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Chapter eleven
Polyjuice Potion and the Acromantula
Delaney's POV:
Hermione, as always had figured it out. Polyjuice Potion. It was potion that let you become someone else. She had devised a whole plan. We would pose as Slytherin students to get information on the heir of Slytherin from Draco Malfoy. "How long will it take to brew?" Harry asked Hermione. She sighed and said "a month." "A month? Half of the muggle borns in the school could be attacked by then." "I know. We just have to hope the best and hope everyone stays safe." Hermione led us to a girls bathroom. Ron crossed his arms over his chest and said "why are we brewing this potion in the middle of the day, in the girls lavatory?" "No one ever comes in here." Hermione said. "Why?" She poured an ingredient into the cauldron and said "Moaning Myrtle." "Who?" I had heard of Myrtle from my sister. My sister had befriended the ghost her first or second year. "Moaning Myrtle." Hermione nudged her head and Harry's eyes widened. Myrtle appeared behind Ron who said "who's Moaning Myrtle?" "I'm Moaning Myrtle!" Ron jumped as she made her presence known. Myrtle looked at me and said "Harmony?" "I'm her younger sister, Delaney." "Ah, yes. She's told me all about you. Are you nice like her?" "I am." Myrtle nodded and Ron seemed to be terrified at the ghost girl who hovered around the room. She then disappeared into one of the toilets, water splashing everywhere. Ron shook his head and said "terrifying." "She's just a girl, Ronald." I replied as I patted his shoulder.


Professor Lockheart and Professor Snape were holding a duel for students. Harry and Draco were forced to go against each other. Colin stood next to me and I felt the twins and Lee standing behind me. Hazel was on the opposite side of me and she seemed bored with the whole display. The boys threw a few spells at one another, Draco making a snake appear. He smirked at Harry and I rolled my eyes at him. "Stupid." I mumbled. Draco must've heard me because he looked in my direction. I gulped and took a step back as if he were to do something. I stepped on one of the twins' shoes. "Ouch!" George said softly. I quickly turned around and said "sorry. Sorry." He shook his head and said "you're fine, Laney." Lee gave me a smile and I returned it, adjusting my glasses as I turned back around to face Draco and Harry. The snake started coming towards the students. Preferably a student named Justin who was closer to the front. I also noticed the snake coming in my direction and Harry started speaking in another language. I looked up at him in fear. Colin hid behind me and the snakes attention went back to Justin. Hazel furrowed her eyebrows at Harry and Justin seemed freaked out. The entire room was silent, staring at Harry in shock. Parseltongue. That was the language Harry was speaking. I looked at everyone in the room, everyone seemed scared of Harry. Lee looked at Harry in disgust slightly. Ron kept looking at Hermione as if she could give him answers. Ron reached for me as everyone began to clear out of the room. I grabbed Hazel who rolled her eyes. "Harry, you didn't tell me you could speak Parselmouth." Ron said. "Parseltongue, Ron." I corrected. He nodded and Harry said "what's the big deal? I'm sure everyone can do it." "No, Harry. It's very rare. You have to be born with the ability. And the heir of Slytherin is supposed to be able to speak Parseltongue." Hermione told him. Harry's eyes widened and he said "so, everyone is going to think I'm the heir of Slytherin now?" Hazel nodded and said "yeah. It was pretty freaky." "I was telling the snake to leave Justin alone. That's all." "It didn't sound like that to us, Harry. You spoke in a completely different language." I said. Harry sighed and said "well, that's just great."


"Look everyone, it's the heir of Slytherin!" Fred began. "Be careful! He's a seriously evil wizard." George finished as the two of them chuckled. Harry seemed annoyed at their comment and Ron said "come on, Harry. Fred and George were just having a laugh." "Seems like they're the only ones." Harry replied. Hazel shook her head and said "I can't believe people actually think you're the heir of Slytherin." "It sucks. Everyone stares at me like I'm a freak or something." "You're not a freak, Harry." I said. Harry half smiled and said "thanks. I didn't even know I could speak Parseltongue." "That doesn't matter. What matters is, you're not the heir of Slytherin. And we're going to figure out who is." Hermione said.


