Chapter 36: "We have all night."

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The next few days passed quickly, much quicker than I had expected them to.  Hiroki's lawyer had reviewed the contract and had let Hiroki know that the terms were reasonable, along with the 50/50 split on any money made from the films.  Hiroki signed the contract and negotiations for the films began.  Jimin and the rest of the departments at PJM Enterprises had sent some ideas on what type of film could be created and the responses from Natsuro Productions were extremely positive.  I could tell right away that this collaboration was going to be successful, probably more successful than any other collaboration ever done.  From the beginning, PJM Enterprises and Natsuro Productions had one thing in common that would ensure their success: respect for the other company.

After the signing of the contract, Taehyung spent the next couple of days in meetings; ideas being presented, rejected, scrapped or reinvented.  By the end of the third day, both companies had agreed on an idea, along with two of the locations.  After the music was decided, the next step would be starting the writing of the script then choosing the cast.  Two screenwriters from each company would be chosen, along with assistants, and we knew this would be the most challenging aspects, knowing that the screenwriters would have to rely on a lot of phone calls and potentially a visit from one or the other.

Between the two companies, they had decided on two separate films.  The first was a science fiction/faux documentary film about an idol group that met their soulmate, one they all shared.  It would follow the struggles they faced with finding her, along with both the support and hate received from their fans knowing their idols were no longer available.  It was unlike something that had ever been created, but both companies were willing to take the risks.

The other film was a science fiction/romantic comedy film about a cat hybrid that fell in love with the university student who volunteered at the clinic he had been taken to after he was attacked in an alley.  The film would showcase their slowly building friendship, focusing on the hybrid learning to trust the caring human despite what he had gone through.  It was also something new, but this one was exceptionally exciting. 

On the fifth day of meetings, Hiroki and Taehyung decided on the music production team for both films.  Yoongi from PJM Enterprises and Takeshita Yuko from Natsuro Productions would head the first film.  Yuko was a recent graduate of the music production department at University of Tokyo and had shown tremendous potential.  The decision to pair her with Yoongi was a tough one, but Hiroki, Jimin, and Taehyung had agreed she would flourish under his instruction. 

Namjoon and Tachibana Tomio would head the second film.  Tomio was a few years older than Namjoon and had the success of a few films under his belt.  He had graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology at the top of his class and knew exactly what he was doing. 

Jimin had chosen Ham Dong-Min, along with Jungkook to head the graphic teams, knowing the two of them were the best in the company, even though Dong-Min was only 20.  Hiroki had chosen Hada Yoshi and Tamura Chiyo.  Yoshi was the head of the graphics department and he had been working with Hiroki since he opened his company up fifteen years ago.  Chiyo was a young designer who had only been with the company for a year, but like Yuko, she was extremely talented and could definitely add her own flair to the films.  Jungkook and Chiyo would be working together on the first film, while Dong-Min and Yoshi took over the second. 

I couldn't help but be surprised with the choices that Hiroki was making.  Instead of choosing team members with the most experience, Hiroki was giving opportunities to his younger employees.  It gave me a greater amount of respect for him, knowing that he trusted the younger members to do the right thing.  It reminded me of Jimin in some ways, seeing the appreciation both CEOs had for their employees.

That evening, Taehyung and I arrived back to the hotel after 10 PM.  The last several days with Hiroki had consistently run long, but today was longer than most.  Hiroki had dinner catered in for the members of the teams while we went over some final details before the screenwriting process began the following week.  Although the process would take anywhere from 10-12 weeks, it was something we wanted to get started before auditions for the cast began.  The plan was to use lines from the film during auditions, knowing this would be the best way for the producers to determine if the actor or actress was right for the part.

When we entered the suite, I could see the tiredness in Taehyung's face, sense it in his slumped form.  "How about we get some quick showers then cuddle on the sofa for a bit?"  Although I was tired to, I wasn't ready to go to bed just yet, wasn't ready to say goodnight to Taehyung yet.

Taehyung grinned at my suggestion.  "We could just cuddle in my bed.  How does that sound?"

From his question, I could see that Taehyung wasn't ready to say goodnight either.  Except for the first night in the hotel, we had slept in our own bedrooms in the suite.  I wanted to ask Taehyung to sleep with me again, but I didn't want to feel like I was encroaching in his space.  "S-sounds good to me."  I couldn't stop the tremble in my voice at the idea of being close to him again.  He never failed to tell me he loved me everyday, but I was missing the affection he had been showing me.  I knew it was because he was trying to take it slow, but I missed it, way more than I wanted to admit.

After taking a quick shower, I slipped on a pair of pajamas that were comfortable, but a little more on the sexy side: a pair of short blue satin shorts and a matching satin tank top decorated with a little bit of lace.  I didn't want it to seem like I was throwing myself at him, but I wanted Taehyung to know it was okay to touch me again, love me again.

Taehyung POV:

I had just exited the bathroom when a quiet knock on my door caught my attention.  Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to see the love of my life standing there, a soft smile on her face.  "Hey Tae."

