CH. 28: The answer of drugged memories

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Dear All,

Finally I am able to post CH.28 of "Loving You is Forbidden". Sorry for the delay. I had problems with Wattpad last week and I even couldn't post comments or vote. I read that some of you experienced the same issues. Let's hope it's fine now. Yesterday then, I couldn't post it because I had issues with the washing machine, but now it seems fine.

Now, you will have a VERY long chapter touching a few very important points and I believe you will enjoy it: well, I hope so :-)  I will be looking forward to reading your amazing comments that always really bring me great joy and love. So, let me know what you think of this one!

Just one request please: don't ask me about placing Oleg and Anatoly on a BDSM or D/s situation because it obviously does NOT go with their personalities, story and characters. Thank you!

A big thank you for your votes and comments and message: you are ALL incredible! Sorry I haven't replied yet, but I will.

I chose a picture of our very handsome, badass Tolya (--> handsome and talented Alexander Ludwig) and a song that seemed to perfectly fit with the chapter, in particular the first half (you will see, even if the words might not perfectly go with it, the rhythm does).

I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of you and in particular to my dear  SheliCard as a big thank you for your kind and sweet words in your last comment: THANK YOU. Whenever I hear that my stories somehow help you dear readers, even in a small way, have no idea how happy it makes me! Feel free to share your emotions with me! Or your funny anedocts, if you have any :-)

And now, enjoy the chapter!

"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart." By Haruki Murakami in 'Kafka on the Shore'


"I want you and I need you, Oleg," Anatoly said with rough voice, his eyes burning with many emotions and with raw physical need. "I must feel you or I'll go fucking insane." I felt my lips curving in that smirk that always appeared only for this temperamental and very wild brat, because only Anatoly could move such reactions in me. Only this brat could entirely understand me and share my same needs. "I'm not even sure it's just physical desire or what, but I know that I must be with you now."

We both felt in the exact same way, the same emotions coursed through us and seemed to tangle in invisible strings between us, pulling us closer and closer. I also needed Anatoly, after what today we both risked.

It was not mere physical and sexual desire or need. It was much more. It was the primal necessity to feel the other safe and unharmed in their arms, to connect emotionally and physically, to be close and express our love on a more intense way.

"I would have not touched you in your room, out of respect for your parents and because we are both very private when it comes to this, but Anatoly, as I said before, it is good we are here." My voice gave away the emotions simmering in my veins and heart and it sounded deep, low and craving to have my partner and lover in my arms. My hands lowered under his impossibly to describe ass and suddenly, pulled him up. He reacted immediately by letting go of a quiet swearing word and then, his legs went around my waist, his arms now around my neck. Anatoly was becoming more and more powerful in terms of muscles and I could feel his strong legs tugging me more against him, the strength in the grip, knowing he would soon be in his usual very wild and unleashed mood. "I need to make love with you, Anatoly. I need to feel you in my arms."

His eyes reacted to that and we could not resist the abrupt pull to kiss one another, knowing I was pressing Anatoly quite strongly against the surface of the door and perfectly knowing he did not mind it. His legs tightened around me harder and our erections grinded together, making us ferally groan. Anatoly sank his fingers and nails in my bare skin and I loved that feeling, because it was just as my explosive brat was. He broke off the connection from my mouth and stared at me visibly breathing heavily, his eyes wide and clearly filled with pure desire. I slightly let go of him and his legs went down, but his fingers kept sinking into my back.

"Fuck, Oleg...I could come by just being kissed by you like this," he said with low and husky voice. I doubt he could remotely understand what those words inflamed in me and in my need to drive my lover out of his sanity with physical pleasure and care and love.

I did not speak, because words would be meaningless at the time. I took a step back and he observed me trying to understand what I had in mind, his intense stare feeling as if touching my heated skin. My hands went on the hem of my wife-beater he was wearing and slowly, they removed it from him. Anatoly was breath-taking and his muscles so tensed in anticipation. A view worth damnation. I simply touched him and he closed his eyes, obviously finding pleasure in the way my hands studied the curves of his muscles, the lines of his disappearing inks. He often indulged into drawing invisible lines on my body with his fingers or tongue, and I understood why he loved it.

I squeezed my fingers around the piece of cloth I was still holding and then they dropped it on the ground, as I lost myself in Anatoly's body, touching and grazing each of his curves and lines with my rather eager fingers, with my lips, my tongue and my teeth. His breathing became rawer, louder and it excited me more. His skin was smooth and very warm, pulsing with life and power and evident desire. As my hands concentrated on the tensed back, my mouth moved from the shell of his ear to the neck and then shoulder, while my teeth slightly scraped his skin. His reaction came immediate, because he sank his fingers in my sides and pulled me closer, literally slamming us together. I let out a dark chuckled on his skin and let my teeth play more with it.

"Oleg," he spoke with restrained voice and I found myself smirking. I loved seeing him like this. "Ohhh fuuuuccckkk...this is really driving me mad," he hissed out the moment my hand moved on his very hard and pulsing erection while my mouth closed on his throat, feeling the pace of his pulse increasing significantly. And so did mine.

"You can easily drive me out of sanity, Anatoly," I told him with quiet and apparently even voice when I pulled to look directly at him. The way his eyes shot open for then stopping on mine with such alluring intensity burned the last straw of control.

He grabbed my biceps and in a quick move, he shifted our positions, thrusting me against the door and roaming my body in palpable and ravenous craving. His nose moved on my neck and slowly caressed it, while his hands went to push our shorts down, for then pressing our members together and very slowly sliding his hand on them.

"The smell of your skin right now excites me as fuck, Oleg," he spoke on my neck, purposely letting his tongue slightly tease my heated skin. Anatoly was such an enticing and provoking lover and he was aware of the effect his words had on me. His hand slid on our erections and he pulled back to stare at me, his eyes showing blatant satisfaction and bratty arrogance in seeing how his touch rendered me. Then, he let go of my hardness and took a step back, doing something that had the power to complete undoing me: he kept staring intensely at me while he touched himself, slowly slithering the hand down his pulsing and powerful erection, for then sliding up even more slower, shuddering in pleasure. I took a deep breath and growled out a warning.

