? Oh, yeah, one of these guys, the best dude-man- guy... whatever its called," The clown girl cackled. "Really revved up her Harley, didn't ya, Joker?!"

"She is lying!" the bride exclaimed, looking nervous. "I don't even know who you are, now get lost or I'm calling police!"

"Hey now!" a voice popped up from behind the priest, and they look to see a monochromatic clown man jump up between the bride and groom. "Don't do something like that. The party's just getting started!"

"What the hell is going on?!" The groom asked.

"Relax there, limpy," The clown man said, pushing him down and taking a mic from nearby, patting it to test it. "Testing, testing 1,2,3! These are your friendly neighborhood wedding crashers coming too you live.... soon dead! AHAHAHAHAAA!!!!"

Everyone seemed panicked. 

"Ladies and gentleman, my name is Laughing Jack, that's my little marshmallow bunny, Laughing Jill, and this wedding may need to be rescheduled for another time, since we really could use this alter," the clown man laughed. "Maybe move it to some place, say.... six feet under?"

He then let his claws out and swung behind him, and sliced open the priest's throat, blood spraying everywhere, even on the bride and groom.

Screams echoed in the church as the priest fell dead to the ground.

"What? He had a thing for little boys," Laughing Jack shrugged as people got up and were going to run to the doors, only to be met with Seed Eater and Smile Dog, drawing back.

All of a sudden, Creepys appeared out of no where, slaughtering a few people who fought back.

"Now, a round of applause for the REAL couple of the hour," Laughing Jack shouted into the mic as Jeff the Killer and his beloved, Robin, came up from behind the bride and groom, slitting their throats, spraying them both with each other's blood.

"My love," Jeff smirked, comig up and kissing his bride-to-be, who wore an elegant short white dress.

She then put her finger to his lips. "Save it for the vows, sweetheart," she smirked.

He chuckled as they looked over at everyone.

Children were spared, SlenderMan putting them to sleep as the Creepys continued their killing spree, slaughtering anyone and everyone.

Sally spotted the flower girl and took off her flower crown, placing it upon her head.

Robin then looked down and yanked off the veil from the bride's head.

"Aww, there's blood on it," she said, placing it on her head. "What do you think?"

"Beautiful?" Jeff smirked and knelt down, taking the rose from the groom's jacket, and had Robin pin it on his white jacket.

"Okay, lovebirds, let's get this show on the road and have a drinking party later," Hoody laughed as he jumped up on the alter, holding up the bottles of holy wine.

"Let me remind you, my little birdy can't drink yet," Jeff smirked as he placed a hand on her stomach, making Robin giggle and pecked his cheek with a kiss.

"Blech!!" Ben gagged as he ate from the host box.

"These crackers taste like shit," he spat, and threw the box across the church  almost hitting Toby, who ducked and stared as the box shattered. "Can't believe people actually eat that stuff."

Jeff and Robin laughed as SlenderMan then stood beind them.

"Its time," He spoke.

Robin bent down and took the bouquet as SlenderMan escorted she and Jeff to the alter as everyone took their seats, some of the bodies propped up as if watching the whole event.

"We are gathered here today, to unite in matrimony these two killers," Slenderman spoke as Robin and Jeff smiled. "If anyone here objects to this union, you better hope Toby misses."

Everyone burst out laughing as SlenderMan motioned to proceed with the vows, starting with Robin.

"You saved me from the horrible nightmare I was condemned to live every single day. Its because of you I am stronger and braver now," Robin spoke. "Though you were very stubborn and cold in the beginning, I never thought about giving up on showing you what you thought your heart couldn't be capable of."

Jeff smiled as Robin continued.

"I love you, Jeff. I love you more that I can even handle, and though I hope it would never happen again, but if it were to do so, I would go through hell and back just to be in your arms again," she smiled.

Everyone smiled as Jeff took his turn.

"Before I met you, I was afraid that I was too far gone to ever love anything... But then I found you. My apologies will never be enough to show you how sorry I am for how I had treated you before. You turned the cold stone in my chest that I call a heart warm and whole again, and helped me learn me what I thought I could never learn. Now, you continue by my side, especially through it all, and will soon give us what you and I thought we could never have..." he said, placing his hand gently on her stomach as she smiled, tears in her eyes. "I love you, my Robin. I love you til the day I die."

Robin smiled as Slenderman spoke.

"May we have the rings?" SlenderMan spoke.

"Oh, yeah, one second," Clockwork said, as she got up, walking to the decapitated best man and digging through his pockets, then pulling out something before tossing it to Jeff, who caught it, revealing two silver wedding bands, tied with a small white lace ribbon.

Jeff untied them and placed the one with the diamond on Robin's left ring finger, then she did the same with him.

"Perfect fit," Jeff smiled as they admired the rings.

"Do you, Jeff, take Robin to be your Creepy wife, to love and to cherish, to slaughter and kill alongside with, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?" SlenderMan asked.

Jeff smiled. "I do."

"Do you, Robin, take Jeff to be your Creepy husband, to love and to cherish, to slaughter and kill alongside with, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?" SlenderMan asked Robin.

"I do," Robin smiled.

"Then I now pronounce you killer wife and killer husband," SlenderMan said. "You may kiss the bride."

They smiled and leaned in, holding each other in their arms as they kissed, and the Creepys cheered.

"I present Jeff the Killer and Robin the Killer," SlenderMan spoke as everyone cheered.

Robin then waved the bouquet around, turning around as the Clockwork, Laughing Jill, and Sally got up, laughing playfully.

She tossed it behind her and then it landed on a dead bridesmaid's lap, but Laughing Jill just snatched it.

"Haha! Talk about always being the bridesmaid, but NEVER the bride. HAHA!!" she shouted, ripping some aparted and throwing it in the air.

"Now, let's get out of here and party," Ben smirked.

It was then Ben used his sword and pointed it at the alter as everyone got out of the way, and he shot a bolt of blue lighting, and immediately let the alter burst into flames.

Toby, Hoody and E.J. then grabbed some gasoline they had hid earlier in a supply closet and started to pour it over the pews, bodies, and other stuff in the church and then the Creepys ran to the emergency exit by the burning alter.

"To the newley weds!!" Laughing Jack laughed as he lit a matchbook and tossed it into the gasoline, causing the intended chain reaction as the newly weds and their friends escaped to start their lives together, leaving the church to burn behind them.


Picture: represents Robin & Jeff

I used the music video of A Little Piece of Heaven by Avenged Sevenfold MOSTLY for the wedding scene.

But also because the song is really good. :)

This book only has the epilogue left before it comes to its end.

♡~ sapphire.

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