Chapter 18: "... to help her love me again."

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As I headed back to the office, I couldn't get the smiles on Taehyung and Jungkook's faces out of my mind. They had looked so happy when I had called them those familiar nicknames and Taehyung's smile couldn't get any brighter when I remembered his favorite drink.

I walked into the receptionist area and saw Jimin coming out of his office, a grin on his face. "Hey Y/N," he said by way of greeting. "How did it go with Joy?"

I hesitated not wanting to admit that there was something about the girl that made me uncomfortable. "It... it went fine," I replied, only partially lying since the tour did in fact go fine. It just bothered me that Joy asked way too many questions about Taehyung: where he was from, how old he was, his favorite foods.

Jimin noticed my hesitation because he came over to me, bending down a little so he could look me in the eyes. "Tell me the truth," he coaxed. "You can't lie to me."

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "It's nothing really," I began. "Joy... just asked a lot of questions about Tae and it... it bothered me." I felt the heat rush up my cheeks at my words.

Jimin grinned at my words. "It did, huh?" he asked, a smug smile on his face, but the smile disappeared when he realized I was serious. "What kind of questions?"

I explained to Jimin the conversation I had with Joy and noticed the smug smile disappearing from his face replaced with a look of irritation. I knew right then that my concerns were not completely unfounded. They were definitely strange questions to be asking about your boss.

Jimin tapped his bottom lip with his fingers, deep in thought. "It might be a good idea to make it clear to Joy that our Tae is not available," he suggested, the smug smile returning. "Not available at all."

Sighing, I directed my gaze away from Jimin. "Technically he is available," I replied. "I don't remember him so why shouldn't he find someone that makes him happy." As much as the statement hurt me, I knew it was something that was true, something that had to be said, to be admitted.

Jimin's eyes widened and it was the first time I had seen him look angry since all this had happened. "No honey," he argued. "Available is the furthest thing from what Tae is right now. Tae loves you. Only you. He has no interest in finding anyone else at all."

I was surprised by Jimin's words. I knew he had been hoping I would remember Taehyung eventually, but I figured he would prefer for his friend to be happy. "What if I never remember him?" I finally asked, the question being one of the things that had been bothering me.

Jimin gave me a reassuring smile. "Then I guess you would just have to fall in love with him all over again. Get to know him again," he suggested. Jimin looked down at his watch. "Will you please make some copies of the agenda for the department head meeting?"

I nodded and Jimin handed me a document. "Of course," I answered. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Jimin nodded and patted my shoulder, a familiar gesture of affection. I left the office and walked down the corridor to the copy machine on this floor. As I copied the agenda, I thought about what Jimin said. Would that be possible? Clearly I fell in love with Taehyung before. Would it be possible to fall in love with him again? I definitely felt the pull for him and it was stronger than anything else I had ever experienced in my life.

I finished the copies and headed back to the office, my mind filled with thoughts of Taehyung. As I approached, I heard a voice behind me call my name and I turned to see Hoseok standing behind me, a hesitant smile on his face. "Hi Hobi," I said, unsure if he was comfortable with the nickname that fell off my lips so comfortably.

Hoseok's smile brightened, lighting up his entire handsome face. "You... you called me Hobi," he whispered. Before I could say anything else, Hoseok rushed forward, wrapping me in a tight embrace. I could feel the slight shaking from his tall frame and knew right away that the sweet man in front of me was in tears.

"It's okay Hobi," I soothed, running a gentle hand down his back. "It's okay." We stood there for a moment while Hoseok calmed down.

Hoseok pulled back from me and gave me a watery smile. "Sorry about that," he apologized. "I... I was just so happy that you called me Hobi. I missed it... and you so much."

I gave him one final hug. "I've missed you too Hobi," I replied. "I'm trying to remember everyone but it's so hard." I really did want to remember all these caring people but it was definitely hard.

Hoseok shook his head. "Don't stress yourself too much," he encouraged, a teasing smile on his face. "We made you love us once. If we have to, we can do it again."

Hoseok's words reminded me of what Jimin had said. I had fallen in love with Taehyung once, he was sure it could happen again. I opened the door to head back into the office and Hoseok followed me in, humming happily behind me.

