Day 2: Romeo and Juliet (JayCass)

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Hey people! Before this starts, just wanted to say that I unpublished this book to work on it and all chapters are now up for you all to enjoy. I hope you like it!
P.S. I reached 500 followers a few days ago (I did a face reveal) and I asked if any of you and requests on what to update. So here we are! This was requested by Adella602 and I'm so sorry it took longer than expected. I kept having ideas on the bus and then just not wanting to write them down!

It's been about a week since the ball and Princess Cassandra can't stop thinking about Jason.

She received a letter from him that Friday and has secretly been writing to him ever since.

In the meantime, Damian's health is declining. The king and queen of Gotham urge Leslie to try and save him.

Cassandra's brothers are getting suspicious about what she's been doing... who all the letters she's been giving to the messenger are for.

One day as she finishes writing a letter, Queen Selina stops her daughter in the hallway.

"Cassandra, I need to talk to you." The princess blinks in surprise, tucking the letter in her dress pocket and nods.

"Of course mother. Whatever you need." She replies as a dutiful daughter would.


They go out into the garden and for a while Selina does not speak to Cassandra.

"Mother?" The Princess of Gotham inquires, the queen finally being pulled back to reality.

"Cass... I have bad news. It's about Damian... he's-" Selina pauses and doesn't speak, turning away to wipe a tear off her cheek. Cassandra looks at her mother in horror.

"No! Please don't tell me-"

"Not yet," Selina interrupts quickly patting her daughter's arm lightly, "but Damian's health is declining. He... he will not last much longer." Cassandra looks down at the grass and then falls on her knees, sobbing into her ornate black rose beaded dress.


Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Jesters, Jason sits near his mother's bedside.

"Has the girl written any more letters?" Shelia, Jason's mother, asks.

"No mother, she hasn't." Jason replies all to familiar with the answer (the reply he had given her for several days) as he starts to make some soup for her.

"She seems like a nice person. Why haven't I met her yet?"

"She's... not from here mother."

"The Kingdom of Gotham then?" Jason turns around to set the soup down in his mother's lap on the tray, it was on with a cup of blueberries and some water.

"Yes." He answers honestly. She smiles warmly at him.

"That's fine with me. Tell me, what does she-" Suddenly Sheila begins to cough violently. Jason pulls his mother up from the bed, keeping her elevated and patting her back. As she coughs, green veins appear around her body. Jason frowns as the cough dies down, staring at his mother's face.

"It's getting worse." He murmurs as a knock was heard at the door. Jason stands up and opens the door to find a solider of the army. Jason immediately freezes...

King Joker couldn't want something from him now... could he?

Sure enough...

"The king wants to see you." The solider says sternly.

"But my mother-"

"Are you questioning me?" The solider asks, chuckling as Jason lowers his head. Jason is merely a henchman of the king... no one was at a higher status than the soldiers, general and the king and queen themselves.

"Alright. I'm coming." Jason murmurs as the solider wears a smug smirk on his face.

As Jason steps outside, he glances at the peasants outside. They have green veins on their faces, some had their skin turn white and hair turn green and in the distant you could hear cackles of the more deranged ones...

Why? Simple.

The king needs more bodies for his army.


Back in Gotham, the royal family is beside themselves, frightened that the youngest heir may possibly die soon.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T SAVE HIM?! YOU ARE A DOCTOR!!" Queen Selina screams at Dr. Tompkins, sobbing into her husband's arms in despair.

As Princess Cassandra watches from inside Prince Damian's room (he was asleep the whole time), Baroness Helena and Kate shake behind her, squeezing her shoulders.

Cassandra shakes them off and rushes towards her room very upset. She picks up a pen and writes another letter to Jason-

"Cass? Are you there?" Cassandra jumps and hides the letter away.

"Yes... father." She replies, her voice more shaky than she expected. King Bruce opens her door and smiles.

"Hello sweetie... I know you're hurting. It's going to be alright. Shh... shh." Cassandra rushes over to her father and he takes her in his arms as she sobs violently.

Why couldn't they figure out what was wrong with her brother?!


Cassandra heard a noise coming from Damian's room-he is very stubborn, opting to not come down for the ball as he was told (stubborn as his father Selina had joked). As Cassandra hesitantly opens the door, she gasps. A figure, clearly a woman with bright red lipstick, blue eyes and blonde hair stood in a red cloak, one foot on Damian's bed as she injects something into his arm. Damian is fast asleep.

"What are you doing to him?!" Cassandra shouts as they scuffles.

The assailant runs out Damian's room, Cassandra quickly calling for help. The guards find Cassandra and the woman in the hallway. The woman begins to cough violently with green veins appearing on her face.

"Who are you... where are you from?!" Cassandra demands.

"I will give you nothing!!!" The woman spats as she struggles against the guards and continues to cough. Suddenly she escapes their clutches and, with the skill of an acrobat, jumps from one of the balconies and flees into the night.

Later on Cassandra tells her parents and brothers what happened and Damian is hired a doctor; more guards are posted on sight of Gotham Castle.



As King Joker is showing battle strategies to his soldiers and his painfully bored wife, Jason arrives.

"Ah my servant has arrived!!" Joker shouts putting his arms up in a dramatic fashion in a joking manner. Jason freezes as Joker comes over to hug him, but can't do anything. No one argues with King Joker.

Then the meeting commences (a long and boring one in Jason's opinion).

The only interesting thing was Queen Harleen coughing and having to be excused. Now whether or not she was faking it is a different story-anyone whose anyone knows the queen hates-no, loathes- her husband more than the Kingdom of Gotham.

As Jason leaves the meeting room, a messenger is out there waiting for him with a letter from Cassandra.


At exactly 11 o'clock pm, Princess Cassandra was up and about in the royal garden, way past the time she should have been. The shuffle of a rosebush grabs her attention and she smiles.

"Hello Jason." She whispers.

"Hello Cassandra." He says bowing to her making her laugh quietly.

"Is there a reason you wanted to meet here?"

"Well... there's an issue. We can't... see each other anymore. At... at least not right now!"

"Why?" Jason asks her genuinely perplexed as she hadn't mentioned it for over two months in their letters.

"Because.." Cass sighs and then continues, "my brother Damian... he's dying. Of... something!"

"Oh... Cassandra I'm so sorry!" Cassandra takes in a breath to stop herself from crying.

"Thank you. Whenever he coughs, veins appear on his face." Cassandra starts rambling on about everything. Jason gently hugs her shoulders, leaning in close.

"It's going to be ok... everything will be fine." Jason whispers... he knows that he's giving her false hope... he knew that he was lying to her but-

Next he knew, she kissed him and it felt... amazing.

And next you know...

He is trapped in a cell in the Gotham Castle.

Author's Notes

The ending was rushed... but I needed to finish this!!

Also, I have never been in a relationship (yet) or kissed anyone (yet) so I don't really know what that's like!

OH MY GOD! This took FOREVER to finish.


Because I decided to swerve away from Romeo and Juliet and make up my own story with star crossed lovers as a sprinkled in side plot lol

Ugh... Day 2: Cinderella will be out soon. Day 2: Speak Now is already out and Day 2: How to Get the Girl-
I have no idea what I'm going to do for those so I'm just going to ignore them for now!

Also, I just used the 'two month' period of them writing letters as an excuse for the couple to actually make sense. Which is kind of funny because in Romeo and Juliet they don't really know each other that well and Juliet is a lot younger than Romeo, soo..

Listen, I was in seventh or sixth grade when I first wrote this story-I didn't think about the complications of Romeo and Juliet until I read it for ninth grade!

But enough about thatI have chapters to write!!

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