Chapter 1: Love

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So, I actually had this written down in one of my notebooks for quite some time now. Wrote this when I went to Mexico for my family vacation last year in December to January of this year. And since I was really bored, I bought two notebooks and two pens. and Just wrote. I actually managed to write and finish a complete fanfic. And this one was practically done too. I left off on the last chapter planned for this story. So I thought that I might as well, put it up since I had it practically done.

Sorry about that. I was workin on "Guardians undercover" a while ago, but then I remembered this story, and yeah this hapened. Took me a little over two hours to type this. That's how long it is, and of course I had to fix some things that didn't make sense at all.

Anyways, sorry for any spelling and grammar errors, or if it just doesn't make sense. And sorry for it being so long.



Tsuna has always liked Sasagawa Kyoko. A lot at that.

In a class full of people who bullied him and degraded him for practically his very existence. Kyoko was his only light in that class.

She always smiled. She sometimes smiled at him. Though he knew that she was only being polite, but still it made him happy. He was sad that he couldn't start a conversation with her because he was afraid. And sometimes he hoped that she would greet him once in the morning.

But that didn't matter as long as he could still see her smile in class.

As times passes he knew that he didn't just like her. He loved her.

And it hurt so much not being able to tell her that.

But what could he do about it?

He didn't have the courage that he wishes he had to be able to tell her his feelings. And besides.... who would like someone like him?


Tsuna felt happy that Kyoko finally spoke to him. But sad that it took him being shot with the dying will bullet and asking her out for her to speak with him.

The training with Reborn has begun to have a change in him. His grades have improved just a little, but his self-confidence has grown greatly compared to what it was before.

And that is something tat he is grateful to Reborn aside from helping him with finding the guardians who are now his friends. His family.

Even Kyoko along with Haru have been included in his group of friends. The friends that he holds so dear to him, and would do everything in his power to protect them.

He will admit that Haru has a certain charm to her and is cute, but he does not feel the same for her as she does for him.

'Is this how it is with Kyoko-chan.' He has asked himself multiple times and thinking if he was putting Haru through the same thing he was going through. To make her feel that hurt of loving someone so out of reach.

He knows that Kyoko will never like him in the way he wishes her to. But that's alright. Because love is complicated.

"Loving you hurts." Tsuna mutters to himself as he watches his friends, including Bianchi, Lambo and I-pin and Reborn, all laughing and playing around near the bridge where Haru had fallen off from.

~Time Skip (Two Years Later)~

Even though he didn't want to be Vongola Decimo, he became Neo Vongola Primo. He was going to make a change and he did indeed make a change.

A change in both the Vongola and in his love life.

Over the course of these two years, it seems that he no longer feels the same way about Kyoko as he once did.

Kyoko is merely a friend and part of the family now.

And it seems that he has found his true love.

In a rather.... unexpected person. Very unexpected.

Hibari Kyoya.

~Flash Back (Two Years Ago)~

As Tsyna walked down the hallway in school, he was so lost in thought, thinking about various things.

One of them being Reborn and his spartan training. The whole ordeal with the aftermath of the vindice. He worries that the vindicie might come back soon. And also pondering if he should forget, lock away, his feelings for Sasawaga Kyoko.

He was too lost in thought, that he didn't notice that the hall had mysteriously gotten rather empty. And that a certain perfect was walking down the hall towards Tsuna.


He has noticed for the past few days that Tsuna looks a bit off. And is acting differently. He is acting more like a herbivore rather than the omnivore that he is.

And that annoyed Hibari Kyoya. Greatly.

What was the cause of causing such a change?

He didn't particularly care, but at the same time he felt the need to know.

For a while now he has had his eye on Tsuna.

He didn't know why. But one thing he knew for sure is that he didn't like one bit how much he looked like a kicked puppy whenever he saw Sasagawa Kyoko or when he was alone sometimes.

It annoyed him and irritates him.

And here he is now, walking down the ahll when he sees Tsuna walking towards him. Seeming to be completely oblivious to his surroundings.

"Hm." Hibari hummed as he his way to Tsuna, 'That look again." Hibari noticed that look that Tsuna always had.

And he didn't like it.

"Omnivore, move." Hibari said as he was now a few feet away from Tsuna.

Tsuna blinked in surprise and quickly moved to the side.

"Sorry!" Tsuna stuttered out in fear that Hibari may bite him to death.

Hibari walked by, but stopped for a few seconds barely glancing back at Tsuna, "Unnecessary thoughts and feelings are useless. They distract you." And with that Hibari walked away.

'That's the most I've heard him talk in a while.' Tsuna was slightly shocked.

Though after a while the words that Hibari said began to set in.

