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Chapter eight
The Flying Car
Delaney's POV:
We were late. The train was about to leave and we needed to be at the station soon. It was quite hectic. Molly sent the twins and Percy through and onto the platform. Molly and Arthur then went with Ginny. Hazel went after them. Harry and Ron decided they'd go at the same time and I'd follow them through. But they didn't go through the wall, they crashed into the wall. I gasped and grabbed my cart so it wouldn't hit Ron or Harry. I gulped as I realized we wouldn't be making it onto the train. "It leaves at exactly 10:00 we've missed it!" Harry said. "Harry, if we can't get through. What if mum and dad can't get back?" Ron said to his best friend. "Maybe they went back to the car." Ron gasped softly and said "the car." He then convinced Harry and I to take the car to Hogwarts. I was unbelievably stressed. "We're going to get in so much trouble." I said, running a hand through my hair. "No, we're not. We'll make it to Hogwarts. I promise." Ron said as he pulled my to sit next to him. Ron started the car and it started to fly. "The muggles. Oh, god." I covered my face. "Ron, I should tell you, most muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." Harry told him. Ron nodded and said "right." He pushed a button which made us go invisible. After a while we found the train track and Ron looked at the dashboard. "Oh no! The invisibility booster must be faulty!" Ron said. I pulled at my hair and Harry told Ron to go lower so we could find the train. I climbed into the backseat to check on Duke and Hedwig. The sound of a train horn entered the air. "We must be getting close." Ron said. Harry then looked at Ron and Ron looked at Harry as we realized we weren't catching up with the train. I climbed back into the front where Harry had been sitting since he moved closer to Ron. The train was now behind us and Ron had to swerve out of the way to make sure the train wouldn't hit us. Then the car door flew open, causing me to fall out "Ron!" Harry said as I clung to the car door for dear life. I looked down at the train underneath my feet and panted. "Laney, take my hand!" Ron said. I reached for his hand, using all my strength to do so. He had grabbed my hand but my hand slipped out of his. "Ron, pull me up!" He scooter closer to the edge and had my hand but it slipped out just as it had before. "Hold on!" Ron said. "I'm trying, Ron! You're hands all sweaty!" Ron rolled his eyes and used both hands to pull me up into the car. He grunted as he did so, slamming the door shut behind me. I hugged him out of fear and nuzzled my face into his chest. "Thank you." I whispered. "Y-you're welcome." Ron replied. I then pulled away and Ron and Harry switched places once again, Ron starting to drive the car. I scooter close to Harry, not wanting to be anywhere near the door. "I'll switch places with you. If it makes you feel better." Harry offered. "Really? Thank you." I said. Harry and I switched places. "Thank you, Harry." "No problem." We finally reached Hogwarts and I felt so relieved. That was until Ron couldn't land the car properly. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Ron said as he hit his wand on the dashboard of the car, his wand snapping in half. I covered my mouth and we immediately went crashing into the Whomping Willow. Harry looked around at the predicament we were in. Ron looked at his wand, his eyes widening. "My wand! Look at my wand!" Ron said in a high pitched voice.