"Anatoly." He smirked at me and did not stop moving his hand on his erection and I felt something completely slashing in my deepest core, while my excitement reached dangerous levels. He perfectly knew what he was doing and I knew how to repay it. We loved each other uncontrolled and unrestrained; we loved each other at our most free and wild self.

In no time we found ourselves flat on my bed, all our pieces of clothes discarded on the floor and our naked bodies strongly and fiercely tangled in a passionate embrace. I could hear his rugged breathing and mine echoed it, as we kissed more and more, as our hands relentlessly touched and grabbed our heated skin, as our hard members pressed together and sparked more and deeper desire. I pinned his wrists at each side of his head in an unyielding grip and took control over the kiss, entirely pressing my naked body on his, feeling his muscles react at our connection.

We rolled on the bed and our kissing grew in passion and intensity, while our skins were sleek with sweat and the touching became harder, more feral. But, as we burned in each other's arms, as we consumed in each other's excitement and ecstasy, we slowly calmed down and our touching became softer, yet so intense and emotions-filled that we could not stop staring at one another.

I murmured how much I loved him countless times and I could not get enough of hearing his quiet and joy-filled, slightly shy chuckles. Their sound caressed and enticed my heart and I found myself more and more drawn to him, my lips tenderly kissing and caressing his face, his neck, his torso and his muscles, until I reached his groin and took his hardness in my mouth. I loved hearing the way he hissed and at the fact he threw his head back with closed eyes and parted lips.

"Oleg..." he breathed out and I took his erection more in my mouth, until I pulled back and once more hovered entirely over him. His eyes shot open and smiled at me, while one of his hands grabbed my hair, but this time without the usual aggressiveness or wildness. "I love you and I also don't want anything happening to you," he voiced with a note in his voice that left me breathless.

"I know, Anatoly," I only replied and took his mouth for a slow, yet intense kiss, conveying in it all my love. Our lips connected and moved together, our breaths mingled and we rolled on the bed, finding Anatoly on top of me, his fingers digging into my hair and scalp. I pulled away and began to stroke his hair, calmly and never leaving his eyes, seeing him visibly relax and lean more into my touch.

"Soon you'll have birthday," he suddenly remarked and I said nothing to that, not having celebrated such occasion in many years, but instead I gave a faint nod. "Would you mind celebrating it with me?"

"No," I answered without needing time to even think about it. I might have not celebrated my birthday in the past years for several reasons, but as I stared into Anatoly's eyes and as I contemplated his smile that was a mixture of shyness, eagerness and barely masked excitement, I knew that this year everything would be different. I did not need to celebrate it per se or for myself, but it was obvious that it was going to be important for him. That day meant something else for him and I believe I comprehended his feelings. He looked taken aback by my frank and straightaway reply. "What is it?"

"You just freaking surprised me, because I wasn't expecting you be this easygoing. You said you never cared about that."

"Indeed, it never really meant much."


"So what, Anatoly?" I already knew what he wanted to ask, but we had our private game in this and I enjoyed it very much. In particular, I enjoyed the slightly annoyed expression he threw at me and the way he rolled his eyes.

"You know what I want to ask, you annoying bastard, but alright, let's say it out aloud and clearly: why then this year is fine?"

"Because of you," I only answered and let my lips caress his forehead, then the tip of his nose, his mouth, his chin and again his lips. His eyes spoke enough words and he rather wildly took my mouth with a heated kiss, pressing the entire weight of his body on mine. The fire in his touch triggered many emotions, among them smouldering and ravenous desire; I growled as he let his hard erection stroke against mine and in no time, I rolled us over, staring down at his wide open eyes.

"I desire you," I simply murmured and I did not miss the way he swallowed down.

It was not mere physical desire driven by sexual need; no, it was a deeper and stronger need of being connected to him and feel him in his usual explosive way.

"Fuck, you know I fucking want you, too," he told me with very rough and almost impatient voice, while his hands grabbed my ass eagerly, tugging me closer to him while he pressed against me more and more. I took a deep breath and pushed myself up, bracing my palms on the bed sheets, staring down at his vivid and challenging eyes. I felt chained to them and I felt emotionally chained to Anatoly. He gave me a typical smirk of his and pretty much shoved me on my back, taking strong hold of my hands, our fingers firmly intertwined. "If you keep staring at me like this, I'll take advantage of it, hot bastard," he voiced with a heated and rather haughty note.

"Will you, brat?" I provoked him and witnessed the way his eyes assessed my naked body and at the way his chest was moving in erratic breaths.

My fingers strengthened the grip around his and he said nothing, only smirked more and then, a difficulty repressed groan left my mouth as he closed his warm mouth around my erection. This punk here was beyond words and this was another reason I could not afford touching Anatoly were we in his room. It was a real effort to control my reactions and voice as we tangled naked in bed, as he took my hardness deeper and deeper in his mouth, slightly and carefully grazing at it with his teeth, for then letting his tongue slowly taunt it, drawing the entire length of it. I tightened the grip on his fingers more and bit back another growl.

"Anatoly," I had to warn him and my tone of voice was unmistakable. He shot his eyes at me, but did not stop from issuing me almost crushing physical pleasure with his mouth and tongue. He allowed me even deeper in his mouth and my head trashed back as my eyes shut close. He was about to shred my sanity. This punk was about to drive me out of my mind. "Anatoly," I called him with an order implied in that one word and he only gave me a more arousing glance. I stopped my eyes on his and levelled my voice, still dripping of the sensual pleasure coursing through my body and invading my senses. "Anatoly, I will come soon if you do not stop."

"I wouldn't mind it," he replied as he smiled more.

