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"Delaney, your Hogwarts letter has come in the mail!" Hertha said from downstairs. Delaney sighed and said "coming!" Delaney was the youngest of three children. She'd be starting her first year at Hogwarts. Delaney was quite scared, seeing as this would be the first time she'll be away from home for almost a year. Although she was scared, Delaney was excited to be attending Hogwarts with her brother and sister. Aiden, her brother, was in Hufflepuff. Harmony, her sister, was in Ravenclaw. Hertha, her mother was in Slytherin. Bradley, her father, well, he was a muggle. Magic fascinated him and when he realized he was dating a witch, he couldn't believe it. Since he was a man of science and was very smart and didn't believe in things like that, it was all a shock to him. Delaney came down the stairs and Hertha held a letter in her hands. Delaney had just turned eleven. Harmony was thirteen and Aiden was twelve. Delaney took the letter from her mother's hands and examined it. She gasped softly as she saw her name written in the corner of the envelope. She opened the envelope and started to read it. Harmony and Aiden were reading over theirs as well. Aiden adjusted the glasses on his face and Delaney sighed, going back upstairs to grab hers. She didn't need them all the time but certain times she'd need them more than others. "Looks like we have to go to Diagon Alley to get your things." Hertha said. Hertha approached her youngest daughter and looked at the supplies she needed. "Pretty simple for your first year. Now, let's go off." When the five of them arrived in Diagon Alley, Harmony and Aiden went to look around in different stores. Bradley and Hertha took Delaney to Gringotts. Delaney gasped at the money in her vault when they reached it. She had no idea she had money just sitting there waiting for her. Then they went to get her books and things. She also had to get a wand from Olivander. Delaney noticed a brown owl with white spots. "Mummy, could I get him?" Hertha looked at the owl whose name was Duke. Hertha nodded and bought the owl for her daughter. Delaney smiled at the owl that she now carried around with her. Delaney noticed all the other kids who looked like first years who would be starting at Hogwarts. Her nerves slowly went away but were still there.


Delaney gulped as they were going to approach the platform. She gripped her father's hand out of fear, not reading to embark on this new journey in her life. "Fred, you next." "He's not Fred, I am!" "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother." "Oh, sorry, George." Delaney's eyes went to the two tall red headed twins in front of them. "I'm only joking, I am Fred." "Fred, wait up!" Harmony said as she followed after them. "Hertha, how nice of it to see you." Molly Weasley greeted. "Molly, hello. It's nice to see you. It's Delaney's first year." "Ah, yes, it's Ron's first year as well." Delaney looked to see a red headed boy about her age. He half smiled at her and she did the same back. Hertha noticed Ginny Weasley clinging to her mother's dress. Ron then went through the wall. Delaney then went through the wall with her parents. She stared at the train in awe. "Aiden, make sure you're sister gets on the train ok. And as soon as you get settled, write us, Laney." Hertha said to her daughter. Delaney nodded and looked up at her mother. She hugged her and Hertha said "you'll have a wonderful first year." Delaney pulled away and hugged her father. "Have a great time at magic school. Make sure you write and tell me everything you learn!" Bradley said. Delaney smiled at her father and Aiden took his sister's hand, leading her onto the train. "Aiden, how are ya?" One of the red headed twins from earlier approached them. "I'm good. How are you?" Aiden replied. "Fine. Ready for quidditch this year?" "Yeah. I've gotten a bit better." "We'll see about that, Lacework. I kicked your arse last season." Aiden rolled his eyes and the red head noticed Delaney. "Who's this?" "My kid sister Delaney." "Hiya, Delaney. I'm George." He offered his hand to her and Delaney stepped forward, pushing her curly hair out of her face. "Hello, George." She attempted to be polite as her mother taught her. George smiled at her and his twin brother said "George, come on." "Gotta go, Delaney. Good luck at the sorting ceremony." Delaney nodded at him and said "thank you." Aiden pulled his sister into a cabin and the two of them sat down. "Aiden, how was your summer?" The voice of Cedric Diggory said. "Great! How was yours?" "Quite excellent! Is this Delaney?" "Yep. It's her first year at Hogwarts." "Hi, Delaney. I'm Cedric. I'm friends with Aiden." Delaney looked at Cedric who was being incredibly kind to her. "Hi, Cedric." "Are you hoping for a particular house?" "Maybe Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. My sister and brother are in those. Gryffindor seems nice too." Aiden looked at Delaney and said "why would you want to be in Gryffindor?" "George. He's nice." Aiden shook his head at his sister and said "yeah, I suppose so. Crushing already?" Delaney scoffed and said "as a matter of fact I'm not!" Cedric chuckled as did Aiden.