"I can't believe you're all going to drink Polyjuice potion." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. Ron shrugged and said "you know, you could just go with us." I shook my head and said "and who would I turn into?" "Pansy Parkinson?" I scoffed. "No way, Ronald." "Maybe Draco would spill his guts if she was there. I think he fancies her." I looked at the gray liquid they were about to drink. "That looks disgusting." Ron nodded in agreement and Hazel said "Laney, come with me. I want to go to the herbology classroom." I nodded and said "ok. Well, I'll see you all later." I left with Hazel and the two of us walked in the somewhat empty halls. "And where are you two going?" The voice of Valerian St. Cloud said. Hazel turned around to face him. "The herbology classroom." "Why?" "Because. And what're you doing walking around the halls?" Valerian chuckled and said "because I'm not particularly hungry. You two should be at dinner." "And so should you." I said. Valerian looked at me and said "well, I'll come with you guys then. I'm bored." Valerian followed Hazel and I to the herbology classroom. I put my glasses on to read from my book to ogle at the flowers that were inside. "You wear glasses?" Valerian said. I nodded and said "yes. Have you not noticed in class?" He shook his head and said "no, if I'm honest. I just do my classwork. They suit you." I looked at him and said "really?" "Yes. You seem like the kind of girl that'd wear glasses." I bit my lip and said "I'll take that as a compliment." "It was." Valerian smirked and then turned to Hazel. "And you. You're quite good at quidditch." "That I am. What about you? I thought you were joining the team." "Whenever Draco Malfoy gets kicked from the team. That'd be great." Hazel and I giggled at his comment. "So, which one of you is good at herbology?" "Me." I said. "I'm good too but Delaney is better. We also have a very strong connection here. Since Professor Sprout teaches here." "She's one of the few teachers I like. Bedsides Snape." Valerian leaned against a desk in the room and I said "I like potions. But am terrified of Snape." "Don't be. He's not as harsh as you think. He's been quite good with me. And Draco unfortunately." Hazel rolled her eyes at the mention of Draco. "Just keep your head down and do Snape's potion work and he'll warm up to you. Maybe not as much as the Slytherin students but he'll gain respect for you. Both of you." I nodded and Hazel said "that'd be cool. And is there a reason he likes you so much?" Valerian shrugged and said "if there is, I don't know the reason." Hazel sat on the desk he was leaning on and asked him about his family. I opened a herbology book, not paying attention to the two of them. "My dreaded family is not something you want to know about." Valerian said. Hazel groaned and said "come on, Valerian. They can't be all bad." "Yes, they can. I don't want to talk about it. I don't like talking about my ancestors." My eyes flickered up to look at him talking to Hazel. Hazel looked down at the ground and said "sorry. I guess I'm homesick. And everyone talks about their families. I didn't know." "It's fine. My parents have expectations for me that I have to live up to. It won't be till the next year or two but it's something I'll have to do." Valerian said. Hazel nodded and said "I hope you're family doesn't go too hard on you." Valerian shrugged. I put down my herbology book and slowly made my way out of the classroom, leaving Hazel with Valerian. I went back to the bathroom to see if Harry and Ron were finished yet. "Who's there?" Hermione's voice said. "It's me." I said. She sighed and said "Delaney, I took the wrong hair for the Polyjuice potion. It's cat hair. And I'm a cat." I walked to the stall and opened the door. "Hermione..." I said. "That's why I didn't go with the boys. I assume they're still with Draco. Maybe you should've went with them. To keep them out of trouble." I shook my head at her. "They're fine. Even though they need us the majority of the time." Hermione chuckled and closed the stall door. I felt bad for her. "Hermione?" "Yeah?" "Are you scared what will happen if the chamber of secrets is opened? Or is found? Or the heir of Slytherin?" "Yes, a bit. I am muggleborn. It scares me that something could happen to me." "Do you think I could be affected?" "You're half and half. Possibly." "Hermione, we talked to Draco!" Harry said as him and Ron rushed in. "Go away!" Hermione said. Ron furrowed his eyebrows and I noticed the two of them were clad in Slytherin robes. "Who did you two pose as?" I asked. "Crabbe and Goyle." Ron replied. I made a face and Harry said "Hermione? Are you ok?" "Wait till you see. It's awful." Myrtle said as she hovered behind Ron. Harry opened the door to reveal Hermione's accidental effect of Polyjuice potion. Hermione sighed and said "look at my face." "Look at your tail!" Ron exclaimed happily. Hermione looked at the ground and Myrtle laughed at Hermione's discomfort.


