Chapter 3: "We've got you."

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I woke the next morning to the sounds of a nurse moving around in my room. She was different than the one from the night before. When she noticed I was awake she left the room and came back in with a breakfast tray. The smell of food was heavenly and I looked at the tray eagerly. I hadn't eaten anything the night before since the medication put me to sleep.

"I figured you would be hungry my dear," the nurse said, a smile on her face. She lifted the lid of the tray and my mouth watered at the selection of food on the plate. There was a fluffy waffle, crisp bacon, and a bowl of fresh fruit. There was a frosty glass of fresh orange juice and a cup of hot coffee. I picked up the fork and dug into the food, the flavors exploding on my tongue. I closed my eyes in pleasure and the nurse giggled at me. "Good to know you have an appetite," she said, marking something on the clipboard in her hand.

I nodded in agreement, enjoying the display of food in front of me. The nurse looked around the room as though she were searching for something. I gave her a questioning look.

"Did your fiancé finally go home?" she asked.

"My fiancé?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded then gave me another smile. "That poor man. He was so worried about you. He refused to leave your bedside." She clucked her head in sympathy. "A short friend of yours would bring him clothes and food. Your fiancé would step out long enough to shower and change and only when the little guy was here."

My heart tightened a bit at the sounds of Taehyung staying in the hospital with me. I really wished I could remember him. We must have been close if he spent that much time at my bedside. "Umm..." I began, "I don't really remember who he is."

The nurse looked at me in surprise, sympathy filling her eyes. "Oh honey," she said, her voice sad. "I'm so sorry."

I gave her a small smile. "It's okay. You didn't know," I said.

The nurse finished checking my vitals in silence then left the room, her words ringing in my ears. Why would that guy stay so long in the hospital with me if we weren't close to begin with? I rubbed my head trying to remember something but I only succeeded in making my head hurt.

I laid there for a moment before picking up my phone. I scanned the list of contacts, stopping when I saw the name Jiminie. I hesitated with my finger over the call button. I wanted some answers and Taehyung did say this guy was my best friend. I changed my mind, shutting the phone down. He was one of Taehyung's friends too and although I didn't remember Taehyung, I didn't want to hurt him by calling his friend instead of him.

I set the phone down and picked up the stack of cards again, stopping on the one from Taehyung. The words on the card Please come back to me baby were so familiar. I had heard his voice repeating those same words as I was still stuck in the darkness. I remembered thinking that deep voice was so familiar. It was what had pulled me out of the darkness that I had been floundering in.

I laid my head back against the pillow. Why couldn't I remember him? It was making me crazy. I wanted to remember that beautiful life we had shared, but it was just a blank spot in my head. I felt terrible for hurting him this way, but I just didn't know what to do.

A tentative knock on the door had me turning towards it. My eyes filled with happy tears when I saw Mina, Lisa, Rose and Serena standing hesitantly at the door.

Serena caught my eye and came rushing into the room followed by the others. "Oh Y/N," she cried. "I'm so glad you're awake. You have no idea how worried we were about you." She leaned over and hugged me tightly.

Mina was wiping tears from her eyes as Lisa patted her back. Rose came over and took my other hand. "You really scared us babe," she said, rubbing her fingers across the back of my hand. I squeezed her hand and she leaned over and kissed my forehead.

Mina and Lisa came over and gave me hugs as well, pushing Serena aside. She pouted for a second before relinquishing her spot to the others. "I'm surprised Jimin isn't here yet," Lisa said, looking around the room. "I would have thought he'd been waiting outside your room at dawn."

I sighed and looked down at the blanket, picking at the edges. "Um... I don't remember him either," I said.

Rose's eyes filled with sadness. "Poor baby," she said. "This must be killing him."

"How well do I know Jimin?" I asked, hoping the girls could answer my questions.

"Park Jimin is the CEO of PJM Enterprises, the biggest video game design company in the country," Mina explained. "Shortly after you met Taehyung, he introduced you to Jimin. You two hit it off immediately and basically became thick as thieves. He hired you on as his personal secretary and the two of you have been besties ever since."

That's what the PJM Enterprises is. This was new information to me. I was happy to know I had a job that I had been working at. "Tell me more about Taehyung," I said.

This time it was Lisa who looked sad. "You and Taehyung," she started. "If there were anyone who were soulmates, it was the two of you. That man loves you more than life itself. I've never seen a love like his."

"You met Taehyung a little more than three years ago, shortly after your breakup with Cam," Rose said. "You were at a coffee shop and bumped into him, spilling your iced latte down his shirt. You offered to buy him lunch and a new shirt, but he wanted your number instead."

"To hear Tae tell the story, you would think it was the best day of his life," Mina added with a smile. "He took you to dinner the next night and within two months, you were official. You closed on your house six months ago and have been living there ever since with Tae and Yeontan."

I nodded at her words, but nothing sounded familiar. "What happened with Cam?" I asked.

Mina and Rose looked at each other, both hesitating to speak. "Cam was seeing another woman while you two were together. You found the messages on his phone and he admitted it," Rose said gently.

My eyes widened in horror. Cam? The man I thought I loved? He... he cheated on me? "Please tell me you're joking," I said in a whisper.

Serena came back to my side, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I wish I could say she was, but I really don't wish that. Cam was a douche and Tae is the opposite of him. Tae is like a prince charming come to life," she said, her voice soft. "You and Tae were happy together. I can promise you that."

The girls stayed for another hour, leaving me with the promise to visit again. "It's going to be okay babe," Serena said, hugging me. "We'll all be here to help you. We've got you."

After the girls left, I laid my head back down, thinking of all that I had learned. If this Taehyung really was my fiancé and as wonderful as the girls said he was, then I wanted to remember him and our life together. I just didn't know how.

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