Chapter 2: Too Late

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Like I had mentioned in the previous chapter, I already had most of this fanfic written in a notebook.  It was too late last night to continue with this part.  It was late.  Anyways, this chapter was much shorter than it is here, I had to add more to it.  If it hadn't added to it, ,it would have been at around four hundred words or so.  I added more after the 'Loving you hurts' part.  And it ends up so cliche I guess.  After this, there is only one more chapter, though that one isn't finished yet, but I have a part of it written, so I can work with that.

I actually don't like the part I added to this to make it longer, but I didn't know what else to add.  So I just went with the first thing that came to mind.

Also a little fanfact: this story wasn't going to be named "Loving You" it was going to be called, "Loving You Hurts" but I ended up changing it when I was typing up the first chapter.

Anyways, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors or if it just doesn't make sense or it's not good at all.



By the time she noticed it was too late to do anything.  If only she had noticed earlier.

If she had noticed, maybe she wouldn't be hurting so much at seeing them together.  Her heart wouldn't be aching so much.

'Maybe this is what he felt when I never noticed how he felt.' She would always think to herself when she was alone, and whenever she saw him.  And saw how happy he felt.

The longing she felt hurt.

When she had finally noticed and realized that she could do nothing, Hana had told her, "You're too late Kyoko.  When he loved you, you never noticed.  You never noticed him.  And now that Sawada is happy with Hibari, you finally notice your feelings."

Kyoko had hoped that Tsuna still felt the same for her, still liked her.  But it was clear as day, that those feelings were something of the past.  Feelings that were long forgotten.

Yes, she knew she was too late to notce her feelings.  Two years too late.  Now in high school at sixteen years old she realized that she may have liked Tsuna a bit back in middle school.

But she never noticed.  Though she did notice that she would get slightly upset when Haru would say that she would marry Tsuna.  But she never paid attention to it.  She was to oblivious to it.  And oblivious to the feelings she had for Tsuna, and to the feelings that Tsuna had for her in that time.

Kyoko could only accept that Tsuna and Hibari were happy together.  And she would move on, no matter how hard it was.

Hana and Ryohei had surprisingly started to date each other.  Gokudera had somehow ended up with Haru.  Though they still bickered  a lot, but it was obvious that they loved each other.

Chrome was single, but still with Mukuro.  So, it wouldn't be a surprise if they end up together sometime later in the future.

Almost everyone around her were in a relationship, or had someone they liked/loved.

And she was alone.  She only had that ache in her heart.  But not for long.

Because she will move on.  It's too late, and she doesn't want to ruin anything by saying anything.  By saying how she felt.

And besides it hurts to think about it.

'Loving you hurts.' Kyoko thought as she finally decided to move on.

She would not let herself be controlled by these feelings.  And seeing Tsuna and Hibari so happy together fueled that decision even more.


(A Few Weeks Later)

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, Kyoko closed the gate to her house.

She was going to go to the park to meet up with Haru to go together to a new cake shop that had just recently opened up.

The occasional crunching of the leaves under her feet as she walked was rather relaxing.  She glanced around the area watching as the light breeze made some of the tree branches sway.  How the breeze made a few leaves fall to the ground.

To absorbed into the sight around her, she didn't notice the person coming up around the corner.

Their shoulders bumped into each other.

"I'm so sorry.  I wasn't looking to where I was going." Kyoko quickly apologized she bowed her head repeatedly.

The person who she had bumped into merely smiled and shook their head, "It's alright.  I was in to much of a hurry that I didn't make sure no one was around.  I'm sorry for bumping into you.  Are you hurt?"

Kyoko looked up and found herself staring into the most deep blue eyes she had ever seen.  It was as if she was seeing the ocean in a person's eyes.

She shook her head, "No.  I'm okay.  How about you?" She asked the other.

The other person smiled and shook his head, "It's all good.  I'm James by the way." James introduced himself.

"I'm Sasagawa Kyoko."

James smiled, "Well nice to meet you." He sheepishly rubbed arm, "Would you mind directing me to Namimori high school.  I'm not from around here, and I got lost.  I was supposed to meet up with my group around here, but I lost them."

Kyoko gave him detailed directions on how to get to the school.

"Alright.  Thank you!" James said as he soon excused himself and left.

Kyoko smiled, "He had the ocean in his eyes." She muttered to herself.


First of all, I'm sorry for not updating my other works.  But after this chapter, I will start up working on the next chapter of "Guardians undercover" I had started working on it yesterday, but I had to stop since I didn't know what to add at some part and I actually had to go back and read through the previous chapter.  And also skim through the chapters that had the most information for what I needed.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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