Sleep Tight

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After a semi- burnt, but still edible dinner things started to go pretty smoothly between Sonic and I. He assisted me in cleaning up the kitchen where he told me a little bit about himself and what happened over the past fifteen years that he had been gone.

Once the kitchen was cleaned our conversation moved to the living room where I informed him about the loss of our mother and then a little about what I have been up to. There was a few tears shed during this time, mostly from Sonic, but overall the night was pretty pleasurable, defiantly something i could get used to.

Around eleven thirty our conversations began to slow down a bit and pretty much came to a screeching halt when I caught Sonic falling asleep with his head on the arm of the couch. It was pretty much then that I decided to call it a night and show him where he could sleep.


After a short walk up the stairs and the exchanging of sleepwear and explanation of how to take a shower, Sonic was finally ready for bed. I guided him to a rather familiar room that I'm sure he was quite familiar with as well...his old room.

I watched as Sonic slowly stepped inside running his finger over the dusty wood of the bed frame, and bouncing a bit on the mattress as he adjusted to its comfort and just grazing over every detail with his eyes until they met mine. " Shadow you didn't change a thing about this place... why?" He asked as his eyes never left mine.

I shrugged as I rubbed the back of my neck at a loss of words for the first time that night. ' Why did I not change his room?' As I thought of an answer and looked into those glimmering emeralds I didn't have to think anymore. I smiled warmly at him as I leaned against the door frame a bit and spoke.

" Sonic the reason I didn't change your room is quite simple actually. Changing your room would have met giving up all the memories that we made together, it would mean forgetting everything that was ever important or met something something to me, but overall it would have meant letting go of you and that, my little blue hedgie, is something I will never and won't ever do for as long as you are here or in my heart. "

My smile didn't leave nor did it fade as I gave my explanation and as a result a warm welcoming grin spread across Sonic's muzzle as he smiled and walked over to me wrapping my waist in a warm comforting hug.

" Thank you Shadow that means so much for me to hear from you. I would never want to forget what we went through either because if i did I wouldn't be with you right now."

My heart practically melted at hearing this sweet words of kindness from the little blueberry in my arms. I don't know how long I've waiting to hear such words but I'm glad I was finally able to hear them before too many years pasted.

My smile broadened when I heard him yawn softly. I rubbed his back and nuzzled the top of his head a little as I said softly and in a smooth tone, " Hey maybe we should both get some rest it's getting late don't you agree?"

I couldn't help but smirk as he flashed an adorable heart warming smile at me and nodded, " Yes Shadow I think that would be a good idea." He said.

I nodded and guided him to bed, layed him down, covered him up and even gave a quick peck on his forehead earning a small cute blush from him.

I turned around to leave the room and head to mine, which was literally right next door to his when a peach hand grabbed my wrist and kept me from advancing forward, " Shadow could you umm... could you sleep with me? Just for tonight? Please? I...I don't want to be alone yet." He asked barely above a whisper as he started into my eyes with pleading green eyes.

I couldn't resist his adorable pleads for comfort and nodded as I told him to scoot over and I crawled in next to him. Once comfortable i was greeted with a warm smile and his head being layed on my chest. I smiled at that and hugged him close as I yawned. " Goodnight Shadow sleep tight." He said groggily as us breathing got heavy and he obviously fell asleep.

I stroked his head quills gently and for the first time in over fifteen years I actually purred and took a breather, as I closed my eyes and fell deep into sleep. " Yes Sonic, for once... I think I might actually sleep tight."

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