Chapter 34: "...and make sure that I deserved her."

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After Hiroki turned his attention back to Taehyung, I let my mind wander. The older gentleman was extremely kind and when he told me the story about the wife he lost to cancer, it made me think of my relationship with Taehyung. It made me realize that no matter what, I wasn't ready to give up yet. And from what I had noticed with Taehyung, he didn't either. It gave me hope for the future that things with us were going to be okay. He was all I wanted and I wanted him in my life.

As the conversation turned to the collaboration, I pulled out my tablet, ready to take notes. Jimin had trusted Taehyung to make decisions about the collaboration and I wanted to make sure we had all the information we needed.

"So what type of collaboration is Mr. Park thinking of?" Hiroki's question to Taehyung was direct and I appreciated the boldness. This is why the man had such a successful company. He knew exactly what kind of questions he needed to ask and what type of information he wanted.

"Jimin's desire would be to complete two films over the course of the next three years. He suggested two since we all know first ones don't always work out, but it's not always an indicator of a failed collaboration." Taehyung pulled out the business plan that Jimin had created with the rest of the team. Although most everything we did was digital, we had learned that Hiroki liked paper copies of things. Handing the plan to Hiroki, Taehyung smiled.

Hiroki nodded, his face revealing nothing as he studied the plan then looked up at Taehyung in surprise. "Mr. Park is willing to split the profits from the film equally? That's a very generous offer. Most companies look for a 60/40 or even a 70/30 split."

Taehyung shrugged. "Jimin believes that if both companies are putting in the work then both companies should see the benefits of it."

"Mr. Park is very smart. I believe in exactly the same philosophy. How much is PJM Enterprises willing to spend for this collaboration?"

"We hadn't discussed specific numbers yet, but as one of the Finance Managers at PJM, Jimin trusts me to do the right thing and make the right decision. Since I know the finances of our company, down to the last penny, I know how much room we have to be open with."

Hiroki looked down at the business plan again. "Does Mr. Park have any preferences about the specific type of film he would like to collaborate on?"

Shaking his head, Taehyung grinned at Hiroki. "No. He made it very clear to me that he wanted these films to be full blown collaboration. A partnership from the beginning all the way to the end. From the music to the to talent to the locations."

Setting the business plan on his desk, Hiroki turned his attention to me for a moment, giving me a smile, before turning back to Taehyung. "I have to admit that I like what I'm seeing. With a company as big as his, most CEOs would prefer to have more say in such a big project. However, I would like to have the company lawyer take a look at this plan before we go any further. Would that be okay with the both of you? I like what I see so far, but I need to make sure I protect my company and myself. I know this has the potential to be great since I can see it already but I need to make sure. I need to know I am doing the right thing."

"Of course. We had expected that from you so it will be no problem." Taehyung gestured to me. "Y/N has a digital copy she can send directly to your lawyer if you would like."

"The company lawyer, Akiro Takahashi, would probably appreciate that more than a paper copy. He's always yelling at me about things like that." Hiroki turned to me with another smile. "He's always telling me I'm killing trees, but I like having something I can physically write on."

I laughed at his comment then pointed to my tablet. "You should get one of this Mr. Kimura. I can write on it, send emails, even order the coffee that Jimin likes to keep in his office."

Hiroki laughed. "Please Y/N, just Hiroki. And you're giving me another reason to want to steal you from PJM Enterprises. Shun'ya just indulges me when I make him print out everything. I'm sure you would keep me on my toes and make me use something digitally."

Shaking my head at his insistence, I swiped over to the next screen. "You're making it very hard to say no, but my Jiminie will never let me go." I hadn't realized what I said until I looked up and Hiroki was looking at me strangely.

"Are you and Mr. Park close?" Hiroki's question wasn't irritated, just curious.

"Yes actually." This time it was Taehyung who responded. "Shortly after I met Y/N, I introduced her to Jimin. He was in need of an assistant. He and Y/N hit it off right away. She's his best friend, his right hand, and his soulmate from another life."

Hiroki gave me a wistful look. "That was the relationship I had with my wife before she passed. She was everything to me. She was my assistant before we got married. We were high school sweethearts and she worked as my assistant when I first started my company. The money I made from my first film is what bought her engagement ring and paid for our wedding."

Taehyung gave Hiroki a sad smile. "I'm so sorry to hear about your wife."

