The Beginning

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"Alfie! Can you read it? Pleeeease??" Scarlett Sandra Todd, at six years old, begs Alfred Pennyworth, the butler of Wayne Manor.

"Please Alfie!" Aidan Jack Drake begs, grabbing on to his leg.

"Master Aidan, if  you get off my leg then I will read it to you!" Alfred says smiling down at Adian, his eyes gleaming with delight. Aidan lost that gleam a long time ago.

Alfred sits down on the couch, the children crowding around him; he enjoys these times, but his age was catching up with him, he wasn't going to last much longer...

"Once Upon a Time..."

To be continued in next chapter!
It's 6:59 in the morning and I'm trapped in my room because the lights in my house are off and I don't want to wake my mom and dad, but I also want to go downstairs! I'll figure it out, I think. Wish me good luck... On second thought I guess I could just write...

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