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Chapter ten
Quidditch and the Chamber of Secrets
Delaney's POV:
Hazel and I sat in the library, reading over some books. Hers was on potions while mine was on magical creatures. "Hi, Delaney." Colin said. I looked up at him and said "hello, Colin." "I'm taking pictures of all the quidditch teams for the school paper. I'd like if you and Hazel were there. Since you're on the Hufflepuff team." I nodded and said "we will. When are you doing it?" "In an hour. On the quidditch pitch." Hazel looked up at him and said "cool. We'll be there." I flipped the page on my book to reveal a Hippogriff. I gasped softly at the picture, becoming mesmerized with it. "Laney." Ron's voice said. I looked at him and said "Ron." "What're you guys doing here in the library?" "Reading, Ronald, what does it look like?" I replied as I adjusted my glasses. He huffed and said "can't we go do something? I'm bored." "I have to take quidditch pictures today. Well, Hazel and I both do." "When's that?" Ron asked. "In an hour. You're more than likely to come with us." He nodded and looked at my book. "What is that?" "A hippogriff. Cool isn't it?" Ron shrugged and said "I guess." I flipped the page and a Niffler sat on the page. I giggled softly at it, admiring how cute it was. "That thing steals from you?!" Ron said in shock. I nodded and said "it loves gold or anything shiny. Nifflers could definitely be a nuisance but could also be very cute to have." "Well, I wouldn't want a pet that steals from you." I shrugged and Ron scooted closer to me, his eyes reading the page. "How're you feeling? Since the slugs?" Ron grimaced at the mention of it and then said "better. I'm just glad I don't have to puke them up anymore." "Me too."


"I'll do Slytherin first." Colin said. Marcus Flint and his team walked in front of Colin. "How long is this going to take?" Draco said. "Not long. It's just a picture." Colin replied. "Shut up, Malfoy. It's for the school paper. And I'll be damned I look stupid in this picture." Marcus retorted. Adrian Pucey sniggered at his captain's comment towards Draco. Colin told the team to stand on specific markers and then brought his camera up to his face, counting to three. Then the Slytherin team left the room. Hufflepuff was next. I was nervous to take the picture in front of the other teams, especially since I'd be closer to the front. Colin made sure we were standing where we were supposed to. Cedric was in the middle and Hazel was on the opposite side of me. Ron gave me a thumbs up as he stood behind Colin but away from the other teams. I half smiled and looked at the camera. The flash went off which caused me to blink after the picture was taken. "Gryffindor's it's your turn." Cedric stepped off with one of his friends, laughing with them. I walked over to Ron who said "I'm sure the picture will come out great." I nodded and said "I hope so." I looked at the Gryffindor quidditch team. Oliver Wood stood proudly next to his teammates. Angelina Johnson stood on the opposite side of him, next to George. Fred was behind Harry, opposite his twin brother. "Look here, guys." Colin was very excited to take a picture of his housemates who were on the quidditch team. Especially Harry. He looked up to him. Ravenclaw was last. Most of my team had left but I was standing with Ron who smiled up at Fred and George. "I'm sure mum is going to want a copy of the school paper." George said. Fred nodded in agreement and said "she'll have this framed on the wall so quick." "That's good. Isn't it?" I asked. The twins nodded in unison. Ron looked at me and said "mum was a bit apprehensive about the twins joining quidditch but Bill and Charlie had played as well. Percy decided to be a prefect instead of quidditch. I think I might do both. One day." I smiled at Ron and said "you totally could. Don't ever think you can't." "I can already see Laney becoming a prefect. She has the attitude." George said. I looked up at him and said "the attitude?" "Yeah. I feel like you're more of a rule follower than a rule breaker." "I like to break the rules sometimes." Fred chuckled and said "we could help with that." The twins smirked at me before walking away, Angelina following after them. I watched Fred poke her side and she let out a squeal, pushing him. "Do you think your parents will be happy?" Ron said. I sighed and said "I hope so."