"Hey baby.  You're right on time."  I took her hand and gently tugged her into the room, leading her over to the large comfortable bed.  Pulling down the plush comforter, I gestured for her to climb in.  Once she was settled under the blankets, I switched on the dim bedside lamp and shut of the bright overhead lights before climbing in next to her.  Y/N turned to face me, reaching out to gently touch my cheek.

"Long week, huh?"  Y/N's tone was filled with amusement and I couldn't help but laugh.

Nodding my head in agreement, I grinned at her.  "Sure has been, but I can definitely see why Jimin calls you his right hand.  You've saved me on more than one occasion this week."  Although I loved seeing the bashful smile that crossed her face, my words were true.  More than once this week, Y/N's organizational skills and her attention to detail pulled me out of what could be a little bit of a mess.

Y/N grinned at my words.  "My Jiminie was texting me earlier today."  She picked up her phone off the nightstand and I had to laugh at the whiny, needy messages from her best friend.

"Damn.  He really does miss you."  The closeness between the two of them was unlike anything I had ever seen in my life.  It amazed me how a man and a woman could be so undeniably close and have no sexual attraction, no romantic feelings, just pure love.  I used to laugh when Jimin said she was his soulmate in another life, but I could definitely see it now.  When the accident happened and she was in the coma, Jimin spent almost as much time at the hospital as I did, sobbing at her bedside, begging her to wake up and come back to us, to him.  Telling her he missed his best friend.  Their friendship was a marvel to see and I was glad it was coming back together. 

Y/N set the phone back down then turned to me.  "Tae?  Do... do you think I'll ever get all my memories back?"  Her eyes were wistful and a little sad.

I sighed at the question, knowing it was something I had been wondering too.  "I don't... I don't know baby, but I try not to think of that.  I know it's hard not remembering the life we had together, but I just want... I just want you to know that it doesn't change anything for me.  You're the love of my life and always will be.  Even... even if you don't get all your memories back, I'm still going to be here.  We can make new memories together, even better than the ones we had."

A tear slipped down Y/N's cheek and I reached over to brush it away.  "I love you Tae.  I do.  I may not remember our life, but my heart remembers you, remembers that I'm so in love with you, that you're the only one I want to be with."

"Oh baby.  That's exactly what I am feeling for you.  You're it for me.  I still want to marry you, still have that family with you.  Nothing has changed.  I promise you."  Leaning forward, I gently pressed my lips to hers, unable to resist the urge to kiss her any longer.

Y/N let out a soft moan and I deepened the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her.  I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip then nibbled on it until she parted her lips to me.  Slipping my tongue in her mouth, I slid a hand under the satiny shirt she wore, wanting to feel her soft skin underneath my fingertips.  When she didn't pull away, I cupped a breast in my hand, teasing the already hard nipple with my fingers.  Y/N's hands carded through my hair, her nails scratching lightly against my scalp and it let me know she was enjoying this, wanting this.  The knowledge filled my heart with happiness and made my cock harden in my pants.

Pushing her shirt up to expose her breasts, I leaned down and took a nipple between my lips, giving it a gentle suck, her moans filling the room at the sensation.  Hearing her pleasure, seeing it in the flush of her cheeks, feeling it in the way she tightened her fingers in my hair was enough to drive me to the brink of madness with desire for her.

"Please Tae.  Please."  Y/N's voice was soft and full of pleas.

Releasing her nipple from my mouth, I looked up at her, her eyes dark with desire, with raw need.  "Please what baby?  What do you need?"

"I... I want you.  I need you.  Please.  I need you so badly." 

Her words sent a rush of arousal crashing over me, my cock weeping in my already damp boxers, the need for her threatening to take over me.  "Are... are you sure baby?  We don't have to do this right now.  I promise you I can wait for you.  I'll wait as long as I need to.  I promise you."

Brushing a hand through my hair then cupping my cheek gently, Y/N leans forward and presses a soft kiss to my lips.  "I'm... I'm ready Tae.  I'm ready for you.  I've always been ready for you." 

Stunned for a moment at her words, I pulled her in close to me, reattaching my lips to hers and letting myself get lost in the kiss, the sweetness of her lips, the softness that surrounded me.  It was perfect, just like it always was, just like it always would be.  Pulling back for a moment, I helped her to sit up then slipped the shirt over her head, dropping it to the floor beside the bed.

"Oh my beautiful girl.  I love you so much."  I rained kisses all down her warm skin, enjoying the flush that decorated the smooth flesh.  "You're so beautiful to me.  So gorgeous.  I'm so much in love with you."  I continued to whisper words of love as I kissed her, loving how she shivered in my arms when I touched a sensitive spot, one of the many that I was so familiar with. 

When I laid her back down and settled next to her, my hand stroking her, she whined in protest and I couldn't help but grin.  "Oh don't worry baby.  I'm not nearly done.  We have all night."

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