Chapter 13

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I walked into the bank, punched my card, and then sat down at my post.

"Hey there, Xavier. How's the fiance??" my friend and co-worker, Jeff Bates, said as he came in, patting my shoulder as he sat next to me.

"Marla's great. Went to the doctor's today with her for the next ultrasound," i said as i began setting up at my window.

"Really?? So what are you having??" he asked as he got organized, too.

"Twins. A boy and girl," i said, proud i'm gonna be a dad in a few months.

"Alright, way to go buddy. When's the due date??" Jeff asked.

"Just 3 months away now," i said.

"Congrats, buddy," he said.

Soon, we're ready and taking acount for clients and opening accounts for new members of the bank.

We then take a coffee break and then start back to work and the next person walks up to my window.

"Good morning, welcome to Ephrata Bank. My name is how can i help you??" i asked.

"Yes, thank you, i would like to make a a withdrawl, and also ask about you're demise, Mr. Seth Tarren...." a familiar voice hissed in front of me.

My heart stopped and i stay as still as i can. I raise my head up slowly and am eye to eye with the last person i wanted to see- Martin, the cannibal nurse.

Oh no.

"Thoguht you could slip so easily, Mr. Smith??" he sneered.

Before i can react, he pulls out a gun and clicks the barrel. Jeff notices it, along with other people, and panic rises. Another guy runs in, but has a ski mask on.

"Hands up!!! Everyone!! Hands up NOW!!!! You all, on the ground!!!!" Martin shouts, waving the ready gun around to the bank clients, and they obediently aim for the ground, including security.

"Leave them alone, Martin!! They've done nothing with you!!" i shout.

"Save it, boy!! They should know the real truth about you," Martin sneered.

"Xavier, what the hell is this guy talking about??!" Jeff asked, his hands in the air.

"That Xavier Smith is not who he is!!" Martin sneered.

"I know you!! You're the guy on the news report. The nurse from that asylum!!" Jeff shouted.

All of a sudden, we hear sirens coming forth. Martin and his buddy look behind to see the upcoming police.

I look at Jeff, who nodded. He pressed the emergency button that alerted the cops.

We then duck and head out of the windows, but I am then ambushed by Martin and pinned to the ground.

"You're not escaping from me again, Seth!! And neither is your little Dawn. Knocked up or not, she's going down!! Our dear friend, Olga, is gonna make sure of that," Martin sneered into my face, the smell of flesh polluting his breath and making me gag.

"Xavier!!!!" i hear Jeff scream and then i hear a giant thud and then Martin is off me, grabbing to his head and screeching in pain. I look up and see Jeff, a lead pipe in his hand.

"Come on!!" he said, grabbing my hand as we ran out of the bank, Martin's accomplice helping him out. The police were just on their way as Jeff drags me to his car.

"Head to the high school. Dawn's in danger!!!" i shout, not caring if i should have used her other name.

"Dawn?? Dude, what the fuck is going on??!" Jeff asked, panicking.

"JUST DRIVE!!!!" i shout. He starts the engine and we speed out of the bank parking lot.

"Xavier, what the fuck is going on??!!! Who's Dawn, and why the hell was that guy saying you're not who youare??!" Jeff asked, seeming scared.

I sigh. Best to tell him.

"Jeff, my name isn't Xavier. I am Seth Tarren, and Marla is Dawn Watson...."


"Marla Harris, what the heck are you doing here?? You should be resting!! That baby is due in just a few months!!" Samantha told me.

"Not baby. Babies." i smirked as i set my bag down at my desk, a smile on my face.

Samantha gasped. "No... youu having twins??!" she asked happily, the other ladies in the office looked at me, even some conslers and teachers.

"That's right," is aid. Samantha hugs me and everyone cheers and resume to their work.

"So happy for you!!" Samantha said, as we got to work.

I took phone calls, organized student-counsler appointments, and made calls to peple the principal needed to get ahold of.

Soon, a student, possibly a Sophmore, runs into the office screaming and almost in tears.

"Help!!! Help!!!!" he shouted, running inside, startling everyone to their feet, including myself. I knew the student, though. Darrel Hayden. Really good kid, sadly bullied by some of the others and has it as tough at home from what he's told me when he comes here to talk with me more than the counsler, but still has friends.

"Darrel, what's wrong??" i asked.

"This lady, she came in during P.E. at the basketball courts and started opening fire, yelling for some 'Dawn Watson' to show herself or something!! She clipped Marco!!!" He cried.

My heart stopped. A nurse is on school grounds??! Armed??!

"What??! A weapon firing in the school??!" Samantha asked, getting up from her seat.

"Darrel, hun, it's going to be okay. Go hide in Mrs. Sanders' office, okay??" i said, hugging him to calm him down. He nods. "Yes, Mr. Harris." He said and runs into one of the counsler offices.

"Samantha, you need to get Marla out of here!! She could get hurt!!" Amelia souted.

"Let me worry about that. Call the police now, tell them to hurry up as fast, before we deal with a massacre," Samantha ordered as she took my hand.

"Be careful!!" Amelia shouted as we exited the office. We open the door and we hear gunshots and screams of teachers, faculty, and students, running out of the halls outside the school to safety.

"Dawn Watson!! Show yourself, you little bitch!!" i heard a familiar voice shout.

Next thing i know, a bullet flies above me and Samantha's head, and we duck down to see Olga, the insane nurse who shocked me last time i saw her. Half her face was scarred and burned. If anything, she looked like a female version of Two-Face.

"I knew you'd hide here!!!!" Olga sneered, running up to me, pulling a knife out.

I scream and Samantha jumps in front of me, and grabs Olga's arms. "Not... my.... friends!!!" she shouted, and kicked Olga back with her foot. Olga stands back up, and then holds a gun up at me.

No. At my stomach.

"Say goodbye to the kids!!!!" Olga sneeres, but before we can react, we hear a loud horn blast from outside, and next thing i know, a truck rams through the door and literally runs over Olga.

"Dawn!!" i hear Seth's voice and i feel relieved.

"Seth!!!" i scream and run to im as he climbs up and embraces me in his arms, kissing me deeply.

"Dawn?? Seth??! What the hell is going on here??!" Samantha shouted.

"No time to explain. We'll tell you on the way," Seth's co-worker, Jeff, said as we climbed into the car and drove the hell out of there. i sat in the back, Seth embracing me as we told Samantha about what we faced in Cooperstake, and how we escaped and came to this little town, changed our names and identity. Her eyes were as big as dinner plates.

"Let me get this straight: You and Seth are 17 year olds, were accused of a murder, sent to a crazy house, almost killed, and then came here to find out they are after you and the police know you guys are innocent??" she said, absorbing everything in.

"Yes," i said.

"We believe you, but we got to get you kids to a safe place, like the cabin," Jeff said.

It was good to know they believed us and didn't think we were crazy.


Picture of Jeff Bates------->>>

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