~Time Skip (Next Day)~

Neither of them could forget what was said and what was heard.

One wasn't sure why he had said what they had said.

And the other couldn't quite believe what they had been told, and didn't quite understand it either.


Tsuna didn't know why Hibari had told him such a thing, though he thought that maybe it had to do with how distracted he was lately. But he wasn't sure. And that's why he was where he was at the moment.

In front of the reception room where Hibari is.

Taking a shaky breath, Tsuna brings up his hand and knocks on the door.

A few seconds after he had knocked, the door was opened by Kusakabe Tetsuya.

"Sawada-san do you need something?" He asked as he looked down at Tsuna, who was nervously fidgeting.

Tsuna nodded, "Yes. Is Hibari-san here? I need to speak with him." He sounded unsure of himself.

Did he really want to speak with Hibari?

Yes. He did want, no he needed to speak with Hibari.

Kusakabe gave a nod and stepped aside opening the door wider for Tsuna to walk in.

"I'll leave to let you two speak." And with that he excused himself and left, closing the door after him.

Hibari put down the papers he was reading from the clubs asking for new equipment or more money for their club expenses.

Hibari looked intently at Tsuna who was at the moment deciding how to avoid being bitten to death on how he says what he wants to ask.

Deeming that he was taking too long in speaking, Hibari spoke up, "Speak." He demanded.

Tsuna nearly jumped, "Hibari-san.... what did you mean by what you said yesterday?" He asked nervously, hoping that he will get an answer.

Hibari stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking, briefly explaining, "You've become more of a herbivore because of your feelings."

The left Tsuna confused, "What?" Tsuna's brows knit in confusion.

He thought for a while, 'My feelings? I don't get it.'

Seeing his confusion, which irritated him, Hibari stood from his seat and headed towards Tsuna. Stopping just a few feet away from him, though he was close enough that Tsuna could slightly catch fresh scent coming from Hibari. The scent of being outside on a nice cool day.

"Indecisive feelings show that you're distracted. Change that herbivore. Your mind is distracted."

'Indecisive feelings?' Tsuna mused to himself, 'Could he be talking about my feelings for Kyoko-chan?'

While Tsuna was thinking if what Hibari was talking about was about his feelings for Kyoko, Hibari had reached for his tonfas.

"Leave." He ordered when he saw that Tsuna did not move.

Tsuna was snapped out of his thoughts, "Wait! Do you mean about my feelings for Kyoko-chan." Tsuna muttered the last part to himself. But Hibari heard it.

"Hn." That was the only confirmation for Tsuna.


'Hibari-san is right. I've been to distracted.' And with that Tsuna had decided to bury whatever he had for Sasagawa Kyoko away deep down. After all, loving her hurts when it's been such a long unnoticed love. There was no turning back now.

As the days passed, Tsuna did indeed do his best to forget the affection Kyoko. He tried to see her as a friend as a sibling. It was hard for him at first, but eventually it came so easily to see her as a friend.

Maybe it really wasn't love. Maybe it was a part of him that latched onto her because of how she wasn't one of the people who criticized him. And that she would smile at him. So maybe he latched onto that as a way to survive in a way. To survive all the bullying by giving himself something to hang onto.

By now nearly two months had passed, it was now mid November and it was beginning to get colder and colder. And in this time that has passes, Sawada Tsunayoshi no longer has the same feeling he once did for Sasagawa Kyoko.

He felt.... free.

And Tsuna wasn't the only one to notice that change. So did Reborn and Hibari.


It was December 10th when Reborn decided to make a move on that particular Tuesday.

In the early morning the school had sent an automated voice mail to all houses of all the students of Namimori middle. Informing them that all classes had been cancelled for the day because of the weather. And that only some school staff would be at the school, if they wish for more information.

"I'm glad Tsu-kun won't have to fo to school in such bad weather." Nana said after she listened to the call on speaker with Reborn.

During the night it had snowed quite a bit. And by morning a lot of the cars were nearly buried in snow. All the way to the top of the tires was covered in snow.

"I better tell Tsu-kun that he doesn't need to go to school today." Nana said as she glanced up at the clock in the kitchen, it was six thirty in the morning.

Reborn stopped her from leaving the kitchen by telling her that he would tell Tsuna about not having to go to school.

Nana smiled and thanked Reborn before going back to finishing preparing breakfast which she had already started.


Reborn's smirk widened as he jumped on the bed of a sleeping Tsuna.

It was now six fifty in the morning, and Reborn was taking his sweet time in telling Tsuna that classes had been cancelled for the day.

In fact....