The last couple of months have been unbelievably stressful. Kids were getting petrified. It was a cause of the creature that lived in the chamber of secrets. Colin Creevey was the first. I felt horrible for him. I had made a small bond with the young boy. The second was Justin Finch-Fletchley. The students being petrified made me nervous. I always made Ron, Harry, or Fred and George walk me to class. As I was terrified. Today, the Weasley twins were walking me to Herbology. I was in between the two of them as we walked. Lee was accompanying them today. "Thank you guys. Again." I said in a small voice. George looked down at me and said "it's no problem." "Hey, anything that keeps me out of potions is ok in my book." Fred said as he nudged Lee. Lee started laughing and I said "you guys aren't scared?" Lee looked over at me and said "of the chamber of secrets?" "Of being petrified." "Kinda. I feel like you have to be alone for that to happen. Or a muggleborn." Fred hit Lee on the arm and said "Lee!" "What? I'm just saying. No disrespect." As we came up on the Herbology classroom, Lee turned on his heel and said "guys, come on!" Fred turned to look at him while giggling. "Thank you, George." He smiled at me and said "of course, Delaney. How about next time, I'll walk you to class. Fred and Lee can go play pranks together." "But, they'll pull pranks without you." I told him. George shook his head and said "that doesn't matter. What matters is if you're feeling comfortable walking to class. You're Ron's best friend so you're mine too." I smiled at him and went to turn around to go into class but stopped. "George?" "Yeah?" "Will you walk me to potions today?" He nodded and said "of course." I went into herbology and sat down next to Hazel who said "falling in love with George Weasley?" I rolled my eyes and said "shut up. He's nice to me." "He's nice to everyone." "I wanted him and Fred to walk to class with me. I'm scared of the whole chamber of secrets thing." I said the last part quietly. "Why're you walking with my brothers? I could've walked you to class! You could've asked me!" Ron said while throwing his hands in the air. "Sorry, Ronnie. You were with Harry. The twins just happened to be in the right place at the right time." "Bloody hell." Ron mumbled as he rolled his eyes. Harry looked at me and said "don't be scared about the chamber of secrets." "Can't help it." I replied with a shrug. "I think she has the hots for your brother, Ron." Hazel teased. "You'd better not! They're two years older than you." Ron said in a matter of fact tone. I scoffed and said "so?" "So, they're too old for you!" "If I did like one of them, which I don't, that's not too old, Ron." "Well, I'd be weirded out if you started dating Fred or George." I narrowed my eyes at him and said "I'm not going to date Fred or George."