"I want to feel you in a different way." His eyes quickly reacted to my words and it was all I needed to free my hands and grab his wrists, pulling him on top of me, our lips a mere breath away. "I want to feel you entirely and I want you to feel me completely." He swallowed down and I let go of one of his wrists, to reach the drawer of the nightstand. I quickly got what I needed, never leaving his eyes. He took the small bottle from my hand and I arched a brow.

"Let me," he said almost sounding like an order and I did as he wished.

The view of Anatoly coating his hands with lube for then slowly and sensually massaging my very hard member took all my control to resist the devastating pleasure and excitement it gave me. I was breathing deeply and slowly on purpose, trying to level what his hands triggered in me and how the way he stared at me made me feel. I moved one hand and tangled it with his, feeling it sleek with the gel and so, I also began to stroke him. Our eyes never unlocked and the only sound we could hear in the room was our rugged breathing. He swore under his breath as I intensified my stroking and his head fell in front. Anatoly was a view that would never cease to completely ensnare me mind and heart. I slid my fingers on his thick and pulsing erection a few more times, while he did the same with me. I halted a moment to claim his mouth and I coated my fingers with more lube; while I kissed him, with him still stroking me, two of my fingers slipped inside of his ass and I bit his tongue to contain my growl.

It always felt incredible.

"Fuuuuuckkkk," he hissed in my mouth and for a moment I worried I had hurt him, but he pushed his tongue more avidly in my mouth and bit me back. "Fuck I love when you do that," he very quietly muttered, breaking the kiss. "Do it again," he ordered and I complied to his demand.

Such an explosive lover he was, so dangerously and impossibly exciting. My fingers moved more inside of him, adding another one and he let out such a tantalizing yet restrained moan that the control I managed to barely leash before in order to not being too rough on him snapped completely. Still with Anatoly on top of me, I thrust inside of him and we both had to crash our lips together to contain our groans.

I stayed inside of him without moving, solely savouring the feeling of him so warm around me, of his incredible and round ass in my hands, of our lips connected and drinking from each other's excitement. I broke the kiss and he did not like it, but as my words left my mouth, his eyes burned.

"Touch yourself, Anatoly," I pretty much ordered him, because that view always enhanced every possible sensation and pleasure in me. He was a damning view. He followed my order and his eyes held mine with such stare that my heart thundered in my chest and my blood roared in my veins and mind. I never stop from thrusting inside of him and, while he let his hand move on his hard member, he moved on me and his other hand went to grab mine and pushed them connected flat beside me. He leaned closer and he softly kissed my lips.

"I fucking love you," he said and the way he said those words, the way he looked at me piercing right through my mind and heart, wrapped around my senses and I almost felt physical pain for how much I loved him, knowing it was not possible convey it entirely with mere words or gestures.

"I know how you feel," he murmured and then, our love making and my thrusting inside of his enticing ass became slower and more intense, deeper in terms of emotions and feelings, a way of also connecting our souls. Every stroke was powerful yet tender and we softly touched our lips, smiled, shared breaths, our eyes always staring at each other, reflecting our feelings. He tried to restrain another groan of pleasure and I could not take my eyes off his face, of his muscular and defined body and the way the muscles contracted in sensual ecstasy.

One of my hands went on his hair and my fingers tangled in it, first pulling it slightly and then guiding his mouth on mine for another incinerating and intense kiss, while we rolled on the bed and I hovered above him, still sliding inside of his incredible ass, still taking him avidly, still pressing our naked bodies together, sleek with sweat. I moved from his mouth only to close my lips on the fading tattoo on his neck, scraping it with my teeth and getting more excited by hearing Anatoly hissing in the great effort of keeping remotely quiet.

"Ahhh fuuckk...I love feeling your teeth, Oleg," he breathed out and I knew that. We both enjoyed this rather primal way of expressing our desire and love. Thus, my teeth and tongue more taunted and grazed the heated skin of his neck, feeling the cords of his muscles tensing and shifting beneath me, his strong legs twisting with mine. His fingers went to grip my hair and I loved how he pulled it.

I moved on his mouth again, but did not touch it. We slowed down the pace of our love making, as I very slowly thrust inside and then even slower slipped slightly out, our breaths mingling and our eyes locked in a stare that spoke many silent words only our souls could understand and hear. The tip of my tongue lightly licked his lips and then I spoke to him.

"I want to also feel you, Anatoly." Only being inside of him was not enough tonight. And with that, I pulled out of him and he immediately pushed me on my back, without saying anything, getting on top of me with his typical wild and aggressive way of being in these moments. It was arousing beyond words, but it was also more than that. It was my temperamental and impulsive Anatoly.

He grabbed the small bottle of lube and without wasting time, he poured some of the substance on his hard erection and some on his fingers. The way he looked at me made my entire body vibrate with more desire and he saw it, given the lopsided, rather cocky smirk appearing on his lips. I found his face then a mere inch away from mine, his breath warm on my lips and his eyes blazing.

"I also need this," Anatoly said with rough voice and he then lowered his mouth on mine, while his fingers began to work inside of me. He harshly bit my tongue and I growled in his mouth as excitement ran feral in my veins. "Fuck, I can't wait and resist you any longer," he swore out and at once thrust inside of me. My head fell back on the bed sheet and my hands took hold of the pillow where my head lay on, trying to control what was coursing in me. It was an impossible task, so I grabbed his ass and pushed his hard and powerful member deeper inside of me.

"I want you wild," I pretty much ordered and his eyes reacted to it, just like his body. He began to drive in me with fierce intensity, clearly driven by his rather impulsive side, and my hands kept firm on his ass, guiding his shifting and penetration, making him penetrate me harder and deeper. "This is what I want, Anatoly," I spoke with very dark and pleasure-filled voice.

