Chapter 7

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"Della! What's wrong?" I asked her in shock. Della seemed really unhappy. I could tell that tears were in her eyes and were cascading down her face. "GO AWAY," Della cried through her tears. "I want some personal space!"

I was so upset for her that I too felt tears streaming down my face. "Hey, girl. Whenever you're upset, you can always come to me," I spoke as I hugged her, trying not to cry as I did. "So, tell me, what's wrong?"

"Boo - hoo! M - my b - boyfriend b - broke up with m - me!!!" she sobbed sarcastically. Wait - what?!! But Wilson has been with her for so long! Now, why would he betray her?!! And as second thoughts, how would he betray her?!!

I tried to comfort her but the more I tried, the more I made my best friend upset. "ZOE, FOR - THE - LAST - TIME, GO - AWAY!!!" Della screamed at me the final time and she continued to sob.

I didn't know what to do. I felt really bad for my best friend. Usually, I see her cheerful and happy. But today, all of that washed away from her mind.

Finally, after what seemed like a really long waste of time, I decided to leave her alone. In fact, it was getting late and I don't want to make Wednesday like Monday - and Tuesday. So, I said goodbye to her as I dashed to my locker.

As I ran, I felt a grab on my hand! It was - WAIT?!! "B - B - BENJAMIN?!!" I whispered to him as my heart started beating quicker than I ran to my locker. I felt like I was about to swell up. "Hey! Looks like we flirted yesterday, right?" he asked me with an evil smile.

"NO. WE WEREN'T! NOW GO AWAY! I HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE, YOU KNOW!" I cried as I attempted to get out of his grip but even though I tried so hard, he still held on. Even I couldn't move a muscle! No one can.

Finally, I was about to stab him with a knife when suddenly, I felt a warm hand touching mines. It was giving me power! I could - I could! I could do it! I believed in myself strongly. I can do it - I can do it.

Wait - what's happening?!! My hand was sliding out of his grip! It's working! I continued to use technique as hard as I could until finally, I got out. Ha! Take that, Benjamin! I'm stronger than you! And I won! So - yay or nay?!!

Benjamin stared at me and after a moment, he suddenly began to laugh at me like a weird scientist! "Hahahaha!" he cried out loud, happily.

After just a minute, everyone was staring at me and Benjamin, who was still laughing at me. Benjamin soon became quiet just as he noticed the staring students. Oh, no! Benjamin! Why?!! Why would he do this?!! To me?!! To both of us?!! Now everyone was staring at me like a creepy maniac - or even a psychopath!!!

No. It can't be. It can't be! IT CAN'T BE!!! No. Not today, maniac (or psychopath) whatever I wanna call it?!! Between the two? What do you think? Anyways, so like I said, everyone was staring at me before. Now the next minute, everyone had had enough. They started charging at me and along with trying to choke and hurt me in any way. Some people even tried to stab me! One person nearly killed me by dragging me on the floor! Luckily she was immediately sent to the principal's office by a teacher.

I had blood dripping on the side of my mouth. I got up and ran away with tears in my eyes. All the other girls ran to embrace Benjamin. But Benjamin never looked surprised. I wasn't even surprised. I never looked at him again. I rushed into the bathroom, hoping that Sukah would come back as I looked into the mirror and cried. Usually, she would come into the bathroom and we would talk all morning. But today, I found out that she wasn't here. What?!! Now I felt like a total loner. I cried so hard that blood started coming out of the tip of my mouth.

I was so upset that I didn't notice that class was about to start! Oh, snap! I immediately dried off my tears and rushed to class. Maths. Again. "Good morning, students!" shouted the teacher. "Good morning, Ms Finland!" we all shouted across the whole entire room. "Today, we have a test to do! Yay!" the teacher replied cheerfully. Yay?!! Having a ratio test is yay?!! I would rather pick the other side if I were you. I picked up my pencil case that was on the floor and grabbed my pencil. I also got out a piece of paper to write with as the teacher shouted, "Three, two, one, go!" Oh no! Already?!! The test has already started?!! ARE - YOU - FREAKING - KIDDING - ME?!! Ugh! Who cares about that?! I read through the first question on the test sheet:

1. Evaluate 3:1?

Oh no! I'm gonna fail! I'm gonna get an F for sure! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! I felt hot and angry tears spring to the corners of my eyes. I was in danger - wasn't I?!! Wait - I thought to myself. I quickly checked my laptop to see compass.

Phew! F has been removed! Yay! That was close! But the next point is that - E is still alive?!! oof. Then I'm definitely getting an E on this test.

As change of plans. I was about to completely lose hope when - wait! Something is in my brain! Wait! I got it! Hold on! Hold on! Wait! Wait! WAIT?!! I GOT IT!!! I wrote down the answer 31 on the sheet of paper and sighed in relief. But - now's not the time, Zoe! You better look at this!

2. The measures of the two acute angles of a right triangle are in the ratio 2:7. What are the measures of the two angles?