"What are you so happy about?" Jimin asked, as he came out of the office, a file folder in his hands. I showed him the copies and he thanked me with a grin.

"Nothing much," Hoseok replied. "Just a good day, right Y/N?" Hoseok turned his attention to me.

"Right Hobi," I replied, giving him a bright smile.

Jimin said nothing, but the grin on his face was answer enough. "Y/N? Can you bring this stuff to the conference room? And please make sure they're sending up coffee?"

I looked down at my watch. "Coffee should be here in two minutes," I said, taking the file folder from his hands. "Anything else you need my Jiminie?"

Jimin shook his head. "No honey," he said. "That's it for now."

As I walked toward the conference room, I could hear the excited whispers behind me. I smiled to myself as I headed into the conference room, knowing their excitement was over the use of the nicknames.

I stepped into the conference room, placing the agendas and Jimin's file folder on the table. As I turned the door opened and Taehyung walked in, followed by Joy. She was smiling brightly and as he sat down, she touched his shoulder as she walked by, placing herself in the seat next to him. I didn't say anything but I wanted to grab her by her gorgeous hair and toss her clingy ass out the nearest window.

Trying to ignore their conversation, I focused on the agenda in front of me. "Oh Japan is so beautiful," Joy exclaimed, her voice grating on my nerves the longer she talked. "We'll have to go sightseeing when we get there Tae."

The use of his nickname was almost enough to push me over the edge. I sat down in chair at the opposite end of the table, not wanting to be in the middle of their little conversation. Hopefully this meeting would pass quickly. I thought back to what Jimin had said about Taehyung still loving me and not wanting anyone else. From the closeness already between him and Joy, that didn't seem to be true.

Taehyung POV:

As Joy talked about the things she wanted to show me in japan, I tuned her out. I hadn't miss the way she called me Tae when we entered the conference room, something I would have to put an end to soon. There was only one woman allowed to call me that. The woman that was currently sitting on the opposite side of the conference room. I tried to hide the hurt in my face when she chose to sit so far away from me. Between last night and this morning, I thought we had made progress, but I could see by the way she kept glancing at Joy and her proximity to me, my new secretary was the reason for her sudden coolness and distance.

Joy placed a hand on my arm almost possessively and I subtly shook it off, reaching for the agenda so the move didn't look overly rude. Y/N's eyes narrowed at Joy's boldness but she quickly schooled her features and her face became a blank mask. The obvious jealousy I saw in Y/N's eyes made my heart lighten even though I never wanted to give her a reason to feel that way. It showed me that there was something there that wanted me, maybe something there that still loved me. Jimin said her heart remembered me even if her mind refused to. I could only hope he was right.

The door opened and the rest of the department heads walked in, Jimin leading the crowd. He quickly looked between Y/N and me, a look of surprise on his face at the distance between us. I shrugged my shoulders, indicating I didn't know what had changed so quickly. Even though I did suspect it was Joy. Jimin's eyes went to Joy and narrowed at the sight of my secretary sitting so close to me. I was surprised at Jimin's expression, instantly realizing there was something there that I didn't know.

Jimin sat down next to Y/N and leaned over, whispering something in her ear making her giggle. Even though I knew there was nothing going on between them, the sight of Jimin making the love of my life blush in that way sent a wave of envy rushing over me, until I could see nothing else. I used to be the one that would sit next to her in these meetings and whisper in her ear.

Namjoon who was seated on my right squeezed the hand on my lap, bringing me back to the present. I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile then shook his head. Namjoon always knew what I was thinking. It was scary how well he actually knew me. He knew the sight of Jimin and Y/N together bothered me, even though it shouldn't. Jungkook was on the other side of Jimin and he gazed at his boyfriend fondly, no hint of jealousy on his face and it made me wonder if I was overreacting.

Jimin called the meeting to order and the focus was on the Japan trip since it would be bringing in so much money. As I recited the details about the investor and the schedule of events for the next three weeks, I began to regret asking to go on this trip. It was going to take me away from Y/N for three weeks, right when she just started to get comfortable talking to me again.

