A New Day

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The arrival of morning came a little soon for me as I awoke the next day. The sun shone through the thin, closed curtains and was aimed straight in my eyes, to my displeasure. I groaned as i opened my eyes and blinked a few times in distaste at the untimely awakening, but instead of cursing the sun's existence like I normally did every morning, i instead thanked it, for the first time in quite a while i was happy to see what was around me or in this case the little blue ball of fluff sleeping on my chest.

I gazed upon his petite form and smirked it steadily rose and dropped and with the rise and fall of my chest. I sighed softly with content as i ever so gently ran my hand in between his ears and down his back, chuckling ever so slightly at his cat-like purrs. It was overall a very amusing and adorable sight to watch and i wish i could have stayed that way forever but alas a new day has begun and so i must end this precious moment and awake my slumbering, azure écraser. I sat up a bit, just enough so there was a slight slope to my chest, and shook his gently on his shoulder. " Sony...Sony wake up...It's time to wake up now come on." I whispered softly into the triangular cress of his ear.

It was silent for a minute so i was about to repeat my words until a small groan erupted from the depths of his throat, which was then followed by a soft yawn and the opening of one then both eyes. I smiled and kissed the forehead of my groggy brother as he yawned once again and stretched tiredly. " Good morning Sonic, sleep well?" i asked. His response was a tired but sincere smile and a slow nod of the head along with his soft, tiny words of exhaustion. " Mornin' Shadow and yes i slept just fine."

I smiled and nodded, " That's good to hear little one. Well i'm sorry to ruin your rest but it's time to get up and start the day alright?" Sonic giggled softly and smiled, " You didn't ruin anything Shadow, i was about to get up anyways i'm usually an early riser but for some reason i just felt like sleeping in a little longer then usual today. " He said with a small shrug of his shoulders. I chuckled a bit at his words and ruffled his quills a bit, " Well i'm glad, now go on and get your lazy self up. I can't get up unless you are." Sonic tilted his head a bit and looked down, a small shade of red tinted his muzzle as he slid off of my chest. I watched him with a raised eyebrow but shrugged my shoulders. ' He must have crawled onto my chest sometime last night and forgot that he was on there. It's a normal mistake that anyone can make.' i thought to myself as i sat up.

I kicked my feet over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching. " Alright then Sonic you remember where the bathroom is correct?" I asked as i turned back and looked at him. His eyes were locked on the floor as he responded with a nod of his head. I arched a brow but continued, " Good, then you take care of your business in there while i make us some breakfast, sound good?" He nodded once again then stood up and waddled quickly out of the room. ' Hmm, odd i wonder what has gotten into him?' i pondered as i shrugged and walked into the hallway and down the stairs.

While cooking breakfast i hummed a small tune to pass the time, since flipping pancakes and listening to the sizzle of bacon isn't exactly how i would choose to spend my time. I then plated the food and set it on the table along with the necessary fork, napkin, and glass of orange juice. I then proceeded with taking my seat, and waiting for the other to come from his time in the bathroom. Little did i truly anticipate on how long my wait was actually going to be.

I made small drumming sounds with the tips of my fingers as they each individually hit the table top. I had done possibly everything i could in my bored attempt at waiting for my blue younger brother but it was fruitless. I had tried my damnest to stay calm and patience for the crippled creature but after fifteen minutes of drumming on the table i became quite fed up and stood up from the table. The wait for my tardy brother had made me ancy and impatient as i got up and walked up the stairs quickly to the bathroom door. The politeness of knocking completely slipped my mind as my impatience had gotten the better of me and i barged right into the bathroom. " Sonic what in the bloody chaos is taking you so long to get ready for break-...umm...oh i see..."


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