He said nothing to it, simply thrust in me more and more, first strongly and rather aggressively, then he took one of my hands and, connecting our fingers together, he pushed them flat on the bed sheet beside my head, while he completely lay on top of me, his tongue now deep in my mouth. His other hand went on my erection and slid his fingers on it in a rhythm that would have me last not long. My hand pressed on his ass and guided him in me, until he thrust inside very deeply and we stopped a moment to simply stare at each other, breathing unevenly, only savouring this instant of complete physical and emotional connection.

The moment he moved again, we both were hit by a powerful and overwhelming orgasm that led us moving more, Anatoly penetrating me with more strength and me allowing him inside more. I gritted my teeth to contain the growl of blinding pleasure brought by the climax and Anatoly, to silent his own, crashed his lips on mine and the kiss we shared drove us to the highest level of physical pleasure possible to experience.

We stopped moving when the orgasm completely rode off, leaving lingering strings of it in us, Anatoly breaking the kiss and roughly breathing on my mouth.

"Fuck...this was very intense," he said swallowing down loudly. "I thought I'd pass out." I could see him taking quick and sharp breaths and the same applied to me.

"I can say the same," I quietly spoke, slightly caressing his lips with mine. "You have no idea how you are while making love, brat." We both smiled and he then rolled to my side, his back on the bed sheet and his head touching my shoulder.

We stayed in silence for a while, simply cherishing each other presence, our hands connected and then, he looked at me and I knew what he wanted to talk about.

"Do you remember the night you found me under the effect of some drug, when I still was part of the gang?" I only nodded, because the memory of it was never easy to recall without wishing to shred the vermin part of the gang in pieces, yet it was also the time I came to realise about my attachment for him. "I just remembered that the drug was given to me by Skull, saying it was something new and that I was really going to enjoy." He shook his head. "Fuck! That shit was so damn strong and fucked up that you remember the way you found me and the way you somehow helped me. But I took less than that asshole told me to. Thank God. It messed up with my mind and memories for a few days, because I couldn't remember shit of what happened."

Indeed, I also remembered that detail, for when I tried to confront him, Anatoly genuinely did not recall the events of the night and I could see it on his face: he had incomplete memories, only flashes and bits of images. He had not felt very sick, but the consequences had been different and more dangerous. This is why when it happened again during that school party it drove my anger to new levels. When it first happened to him, it had been very difficult to maintain my usual composure and not hunt those pieces of human filth down. I have been told to look after him and not take care of his gang; perhaps, I should have done it.

"What did they give you?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"I think some stuff they were working on and they used me and Vince as Guinea pigs, me in particular, because they understood how fucked up I was." I fisted my free hand and closed my eyes a moment. I had a devastating and burning need to get my hands on those pieces of human trash and issue them the much deserved punishment. I had suspected something similar since the moment he told me he remembered facts right after today's events. "Oleg?" He called me and I moved to my side, staring at him silently.

"Forgive me; I needed a moment to regain some calm." He touched my face a moment and then smiled.

"Should we shower, maybe?" I considered his question and agreed on it, because it was evident he needed more time to properly process all the information he had and possibly, because talking while we moved around made it easier for him.

"Yes, Anatoly." But before getting up, his eyes halted on mine with an expression I did not like to see on him: haunted and worried, ghosts from the past lurking in them.

"You were right, Oleg, of course you were," he muttered out, shaking his head. "Leah is not the name of a person," he said with deadly quiet voice. Indeed, I had suspected that for some time already and what Marlon informed me about the other day only added more certainty to it. "I think it's some code name for some new fucked up and rather dangerous drug." I did not speak and only untangled our hands to go caress his hair. "But I think that someone is involved in this and I think I know now what I overheard." I waited for him to talk. "That shit killed someone, even if I have no idea whom the person was or how it happened." He paused a moment. "There is more, but let's go shower first."

Now everything made sense and all the pieces fell together in a complete picture. The doubts I had for months cleared up and, as my eyes observed Anatoly's expression, I knew what had to be done.

"What are you thinking about?" He then asked me, piercing my stare with his now sharp one.

"I just realised that this cannot be dealt as the case of today," I replied directly looking at him and his jaw tensed up, like his entire face and he went to say something, but I prevented it. "You perfectly know I am right." He stared at me as if wanting to drill my mind and then, he snorted out.

"I damn know it, bastard. I know it, but I just don't like it."

"Have faith in me, Anatoly."

"Fuck, you know I freaking trust you more than anyone else, Oleg, you know that and..." He shut his mouth at once as he looked at me, understanding what my words really meant. He moved closer and touched my lips with his for a brief moment. "I do trust you," he told me seriously and I nodded. "So, you do the same." There was no bargaining out of this and it was clear in the way he stubbornly assessed me.

"I do trust you, Anatoly." And I really did.


We quickly showered and we did it together, still in need to be with one another and feel the other close. We shared more kisses under the warm water of the shower and we discussed more about my drugged memories that suddenly surfaced the moment Mrs. Palmer tried to run over us both. Why that particular moment triggered them? The answer was very easy. As we lay in bed in his room, for there was no freaking way I could sleep without him tonight, Oleg pressed his muscled chest on my back, one of his arms wrapping on my side and the other bent so to caress my hair. Oh God, I loved when he did that and he perfectly knew that calmed me down a lot. He has always known it.

"I need to talk to Vince, because he'll surely remember more of this or maybe, he'll be able to hear something else." I dug my nails in Oleg's arm wrapping around my waist and then let go. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I muttered like some moronic dumbass and he chuckled quietly behind me, the sound a balm for my sense and growing anxiety.

To think I never heard him remotely laugh before...before we became like this. Well, Oleg never really laughed anyway, but whenever he did it, the sound was for me special.

"I did not mind it, brat," he replied and pulled me closer to him, the warmth irradiated from his stone-made body lulling my senses and making me feeling good in a way I wasn't able to properly describe. "You think what happened today triggered your memories because something similar might have killed that person, right?" Of course, he had guessed right, but the problem was that I wasn't sure of it and...I cursed out loud and he immediately tensed up, knowing why I did that. The answer was very easy indeed. "Tell me everything," he said quickly and I turned around so to look at his face.

