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Cloud Nine.

"Dude, you spilled a glass of wine. So what?" I shrugged.

"I don't know man, you should've heard the way that Mr. LaRusso was talking about Sam's future. I can't even afford a car, let alone college. What if they start to think I'm not good enough for her?" Miguel questioned himself.

"Dude, you're El Serpiente! You're an All Valley champion. Just show Mr. LaRusso what you're made of. I know you're gonna crush whatever he throws at us today," I insisted. There's no way Miguel wasn't good enough for Sam.

"Thanks man. Sam managed to shake him off though. I had no idea Quinn wanted to go to Harvard," Miguel said casually and I quirked my brow.


"She said that?" I questioned.

"That's what Sam said. She's been talking about Princeton too apparently."

Princeton and Harvard. . .

They're across the country.

That's so far.

"She's definitely got the grades for it, but I thought she was staying here," I know that my princess is the smartest girl ever, but I never thought she'd actually consider going so far.

We've only just started dating.

Why didn't she tell me?

"Let's get back on topic, lovebird," Mitch patted my back.

"Compared to Sensei Lawrence training, today's gonna be a vacation."

"Who's going on vacation?" Sensei LaRusso spoke up from behind us.

"Uh, no one. What do you got for us today, Mr. LaRusso?"

I tried to stay focused during training today, but it was like my mind kept thinking that Quinn was purposefully not telling me this. College is serious, I know, but I've only just gotten her back.

Why would she want to leave me?

Are things not going right?

I was so distracted that I didn't notice how far I was leaning and fell right into the pond.

"Shit," I cursed, hoping I didn't just kill a fish.

"Sorry Sensei-"

"No worries. Let's get you dried up."

I followed sensei into the dojo where he handed me a towel and I didn't even start to dry myself off. I just stood there.

"Eli? Something wrong?" He asked.

"Uhm. . .is long distance hard?" I didn't know what else to ask.

"I can't speak for myself and Amanda. What's going on?" I was hesitant to tell him. After all, I did trash this place once.

"I'm your sensei now too, Eli. You can tell me anything," He insisted.

"Quinn is talking about going to Harvard, but that's all the way across the country. And she didn't even tell me," I expressed, "why wouldn't she tell me?"

"I've known Quinn since she was a baby, and she's always been determined, even after everything that happened. So when I heard about her plans to go to Harvard, I wasn't really surprised. The only thing I can tell you is she's probably nervous herself," He set his hand on my shoulder.

"New relationships are definitely exciting, but they're also going to need work, especially with college approaching you guys. Quinn has been infatuated with you since middle school, so I'm sure she definitely doesn't want to leave you.
I'm sure she didn't mean to keep it from you, so don't take offense to finding out."

"Could she be as nervous as me?" I asked, hoping that the girl of my dreams wasn't planning on leaving me.

"Absolutely. It's college. It's preparing you for the rest of your life, but if I can give any advice, then it's to live in the moment and don't stress about the future," I softly smiled. That's right. We still have so much time ahead of us, and I want to spend every second of it being with her.

"Thanks sensei."

"No proble-"

"Eli! I brought lunch. Oh, sorry, I'll come back later," And just like that, my angel appeared with In N Out in her hands.

"No worries, I was just leaving," Sensei LaRusso got up and left, leaving me with the one and only future Quinn Moskowitz.

"What was that about?" Quinn asked, looking back as she watched him leave.


"Just guy stuff. Why did you bring me lunch? I thought you were hanging out with your mom today."

She shrugged, "I wanted to see you. And she's still running around before her trip."

We sat down and as much as I wanted to ask her why, to ask if she still liked me, to ask her how long she thinks we could do this - she kissed me.

It was a small peck, barely two seconds before she pulled away and apologized.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I should've asked. That was so awkward-"

I grabbed her hand, "No, babe, it was okay. I just thought I'd be the one to make the first move."

She smiled, her cheeks tinted pink, "Well, I don't see anyone around, so. . ."

Despite feeling the butterflies in my stomach, I told them internally to fuck off because this was the day I've been waiting for. She leaned in and I met her halfway, thankful that I had gum before this.

Our lips met slowly, like we were still middle schoolers and I could feel how still she was.

That's right.

This is her first kiss.

I began to move my lips against hers and she soon followed my lead, and I decided to stop being a pussy and moved my hand onto her thigh. She slipped her hand on the back of my neck, touching my hair as her other hand gripped my shirt. I didn't want to stop kissing her because her lips felt like silk and her lip balm like strawberries.

She pulled back, and as we were catching our breathe, I looked at her. Her white sundress was slightly moved up her thigh because of my hand, her eyes darker than normal and her hand felt warm against the back of my neck.

"That was the best first kiss ever," She breathed out with a smile.

"I never want to stop kissing you," I mumbled as I went in for another, but she stopped me.

"You still have practice, and thankfully they think you're taking a break and not making out with me."

"Babe, you have no idea what making out is," I joked, trying to hype up myself.

"Then I guess I'll need a teacher."


"You suck," I tried covering up my face, trying to ignore the heat in my face as she leaned on my shoulder.

"Whatever, you like me."

"I do."

Hope you enjoyed! I loved seeing your guys comments when I last updated for s3, so please comment away! It honestly makes my day seeing how much you guys love this story and it keeps me motivated.
Also I wanna learn how to make edits about Eli and Quinn to post but I have no idea where to start

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