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Naira had to be dreaming.

There was a time that she believed marriage was not needed, that settling down was something that wasn't for her.

Never in her life did she imagine that she would be a mere moment's away from the love of her life, the man of her dreams.

How did life become so different? How did she get here?

These were questions that circled around her mind, twisting into pretty white bows and knots, uniting the loose ribbons into a masterpiece that even her brain could not comprehend.

Behind a flower curtain of white roses, she caught a glimpse of her husband-to-be. Her eyes traced the smile of his lips, followed the path of his gaze as he stared at her with the same excitement that glittered her eyes.

There he was, a man she never imagined for herself, a partner she never knew she needed, a bond that she never expected.

Naira could barely stop her racing heart as she signed the paperwork for their Nikkah, breathless from anticipation. The imam spoke in a comforting tone, explaining what a marriage ceremony was in Islam.

As his voice echoed throughout the masjid, Naira peeked through her sheer veil, watching her father's eyes water against his glasses as he struggled to keep his stoic expression. The frigid blue became cooler, the lines of time growing as she heard him whisper his approval to the imam, signing his name with a shaky hand. 

She reached out to him, her henna-stained hand grasping onto her father's as she prayed that the bond between them would forever grow, never wilting, never ending. She prayed for his love to last for eternity even if he didn't fully approve of Rayan.

At the end of the day, her father supported her decision. He released his doubts, removed the shackles of a parent to give his daughter the space to grow, to experience life in all its glory. 

And Naira could never thank Allah enough for the gift of her parents. Alhamdulillah (thanks to God). 

With a tight smile, a warm hand covered hers. Her father's body seemed weaker, exhausted from the week's events, enervated from his opposition. However, even though this was not the path her father chose for her, it was one that he did for the sake of his daughter, for the sake of Naira. 

Although his eyes glistened with sadness and dewdrops of a familiar loss, he still smiled. He kissed the crown of her hijab, lips lingering as a slow exhale escaped him. "May Allah forever bring you both peace," he whispered, squeezing her hand. "And don't forget that your parents are always a phone call away." 

She didn't trust her voice, nodding. Geez, how am I already this emotional?

When all was said and all was done, it was finally time.

They were married. Husband and wife. In a blink of an eye, she fulfilled half her deen (religion).

Rayan wasted no time in crossing through the barrier of soft petals, sweeping her off her feet and into his strong embrace. It was as if her body knew what to do.

No longer were their interactions bordering the path of sin. Now a city of starlight lit their path, cosmic dust sprinkling into a dark canvas as the enchanted tale of their love story unfolded beneath a naked eye. 

Rayan's deep voice rumbled in her ears. "I feel like I've waited my whole life for this."

She pulled back, laughing softly as her hands rested on the rigid muscles of his chest. "Yeah?" she teased him.

"I waited for this moment, this connection," he grinned. "I waited for you, and I wouldn't change a thing about it."

She leaned against his touch, unable to shake the smile off. "Remember that when I tell you to do chores around the house," she remarked.

"You could tell me to do anything."

Wesley and Kyle groaned somewhere near them, making the bride and groom turn towards the source.

"Bro, you got married. There's no need to be a simp," said Kyle, shaking his head.

Wesley sighed. "I hate that he's right."

"Shut up," said Rayan, rolling his eyes as he ushered Naira away from them. "Don't listen to them."

"I mean they're right, you know," she teased. 

He scoffed. "They're babbling fools. They hold no ground."

She lightly slapped his chest, causing a deep chuckle to escape him, the vibration strumming along her body similar to the way he strummed his guitar. Naira could finally hold him, touch him, feel his love without guilt. 

It was as if everything finally made sense, why every detail leading up to this moment painted the grand picture of their union. As laughter surrounded the room, she witnessed how marriage brought people together, not just the bride and groom. 

The families present at their wedding, their friends, their colleagues, all interacted with one another, made new relationships, formed new bonds. She could see their smiles reach their eyes, light radiating off their visage as conversation settled into a soothing hum, the melody of harmony. 

In some way, it reminded her of her parents and how their marriage inspired others of different cultures and backgrounds to learn about others. She wasn't sure why she was feeling so nostalgic, but she wasn't complaining. For once, the unknown didn't seem as terrifying. 

"Hey, Rayan?" she softly asked. 

He hummed in response, arm wrapping around her waist. 

"Did you ever believe in soul mates or the concept of 'meant to be'?" 

He hesitated, pondering her question before a gentle smile spread across his lips. "If you had asked me a year ago, I would have said that was for romance books." 

"And now?" she prompted, leaning against his arm.

He didn't have to answer for Naira to know. His smile said it all. This marriage was destined by Allah's will, and as different as their paths were, somehow they were brought together. Their paths in life collided and a new one formed. 

And so, their journey as husband and wife began. 


Bro, writing weddings hit different when you're married >.< Hopefully, that explains my absence. School, work, and the wedding planning was hitting me pretty hard and I didn't like my writing while stressed out of my mind. 

But I like this chapter :D It's a bit more emotion focused, but it felt fitting. Yes, yes. I know y'all want romance, but that's next chapter. 

What do you think is in store for Naira and Rayan as a newly married couple? Hint: a lot of foreshadowing in the previous chapters, especially with Rayan's past. 

Also, before anyone asks my husband is the most like Nicholas out of all my male leads :) 

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! 

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