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Before Shiro returned, when Keith had the black lion.

Lance lay in bed, exhausted from the day's mission. Sighing in relief as his head hit his pillow, he looked at the ceiling. His legs were crossed lazily, and his elbows were at his sides. Hands intertwined together as they  lay peacefully on his rising and sinking chest.

His door was closed, and it was quiet.

Until someone knocked at the door.

Lance glanced at the time. Nearly 3 in the morning (What? He had trouble sleeping!).

Who would be here this late?

He thought, letting the door be opened.

"Hello." A voice said, barely above a pitiful whimper. Lance sat up, eyes at the door. "Keith?" He asked quietly. "Is that you, mullet?" He questioned. Lance's eyes trained on the teen as he walked inside.

The raven haired teen let out a shaky breath. "I-I." He began, but Lance interrupted him.

"It's okay." He stated firmly. Lance walking to Keith.

His arms wrapped themselves around Keith's waist, pulling him into a hug. Keith, tense for a split second, was soon giving into the hug. Practically melting into Lance's welcoming arms.

A few tears leaked out of his eyes, and Lance only responded by hugging him tighter.

"I can't do this." Keith whimpered. Chocking a sob, he practically koala-ed Lance (It's when you wrap your legs and arms around them. Chest to chest.), Lance then started carrying him to his bed.

Both boys on the bed, Keith continued. "I-I just c-can't lead V-Voltron!" Keith exclaimed tearfully, Lance's arms wrapped around him once again.

"It's okay." Lance soothed. "No it's n-not." Keith debated weakly, his nose nuzzled in Lance's neck. "I am not Shiro." Keith then stated. This left Lance flabbergasted.

"We're not saying you have to be." He told the crying teen. Keith looked up, his eyes looking misty, yet beautiful.

"You're you Keith—" looking at Keith's eyes flashing with hurt, Lance continued.

"You're amazing. You train non stop and are an awesome asset to the team. You are so determined and put together, I-I can barely begin to comprehend how lovely you are." Lance complimented softly, whispering it to Keith in a calm, loving voice.

Keith stopped his tears, looking up. "You sure? I'm lovely?" Keith questions, Lance shoots a small smile— the Raven still in his arms.

"Yep." He said, gathering his confidence as he gave Keith a peck on the lips.

Keith blushed, and as Lance pulled back, he leaned in. "Thank you." He told Lance, connecting their lips once more.

Okay. First Klance oneshot. Not to shabby? Eh. I ship them hard. That's all I gotta say.

- Bridget

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