Chapter 8

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I turn the key and push the door open and walk into my house. I had come home from Bethany's house  a bit late.

I walk in and see a small puddle of blood on the clean tile floor, in front of the stairs. Some muddy footprints dirtying the hall. I set the keys and my bookbag on the entrance table and approach it, and my eyes catches something else- bloody hand prints going up the stairs.

"What the-" i said, starting to get scared as i carefully climbed up the stairs.

I arrive to the top of the stairs and gasp in horror. Blood covered the hall floors in a large crimson pool, the smell making me gag. Arms and legs and I swear even organs were scattered around the place.

"Mom?!! Dad?!! Mark?!! Where are you guys??!" i said, running over the blood, my feet sloshing through it as i barged into Mark's room and my parents' room, only to find them empty. 

I then flung open the door to my room, and gasp in horror, my heart skipping beats per minutes.

My parents' heads hung on ropes from the ceiling of my room, Mark's little head included. They're eyes rolled back, part of their spine poking out from under their necks, and most of their teeth even knocked out of their mouths.

I scream and tears flow as the gastly sight bleeds to my eyeballs, my back against the dark blue wall of my room, the urge to throw up increasing, until i literally hurled at the sight.

Who could have done something like this??

I then feel movement behind me, and i stand still. I look behind me, and I'm suddenly face-to-face with a black ski mask. I scream and think fast, bringing my fist towards the covered face.

But the guy reacts faster, and grabs my wrist, crushing it in his big hand. I hear a cracking sound and pain shoots through my arm from my hand. i scream in pain and he releases me. 

He swings his fist, but i duck in time before his fist connected with my face. But then he brings his foot up, kicking me hard in the abdomen, and i hit the post of my bed hard, the air knocked out of my lungs.

I fall to the ground, my family;s blood being soaked into my clothes, and look up to see another ski mask pop up, giving the man a crow bar. He approaches me, holds it above his head, and then brings it down. Everything goes black agter that.

I woke up and see cops above me. i grip my fist, but see i'm holding something- a machete.

"Stay down," a cop said. I'm pulled on a stretcher, and taken to an ambulence, my body not really feeling anymore pain, but only a little bit. 

Once i was on my feet, two days spent in the hospital recovering, two cops came into my room. "Dawn Watson??" they asked.

"Yes??" i asked.

"Hands behind your back, please. Your under arrest for the sick murder of your parents," the said, cuffing my wrists.

"What?? It wasnt me!!" i said as they dragged me out the hospital to the cruiser.

I had two full weeks spent on trial, spent all of it in an oranje jumpsuit, and then that's when i arrived to Cooperstake.

***end of flashback***

 I woke up, feeling something blocking my mouth. My arms were tied to my sides, and i felt myself lying down on a cold table. I look around, my vision clearing up. I'm in some dark room, and i see wires stuck to my head.

Everything then started to come back slowly. I was with Seth. We were running, and we were caught. We had discovered the truth of our families' murders.

We had realized the true meaning of a lobotomy- you get your brain skewered!!!!!

I struggled to get up, but i was stuck, binded to the table where i laid down.

"Seth!! Seth where are you??!" i try and call out, but my mouth was gagged with a cloth, so i sounded muffled.

Fear overcame me, hoping he wasnt hurt. Tears overflowed my eyes.

"Its about time you woke up," a voice boomed from beside me.

I look, and see its my nurse, Olga.

I whimpered against the cloth tied around my mouth.

"Relax, girl. It'll be over for you, soon," she said, checking to see the wires on my head, and then approached a box with dials. I then realized what was going on.

I was in shock therapy.

Olga turns a dial a bit, and then i feel a strong electric shock flow through me, making me scream against the cloth.

I saw she increased the voltage, and i felt my nerves and blood cells frying themselves.

"One more volt, and its bye-bye, Dawn!! AAhhahahahaaaa!!!!" she laughed menacingly.

I started seeing colors, but then i heard a scream and my vision returns. The electric current had stopped flowing through me, but i feel so dizzy.

My vision clears and look up to see a familiar face. It was the guy who had tried to strangle me to death before, the one who i realized was lobotomyed.

I was getting the idea he didnt have the intention to kill me, but was actually warning me, without me realizing it. He payed a terrible price for warning me, getting an ice pick through his brain.

I look up and notice he looked like a zombie. His face held no expression whatsoever. He just tried to move his face, but nothing. I noticed blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, and from the middle of his forehead.

He unties my gag, and im able to breath a bit better, and he undoes the binds that tie down my hands, waist, and legs. I sit up and look at the shocking box, which was set to flames, Olga on the ground, half her face burned and charred off. I then look straight at the guy, sympathy and pity flooded through me.

My heart was beating hard against my ribs, my arms and legs shaking vigourously, blood pumping fast through my ears, and my brain pounding hard agaisnt my skull, and my hands were clammy and numb.

"I-I'm sorry you got hurt. Y-Y-You were helping me at f-first, weren't you??" i said, stuttering. But then he bluntly pushed a hand sort of gently over my mouth.

"Just get your friend, and get the hell out of this place. Hide from everyone if you have to," he said, and left something on my lap, before dropping to the ground, dead.

I look to see what was on my lap. I see its a white rose, splattered with red paint, an ice pick sticking straight through the beautiful stained petals.

Then i realized it wasnt paint. It was blood. Another thing, it was also the same rose Seth gave me a few month ago. I knew it was because it smelled exactly how it did the day he gave it to me, despite the blood smell that ruined it. How it survived this long, i'll never know.

I grip the rose by the stem hard, despite the thorns that dug into my clammy palms. I realized what the ice pick through the rose meant, and i didn't like it at all.

"Seth," i said, and jump off the table, my legs giving out, and i fall to my knees, next to the dead man who had warned me.

I try everything i can to stand up. I felt like a newborn deer taking its first steps of life. I finally gained some strength and made it to the hall, but had to use the wall for support as i limped through the dark hall.

After limping for who knows how long, I then feel a cold hand onmy shoulder, scaring me and having me loose balance, faling to the ground. I look and gasp.

"S-Sara?? H-How-??" i said, looking at the dead girl. She was all white, but felt solid, and all in one whole piece again.

"An apparition, Dawn. Now, let's go save Seth, before it's too late," she said, offering me her hand.

I hesitate, but then take her hand. She loops my arm over her cold shoulders and we start towards to the lobotomy office.

Please be okay, Seth.

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