After my spiel, Jimin spoke up again. "Although this is only one company in Japan, it may be..."

"Is there going to be time for Tae and me to go sightseeing?" Joy suddenly interrupted and we all looked at her in shock. "I heard nothing about it on the schedule."

"Excuse me?" Jimin asked, his sweet voice deceptively soft. I flinched knowing this was the voice he used when he was furious and trying to hold it in. "You do realize, Ms. Chang, that this is a business trip and not a vacation. Mr. Kim will be extremely busy and I suggest you prepare yourself to be the same."

I didn't miss the way Jimin deliberately addressed me professionally, a subtle indication to Joy to do the same.

"But Mr. Park, since we will be there three weeks, surely there will be time for Tae and me to have some time to ourselves," Joy argued and I wanted to roll my eyes. Was she not getting the picture? I could see Jimin start to lose his patience, which was rare.

"Look Joy," Y/N cut in, trying to smooth things over for Jimin before he snapped. "I'm sure you would love the time to sightsee, so I'm sure you will have plenty of time. I think what Mr. Park is saying is that Mr. Kim will not have time for it. He is after all the Finance Director for a multi billion dollar company. Since this is an international business trip, he will still need to be able to communicate with the company here. It will cut into his leisure time, but not yours. I'm sure you understand."

Although my heart caught in my throat at the way she called me Mr. Kim instead of Tae, I was also impressed at the way she had handled the situation. It reminded me of why Jimin said she was his right hand when it came to things in the office.

Joy's mouth dropped open at Y/N's words, but she closed it quickly, not saying anything else. I directed my gaze over to Y/N, but she was looking down at the agenda, refusing to meet my gaze.

Jimin continued the meeting and before I knew it, Jimin was standing and dismissing the rest of us. Jimin stopped joy and me before we left the office, Y/N by his side. "Look Ms. Chang," he began. "I understand this is your first day here, but first of all, I do not appreciate being interrupted so rudely as you have done today. This is my company and I will run it as I see fit. Secondly, you are here to do a job, not to socialize with Mr. Kim. If you cannot manage to conduct yourself professionally, I will have you replaced. And finally, the Japan trip is a business venture, not a pleasure trip. Please do not disturb Mr. Kim and allow him to do his job. Is that understood?"

Joy's face flushed in embarrassment and she looked down at the ground, mumbling "Yes Mr. Park."

"You are dismissed for lunch. Return to your office promptly at 12:45," Jimin demanded, all traces of sweetness gone from his voice. Joy nodded and left the conference room quickly without another word.

I could see the anger still on Jimin's face but Y/N put a hand on his arm, calming him. Jimin turned to Y/N, his eyes softening. "Sorry honey," he replied. "It was like dejavu all over again with my last secretary. She was just like that." Jimin shuddered at the memory and it made me feel for my friend. His last secretary was obsessed over Jimin even though he was clearly not available.

Jimin turned to me. "Please don't encourage it Taehyung," he said to me, shocking me with the use of my full name.

"I swear I didn't Jimin," I rushed out, worried that Y/N was going to assume the worst of me. I had not interest in any other woman except for the beautiful one standing in front of me. "I didn't tell her she could call me Tae."

Y/N ducked her head. "I'm so sorry Jiminie," she apologized. "Joy must have heard me refer to Taehyung by his nickname. I promise it won't happen again."

I wanted to protest, but Jimin beat me to it. "No honey," he reassured her. "It's different with you." Y/N just nodded, refusing to meet either of our gazes. Jimin looked at me, the panic clear in his eyes. She had just started opening up to us again and I knew he felt the same way I did: we would do anything to help her feel comfortable with us again.

I placed my hand gently under her chin, lifting her head to look me directly in the eyes. "Please don't stop," I pleaded. "When you call me Tae, it... it makes me feel so many things. Things I want to continue to feel." Y/N studied me carefully, her eyes darting back and forth between mine before nodding.

"Okay Tae," she said softly, a small smile on her face. "Okay."

I made a vow right then and there to help her love me again.

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