Today was my first quidditch game and I was sick. I was excited but terrified. Our game was against Gryffindor. I gulped as Cedric told us the gameplay. "Gryffindor is a bit hard to beat. Especially with Wood leading their team. But, we have two new teammates and I think they'll prove their worth. Delaney, don't be afraid to hit that bludger with all your might. You'll need to, considering you'll be up against Fred and George Weasley. And Hazel, you're fast enough as a chaser, you'll be good. Everyone ready?" Everyone nodded and I got on my broom, following my teammates out. Madam Hooch stood with the balls, getting ready to release them. I didn't dare look at the twins, knowing I'd have to hit the bludger towards them. The balls were released and I watched everyone whiz in different directions on their brooms. I looked for the bludger, distancing myself from Hazel. I noticed Fred hit it from across the way. I saw it coming towards me and I managed to hit it. I was in shock. "Good job, Delaney!" Cedric said as he passed by. I smiled to myself and heard Ron cheering me on in the stands. Gryffindor had scored a couple of times and then Cedric did, earning us a point. The bludger hadn't come my way in a while. I was thankful but wanted to at least hit it a couple of times during the game. My biggest mistake this game was not paying attention to it. Cause the bludger came smashing into my shoulder. I gasped and immediately grabbed my shoulder. "Laney, don't fall!" Ron said. I let go of my shoulder and hung onto my broom. Luckily it was my left shoulder and I hit the bludger when it came towards me. We actually ended up winning the game cause of Cedric. I landed on the ground and Cedric said "how's your shoulder?" "It hurts." I said. "Delaney! I'm so sorry! It was an accident! I didn't mean to!" George said as he rushed over. "You hit her?!" Ron said as he approached me. George grimaced and said "I didn't mean to! I'm so so sorry!" I half smiled at him and said "it's ok, George. I know you didn't do it on purpose." "Did you dislocate it?" Fred asked. I went to shrug and realized I couldn't. "I don't know." Fred looked at my shoulder closely and said "oh, yeah. It's dislocated." Hazel crossed her arms over her chest and said "well, that's not good." "Madame Pompfrey will fix her right up." Cedric told her. "Someone take her to the infirmary. Now." Madam Hooch said. George stepped forward and said "I will." He looked at me and Hazel grabbed my broom. "I'm gonna carry you. Ok?" I nodded and George picked me up, being careful not to hurt my shoulder any further. I wrapped my arm around his neck, hanging onto him best I could. "Fred, you coming with?" Fred shook his head and said "need to shower." Ron looked up at his older brother and said "I will." George smiled at Ron and said "come on then, Ronnie." Hazel said "I'll catch up with you guys." The walk to the infirmary was mostly silent. That game exhausted me. I caught myself falling asleep as George carried me. I leaned my head on his chest and Ron said "will she be ok?" "Yeah. Just a dislocated shoulder. Fred gets them all the time in quidditch. I've had them once or twice. It's mostly Fred who gets them." George replied. "Is she asleep?" I currently had my eyes closed and my head was on George's chest. "Eh, maybe. She needs it. I feel really bad. I didn't mean to hurt her. She's so small and I always feel like I need to protect her. Especially cause she's one of your best friends. And cause she's gravitated towards Fred and I a lot lately. But, I feel really really bad about it." "It's not your fault, Georgie." I said to him. George's eyes widened at the sound of my voice and he gulped. His cheeks started to turn red and he looked everywhere but me. "And what happened to Miss Lacework?" Pompfrey said. I didn't even know we had made it to the infirmary. I was so busy listening to George talk to Ron. I also wondered did he mean what he said about protecting me. And him and Fred had in fact noticed I had gravitated towards them a bit. I did admire them in a way. They're both so funny but caring. Especially George. Who's overlooked by most people. "Dislocated shoulder. Happened during quidditch." George said. "Yes, well, set her down here." I hadn't been to the infirmary before. I looked around the large room, seeings beds lined up on either side. George set me down gently, being careful not to hurt me any further. "Now, Delaney, this might hurt." I looked at the elder woman and nodded. "Here." George offered his hand to me and I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "To squeeze." My eyes went to his much larger hand. I hesitantly took his hand. I noticed Ron scoff and roll his eyes. I went to question him but Madame Pompfrey popped my shoulder back into place. I gasped and immediately squeezed George's hand. "Ow." I whispered. "All done, Miss Lacework. Now, if you have anymore pain, come back here and I'll give you some medicine for it." Madame Pompfrey went to tend to another student. "Looks normal again." George said. "Does it?" I asked. He nodded and said "yep. You're back to normal." George let go of my hand and I looked down at my lap. "Sorry." I mumbled softly. "No, you're fine. And you've got a wicked grip. Be careful, Ron. She might squeeze the life out of you." "Damn, I missed it!" Hazel said. George smirked at Hazel and said "late again." "Piss off." She pushed past him and George left the infirmary. "It made a loud crack. I mean, it was kinda disgusting." Ron said. I looked at him and said "jerk." "What?! Your shoulder was technically broken. It was gross." Hazel shook her head at him and said "you're so weird, Ron."