"No wonder today triggered everything: that lunatic of Caden killed someone like that, by running the person over with his motorbike. I didn't witness that directly but I overheard Skull and another of those assholes talking about that and when they realised I was there, they offered me more shit to chuck down, which I obviously didn't refuse because I was a fucktard then." And because in that moment I had been shit scared of that asshole and of the lunatic we had for leader. But this wasn't necessary to be said loud and however, Oleg surely guessed it by the way he studied my face, for the nodding. He hated that memory as much as I did. No wonder he took it so badly when I got drugged during that stupid Halloween's party.

"He left New York because of a problem with a small drug dealer, you said once, correct?" I nodded and waited to hear more. He did the math and arrived at my same conclusion. Conclusion I had to make sure of with Vincent. "I have investigated into this and you are aware of it. I received some extra information from Marlon the other day and I believe we both know that Caden left New York for two reasons: to lie down quiet for a while to avoid an open exchange with that other group and to work on this new drug. Working and trying to produce as much as possible of this drug is the main reason for his prolonged absence and staying away gives him the chance to do it undisturbed.

"It also gives him the chance to probably test it more on others and probably make it even more dangerous." I wouldn't be surprised, but that piece of crap was sadistic and completely sick. He probably wanted to make it so addictive that people would pay a lot to get more of it, but the price and risk were higher than that. Also, that madman must have killed someone involved in this from some rival gang or worse. My head was hurting freaking much. What a gigantic mess.

"Yes, indeed," he simply said with grave tone and it was clear by the hard lines on his facial expression that he was reviewing those memories once more. I tried to push them away. Freaking hell, we went through so much crap that it was a miracle we still were sane. I still believed it was a miracle this man loved me, but I kept that thought deeply hidden in my mind. But then again, as I quickly looked at me, I realised one thing: Oleg and I were very different under some aspects, yet the exact same under other sides.

"Shit, I knew it," I swore out and Oleg pulled me closer. "No wonder he said those words the day I left the company. He is fucking scared I'll remember something and fuck things up, and obviously, that madman wants me dead. Why his henchmen hadn't done it yet?"

"Killing you now would be too risky for them, because it may disrupt this entire operation and attract the police. You left the gang a few months ago, Anatoly. It would take little to make the right connection." So that lunatic asshole was playing cat and mouse game with me, studying the best way to get rid of me, probably also wanting to find where I really lived. Fuuccckk!

Vince was in real deep danger and I had to warn him. He had to leave the gang, or else they were going to use him, because I remembered those scars on him. They understood he hadn't really beaten me up as he should have done, they understood his intent. Shit, shit, shit. He had to get his ass out of there.

"What Marlon told you about him?" I asked with uncertain voice and he detected it into me.

"What is it, Anatoly?"

"I am worried about Vincent," I replied honestly and he pondered over my words a few seconds for then slowly caressing the side of my face, lingering the thumb on my upper lip.

"I do not plan to involve Vincent Dalton and have him in a dangerous position. We will talk to him and advise him how to move and when to move. He should leave the gang as soon as possible, because we both know in what position he stands. I will also talk to him, for I have methods that can persuade people." What would I do without Oleg? I mentally shook my head: I would do freaking nothing without this incredible bastard. I smiled at him as replied and his lips quickly brushed my forehead. "I hope he will not be as stubborn as you in listening to advices and orders." I chuckled at that, for Vince surely wasn't as stubborn as I was, true, but he still had his issues in following into ranks.

"He won't be an easy subject for sure, but thanks, Oleg. I'm sure your methods will work out," I joked in the purpose to lighten my worry, but whom was I trying to kid? "Now, tell me: what has Marlon discovered about Caden?"

"That he met with another drug dealer residing in California and that it is where he is hiding right now." The way he spoke made me understand he couldn't wait to get his hands on that piece of shit and well, so was I. He had given me such crap that freaked up my memory until today and that could've sent me straight six feet under. "I have no doubts what he is doing now: he is testing the ground about his coming back not for fear of being caught, but to let his minions do the first dirty job in starting to distribute the drug. He is merely observing from a safe distance. He receives reports for sure about the outgoing of the new distribution and once he will gain more power and distribution territory, he will take care of his other pending problem"

"That other rival group, right?" He nodded. "My head is about to split in thousand pieces. I am not sure what Leah stands for, but we'll get it somehow, I assume."

"It is the least of our priorities right now. It probably is the code name given to this drug. What it means does not concern us. The important is that you remembered everything and you know what is left unsettled with that vermin." I gulped down at the severe and threatening note in his voice. "He will be back soon, because his second mentioned it, correct?" No need to confirm that. "I will talk to Vincent Dalton about this and I stay alerted." He became silent for a moment and then he spoke again. "That piece of trash with all chances is aware that you know the effect that new drug can give to people. It can be lethal, correct? The side effects killed that first person, who probably took the entire dose of it."

I nodded, because his men spoke about something like that. When they talked about the man Caden killed it was related to the devastating effect that shit had on people: it could really send you six feet under if taken in full dose. He probably realised that wouldn't make a great advertisement if made public and he shut people's mouths. I swallowed down, trying to think what kind of shit he created in these months. That was sick on unthinkable levels. Why had I associated myself to such monsters?

"Stop thinking about that. You never did anything of the sort and you never took part to such deals." How did he always manage to read into me?

"How do you do that?"

"You suddenly become completely silent and your eyes void, averting away from me as an immediate reaction. I can see the guilt written all over your face and paining you." His hand stopped on the side of my face and I saw something in his eyes I never witnessed before. It completely punched the air out of my lungs. "I hate to see it on your face. It pains me, Anatoly. I know how it feels, but we both moved forward and paid for our mistakes, you told me this, remember?" Fuck me, I loved this man to lose my mind.