Ron gasped. "What's happening?" His voice was even higher than before. I reached for Harry's arm out of fear and the large tree began smashing the car. Ron gripped the steering wheel as the branches came down on every side of the car, glass shattering. I buried my face into Ron's shoulder as the window next to Harry busted. Small screams came from Ron and the car then fell out of the tree. I hung onto both boys who were just as scared as I was. The car then ejected us, me landing on top of Ron. Hedwig and Duke were ejected as well. I caught Duke and Harry got Hedwig. Ron's rat went flying. "Scabbers! You're ok!" Ron clutched the cage close to him. Then all our luggage was thrown onto the grass and the car drove off, leaving us alone. Ron shook his head while sighing. "My dad's gonna kill me." "My parents are going to kill you! We're late!" I said to Ron. "We'll be fine, Delaney. Don't worry." We took our things and rushed into the castle, trying to get to the Great Hall. But Filch made sure we didn't. Snape reprimanded the three of us. "If it was up to me the three of you would be on the train home tonight! Expelled!" My eyes widened at Snape and Ron's did the same. "Lacework, I never thought you'd do something like this!" Snape said to me. "Professor, I was just trying to get here. To school. I enjoy being here." "Your mother never would've done something like this." I frowned and Snape told Ron he had damaged the Whomping Willow. To which Ron replied "I think it did more damage to us." "Silence!" Snape said. I looked down and bit my lip, wanting my punishment to be over. Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall entered the room. Along with Professor Sprout. I gulped and Professor Sprout said "Delaney, I'll have to write to your parents. And take a few points from Hufflepuff." "How many's a few?" I asked. "Not many. About five to ten." I furrowed my eyebrows and she pulled me closer to her, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "I won't punish one of my students who wants to learn. You're also one of my best herbology students." I smiled up at her and we were dismissed. Ron shook his head at me and I said "what?" "I heard Sprout. She let you off easy!" "So did McGonagall. She could've expelled you. You heard Snape. Imagine if we were in Slytherin. Our Hogwarts careers would be over." Harry nodded and said "she's right, Ron. It could've went a lot worse." "But, McGonagall's writing my mum! I'm in for it!" I left Ron and Harry and went to sit with the other Hufflepuff's. My brother scolded me for not being there on time. I explained the whole situation and he said "mum's gonna flip." "I know. But, I made it here. I want to be here. With my friends." Aiden nodded and said "just don't do it again." Hazel wanted to know where I had been and just like Aiden, I explained it to her. "Ron saved you?" Hazel asked. I nodded and said "he did." "He wanted to be your knight in shining armor." "No way! He just saved me because he had to. And because it was the right thing to do." "If you say so." I shook my head and disregarded her comment. She was trying to insinuate that Ron possibly liked me. There was no way. I was still young. I had just turned 12 and wasn't crushing on anyone my age. If I was being honest, I thought George was cute and that's cause he's older than me. After dinner, I quickly went back to my dorm to unpack. "Delaney." I heard someone's voice said. I turned around to be met with Draco Malfoy. He approached me and I said "Draco." "How was your summer?" I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what?" "Your summer. How was it?" I was confused as to why he was speaking to me after what happened at the book shop. "Your father. He said those things about my family. He said those things about the Weasley's and you let it happen. You even said things about the Weasley's." Draco rolled his eyes and said "you know I don't like the Weasley's." "Why?" I asked. "Because they're blood traitors." I crossed my arms over my chest and said "well, you could've at least stood up for me." "No, I couldn't. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't." I nodded and said "my summer was fine. Yours?" "Dreadful." He leaned against the wall and I said "why's that?" "My parents do everything they can to make my life miserable. And all I want is my father's approval. I can't ever get it." "I'm sorry about that. I feel that way with my mom." "I'm sure you're family is nicer than mine." I shrugged and saw Fred and George walking by. "Is this git bothering you?" George said to me. I shook my head and Fred said "Delaney, don't let him pick on you." "I'm not." George looked at Draco and said "leave her alone." "I'm not doing anything, Weasley. We were simply just talking." George and Fred were much taller than Draco and Fred leaned down to Draco's level, going to open his mouth but I stopped him. George stood next to me protectively. Draco rolled his eyes and said "see you, Delaney." He left the three of us and Fred shook his head. "Laney, if he ever bothers you or picks on you, let us know, yeah?" George said, sincerity in his eyes. I nodded and said "ok, George." He half smiled and Fred patted my shoulder, walking away with George. I then went to the Hufflepuff common room.

Here's the update! I had a bit of fun writing this since it was a bit different to the stuff I'd been writing before. I'm trying to get updates for this book written and up as quick as possible. It is a bit harder to write these characters when they're so young but I'll get through it. The chemistry between Delaney and Ron will definitely pick up in Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire for sure. But, I do hope you're all enjoying this so far!!

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