The halls seemed to be fuller than usual. I was walking alongside Hazel when everyone seemed to stop at the writing on the wall. Harry, Hermione, and Ron stood there before anyone else had approached. It was if they had wrote it. I didn't notice Ginny until she pushed past me. I looked down at her and she said "sorry." "It's fine." George looked down at her and then back at the writing. "Can you see, Gin?" Fred said. Ginny nodded. "Enemy of the heir, beware? You'll be next, mudbloods." Draco said to Harry, Hermione and Ron. Hermione glared at him and Harry did the same. Ron cowered at his voice slightly but stood tall. Mr. Filch pushed through all of us kids and accused Harry of murdering Mrs. Norris, who was hanging from a light fixture. Dumbledore was quick to protect Harry. I knew Harry well. He wouldn't do something like that. Dumbledore revealed that she was petrified. Professor Sprout surely could find a cure. I remembered reading something about mandrakes, which were something we dealt with in class first hand. They could use them to make a concoction to free anyone who's been petrified. It seemed like a very easy task, you just had to wait on the mandrakes, of course. Everyone was sent back to their common rooms and dorms except Harry, Hermione and Ron. "Who do you think wrote that?" I asked Hazel. She shrugged and said "I don't know. Maybe someone who wants to scare everyone." Ginny's head snapped up in her direction and she said "you think so?" "Maybe. Or they have ill intentions." "Whoever wrote it, I hope they got a kick out of that and don't proceed with anything else." I said.


We all sat in McGongall's class. She was teaching us about water goblets. Ron got called on to try the spell. Ron attempted it but the spell didn't come out right. The class laughed at his misfortune. "Mr. Weasley, that wand needs fixing." He looked up at her and said "I know." Hermione raised her hand and asked about the chamber of secrets. The class seemed to get quiet. McGonagall began to tell the story about the four founders of Hogwarts. Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. Salazar was against children who weren't of pure blood to attend Hogwarts. Preferably, muggle borns. It was rumored that he had indeed built the chamber of secrets, which was the home of a monster. And that one day, the heir of Slytherin would return and open the chamber, releasing the horrors within. I watched Harry look at Draco. I did the same. I felt my stomach churn at the fact that Draco could possibly be the heir of Slytherin. Draco raised his eyebrows at Harry and then his eyes met mine. I quickly looked away from him and went back to the lesson. After class it was all anyone could talk about. Hermione was trying to figure out who the heir of Slytherin was. Ron believed it was Malfoy. "We already know who it is." "If you're talking about Malfoy-" Hermione raised her voice as he walked by. "You heard him, you'll be next mudbloods!" Ron said. Harry sighed at Ron's comment and Hermione came up with an idea to find out if Draco was the heir of Slytherin.

I meant to have this up so long ago but haven't been writing lately!! Now I might jump around a few of the events in chamber of secrets just because I don't want the book to constantly surround the golden trio. Not that I have a problem with that, but I do have a plan for this book and am writing it a certain way and am trying to use lots of filler more than stuff from the movies.

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