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Nancy could barely wait to see Robin again, so when the clock struck 8:30 she quickly rushed out of the house, calling to her mom that she was picking up a friend before shutting the door as she left.

She got into her car and began driving to the mall, arriving there in five minutes flat. She slid out of her car and made her way to the front doors of the building, heading inside and towards Scoops Ahoy.

As she entered the ice cream shop she saw Robin handing an ice cream cone to the last customer of the day, smiling and wishing them a great evening before looking up and catching sight of Nancy. As the customer left, Nancy walked closer to the counter, a small smile lighting up her face.

"Am I too late to order?" Nancy asked teasingly, motioning towards the hanging clock on the wall.

Robin grinned cheekily at her. "Of course not. What would you like, m'lady?"

Nancy's stomach buzzed with butterflies. Her eyes roamed the ice cream flavors in their casing and pointed at one. "I'll take rocky road, please."

"Excellent choice," Robin giggled as she scooped some rocky road ice cream into a cone and handed it to her. "It's on the house."

Nancy looked at her in surprise. "What? No, I can pay— "

"Nuh uh," Robin tutted her, shaking her head. "It's on the house, like I said."

Nancy looked down at her cone and blushed. "Well, thank you then."

Robin emerged from behind the counter after putting her apron away, revealing the outfit she'd been wearing at school, a vintage band t-shirt with ripped jeans and black converse on her feet. Nancy wondered how she could make such a simple outfit look so good.

Robin shut off the lights and the two walked out of the shop, Robin with her hands stuffed in her pockets and Nancy with her ice cream cone in hand. She licked the dessert so it wouldn't start melting and she didn't realize Robin was watching her with amusement flashing in her blue eyes.

"You should sleep over," Nancy blurted without thinking, catching Robin by surprise. "I-I mean, if you want to of course. It'd be fun. Y'know, a little girls night with just the two of us."

Nancy bit the inside of her cheek, waiting on Robin's reply. She pinched her right leg as punishment for being so stupid and winced. Robin probably thought she was desperate because she had no other friends, and that was the last thing she wanted Robin to think of her.

"Okay," Robin finally replied. "Sounds like fun."

Nancy looked at her, searching for any sign that she was joking, but finding none. Robin was being completely sincere. A tiny smile spread across her face and they continued walking across the parking lot to her car.

As they got into the car Nancy handed her half-eaten ice cream to Robin. "Sorry for wasting it. You can toss it out if you want."

Instead of doing that, though, Robin took a lick of the ice cream herself, getting some on her nose. "Mm, not bad."

Nancy giggled, reaching out to wipe the ice cream off her nose. "God, you're worse than a kid when it comes to eating."

"Hey," Robin pouted, "I'm offended."

"Good." Nancy started to drive back to her place and Robin decided to fiddle with the radio, changing each station until she found a song she liked. If it had been anyone else messing with her radio, Nancy would've freaked. But since it was Robin, she didn't mind all that much.

She eventually pulled into her driveway and the two girls got out of the car and headed to the door. They went inside and thankfully her mom wasn't anywhere in sight to ask questions, so she quietly ushered Robin upstairs to her bedroom and shut the door after they disappeared inside.

"Sneaking me in now, huh Nance?" Robin teased, staring down at Nancy who blushed.

"Shut up. I don't want her asking questions."

"Right," Robin smirked, sitting down on Nancy's bed. Nancy decided to sit down next to her, noticing the time on the wall that read 9:25 pm. It was too early to go to bed and neither of them had had dinner yet, so that's the first thing they would do.

"Are you hungry?" Nancy asked the blue-eyed girl beside her.

"I could eat," Robin answered.

"I'll go downstairs and make us something." She hopped up from the bed and left the room to go downstairs, filing into the kitchen and sighing in relief when seeing that her mother wasn't in the room.

She grabbed the bread and started making sandwiches for her and Robin, and footsteps were heard coming downstairs just as she began putting condiments away.

Mike walked into the kitchen dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants, stopping in his tracks when noticing two plates of sandwiches. He reached for one happily. "Ooh, thanks sis, I'm hungry."

Nancy instantly slapped his hand away. "It's not for you!"

Mike stared at her in confusion. "Then who's it for?"

"My friend that's spending the night," Nancy answered as she picked up the plates and pulled them out of his reach. "Where's mom anyway?"

"She got a late shift at work," he replied, still eyeing the sandwiches she was holding.

Nancy nodded, making her way towards the stairs. "Okay, well, me and my friend will be in my room, so don't bother us."

"But what about me? I'm hungry!" Mike whined from the kitchen.

"You're a big boy, make your own food!"

Nancy headed upstairs and entered her bedroom, finding Robin sprawled out on her bed and staring at the ceiling. The tall girl immediately sat up when seeing her, smiling at the sight of food.

"Thanks," Robin said as Nancy handed a plate to her. "I didn't realize you could cook," she added in a joking tone.

Nancy rolled her eyes playfully. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Buckley."

"Is that so?" Robin looked into her eyes, their knees nearly touching. Nancy could feel her breath hitch in her throat as blue eyes gazed into hers and she was afraid she was going to pass out.

When Nancy didn't reply, Robin touched her hand in concern. The small gesture was enough to shock her like electricity. "Nance? You alright?"

They were so close, bodies almost touching, faces centimeters away from each other. Nancy could count the freckles dotting Robin's skin and the urge to kiss her plump lips was strong.

"Yeah," Nancy swallowed, nodding her head unconvincingly. "Yeah, I'm fine." Sweat beaded on her forehead and she was terrified of what she was about to say next but she couldn't stop the words from coming out.

"Can I kiss you?"

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