"This is horrible. Just horrible." Ron said as tears formed in his eyes. "Hermione..." I said softly. Harry stared at the table in front of us, not saying much. "We can't do this without Hermione." I looked at Ron and said "you guys have me." Harry half smiled at me and said "yes. We do." "Hermione was holding this piece of paper. I think she figured it out." Harry displayed the paper for Ron and I to see. The both of us looked at it and I said "a basilisk!" "You know what that is?" Ron asked. "It's basically a big snake." Harry nodded in agreement and said "she's right." "How do you know so much about magical creatures?" I shrugged and felt Ron's eyes on me awaiting an answer. "Magical creatures and herbology interest me greatly. I hope to have a profession in one of them someday." "Kinda like Hagrid?" Ron said. I nodded and Harry told Ron and I to follow him. The three of us walked down the hall as Ron and Harry spoke. "How did the bloody thing get around?" "Pipes." "The pipes? It's using the plumbing?!" "And if you see it in a reflection, you get petrified. Colin saw it through his camera and Hermione saw it through her mirror." "What about Justin?" "He must've saw it through Nearly Headless Nick. And Nick can't die twice, can he?" "He's a ghost." "And Mrs. Norris? She didn't have a mirror, Harry." "The water on the floor. She saw it's reflection. We need to go talk to Hagrid." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why?" "He knows something. Just trust me." Harry replied. The three of us rushed off to Hagrid's, taking Harry's invisibility cloak with us. When we got to Hagrid's, Harry began to explain everything. I listened to Hagrid intently as he explained that Aragog wasn't the creature. I was quickly pulled under the invisibility cloak as the minister arrived; with Lucius Malfoy. I went to say something snarky to him and Ron covered my mouth, shaking his head. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and then remembered; we weren't supposed to be here. I nodded and Ron slowly removed his hand from my mouth. "If anyone really want to find out what's going on, just follow the spiders." Hagrid said as he was being taken away to Azkaban. We waited for them to leave and Harry threw the cloak off us. "Follow the spiders. Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?" Fang, Hagrid's dog followed us as we ventured into the Forbidden Forest. "I've never been in here." I said. "We have." Harry replied. I stayed close to the two boys as I was terrified. Fang and Harry led the way. Ron jumped at every noise we heard in the woods. The spiders crawled along the ground. I was getting the creeps as we followed them. I absolutely hated bugs and spiders were at the top of that list. We reached a somewhat open area that was covered in spider webs. A rumbling sound was heard as an Acromantula revealed itself. I gasped softly at the creature. I didn't think I'd ever see one since an Acromantula was a creature I particularly didn't want to be near. "Hagrid?" A voice said. Ron's eyes widened and Harry said "we're friends of Hagrid's. You're Aragog, aren't you?" "Yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before." "He's in trouble. Up at the school there've been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the chamber of secrets, like before." "That's a lie! Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets!" "Then you're not the monster?" "No! The monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land, in the pocket of a traveller." Ron had scooted closer to me as I was in between Harry and Ron. Ron looked around and said "Harry." "Shush." Ron whimpered and looked at all the spiders around us. I grabbed Ron's arm out of fear, clinging to him. Ron looked at me and I said "what?" "Nothing." "I'm as scared as you." Ron gulped and said "I'm gonna have a bloody heart attack." "But, if you're not the monster, what did kill that girl 50 years ago?" Harry asked Aragog. "We do not speak of it! It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others." Aragog replied. "But have you seen it?" "I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me in. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. Then Hagrid brought me here." "Harry!" Ron said as he tapped him. "What?" Harry said in an annoyed tone. Ron whimpered and pointed to the spiders above our heads. I held Ron's arm even tighter and I felt him grab my hand. "Well...thank you. We'll just go." Harry told Aragog. "Go?" Ron nodded up at the spider in fear. "I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye, friends of Hagrid." Ron turned to Harry and said "can we panic now?" Harry noticed the spiders closing in on us. Harry and Ron kept me in between them as they got their wands out. I did the same. "Know any spells?" Ron asked. "One. But it's not powerful enough for all of them." "Where's Hermione when you need her?" Fang barked at the spiders, trying to keep them away from us. Then the flying car appeared. It opened it's doors and the three of us rushed to the car. "Go, Fang!" I told the dog as he ran in front of me. I climbed into the backseat and Ron and Harry were up front. "Drive!" Ron yelled. Harry started driving the car and the spiders chased after us. "Hurry!" I said out of fear. After a minute or so it seemed like we were safe. I leaned back against the seat and Ron said "that was close." Then a spider grabbed him from behind, it's long legs going around it's neck. I screamed out in fear and went to grab my wand. I aimed at the spider, Ron moving his head. "Arania Exumai!" The spider was then blown away. Ron panted and said "thanks for that." Harry looked at me in shock and I said "what? I know spells too. Hermione isn't the only smart one, you know." "I'll remember that." Harry replied with a chuckle. The car drove us back to Hagrid's hut and we all got out of the car. Ron said "follow the spiders? Follow the spiders? If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him!" The car then drove back into the woods. "I mean, what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out?" "We know one thing. Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets. He was innocent." Harry said as he turned to us.

This chapter took way longer than intended and I'm so mad that it did. But, here it is and I hope you'll all enjoy it!

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