Chapter 30: "... she was mine."

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I couldn't stop the words from spilling from my lips but knew they were the words I needed to say, wanted to say, wanted him to hear. Regardless of everything that happened, the fact that I loved Taehyung was clearer to me than anything else that had happened so far. The realization that this is where I was supposed to be was completely obvious, even if I was scared to admit it. It reminded me of what Jimin had said: my mind may not remember them, but my heart definitely does.

I carefully studied his face, worried that it was not what he wanted to hear at the moment, but my worries disappeared completely when I caught the expression on his face. The way Taehyung's eyes lit up and the way his mouth dropped open in surprise completely melted my heart.

"You... you love me?" Taehyung's words were soft as though he was afraid to ask, afraid of what the answer might be. His eyes searched my face as though looking for any indication that I didn't mean it, that my words were not true.

"Yes Tae. I love you. I may not completely remember our life together, but there's something in my mind telling me without a doubt that you are mine, that we shared this beautiful life together." I knew things were still going to be challenging, that there were still things we needed to figure out, but I knew I wanted to try. Every part of me was screaming that Taehyung was mine, that he is whom I am supposed to be with. I don't know exactly what was going to happen with everything, but I also knew that I wasn't ready to let go of him. And I also knew I would never be ready.

"I love you. I love you. I love you so fucking much." Taehyung's pretty eyes filled with tears that spilled down his cheeks, dripping onto my face as he pulled me close to him, burying his face in my neck. "I was so afraid, so damn afraid that I would never hear you say those words again. I've been so scared that you were going to decide that this is too difficult for you, that you don't... that you don't want me anymore."

The realization of the pain he had gone through broke my heart into pieces and I couldn't imagine what he had experienced. Part of me had grasped something that day I had woken up in the hospital and the look on his face when I told him to leave, the emptiness that filled my entire being when he walked out the door. I remember feeling so hurt when he didn't come and visit me again, when he picked up my parents outside the hospital, when he didn't contact me again. There was something telling me that not having him by my side was wrong. I felt the same thing when Jimin visited, when I had that irresistible urge to hug him, to wipe the tears from his face.

Taehyung wiped the tears from his face and grinned at me. "How... how about we go get some food?" His quick change of subject was endearing and I knew it was to take the attention away from his tears, from the emotions that seemed ready to overtake him.

Grateful for his way to make the whole situation less awkward, I grinned. "Sounds like a great idea to me. Any place particular in mind?"

Thinking for a moment, Taehyung nodded. "I... I have a place in mind. Would... would you be willing to go there with me?"

Confused by his hesitation, but willing to trust him completely, I nodded. "Where ever you want to go, I'll be willing to go." Standing up, I quickly pulled my clothes back on, a little embarrassed by the way I had been so eager for him to touch me, eager to feel his hands, his lips, his tongue.

Sensing my slight discomfort, Taehyung reached out for my hand, pulling me close to stand between his legs where he was still seated on the bed. "Please baby. Don't... don't regret what happened. This was one of the best days of my life since all this happened. Please." He cupped my cheeks between his hands and pulled me in for a sweet kiss. "Please. It... it reminded me of all the times we used to spend together. How many times I made love to you right here in this bed." He leaned his forehead against mine, the love clear in his eyes.

"No Tae. I don't regret it. Not at all. Maybe just a little embarrassed that I was... was so needy." I cast my gaze down to the floor, looking up when he chuckled, the sound deep and filling me with warmth. "It's not funny." I couldn't stop the way my voice escaped in a whine, but it made him laugh even louder.

"Oh baby. You don't know how much I love the fact that you wanted it so badly, wanted me so badly. It doesn't even come close to how badly I want you, how much I want to..." Taehyung cut himself off with a wry smile and when he pulled me in close, I could feel exactly why he had cut himself off. "I have to stop talking about it though."

Pulling up my courage, I ran a hand over the large bulge in his jeans, grinning when he hissed out a breath. I looked at him through my lashes, watching the expression on his face go from relaxed with a soft smile, to his eyes closed and his teeth tightly clenched together. Moving my lips to his neck, I kissed down his throat, wanting to give him the same pleasure he gave me, wanting to show him how much I wanted him to. I reached for the button on his jeans, but then hesitated.

As I paused my movements, Taehyung tilted my chin up to look at him. "Don't do anything you are not ready for. Please. If you're not completely comfortable then we can stop right here." I dropped my head, feeling guilty for letting it go that far, but Taehyung just smiled at me and kissed me sweetly, no sign of anger or irritation in his pretty eyes. "Come on baby. Let's go get food." Taehyung stood up then reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together.