Hiroki waved a hand at Taehyung, dismissing his sympathies. "It's alright. She was pretty amazing and taught me a lot. A lot about love, a lot about life, and a whole lot more about appreciating what you have in front of you before it's gone. We didn't have nearly enough time together, but I was luckier than most because I was able to say my goodbyes to her. I was able to make sure she knew just how much I loved her and that's what matters."

Taehyung POV:

As Hiroki spoke about his late wife, I couldn't help but think about the woman next to me. I couldn't help but think about everything that had happened since Y/N woke up. We had made so many decisions about her life without her input. From the house to the photos to even the jewelry. Looking at Hiroki, I could see how many mistakes we had made. He could have walked away from his wife when she became ill, but he chose not to. He chose to stay by her side, to love her and take care of her. I had the chance to take care of Y/N and what did I do? I got caught up in my own emotions, my own hurt feelings. I never even thought about her own. I realized just how selfish I had actually been. It made me wonder if I deserved her at all.

Hiroki turned his attention back to me. "Although I do want my lawyer to take a look at the paperwork, would you like to take a tour tomorrow? I can show you around and introduce you to the various department heads? These are the people you and the rest of PJM Enterprises will be working with."

I nodded in agreement and we set up a time. I watched Y/N scroll through the tablet to input the information into my calendar and couldn't help the small smile that crossed my face as I gazed over at her.

The rest of the meeting passed quickly and before I knew it, we were on our way back to the hotel. I was quiet on the walk and I knew Y/N could sense that something was wrong. When we got back to the room, she took my hand and led me over to the sofa, indicating that I should sit down.

"Want to tell me what's going on Tae?" Y/N's voice was soft and her hands were gentle as she touched my cheek.

I sighed, not knowing how to begin. "I... after listening to Hiroki talk about his wife, it... it makes me think of everything that happened with you when you woke up after the accident. Instead of... instead of staying by your side, I left you there. Your friends moved you out of our house and everything was planned for you. I should have... should have stayed there with you." I couldn't stop the tears that gathered in my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry baby. So sorry. I don't deserve you."

Y/N gave me a tender smile, her thumbs wiping away my tears as her own tears dripped down her face. "No Tae. There is nothing to be sorry about. This... this was a new situation for all of us and I know everyone was just trying to make things easier on me. I kicked you out of the hospital so I can understand why you would think I didn't want to be in our house with you."

Staring down at my lap, I couldn't stop the feelings of guilt from rushing over me. Even though part of me knew she was right, we were just doing the best we could, the other part of me felt like we had messed up big time. She was still in the hospital and we were making all these decisions without even asking her input one time. I can't imagine what she felt knowing that she didn't have a say in all of it. I was lucky she was being so kind to me, but I knew I shouldn't be surprised. That kindness was part of her personality. It always was.

Touching my chin so I would look at her, Y/N looked right into my eyes with her pretty gaze. "I'll be honest with you. Was I upset when I realized that everything had been changed on me? Of course. I didn't know what was going on, but I understand why you did it. Even though I was still alive, to you it probably felt like you needed to grieve. If not for me then for what we had before. We had this beautiful life and in an instant it was taken away from us."

"I love you Y/N. I am completely in love with you. And when I said I would love you for the rest of my life, I meant it. You're it for me. Even if you never fully remember me, you're the only one I want to be with. I will do whatever it takes to make you fall in love with me again." I rubbed my fingers over her cheeks, wiping away the tears that slowly dripped down, tears that I hated to see. "You are the only one I want to be with. For now and for always."

"Oh Tae. You don't have to make me fall in love with you. I already am." Y/N gave me a sweet smile as she spoke, the smile that made my heart melt from day one, the smile that continued to feel like the best thing in the world. "From the moment you left that day in the hospital, there was something that was calling me to you, telling me that you were mine. I didn't know what was going on so I was scared, but I know now that I never stopped loving you. Even if I can't remember the life we shared, I remember I love you. I love you Tae. I love you always."

Her words touched something in my heart. I love you always. It was what we had said to each other every time and to hear her said it again was a soft indicator that things were going to be okay. This is the conversation we should have had that day in the hospital. I should have asked her what she wanted to do instead of assuming what I thought was right. Between her parents and me, we made decisions that we didn't even know she would want, decisions that could have potentially destroyed everything, but I wasn't going to focus on that now. I was going to focus on the beautiful woman in front of me and make sure that I deserved her.

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