Chapter 4

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Something happened to that guy. I've seen crazy effects after shock therapy, but nothing like that. Was he lobotomyed?? I shake the topic out of my head.

I decide to take Dawn out for a walk outside, but as soon as i reach for the door, she yanks on my arm. I look back to se a nervous look in her eyes, which were hollowed into her skull and bruised purple around it.

"What??" i asked, looking at her.

"Where are you taking me, Seth??" she asked nervously.

"Outside," i shrugged.

Her eyes widened. "You've... left the building??" she asked surprised.

"I've snuck around the grounds a lot of times before. You haven't??" I asked.

"I've been told if you leave the building, you will be shocked or something," she said.

"Rumors. Now come on," i said, taking her hand gently in mine and pulling her with me. 

The sunlight hit us and almost blinded her, having her grip my arm tightly.

"It's okay," i said, holding on to her hand.

"Sorry. It's my first time outside here. I havent seen the Sun since my arrest," SHE SAID.

"How long was that??" i asked.

"Well, I'm guessing it was I guess 5 weeks ago, probably 6 weeks," she said.

"Then welcome back to the Dawn," i smirked. She just smacked my arm softly as we walk, a hint of blush staining behind her pale skin.

"So where are you taking me??" she asked.

"Where do you want to go??" i asked. She looked around and then pointed at a large brick house with a glass roof. "What's that??" she asked, curious.

"Hehe, that's my favorite hideout. Come on," i said as we walked toward it. She held to my hand the entire time as we walked toward there. The entire time, I felt eyes on us, but nobody was there. Not even at the windows of the building behind us. 


I open the door for Dawn as she enters the botanical garden house. Her blue eyes light up with amazement.

"It so beautiful here," she said as i walked behind her.

"I always sneak here when i want to think, remember, escape the insanity from the asylum," i said.

"I can see why," she said as she soflty waved her hand through a patch of sweet smelling daisies. I pick a blooming red rose from nearby and give it to her.

"It's beautiful," she said as she smelled it.

"Come on,"  said and take her hand as we walk deep through the jungle of the greenhouse.

We spent the entire day looking at the flowers, running around, laughing, and talking with each other. Spending time with Dawn was amazing. She's sweet, funny, beautiful...

We then find a bench and catch our breath and relax.

"Its amazing here. It reminds me of my garden back home. Always escaped there when i was sad," she said, the rose still in her hand.

"Dawn, can i ask you something??" i asked.

"Yeah??" she asked, her beautiful eyes looking into my eyes.

"Do you want to... escape from here??" i asked.


My heart stopped beating when he asked that. "What do you mean??" i asked.

"We're innocent, right?? We don't belong here, so why stay here??" he said.

He made a very solid point. But we were still sentanced here. They will hunt us down, bring us back, maybe even lobotomy us as many times as they please, or worse.

"I-I don't know. Seth, we're murderers to them. They will find us," I said.

He nodded. "I know. But think about it. It's worth any risk," he saids.

All of a sudden, a cold wind from outside shakes the windows of the greenhouse. We look out and see grey clouds forming in the sky. All of a sudden, lightning slashes through the sky.

"Let's go, a storm is coming," Seth said and takes my hand. I leave the rose on the bench and run out with him, my hospital gown whipping wildly with the wind as we step out of the botanical garden house.

I grip tightly to his hand as we run. All of a sudden, i tripped and fell on my knee. I his in pain. Seth kneels in front of me and puts his arms on my shoulder and under my knees, picking me up bridal style. I held on to his as he ran back to the building. I felt so safe in his strong arms as he held me close to him. We arrive to the door and he sets me down gently on my feet. "Are you okay?? Can you walk??" he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine. I can walk," i said, holding on to his arm for support. I didnt hurt my knee badly, but it was slightly sore and made me limp a little.

"Okay. Let me at least take you to your room," Seth said, holding on to my waist for suport. I hold on to his shoulder as we enter the building and go to my room. The halls we empty, except for the few patients roaming the halls. Strange though, since i didn't recognize their faces and they look like they've been here for years. SOme stared at us strangely, others just pretended we weren't there, some even murmured to themselves loudly.

"Run... T-they crazy. They hurt us... Run..." one murmured as she sat in fetal position.

"They only get the ones who arent crazy...they only get the ones who arent crazy..." another repeated over and over again. My heart froze when he said that. Those were the same thing the guy yelled at me the other day, the same words written in blood in my room.

"SOmething's not right," i whispered to Seth.

"I noticed. I've never seen these faces before," he whispered back.

"That, and they keep saying the same words that guy yelled at me the other day, also the same words someone wrote on my wall in blood," i whispered in response.

"Seriously??" he asked. I nod nervously.

"Probably a new medication or something. Don't take whatever they give you, Dawn," he whisperes, loooking cautiously at the patients.

I nod as we arrive to my room. "Thanks, Seth, for today," i said as i opened my room. I hug him tight and he hugs me back. "Good night," he saids and uncoils his arms from me and walks back to his room.

I enter mine and stay a little dazed. My day with Seth was amazing. He's smart, kind, caring, funny, strong, handsome....

Wait... am i falling for him?? How can i?? I met him a day ago. Then again, it would have been love at first sight.

I all of a sudden feel a cold wind chill up my spine, making me gasp and shudder. I then felt someone watching me, but it was impossible. There wasnt even cameras here.

Ru-un. I heard a voice whisper in my ear from behind, sending chills down my spine.

"Wh-Who's there??" i said, my heart pounding loud and hard in my chest

Am I going crazy?? I thought to myself.

You have to get out of here, girl. the same voice saids behind me. I quickly turn around, but nothing's there. I can feel my heart pounding in my head.

What the hell is going on??

After a while of standing there, nothing happens, but then the smell of blood floods the room, only stronger.

I cough and gag at the smell. I look around and see no blood, no person. I see a shadow move near the window and disappear. I try and scream, but a cough stops me.

I couldn't take it anymore and i fall to my knes on the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Blackness consumes me, but before i fall unconcious, another voice whisperes in my ear.

They only get the ones that aren't crazy. Like you and Seth, Dawn.

Before i can even think, my eyes close and sleep consumes me.

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