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Here we go again.

"Hey, you ready to rock. . .our Earth Science presentation?" Demetri asked Yasmine as he made his way towards our lunch table. I was as nervous as ever knowing that putting off playing my song would just make me not ever want to release it.

But it was in my moms hands now.

"I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk to eachother on a regular basis," Yasmine turned to me.

"And where she wasn't on cheer squad."

Wow, great to see you too.

"Hey, hey, hey, my popularity is on the rise while yours is steadily declining. But uh, maybe we can meet in the middle. Like a sexual venn diagram?" Moon giggled as Yasmine rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath.

"So what's under the sheet?" I asked.

"I'm glad you asked," He ripped it off to reveal a lego project.

"Behold! What scientists believed to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Go ahead, press the Hydrosaur egg," Yasmine reached across, pressing down on a lego egg to reveal a series of dinosaur noises and smoke coming from the volcano.

"That's amazing," I stared at it in awe. Demetri always took pride in his creations and they never failed to make me stare.

"Not bad. My parents may not have to pay for my A this time."


"Oh, your parents will never have to pay for an A again."

"Gross," I muttered with a small smile.

"Says the girl who wrote in her journal "Mrs. Quinn Moskowitz" until eighth grade. "I hope he proposes at the beach"," Demetri imitated me with a shrill voice.

"Oh my god," Yasmine laughed.

"Demetri!" I threw a cheese stick at him.

"What? It's only fa-" He was cut off by a soccer ball crashing down on his project, destroying the model and lego pieces falling on the floor.

How did that even happen?

But then, the devil himself approached.

"Aw, sorry man. My ball just got away from me," Hawk half assed his insincere apology.

"That took me three weeks to build."

"Took my ball three seconds to destroy," And he had the gaul to wink at me before walking away.

"Do you have another one?" Yasmine asked in a hopeful yet panicked tone.

You think so?

"Another week, another pissing contest. Though I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much," Demetri insulted, and I quickly joined him as backup.

There's no way he could handle a fight with Hawk right now.

"You landed one kick. You got lucky," Hawk stated.

"You better back off, or you won't be lucky," Sam warned, joining us.

"Yeah, like you'll start anything, princess. Actually, why don't you go sleep around with someone new, and break his heart?"

During her anger, she shoved him.

Unaware of the bitchiest and most pussy teacher I've ever met.

"What's going on here, Miss. LaRusso? You know our new guidelines against physical contact," She turned to Hawk.

"Did she enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent?"


"Yeah, she definitely triggered me in my safespace."

What a nice choice of words.

Safespace bullshit.

"What are you talking about? He started by destroying my science project," Demetri gestured to his project.

"Th-that was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway."

"I don't want excuses. I just want you all to respect eachother."

Like that's ever going to happen.

"That's right guys, we should stop the aggression. Micro and macro," He smiled innocently.

"Oh, give me a break."

"Hey, consider this a warning, Miss. LaRusso. And clean those up, someone could get hurt."

Oh I'd rather you choke on them.


"The outfit looks so amazing on you!"

"Thanks," I gave a sad smile.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Cheer Captain Linnea asked.

"Hawk. He's just been a pain in my ass and I just want things to. . .nevermind."

"To back to the way they were?" Jade asked.

"A friendship breaking is hard. Unless you mean. . .?"

"Just friends, unfortunately," I sighed.

"What's he done? Not to pry or anything, but I'm kinda curious," Iris asked as we finished our warm-ups.

"I was the girl who couldn't talk. And I guess he got tired of it, and said he wasn't responsible for my 'mental shit'."

"He is an asshole," Linnea frowned.

"He wants my world to revolve around him, but-"

"You want to show him it doesn't?" I nodded yes, almost desperate at this point.

"Alex!" Jade called out to one of the football players and he jogged over to us.

"Can you do us a favor?"

We stan cliffhangers. Anyways, considering the whole Sabrina vs. Olivia situation, I'm on Olivia's side personally. It was just a breakup song about first love, because she's 17 and it hurts the most when they fall out of love with you even when you haven't. "She's everything I'm insecure about", she's insecure and it shows because this older girl, in Olivia's eyes, has stolen her boyfriend. And it only got worse when Olivia's fans attacked Sabrina, so now I just think Sabrina is being petty and misunderstanding the situation.

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