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Chapter five
Delaney's POV:
Mostly everyone was going home for Christmas. I watched kids pack up their trunks and be more than excited to go home. Ron and his brothers were staying back since their parents were going to Romania. I wrote a letter to my mother, asking for her permission to stay back with Ron for Christmas. She allowed it which shocked me. Harry wasn't going home either, didn't say why. I adjusted my glasses and began making my way to the Great Hall. "You're not going home for Christmas?" Draco asked me. I noticed his trunk and he was dressed in normal clothing. "No. I'm staying back. Ron is staying with his brothers so I thought I would too." I said. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and said "it's your first year. Don't you want to be home with your family for Christmas?" "Yes and no. My mum is a former Slytherin and wanted to me to make friends with a few of them. I haven't. So, I'm a bit afraid to tell her that and would rather tell her later. And I like being here at Hogwarts. As homesick as I get sometimes, this place makes me feel so happy." I said. Draco nodded and said "I kinda like this place better than my own house. Don't tell anyone I said that." I nodded and said "I won't." "Well, if you do change your mind and want to go home and face your mother, you could tell her you're friends with me." "Really?" Draco nodded. "Most Hufflepuffs I dislike. But, you're different. I'd say we're friends." Draco half smiled and I said "we're friends." He nodded and said "I gotta go." "Happy Christmas, Draco." "Happy Christmas, Delaney." I started walking away and Draco stopped me. "I like your glasses." I smiled and said "really?" He nodded and left and I walked into the Great Hall, sitting down next to Ron. Him and Harry were currently playing Wizards Chess. I was never any good at it. Hermione mentioned that Harry and Ron needed to look up things on Nicholas Flammel in the restricted section and then left to go home for Christmas. "Nicholas Flammel?" I said. "Yeah. Hermione thinks the three headed dog guarding whatever it's guarding has to do with Nicholas Flammel cause Hagrid said the name when we asked him about the dog." Ron said as he made a move, eliminating Harry. "Beat Harry again, eh, Ron?" Fred said as he sat down next to me. George pushed himself in between Ron and I. "Hello, Delaney." He said. I looked at George and said "hi, George." "Are you staying back for Christmas?" I nodded. "Cool. You can hang out with us!" I smiled at the older boys and Ron said "no, she's hanging out with me. Go find someone else." Fred pouted at Ron and George said "sharing is caring, Ronnie." Ron rolled his eyes and said "we can all hang out together. But, Laney and I haven't really hung out much lately. Now, we have a chance to do that." "Looks like he's staying back too." Hazel said as she sat down, pointing out Valerian. "Are you staying as well?" I said to her. Hazel nodded and said "yeah. He seems a bit sad." "He's not sad. He's a Slytherin. They're incapable of having feelings." Fred and George said at the same time. "You guys don't know that." Hazel said. "Slytherin's have one feeling and that's to be pompous." Fred said to Hazel. "Valerian doesn't act that way. What if he's not going home because his family doesn't want him there?" George shook his head at her and said "rubbish." "Why do you guys think that way?" Hazel asked the twins. "Cause he's a Slytherin." They replied in unison.


"Harry! Hazel! Delaney wake up! It's Christmas!" Ron yelled. Hazel and I ended up staying with Ron and Harry in the Gryffindor common room. Hazel and I slept in Hermione's dorm. Hazel and I rushed down the stairs to see Ron sitting with the twins and Percy. "Happy Christmas, Harry." "Happy Christmas, Ron. What're you wearing?" Ron wore a sweater with an 'R' on the front of it. "Oh, mum made it. Looks like you've got one too!" "I've got presents?" Harry was in complete shock. "Yeah!" Harry came down the stairs and picked up his gifts. George, Fred, and Percy were wearing sweaters similar to Ron's except they were green. I grabbed my present and opened it. It was a new skirt along with some treats for Duke. "What's your owl's name?" Fred asked. "Duke." I said. George grabbed a handful of some candy, shoving it into his mouth. "That's cute." His voice was muffled from all the candy in his mouth. Percy made a face at him and I said "don't choke, George." "Ok, mum." He teased. Hazel opened her gifs and got a new sweater from her mom and some candy. Harry ended up getting an invisibility cloak. It was pretty cool. Percy left us to go grab us all some hot chocolate. "Do you want one?" Fred held out a jelly slug for me. "Are they good?" I asked curiously. My mother never let me have the wizarding candy that was sold at Honeydukes and other places. "Are they good, she asks." Fred nudged George who giggled. "I've never had them. My mum doesn't let me eat candy." "Do you get crazy when you eat candy?" Harry questioned. I shook my head and said "no. My mum just doesn't let me eat it." "Why?" Ron said. I shrugged. "Well, you're definitely trying some now. These'll change your life." George said as he offered me one. I took it from him and the twins watched eagerly as I tried it. "Whoa." I said as I immediately fell in love with the candy. "You should try my favorite. Chocolate frogs. And chocolate wands." Ron said as he gave me a piece of his chocolate wand. I smiled at him and he scooted closer to me. I was very fond of chocolate and was never able to have it. "That's so good." Ron smiled and said "do you like chocolate?" "I love it. I hate that I can't ever have it." "We'll change that." Ron offered me his chocolate frog. It was the only one he had. I shook my head and said "I can't take that." "Yes, you can. I get them all the time, when I can. You've never had one." Everyone's eyes were on me and I took the chocolate frog from Ron. Percy then came back into the room with hot chocolate.

I wasn't going to update until after Christmas but I got inspired and yeah!!

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