Chapter 19: "And I knew exactly what I needed to do."

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Although I felt bad for putting Taehyung in an uncomfortable position with Joy, I did feel better that he still wanted me to call him Tae. There was something about Taehyung that was drawing me to him, something that was desperately begging me to pull him close and press my lips to his, to see if my body remembered him the way my heart wanted to, the way my mind didn't.

Jimin was giving me an amused look and I realized I had been staring at Taehyung, more specifically his lips. Taehyung's look of surprised quickly changed to a pleased sort of glint. A stare that made me blush from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. "I... I'm going to go get lunch," I stammered out. "Do you need anything?"

"Do you mind bringing me a cup of coffee and a sandwich?" Jimin asked, reaching for his wallet.

I gave him a dismissive wave. "Turkey and Swiss on a pretzel roll, right?" A flash of a memory rushed over me. "No mustard, only mayonnaise."

The way Jimin's mouth dropped in surprise was almost comical and he nodded before breaking out into a huge grin. "You... you remembered?"

"I get flashes of memories here and there. It started with Tae's hot chocolate yesterday. It... ummm... it happened again during the meeting when I was looking at Jinnie. A flash of shopping with him for something. A chain? A silver one with a half of a hoop charm?"

This time it was Taehyung's turn to look shocked. "That was the chain he bought Namjoon when they hit their 5 year anniversary. Namjoon never takes it off."

I gave them a sad smile. "I just get flashes. Not enough to really remember anything but I do remember seeing Jinnie and I get this feeling of being close to him, of knowing him." I wish I could see the same flashes of my life with Taehyung, remember the special moments we shared together, remember the life we had together.

Taehyung returned my smile. "You and Jin were definitely close. Almost as close as you and Jimin. It's no wonder you would remember things about him."

I could see the sadness in Taehyung's eyes and knew it was reflected in my own. I hesitated then reached out and touched his hand, carefully lacing my fingers in his. "I want... I want to remember you."

Glancing down at our hands, Taehyung looked surprised, but then the surprise vanished and a grin brighter than any I've seen lit up his face. He tightened his hand on mine then lifted it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of it. The gesture felt so familiar, so comforting that it almost brought me to tears. "Baby I really hope you do." Taehyung's face flushed red as he realized what he called me and he quickly released my hand, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "I'm... I'm sorry Y/N."

At his action, my heart felt strangely hurt, but the name was just like the kiss. It felt so familiar and I knew right away it was something he had always called me. And something about that realization caused the pain in my heart to ease a bit. Not much but enough to no longer make it feel like it was going to break in a million pieces, like a glass figurine knocked onto the marble floor, shattering until the prior form was no longer recognizable. "It's okay Tae. I... I guess some habits are hard to break huh?"

Taehyung gave me a grateful smile, relieved that I wasn't going to make a big deal out of a simple mistake. A mistake I wished he would make again. The name was so familiar that I wanted to beg him to say it again, call me it again.

"Did... did you want any lunch?" I asked Taehyung.

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm good. Thanks... thanks for offering."

I nodded then headed out of the office, my mind filled with thoughts of the handsome man. I took the elevator down, lost in thought. I didn't even notice the elevator had stopped until the doors opened and Joy stepped onto it. She gave me a look of shock before she plastered a fake smile on her face, a smile that was dripping with such artificial sweetness that it made the bile want to rise up in my stomach. I carefully cleared my expression, giving her a polite smile.

"Y/N you're just the person I was hoping to see. I... I need your help." Joy gave me another smile and I could see right away that I was not going to enjoy this conversation.

"Me? How can I help you?" I didn't really want to be involved in anything she had planned, but seeing as she was still an employee of the company and I represented the CEO, I needed to be polite and respectful to her.

Joy's smile grew even brighter and faker than before. "You're close to the CEO right? Mr. Park?"

I hesitantly nodded my head. "I'm his secretary if that's what you're referring to." Already this conversation was giving me anxiety. I could feel the tension building in my head, latching onto me like a burr to a fuzzy sweater, like the thorns of a beautiful rosebush to tender flesh, like a desperate secretary to the one person who has the information she needs.

Joy waved her hand in dismissal at my statement. "I overheard one of the other secretaries mentioning something about how it was good to have you back since Mr. Park missed his right hand, his best friend."

Damn. I should have known she was asking me for a reason. Although I couldn't stand the woman, having made a snap judgment about her, I had to admit she was clever. She already had the information and was just trying to verify it with me, seeing if I would lie to her and try to hide the closeness between Jimin and myself. I didn't say anything, but gestured for her to continue, wanting to see where exactly she was planning on going with this conversation.

"Anyways, I think Mr. Park was exceptionally harsh with me this morning. It's my first day after all and I didn't know the procedures during department head meetings. I wasn't aware that he was such a stickler for certain things and I really shouldn't be blamed for something I didn't even know." Joy grinned at me as though she made an excellent point and I wanted nothing more than to roll my eyes then slap the hell out of her.