When they arrived at Hogwarts, Delaney didn't want to leave her brother's side. Aiden explained that she needed to go with the new kids. She followed the rest of the children. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He was introducing himself to the famous Harry Potter. Delaney knew the story and looked at the boy with the scar on his head. Ron Weasley sniggered at his name. Draco turned to Ron and said "think my name's funny do you? I've no need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley." Ron frowned at Draco and Delaney looked at Draco and said "don't be so mean." Draco turned to her and said "and who are you?" "Delaney Lacework." "Lacework. My dad knows your mum. They work together I believe." Delaney shrugged and said "really?" "Yeah. And you should choose your friends carefully as I told Harry. You wouldn't want to associate yourself with a Weasley." "Why? He doesn't seem to be so bad." Ron looked at Delaney, shock in his eyes. This girl who didn't even know him was sticking up for him. Why? Ron was too scared to shoot an insult back at Malfoy. Draco went to open his mouth but they were all met by Professor Minerva McGonagall. She explained that all the kids would be sorted into their houses. Delaney noticed the red headed boy from earlier, Ron Weasley, looking a bit happier as McGonagall explained the Hogwarts houses. And the classes they'd be taking. Of course Delaney had already forgotten his name but she knew he was related to George. A girl stood next to Delaney and said "I'm Hazel." "I'm Delaney." Hazel smiled at her and said "are you nervous?" Delaney nodded and said "yeah." Whispers were heard as the infamous Harry Potter walked by. Delaney half smiled at him and he smiled back. McGonagall led them into the Great Hall where the sorting hat awaited to sort them. Delaney watched as kids would have their name called. "Draco Malfoy." "Slytherin!" "Hermione Granger." "Gryffindor!" "Ronald Weasley." Ron gulped and went to sit down to get sorted. "Gryffindor!" His brothers cheered loudly for him as he was greeted into the Gryffindor house. "Delaney Lacework." Ron looked up as her name was called. Delaney sat down on the chair, the sorting hat being placed on her head. "Hmm, you have some fire in you. You'd excel in Slytherin, like your mother. But your sister and brother are in two completely different houses. You're most certainly like your brother. So, I'll place you in Hufflepuff!" I watched my brother stand up and cheer along with Cedric. "Hazel Aspen." I walked over to the Hufflepuff table and was greeted by my fellow house members. "Hufflepuff!" I was delighted to hear Hazel would be in the same house as me. "Valerian St. Cloud." The room got silent as he approached McGonagall. He didn't even have to sit down for the sorting hat to say "Slytherin." The room was still silent except for the Slytherin table cheering. "Harry Potter." The sorting hat took a minute or two to place him as well. He ended up getting Gryffindor. When the sorting ceremony was over, the feast began. Delaney gasped at all the food on the table. Hazel did the same, her eyes going wide. Aiden kissed his younger sister's forehead and said "are you happy you're with me or do you wish you were with Harmony?" "I'm happy here." Delaney smiled up at him. "Sure you wouldn't be happier with George?" Delaney hit her brother on the arm and said "no, stop! I'd rather be with you!" "I know. Just teasing."

Here's the prologue!! Shorter than I intended but here it is!!

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