"Yeah, I said that to you and yeah, you're right. It's just not easy and," I decided to go back to the main issue, "and well, that lunatic surely is aware I overheard those two maniacs talking and thinks I'll soon go to the police the moment I remember everything, right?"

"I am sure of it."

"Caden wants me dead, how wonderful is that?" I said with dripping sarcasm.

First psychotic Mrs Palmer tried to make my life a living hell in school, involving people around me, and then, this drug addict lunatic on my neck. I let go of an anxious sigh and my eyes searched for Oleg's. I could see how he went silent, setting his hard stare on me, in a very resolute way. I knew that look all too well. Why was I even worrying about this? I wasn't alone in this gigantic mess. No, I had this incredible man beside me; but he was very human and a bullet would kill him. I felt my fingers digging into the muscles of his arms: they were as hard as concrete, strong and unyielding. But they were made of blood and flesh. That crazy bitch tried to run over us with a car, yet she had no gun. Caden wouldn't think twice about shooting at us. My grip on him tightened.

"What is it, Anatoly?"

"Nothing, just reminding myself a few things." He read into me and I felt pathetic, but it wasn't possible to hide anything from him.

"I can understand your fears, but I have been through worse, believe me." How could I ever forget the scars on his body? How could I ever forget what he told they had done to him? But it was different now. He no longer was a soldier. He was my man, my partner, my damn stubborn and hot bastard. He smiled at me a quick moment and caressed my hair, aware of the effect it had on me. "I give you my word that nothing will happen to you. I will not let them touch you. I swear it, Anatoly." I swallowed down at the intensity of his words and smiled in response.

"I don't want anything happening to you, so I guess we'll have to watch over each other's back, hmm?"

He chuckled at my words, slightly relaxing and letting one arm snake around my back, his lips quickly pecking the tip of my nose, as our bodies pressed together. He was always so warm and always felt like pulsing and living rock. I loved it.

"Indeed, we will have to do so. So, try not being the usual impulsive and reckless brat." The smirk on his full and damn so hot lips kick-started my blood and more in me.

"You try not being your usual stubborn and I-am-superman bastard, got it?" I replied back in kind, snorting at his words and tone of voice, but I let it go as he smiled in a way that had my heart almost stop.

"I mean it, Anatoly. Do not worry about this, we will solve also this problem and then it will be over." Yeah, I got what he meant and he was damn right: after this gigantic pain in the ass over, everything from my fucked-up past was gone and behind for good. "We will talk to Vincent Dalton together," he said with commanding voice and I went to counter-debate, but let it go. He was right. This hot bastard was always right, so why bothering?

"Fine, fine," I muttered out and then nested closer in his arms, wanting to simply sleep in them, even though I was aware it wasn't going to happen with my thrashing around during night. Given the question he asked, Oleg must have read into my emotions and mind another time.

"Will you go to school tomorrow?" His voice was calmer and less hard; it caressed my ears and lulled me closer to him.

"Yeah, I want to kick the ass of that pathetic and moronic shrimp." He chuckled amused, but I believed he would've loved to do the same. "Viola was really pissed earlier and that idiot will get it from many of us. Yeah, I got he didn't do it right to kill me, but well, I doubt he would cry if that happened. Seryozha sure will have fun with him." Right, Lebedev was really going to give that idiotic little thing some hard time and he freaking deserved it.

"I like your friends," he suddenly said and that really surprised, which showed on my face considered the way he smiled and kissed my forehead. "They are good and loyal friends, Anatoly." Yeah, that was true and I then remembered the way he spoke to the Mighty Sasha. Those two could definitely find common traits and it wouldn't surprise me if they would get along. What he said about my friend was very damn true. "We should get some sleep." At his words, I loudly yawned. "Indeed, we should. You must be exhausted."

"Same to you and are you really OK?" He had scratches and bruises for what he did today and it was hard to look at them and not explode in another outburst of temper.

"I am good, Anatoly." He kissed my lips tenderly. "Now sleep, we both need it. Tomorrow your parents will confront the principal of your school and your mother will definitely give him the worst time of his life."

"Yeah, no freaking doubts. Mum will kick his ass and then kick everyone else's ass, if they have something to say against it." I smiled thinking at her badass side and then yawned even more, almost cracking my jaw. Damn, I was really tired. "Yeah, we both need some sleep."

"I love you," he murmured on my lips. "Thank you for standing in front of me today." I could only try to imagine how hard it was having experienced that for a man like him, so I merely shook my head, avoiding saying useless or stupid words.

"I love you," I said back and another yawn followed and without realizing, I fell asleep feeling very good.

Oleg woke me up when he finished showering and he was almost ready to get dressed in one of those dark suits he always wore. I was still drowsy and feeling broken after that crazy day and so, I lay there simply observing him moving around, seeing he walked without showing the tiredness that heaved me down. The room was lit by a feeble light coming from the lamp he had on the desk, probably in the intent to not disturb my sleep. We looked at each other and I spoke first, with a voice that sounded terrible.

"How do you feel?" I asked and my eyes glued to his naked upper body and to his left side, where the scratches and bruises were now in full display. I clenched my jaw thinking at the way we made love last night. "Err, are you OK?"

"Anatoly, stop worrying about me in this way. I am perfectly fine and no, you did not hurt me last night when we made love. " Damn, he had read into me another time. "If anything, I loved it and I needed it," he sincerely said and I noticed how freaking hot he was as first thing in the morning, perfectly shaved, wearing nothing but black tight boxers, walking around oblivious to cold and in all of his huge, inked and sturdy glory, probably not so oblivious of my blatant staring. I was a lost case when it came to this man.

"I should go to my room," I then said, realising why he had waked me up and I silently thanked his eerie efficiency. The last thing I wanted was to face my brother's sure to come jokes and my parents' effort to look natural. Not that they would mind me sleeping here with Oleg, but I knew how mum was happy in seeing both her sons attached to partners she loved. She would probably smile in that conspiratorial way, that each time made me want to disappear.

