Chapter 1

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The work day was coming to a close. Many people were packing up their belongings and hurrying out the large oak doors of 'The World', wanting to get home quickly. Newly hired cartoonist Jack Kelly was in a hurry for a different reason.

For the past few weeks, after he gets off of work, he would rush over to 'The Sun' and walk Katherine home to her family mansion. And everyday, before she'd walk up their large steps to their doors, Jack would rap her in his arms, and they'd share a passionate kiss.

After breaking away, they'd reluctantly part ways. For the last four days, after their kiss, Jack would find a few dollars stuffed in his pocket and a note saying "For you and the boys. Love, Katherine."

She knows he'd never take money he didn't earn from anyone, even her. How she managed to get them in his pocket, he didn't know. But her kindness and love for those newsies would never cease to amaze him.

So today, like every other one, he rushed out of work and dashed to The Sun, where Katherine was waiting for him. Her back was turned. She was facing her notepad, jotting down a few things.

"Hullo Ace. Fancy seein' you here." He joked with a large grin on his face. Ever since the strike ended, he's called her his 'Ace'. Not the most normal nickname, but they didn't care, Katherine was the "Ace up his sleeve".

Katherine turned around with a smile on her face. She let out a laugh and walked over to him. "And where, might I ask, would I be if I wasn't here?" She asked, waiting for his reply. "Um, uh... Yeah I got nothin'." He chuckled and lifted his left hand to rub the back of his neck.

She returned the laugh and grabbed his free hand. They started walking toward her mansion when she pulled him in the direction of the Newsies Lodging House. "Ace, what are we goin' this way for? Your home is that way." His hand pointed towards the street she lived on.

"I want to see the boys. It's been so long and I miss them. Besides, I have something to tell them, as well as you." She smiled suspiciously. He raised an eyebrow but she said nothing else for the remainder of then walk to the lodge house.

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