Are you serious? Now I'm definitely getting an E! I was so upset that I asked the teacher immediately to go to the bathroom. But sadly, the teacher only said, "No going to the toilet unless you've finished your test!"

Oh, darn it! Come on! But... but I wanted to visit Sukah! Oh, come on! Finally, after what seemed like about five minutes of panicking time, I tried guessing the question and wrote down 20 degrees and 70 degrees.

Ok, I'm pretty sure that's the answer, I guess. I was thinking to myself "Ok, this has got to be the right answer to this question!". Hopefully I am right! Oh, please! Please, test! Believe me! Even though test papers don't speak!

Finally, after an hour has passed, I finally completed 12 hard questions about ratios! The answers included loads of critical thinking, maths skills, Year 12 thinking abilities and - lots of my school time!

I handed it to the teacher and put my hands together, whispering in my head, "Please! Hope I don't get E - or something like that! Please, please, PLEASE!!!". I squeezed my eyes shut as the teacher quickly announced my score test. "A+!!!" she announced proudly to me.

Wait - what?!! A+! Plus a plus?!! B - But I thought I was gonna fail! This! That test! And the percentage score of the test was what made my eyes fill with tears of joy. 100%. That - was - an - AMAZING - TEST!!! YAS!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!! Wahoo! Now I don't even have to cry in the bathroom - at least. But I'm still crying, so... yay.

I rushed out of class - only to find Della walking in silence. I raced to her, my chest bursting with happiness and heart pounding faster than the wind. I screamed her name," Della!" and there she was, staring at me as if I'm a crazy person about to explode. "Della! Come see this!" I yelled at her, holding up my sheet.

At first, she just stood there, thinking that I'm dumb. But then, something amazing happened to her! Wait! She's returning her happiness! I can see that her mouth was up to the tightest corners. Wait - she is happy! What?!! She smiled tearfully, screaming, "Zoe! GREAT JOB!!!" she sighed as she hugged me whilst sobbing, sarcastically. I too wanted to cry tears of happiness.

"OMG, ZOE!!! I LOVE U!!!" Della suddenly cried as she hugged me tightly. Huh. Tighter than my mother! Wait - did she just say she loves me?!! Is she - no. I don't wanna say it but I guess I have to - GAY?!!

OMG. I slapped myself on the head and covered my mouth with my hands. Della suddenly stopped laughing and returned to her angry mood. I realised that her voice was getting dark. Oh no. What is she going to say? She let out these words: "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?".

I replied to her with a lie, "Nothing!". Uh oh. Was she going to kill me for that?!! I hope not. "Zoe, are you - hiding something from me?" she asked me, darkly. I gasped in fright. No. There is no way that she is a monster. In fact, she is my best friend. She's just not in a good mood today, that's all - I guess.

"Della, chill out, girl," I told her, scared that she was going to cause havoc. "And - no, I think." I was starting to panic. Uh oh. Now she must be getting closer to killing me. I must be dreaming! Please tell me I am! Please, God! Kill me.

After a minute of staring at each other with dark eyes, Della finally returned to her happy mood and replied to me cheerfully, "Oh, ok!" Phew. That was close! "Well, I'll see ya on - oh wait. I forgot," she saddened up.

I was wondering what's wrong with her when she suddenly changed her mind. "Never mind, Zoe. Let's go to class before we are late!" Della rushed to Humanities class whilst I headed off to science class. And yay. We have our old teacher! And not that other stupid science teacher on Monday! Wahoo!

Her name is Ms Alexander and not only she is the best science teacher but she's also kind, smart, funny and helpful. I always laugh at her jokes. In fact, who doesn't? And today, I got to finally do my first science experiment - well second for everyone except me cause you know I was late on Monday, the first day of school!

"Good morning, class!" Ms Alexander boomed to the whole entire classroom. "Morning, Ms Alexander!" we all cried out, trying not to twist our tongues while we say her name. "Today, we are going to experiment on slime making!" shouted Ms Alexander, cheerfully. "Wait - did she just say slime making?!!" I whispered to a boy sitting next to me. "Yes, Zoe," he sighed at me like I was dumb.

I squealed so loudly that I felt like touching the stars in the sky. I even got to make my favourite colour of my slime! Of course - pink! Yas! HOT pink! I LOVE hot pink!!! After making the gooey slime, I showed the teacher and she made a best slime contest - which is surprising because - I actually came first! OMG. What on earth is happening today?!! Two successes?!! Wow. That was epic. Epic of my life. Not entirely, but yeah.

After class, I thanked the teacher with a big grin and was on my way to my locker when suddenly, I saw Benjamin with evil red eyes, a smile on his face and - OMG was holding A KNIFE?!! Stab me. Please. OMG. WHAT - IS - HE - DOING?!! I turned around to dash away when he suddenly grabbed my arm and was pointing his knife straight at me! OMG, was HE A PSYCHOPATH?!! What if - no. It can't be. It can't be. I was thinking too critically. Was he - a murder?!! Was he going to stab me? His dagger was on my arm and to my greatest shock, Benjamin took a stroke.

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