"I believe it would be better, if you want to avoid certain situations," he quietly replied as he opened his closet and pulled out an impeccably ironed white shirt that stretched over his muscles and inks once he wore it. Oh joy...I was very hard and my heart thundered in want for this beast here in front of me, so I tried to mask it. Somehow.

"Who does the ironing?" I asked out of curiosity, because his clothes always looked perfect, but also trying to cool myself down.

"I take the suits to the dry cleaner for obvious reasons, but I do take care of my shirts." My mouth fell open at that and he did not miss it. "What?"

"You must be kidding me." This beast of a man was not real; sometimes I honestly had to make sure he was.

"I am used to it, Anatoly." I thought about that and yeah, of course he was used to it due to his being in the Army and all. I got up and walked to him, letting my eyes roam in his closet, for a change.

"This one always looks good on you," I said without realising that as I pointed at dark grey suit and he quickly brushed my messy hair and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead.

"I will then wear this one for today." He wore the pants and I kept staring at him, at the way his back bent and at his inks, at the bruises covering his side. My blood rumbled and boiled, and it definitely wasn't because of lust.

"Can we stay together tonight?" I asked grabbing his hand and he smiled back, sensing my rising temper.

"You should spend time with your family tonight, after what happened." I went to counter debate, as for sure my parents wanted him to join us for dinner as a family thing, but he spoke first. "I will sleep here for a few days and I am sure we will have time to stay together." He smiled at me once more and went to select a dark grey tie to match with the suit, but I grabbed it first. He eyed me half amused and trying to conceal that typical smirk of his when he realised how much he turned me on. Arrogant, hot bastard.

"Can I?" I asked, wanting to be the one tying it on him, getting the idea that maybe I could buy him one for his birthday, so he would wear it when working. Not a bad idea, I believed, because that would give him quite the hard time whenever he thought about it.

"Of course," he only replied and I felt his burning stare on me as I tried to make the tie decently knotted around his neck, but as I was done, it didn't look as perfect as he always made it.

"You should fix it I guess," I muttered out to cover the way he made me feel when incessantly assessing me with his dark eyes.

"It is perfect, Anatoly." He grabbed my hands when I went to move them away and that irritating, yet damn arousing smirk was there on his lips. "I definitely look forward to use it on you, but I must admit that I would not mind it you using it with me."

Oh freaking hell. Did he want to drive me insane as first thing in the morning? He had read into my moronic mind all too easily, because I had long dreamed like some horny brat to have this beast of man all in my hands. I gulped down the growing lust and shook my head as to cool my mind a bit.

"You're such a bastard sometimes," I said and he chuckled in a way that sent a chill of pleasure ran down my back.

"You think you can be the only one enjoying provoking?" I knew it, I so fucking knew it. Oleg was terribly cocky when it came to sex between us. And I damn loved that side of him.

"I'll think of ways to use it," I taunted him back and he cracked another dark smirk.

"So will I, Anatoly." And with those words, he took a step back and finished to dress, while I was left with a raging boner and boiling blood. He went to walk to the bathroom, but he stopped and glanced at me. "Right now, I do feel in your exact way, brat."

I bit down a loud curse and stormed out of his room, because I knew my control and temper were about to explode in terms of physical excitement. As I quietly closed the door of my bedroom behind me, realising everyone else was still asleep, I almost ran to the bathroom, for I needed cold water. I sprayed it on my face and rinsed my mouth with it and then, as my reflection stared back at me, I understood that the tension I had felt when I woke up completely melted away. I levelled out a sigh and silently laughed.

Yeah, Oleg was damn incredible and with that thought, I dropped on my bed and slept for another bit, until when mum woke me up. To say she looked like a general ready to march to war didn't make justice to her belligerent expression and dad wasn't looking any different, only more composed and with colder eyes. Dima joined us for breakfast later and said he would have paid good money to come to school with us, but assured me he would bring a new game back in the afternoon, so we could celebrate having this shit over and he could finally kick my ass. I chuckled, because in one thing we were very similar: very goofy when trying to comfort each other.

As the principal of the school stared at my parents and Oleg stepping in his office, it was clear as daylight that he wished to disappear. He eyed the scary bastard obviously worried and trying to mask evident fear, because let's say it all: Oleg might have been a soldier and serve as lieutenant, but in that moment he looked like some very scary dude coming from a world you wouldn't want to mess with. Not to mention the way my father greeted him and made that man feel like some small piece of crap. Then my mother spoke and we all knew that the man was going to resign from his role.

After a rather short confrontation, my parents contacted the scrawny guy's parents and only his father made it to school and, what surprised me, was that he apologised to me sincerely. He didn't look like a father that would harshly reprimand or punish his son, but someone that'd make him understand how stupidly he behaved. The expulsion for that annoying shrimp was mentioned and his father tensed very much, but mum asked to not enforcing it, as she believed that it would do no good. She was right. Kicking him out of school wasn't going to solve his immense stupidity. Enough punishment was going to come once he faced his friends, because both girls were mad at him yeah, but also very disappointed. And disappointment could burn and hurt more than mere anger.

When the meeting was finally over, mum kissed me goodbye and quickly met my friends, inviting them over for lunch on Saturday. I smiled secretly, as she had done the same with my other friends and with the chipmunk, who actually came over to visit me last night. I was starting to be less surprised than before, because it was clear he was quite the cool guy, even if damn cheesy and sappy whenever around my brother.

When my parents and Oleg left, I stayed with Adrian and Viola, along with Sharon and Seryozha that looked about to tear that little's shrimp in pieces. After having explained to him yesterday everything that happened, I was afraid he would literally explode, but after a few curses, he imposed himself some self-control. Right, a bit of ice in the veins was the typical trait of the Lebedev, even if they could also have quite the short fuse. Sharon looked at me and went to talk, probably wanting to explain me why she was there and so on, but I stopped her.

"Hey, I know you're Viola's friend and such, so don't worry. I'm sure you'll keep it for yourself and," but she interrupted me.