I nodded and followed him from the room, giving the bed where so many memories were lurking in the back of my mind one last look, hoping with everything I had that there would be a time for me to come back to it, where Taehyung and I could make new memories.

Taehyung POV:

Just a short while later, I sat in front of Y/N in a little café. It was the same café I had taken her to for our first date and I hoped by bringing her here, it would be a little reminder of the fun we had that night, the night that started it all. I remember that night like it had happened yesterday.


"Um... thanks for agreeing to come out with me," I said to Y/N as I opened the passenger side door to my car. I hadn't expected her to agree to go on a date with me, but I used the incident with the latte to convince her. She could have dumped the damn thing over my head just as long as she agreed to go out with me.

Y/N grinned at me as she got into the car. "I was... was glad you asked me. I wanted... wanted to see you again." With her words in my ears, I closed the door then hurried around to the other side and got in, butterflies flitting around in my stomach.

"There's a little café that my friend Jimin told me about. He goes there a lot with his boyfriend and said the food is amazing. Is that okay with you? If you want to go somewhere fancier we can or if you want to..." My words were cut off by the feeling of her hand on my arm.

"The café sounds great. I would like... I would like to go there." Y/N's words were soothing as she spoke and it did wonders to calm the butterflies that had suddenly turned to aggressive bats at her touch. "And I would much prefer a burger over some fancy dish any time."

I chuckled at her words, knowing I felt the same way. It helped reassure me that asking Y/N for the date was the right thing to do. I wondered what else we had in common and was excited to find out. As we drove to the café, I couldn't help but feel that this could be the beginning of an amazing relationship, one that was it for me.

End of Flashback

My name being called pulled me out of my daydream, slamming me back into the present. "You okay there Tae? You looked a little far away for a moment there." Y/N's voice was worried as she reached across the table and took my hand.

I squeezed her fingers in reassurance. "I... I was just thinking of our first date. I brought you... brought you here." I couldn't stop the shakiness in my voice, unsure if she would be angry with me or not for bringing her to the same location that I took her to that night.

However, her eyes lit up and she grinned at me then looked around the café. "So? This is the place where we started, huh?"

I nodded at her words, thinking about how accurate they were. This really was the place where everything started. The place where I realized how intelligent she was, how funny she was, how... how perfect she was. And it was this place, that night, where my heart started to fall for her. Where I slowly began to realize that she was the one I wanted to spend my life with, that she was the only one for me. The only thing that changed since that night was how in love with her I was. It was something that only grew, like sunflower in a garden, like a match to a bonfire. She had become everything to me and that was something that never changed.

Y/N picked up the plastic coated menu, scanning the options. She looked up and smiled, a questioning look on her face and I realized I was staring at her. "What? Do I already have something on my face?"

Shaking my head, I reached for her hand again. "No. Just... just thinking about how beautiful you look." And she really did. The flush from her cheeks had not completely faded and the pink color was so incredibly stunning that I wanted to see it again and again.

"Sure. Post orgasm hair and wrinkled clothes are not the prettiest sight." Y/N shook her head at me, a look of amused disbelief on her face.

"Hey. I love your post orgasm hair. Especially since I'm the one that caused it," I argued back, tickling the palm of her hand as it rested in my own.

Y/N's cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink and I laughed out loud. "Don't tease me." Her pout was adorable and it made me want to squish her cheeks at the cuteness.

I went to respond, but the waitress arrived, ready to take our orders. After the waitress left, the conversation turned to more neutral topics and I was actually glad for it. The talk of her post orgasm was causing an uncomfortable swelling that was pressing up against the tight zipper of my jeans. I needed something to calm me down since it would not do good to spend the entire meal with a raging erection.

We talked a little bit about the Japan trip and I reminded her that we would have several days to ourselves, wondering if there was any place she would like to go, anything she would like to do. I know when we had mentioned traveling to Paris, she had brought up the idea of going to Disneyland and I wondered if she would be interested in visiting the one in Tokyo. I didn't ask, thinking it might be a good way to surprise her. When I was alone, I would have to look at the schedule and see about getting tickets. The idea of taking her on a cute date like that just got me even more excited for the trip, knowing there would be opportunities for dates like that.

After the food was cleared from our plates, we sat there for a little longer, sharing a brownie sundae, one of her favorite desserts and it made me happy to see how much she was smiling, how content she seemed to be. It was one of those things I had missed about being around her. Just her mere presence was usually enough to calm me. Even though it seemed odd, it was something Jimin had mentioned on more than one occasion. She had the kind of soothing persona that made people want to be close to her, want to be near her. It made me happier than I wanted to admit that she was mine.  

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