Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning. All smell of blood was gone from the room. My head felt heavy as i tried to get up and looked around. Everything was untouched. Nothing written on the walls.

All plain.

"What the fuck??" i said, trying to see what the hell happened to me. Then i remembered Seth left me at my room after our day in the botanical gardens. I move my leg a little. It hurt a little, but i can still move it okay.

I get up and run to the door, but its locked. "Crud,"i mumble to myself. Stupid nurses around here must have locked it. I look through the window, but oddly, the patients i saw yester day werent there. The ones i usually see everyday were there. Usual positions, usual mumbling, usual routines.

Same old day here at Cooperstake Lunatic Asylum.

All of a sudden, a nurse's face appear at the window, scaring me. She unlocks the door and i back away.

He opens the door and I see him. Was he new here?? I've never seen him around here before. And i know all the nurses.

"Hmmm, now why are are scared, dear?? I won't hurt you," he said, looking creepyly at me. He had a deep british accent.

"I'm not. And who are you??" i asked, backing slowly away. I remembered i was in my hospital gown and panicked inside.

"No need to be afraid, my pet. Now, how about your check up??" he growled deeply at me. He then grabs my arm hard. I can feel his fingers bruising my skin.

I then knew what was going to happen next, and it was far from good.

A scream escapes my mouth and i reacted fast and bring my fist hard to his mouth, blood spraying on my hand and face. He swore aloud and holds on to his face, blood escaping through his fingers.

I run past him out my room, and run past the hall. I was running for a while until i ran smack into someone and fell back.

I look to see its Seth. "Dawn??" he asked. More than glad to see him, i throw my arms around him, a few sobs from my fear escaping.

"Seth, thank goodness i found you!! This nurse, i think he was a nurse, he-he almost raped me right now. I never seen him around here, before," i said, tears pouring from my eyes as i held him close. I can feel myself shaking.

He hugs me back, and then takes a look at me.

"Oh god, is that..??" he asked, wiping some tears and blood from her beautiful face.

"Yes. I punched him in the mouth and ran. I think he's still there," i said, holding on to his hand tightly.

"Come on," he said, taking my hand. I didnt want to go, but i know with Seth, i felt secure. That he'll protect me.

We walk back to my room, the door slightly open. He opens the door, me behind him as we peer in.

"Nobody's there, Dawn," he saids. I look, and its empty.

"I wouldn't lie about this Seth," i said, shocked that the so called "nurse" disappered like that. Not even a trace of blood anywhere. Cleaning crew here is great, but it isn't this fast.

"I know. Whatever happened, its gone. I'm here, now. Come on, let's clean you up a little," he said, taking my hand as we walked into m room to the small bathroom provided in my room.

All there was in that bathroom was a big bathtub behind a dingy grey shower curtain and a small sink. Seth turns on the sink and hovers my arm over the sink, pouring water on my hand. I wince as the blood hits my skin. As my skin clears up, i see some bite marks on my hand. Some purple finger shaped bruises were starting to bloom on my skin, too, from where the man grabbed my arm.

"Probably when you punched him," Seth said as he gently poured water from his hand on my hand. He then gets a towel and dries my hand. 

"I'm so glad  i ran into you right now, Seth," i said.

He just kisses my hand and wraps his arms around me. "I'm glad you're okay, Dawn," he said.


Seeing her like this worried me. Strange things have began to happen since me and Dawn crossed paths. But this is far from what it seems.

I held her close to me as we stood there in that bathroom. How come nobody heard anything?? I know the nurses dont do much, but seriously??!

As long as Dawn is safe, i can breathe easy.

She's the only thing i can look foward to in the madhouse. The only one i can relate to here. I like her. No, i love her.

But we only met each other for a few days. I can't just love her, especially at a time like this.

But would she love me back??

Before i can think anything else, a gust of wind travels past my neck.

If you want her safe, get her out of here. Yourself included. I heard a voice say.

"Dawn, did you hear that??" i asked, looking behind me.

"No. What did you hear??" she asked, looking up at me, her beautiful eyes looking up into mine.

"I dont know," he said, holding her tighter to me. Her arms wrap around me, hugging me close against her.

Next thing i know, our lips our pressed against each other gently. Her lips were warm and soft against mine.

Sparks were flying everywhere as we kissed. Soon, we part lips and look at each other.

"Wow," she said, looking up at me.

"Yeah," i said, and we hug each other close to each other.

"Seth," she said into my shoulder.

"Yeah??" i asked.

"I want to get out of here," she said.

I look down at her, and nod.

"Let's get out of this hell hole, then," he said.

I guess its official. I love Dawn. A lot.

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