Apparently Joy wasn't as clever as I had assumed. Not interrupting a CEO during a meeting because you want sightseeing time during a business trip is not exactly rocket science and the fact that she was trying to justify her ridiculous behavior caused me to lose any semblance of respect that I may have had for her. "It's not being strict. It's common courtesy in the business world. You just don't interrupt the CEO of a company."

Joy waved her hand again. "Whatever. I'm not exactly worried about getting in trouble. He already yelled at me so now I know to be more careful." Joy brushed her long hair out of her face, a smile gracing her pretty red lips. "I'm really more interested in learning about the man I work for: Kim Taehyung."

"What... what do you want to know?" I stammered then wanted to smack myself, not wanting Joy to see my hesitation. The elevator stopped on the ground floor and we stepped out, Joy trailing behind me as I headed towards the cafeteria. As soon as she learned Taehyung was potentially available, I was worried she would try and snap him up.

Joy smiled at me again and this time, I was able to see through the pretty face, the perfect teeth, and the full lips and see what was behind it all. Similar to a worm in an apple, the nastiness was hidden beneath the surface. On the outside, the apple could be viewed as object of perfection: perfectly shaped, perfectly red, perfectly unblemished; however, once the delectable fruit was split, the true insides would be revealed. In this case, the insides were closer to that of a snake: cunning, clever, and deceptively silent, just waiting for the right moment to strike. "Is he available?"

Taehyung POV:

I watched Y/N leave the office then turned back to Jimin, who was watching me with an amused smile on his face. The same smile he exhibited when Y/N had been staring at me. It was definitely something that had not gone unnoticed. "What?"

Jimin shook his head, not wanting to respond, but unable to hold it in at the same time. "It's funny watching the two of you together. It's... it's almost like how it used to be." Jimin's eyes were sad and I knew he was missing his best friend almost as much as I was missing my fiancé, the one and only love of my life.

I gave Jimin a sad smile, knowing that it just wasn't me going through this. Y/N had been a large part of all of our lives. "I wish so bad that she would remember me and things could go back to the way they were before. We could pick up where we left off. We... we could be planning for our wedding right now." The memory of what I had lost caused the burn of tears to sting the back of my eyes, tears I didn't want to let fall.

Pulling me into a hug, Jimin sighed. "I'm trying to be patient Tae, but I... I really miss my bestie. She's been calling me my Jiminie again and it's definitely helping. There are times I will forget that she doesn't remember me and I want so bad to go over and hug her. Times where it will seems like she does remember me. Like the sandwich thing."

I hugged my friend back, feeling the same things. "Maybe it's like you told me. Her heart remembers even if her mind cant."

Jimin pulled back and gave me a smug smile. "Clearly her body remembers you too."

I smacked Jimin's arm, surprised at the way he was able to turn such a tender moment around so quickly. "Knock it off."

Grinning, Jimin pinched my side. "Don't get all bent out of shape Tae. I'm just saying..." Jungkook entering the room cut off Jimin's words. Jimin's face lit up at the sight of his boyfriend, but his smile dropped just as quickly when he noticed the dark look on Jungkook's face. "What's the matter babe?"

Jungkook turned to me. "Your new secretary?" I nodded. "You're going to have problems with her."

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean? Jimin already spoke to her about what happened in the meeting."

"Apparently you weren't serious enough. I was behind Y/N and Joy as they were walking to the cafeteria. Joy was asking Y/N about your relationship status, whether or not you were available." Jungkook ran a hand through his dark hair, his eyes filled with irritation. All my friends were more than a little protective over Y/N, so this information must have really made Jungkook angry.

"What did Y/N say?" I asked. Part of me was hoping Y/N would tell Joy that I was not available, that I belonged to her, that she was going to marry me, but I pushed the feelings of optimism down.

Jungkook hesitated then sighed. "Y/N... Y/N told Joy that as far as she knows, you are not currently seeing anyone."

At his words, my heart shattered once again. This was Y/N's way of saying that she wasn't even comfortable enough around me yet to potentially talk about our relationship, our engagement. "She... she did?"

Jimin patted my shoulder. "Don't read too much into it. Remember Tae. She's trying to remember you. She even said she was, but she knows that you're officially not together. At least not right now."

At his words, the tears I had been trying to hold in spilled from my eyes like a waterfall, like a breaking dam, like the monsoons that came with the warmer weather. "It doesn't matter if she doesn't remember me. She's still mine just like I'm still hers. I don't want anyone else. I'm not available. She may not remember me, but I remember her. I have all of our memories stored in my head, in my heart. They fill every part of my every waking moment and she is all I want."

"You just have to be patient with her Tae," Jungkook encouraged, his voice gentle. "I saw the way Y/N looked at you in the meeting. There is something still definitely there. It might not be what you want it to be yet, but it has the potential to be. The question is: what do you want to do about it?

Jungkook's question was harsh and a little eye opening. I wanted Y/N. I wanted her to fall in love with me like she had before. I wanted her to be my wife, to belong to me body, heart, and soul just like I belonged to her. She was all I wanted and all I would ever need. And I knew exactly like what I needed to do.

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