Chapter 5 - Screams

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I groaned as I woke up, feeling hot and tired.

I tried to get up, but someone stopped me.

"Stay down. You're fever is rising," a girl's voice said.

It didn't sound like Sally.

My eyes open and I see a woman looking down as a towel, but then she turned and I froze.

Her pale beautiful face was covered in stitches, and her left eye was replaced by an actual clock.

I screamed a bit before her hand clamped over mine.

"Shush!!" she snapped. "Quiet, or you'll piss off the boss!!"

I was quiet as tears streamed down my face and I nodded.

"Good," she said, removing her hand and then reaching next to her and pulling out a wet towel, placing it on my head.

"W-Who are you?" I mumbled.

"Clockwork, but I'm also known as Natalie," she said. "You had it bad before Jeff got you didn't you?"

I was a bit lost for some reason. "What?"

You don't remember much, do you?" she asked.

I tried to think.

"Jeff saw you and some guy and you seemed hurt, so he took care of him and bought you here," Natalie explained.

I then gasped.

"What do you mean he... took care of him?" I asked.

"Jeff killed him," Natalie said. "Which is actually a good kill."

I froze. Tyler's dead?!

My thoughts were interrupted by Natalie grabbing my bandaged arm.

"What you doing?!" I asked, snatching my arm.

"Changing your bandages. You got some nasty cuts and highly doubt you want them infected," she snapped.

"No, pl-"

"I already seen them. I'm not judging you, but you're not my problem at the moment. I'm only helping Jeff," she said.

"Who's this Jeff guy?" I asked.

"You'll know soon enough," she said.

She outs medicine and new bandages on my cuts before cleaning up a nearby first aid kit.

"At least your fever is going down," she said. "Take some water. It'll help cool you down."

She then hands me a cold water bottle, which I meekly take.

"Bye," she said and just like that, she left me alone.

Why did this Jeff guy just kill Tyler? I mean, I'm glad, but why bring me here after doing so? What does he want with me?

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