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna time to wake up." Reborn held leon hammer in his hands and brought it down onto Tsuna's head. Though Tsuna managed to wake up in time to avoid it.

....Reborn had no intention of telling Tsuna that classes were cancelled. Reborn knew for a fact that Hibari would be at the school, and he wanted to see how things played out.

"Reborn! Why can't you for once not use some deadly way to wake me up?!" Tsuna exclaimed.

"Hmph. A mafia boss must always be on guard. And be ready for anything at any given moment." Reborn said as he jumped off Tsuna's bed, "Since you've woken up today, you can enjoy your breakfast then get ready for school." Reborn said, "I'm being generous in waking you up early, don't waste it dame-Tsuna."


Tsuna yawned as he made his way down the stairs.

"Good morning." Tsuna told his mother as he sat at his usual spot at the table.

Nana smiled at seeing her son and greeted him as well. Nana didn't question that Tsuna was away rather than still be asleep after having been "told" by Reborn that classes were cancelled.

'Guess Tsu-kun couldn't go back to sleep.' She thought to herself.

Nana set down a cup of espresso in front of Reborn. Some hot chocolate for Tsuna since it was cold and he had asked if he could have some. And a cup of tea for herself.

She then set down the plates of food.

Toast, eggs, bacon, rice and a bit of miso soup for the cold weather.


It was a bit odd, for Tsuna that is, that Reborn didn't steal his food. Or the fact that Reborn didn't do anything at all to Tsuna.

And that was suspicious.

Almost afraid, actually he was afraid to aske Reborn if he was planning something. But he was he was curious.

Chewing on his piece of toast was the only thing that kept him from asking the questions that were swimming around in his mind.

'Is he planning something? is being so quiet a part of a plan? is he bringing over some mafia related person?!' Tsuna swallowed the piece of toad he had been chewing.

Nana watched as Tsuna and Reborn energetically spoke. Tsuna asking why Reborn wasn't doing anything, and Reborn asking if Tsuna actually missed having something happening like every other morning.

She sat down and ate her breakfast, she would prepare breakfast for the others in the house once they were awake.


After having finished his breakfast, Tsuna excused himself and headed up to his room to get changed for school. It was already seven twenty in the morning.

Nana quietly laughed, "I guess Tsu-kun really is sleepy and wants to go back to sleep."

Ten minutes after Tsuna had left to get ready, he came running down the stairs. And miraculously not falling. As he reached the last steps, he zipped up his sweater and heaved his bag onto his shoulder.

"I'm leaving now." Tsuna called out as he quickly put on his shoes and left the house.

Nana was confused as to why Tsuna was leaving. He didn't have any classes today.

"Maybe Tsu-kun forgot that you told him that classes were cancelled." Nana directed to Reborn.

Reborn smirked, "Maybe. He'll figure it out on his own in the end."

Nana sighed as she shook her head, "I guess I'll get some soup made since Tsu-kun might be cold when he comes home."


Tsuna thought that it was weird that neither Gokudera and Yamamoto weren't there waiting for him as they usually are every morning. But then he felt a strong breeze of cold air. And figured that maybe they went ahead of him since it was too cold to be waiting outside. Or maybe Reborn had something to do with it, maybe that's why Reborn was so quiet this morning?

He was to worried about arriving late that he didn't notice that he was the only student heading to school. He didn't notice until he was at the school gates. There was no one in the court yard. N o sign of HIbari or any one of the disciplinary committee at the gate.

"There's no one here!" Tsuna exclaimed. It was at that moment that he remembered Reborn and how he "generously" woke him up early and let him eat his breakfast in peace.

"This is his doing isn't it." Tsuna sighed in resignation.

While he stood in front of the school gates, he heard the crunching of snow behind him and he quickly turned around.

"Hibari-san!" Tsuna exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" Tsuna then mentally facepalmed, 'Of course, Hibari-san is always at school.'

Hibari nearly raised a brow, "What are you doing here omnivore." Hibari demanded an answer, "There are no classes."

Tsuna sighed as his shoulders slumped, "I figured as much." Tsuna shivered when a cold breeze came by once again.

Hibari looked completely unaffected with the cold, whereas Tsuna looked like a small kitten or puppy shivering in the cold.

Hibari had opened the gates and went in, and told Tsuna to follow him. Well, more like Hibari told him with just one look to follow after him.

His unasked questions was answered, Hibari briefly told Tsuna that classes were cancelled because of the bad weather.

"What are you doing here then?" Tsuna quietly asked as he sat himself onto one of the couches in the reception room.

Hibari ignored his question, and walked over to the desk and placed his right hand on a stack of one of the three large stacks of papers.

