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Dresses and High Heels

"Come on guys, it'll be fun!" Coran encouraged, his eyes planted on two of the paladins. Keith, and Lance, were glaring at him tiredly. "That's not really my thing, dude." Lance tried to explain gently. Keith just sighed.

"Nope." He stated firmly, "You'll have better luck getting me into a dress and high heels." He spat, not caring at the venomous tone he was shooting out. Lance cracked a smile. "What kind of dress?" He asked, clearly joking.

Keith sent him a glare, but soon found his cheeks going red. Embarrassment clearly planted on his face. "Lance!" He whined quietly, Lance merely chuckled.

"Come on, princess." Lance joked again, putting his arm around Keith. The paladin blushed more, aware of the attention he was getting from everyone. Pulling him closer, Lance whispered into his ears.

"Will you put on some hooker heels for me?" His voice turning husky as Keith was now a human tomato. His black hair fell into his face, and Keith kicked Lance's shin.

"Suggest that again and you wont have the eyes to see me in them!" He told him, Pidge walking up to them, curious. 

"What'd Lance ask?" Pidge questioned, "Nothing!" Keith exclaimed, backing away from Lance. Lance had a pain filled smile on his face, glancing at Keith. "You really wanna know?" Lance asked Pidge, earning another kick on the shin from Keith. This time, Lance knelled to the ground. Another bruise forming on his skin.

"Ouch, for a emo bean, you sure are good at kicking." Lance commented.

"I played soccer." Keith replied dryly, Shiro sporting a small smile. "Let's just do as Coran says guys, it can't be that bad!" He encouraged. Coran stroking his mustache with a wide grin. "That's the spirit Shiro!" Coran yelled. 

Hunk winced, "Not so loud." He muttered, going over to Lance. Going to his ear, the yellow paladin asked Lance, "What did you say to him?" 

Lance, now standing tall, looked at Hunk. "Something for only us." He teased lightly, earning a light smack on the shoulder and another blush from Keith.

"Well aren't you a blushing machine today, nothing like last ni-"

"I will end you." Keith growled, his face returning to its normal color once again.

Lance rolled his eyes playfully. "Sure you will." He shot back, Keith smirking. "You wanna bet?" He growled, his eyes showing no real anger.

It was just an act, everything was an act. Lance had to remind himself. After all, neither of them were really ready to come out to the team yet. Nor did they really want to. It was nice to have some type of romantic relationship, just the two of them.

Lance took his arm and dragged him into his room. "Let's take this inside!" He said, trying his best to sound annoyed and angered. 

Shiro sighed. "Guys. Not again." 

Inside Lance's room, both boys collapsed onto the bed. "Hey." Lance said, Keith looking at him. "Hey." The raven haired boy replied back. "Were you serious about the dress thing?" Lance questioned.

Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Were you serious about the hooker heels thing?"

WIthin a few minuted of silence, both boys started to laugh. 

"Yeah." Lance admitted, a blush creeping up his cheeks. Keith rubbed the neck of his neck, fingers fimbling with the hair at the back of his head. 

"Try again next week, McClain." 

Lance sported a grin before answering,

"Fine, see you in a dress then, Kogane."


Hey guys!!! I'M TURNING 14 SOON!!!!! (March 7th) (My wife's birthday is 6 days after (on the 13th XD, Love you Biscuit))


AND VOLTRON COMES OUT SOON (Season 5 that is!!!)




Thank you for the views. I have other books if you're interested. I'm mainly into Percy Jackson, so don't be surprised as you spot my. . . 49 works. . . 

(Random Information Time)

There's fanfictions about



Freo (Frank x Leo)




Fred Weasley x Harry Potter

Klance (obviously, I'm thinking of making a Text fic for it, thoughts???)

Trans!Leo x Pansexual!Nico


Check them out, I guess. (If you like Jercy, check out my cringey oneshots. They get good at like, maybe #76. (But it somehow gets 75K. . . That makes me. . . happy?)

I gotta go, ISTEP testing and stuff.



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