"Since you are here. You might as well make yourself useful and sort these out." Hibari stated as he picked up one of the stacks and set it on the coffee table in front of Tsuna.

He had to sort the papers from which were important, which weren't and could wait or be thrown out, and which were requests from clubs or from teachers. Each one having their own stack.


They both spent the next few hours in a comfortable silence. Though at first Tsuna was a nervous mess, and at times dropped some papers and apparently Hibari had noticed because he threatened Tsuna to either work or get bitten to death.

It turned out that Tsuna actually liked Hibari's company. It was quiet. The only sounds were the shuffling of papers and the occasional sounds of Hibari writing or using his stamp.

"It's not so bad being with Hibari-san." Tsuna thought to himself with a small smile.

As they worked, Kusakabe had come in a few times to bring drinks and snacks, and then later to bring some lunch for them.

~Time Skip (Hours Later)~

It was now three in the afternoon. And they were finally all donw with sorting and signing papers.

Tsuna sighed as he streched out his arms, "Finally we're done."

"Tomorrow as well." Hibari said breaking Tsuna out of his feelings of contentment.

Tsuna froze mid stretch, "What?" He said still holding his arms out in front of him.

"Tomorrow you will also sort papers." It wasn't a request, it was a demand.

Tsuna tried to find a way out of this, "But if we have class. I can't leave class." Tsuna said as he let his arms drop to his side.

Hibari was not having any excuse, "Before class, during lunch and after class." That was final with the tone of voice he used.

Tsuna sighed in defeat. And that's how Tsuna's life was for the following days.

And at finding this out, Gokudera was very upset and nearly wanted to go and blow up Hibari with his dynamite. But was stopped by both Reborn and Tsuna.

Reborn claimed that this was a good chance for Tsuna to get a better bond with Hibari, and also to get a feel for dealing with paperwork since as future Vongola boss he will have to do paperwork.


As the days, weeks and months passes, Tsuna and Hibari had indded become more comfortable with each other. Though that still didn't stop the threats and occasional getting bitten to death for arriving late.

But it was nice being in silence together. Neither knew when, but both of them had secretly began to look forwards to working with the other.

Reborn was finding this rather interesting as he watched the two slowly grow an interest with the other.

The moment that Hibari staked his claim on Tsuna was four months after having Tsuna help sorting the papers.

It all started when Tsuna had arrived late and Hibari had asked (demanded) to know why he was late, and was told that it was because he was talking to Kyoko. Hibari was not pleased.

So the next day when Tsuna came in the morning, Hibari asked Tsuna a question.

"Omnivore have you sorted out our feelings."

Tsuna paused for a while and slowly nodded, "I.... I think I have. I realize that I don't feel the same way I did before for Kyoko-chan."

'Why am I telling him this?' Tsuna wondered to himself.

At hearing this, Hibari stood up from his seat and walked over to Tsuna who standing near the couch.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi from today onwards you belong to me."

Tsuna glanced up at Hibari. Caramel meeting silver blue eyes, and the only thing he could utter was a single, "Eh?"

Tsuna was confused, "What did you just say?" tsuna muttered out.

Hibari repeated what he had said, "You belong to me."

He was surprised, shocked, but.... oddly enough he was happy at what he heard. And from there their relationship grew, and within two weeks everyone at school knew about Hibai and Tsuna being together.

His friends were the most shocked. Especially Gokudera and Haru, who both nearly fainted from the shock. Yamamoto congratulated them and so did the others.

Nana was happy with the news, though she was upset that she couldn't have an grandchildren.

"Oh, you two can always adopt!" Nana had happily exclaimed.

~Flash Back End (So LONG)~

Having been in a relationship together was something that they both needed, and wanted.

Tsuna's feelings for Kyoko were no more from the moment that he had begun to help Hibari with his work.


Tsuna weaved his fingers through Hibari's hair as HIbari used Tsuna's lap as a pillow once Tsuna had sat down on the sofa in the reception room.

"Happy anniversary." Tsuna said with a smile. Today was theri second year as a couple.

Hibari opened his eyes and looked up at Tsuna. He raised up his hand and caressed his cheek and murmured a few words that made Tsuna smile even more.

"I love you too." Tsuna answered back to Hibari's 'I love you.'


So what did you guys think of the first chapter? Was it good? I know it was too long. My fingers hurt from typing too long. It's 11: 27 p.m and I started typing this a bit past 9 p.m I need to go to sleep soon, have to wake up early to get ready for class tomorrow. Always try to wake up at 6:30 a.m to get ready.

I've just been putting up new works, and don't even update my other ones. I need to focus more. Though I do like the ideas of my other new work, but I wish I could just stop working on new ones.

So that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed it.

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