"I'm really sorry for what our friend did to you. I never imagined he would agree on giving you some drink that obviously contained something. I'm so sorry, Anatoly, and I'm so mad at him that..." she stomped her right foot on the floor and grinding her teeth, while she clenched her small hands in fists. Wow, she looked positively pissed off. The depressed shrimp better get a ticket for a remote and unknown island. "Can I punch him?" She asked then out of the blue and I burst out laughing. "What?" She asked once more.

"I think too many of us would like to punch some sense in him and he's so damn scrawny and pathetic that he wouldn't be able to take it."

"That doesn't mean I will refrain from that," Sergei grunted out and Adrian observed him, still keeping silent.

"I don't want to talk to him anymore," Viola said with resolute voice and there was something else that tinted the note of her voice: sadness and betrayal. I felt sorry for her and even if that sounded pathetic and lame, I wanted to hug her, but she spoke more. "I feel responsible because I asked you to come to that silly party and because he was always around us and..." I cut this crap and made her tiny body disappear in my arms.

"Stop with this bullshit, V," I told her, for then pinching her skinny ass and gaining an ears-drilling shriek. Lebedev threw a dirty and very ugly stare at me and I rolled my eyes. He could suck it up for now and I was gay, for crying out aloud.


"That's for the gigantic bullshit you just said. You're not responsible for anything, alright? You forget you got involved in this crap? The real responsible idiots are dealing with the police and that little thing called Cameron will get a good smack on his head for what he did without pretty much realising it." I gently pushed her back and she obstinately shook her head, for then, growing tenser and with an expression on her eyes I had never witnessed before. I followed the direction of her staring to my side and eyed the pathetic little fry looking at us paler than usual. He was sweating bullets and no doubts, he wished for the ground to make him disappear. I absolutely wouldn't have minded that.

"Anatoly," he went to talk, but V reacted faster and same for Sharon, as they both stomped in front of him, making him retreat back of a couple of steps. Talking about how scary fairies could be.

"How could you do that?" Viola asked first with quiet and broken voice. She was hurt by the fact that a friend had betrayed her trust, something that apparently had already happened in the past. "How could you voluntary give that drink to Anatoly? Didn't you think about the consequences? I cannot believe you did this and agreed on something so silly. Tolya is my friend, don't you know this?"

"He was sick for an entire day," Sharon added and it was clear she wished to have Harley Quinn's baseball bat in her hands.

"I...I...I'm sorry, but they told me to just give him that drink and I didn't think it would be so bad...later I realised it was Oliver that asked me and professors were there, so I thought he just wanted" To get some lighter revenge, I got that. I sighed out and massaged my forehead, trying to control my temper. This guy was hopelessly stupid. I went to talk, but Seryozha anticipated me by slapping the back of his neck quite strongly and the shrimp shrank back even more. I'm sure that must have hurt a bit and I sort of enjoyed it.

"What the hell is wrong with you? How can you be so stupid?" He snarled out and I thanked God for having given us some privacy in this part of the school, because we surely didn't need an audience. "Aside the fact that you almost got Tolya to the hospital, somebody else could have drunk it, like Viola or Sharon. What would happen then, ha? It would happen that I would kick your sorry ass six feet under. If your stupidity and selfishness would've hurt Viola, I swear, you'd better be running away from me very, very fast by now."

Viola, Sharon and also Adrian stared at Sergei, all of them expressing different emotions, but my loud and fairy friend was the one that most struck me: she was intensely staring at him as if hypnotized and her lips were slightly open, while her face slowly change from the paleness of before to a brighter and more healthy colour. Adrian quickly smiled and Sharon blinked her eyes a few times for then suddenly hugging her friend with one arm. It didn't surprise me, though. I long understood how that jerk was gone and in love with Viola.

"I'm really sorry," Cameron whined more and my patience was about to go to hell, so I also gave him a good and much deserved smack at the back of his neck. That felt very good, so I gave him another one.

"You wished to see me sick, right?" He said nothing to that. "I know you hate my guts as you hate his," I said, meaning Lebedev. "But you could have fucked it up badly. I got you're immensely stupid and naive, I got that. You probably fed them with information about me, because hey, I was a former piece of trash and bit of payback wouldn't hurt right? Trying to drug me a second time would be fine. I'm sure as hell that they asked you about my classes and shit like that, and you know that she stepped on that tampered ladder that was meant for me? Lucky you I caught her and nothing happened."

My palms itched to slap more sense in his head. He gulped down and went to take a step back, but I closed my hand on his shoulder in a very strong grip. God, how could a guy be so damn skinny and bony?

"Where do you think you're going? We aren't done here," I warned him and he grew so pale that he looked about to pass out. Spineless dimwit. "You're lucky it's us dealing with you and not my man, because you saw him before, right?" He nodded slowly and how much I enjoyed seeing pure fear on his face. "Well, think of yourself lucky he didn't want to deal with a small fry like you. Think yourself very lucky you didn't hurt Viola, or Sharon or Adrian. Or even this jerk here beside me," at those words, Seryozha snorted something in Russian that I decided to ignore. "You're lucky your stupidity got only me, but I'm sure your pathetic conscience will bite your ass, once you'll open your eyes."

He was probably about to cry, but I couldn't care less. He had to deal with his crap. I wanted to honestly punch him, but there wouldn't be real satisfaction in it. But then Adrian stepped beside me and the depressed shrimp looked even more terrified. Right, I forgot how intimidating my friend could look if the wrong people were touched.

"Cameron, I had believed you were not involved into this, because you are my sister's friend. I believed wrongly and I regret it. I'm aware you did not do it on purpose and you didn't pour the drug into the drink, yet you didn't consider the possible consequences." He stepped closer to him and I let go of the shrimp, by now really about to piss himself. "Until my sister says otherwise, do not dare to show your face in front of her, am I clear enough?" That pathetic guy barely had the energy to nod, by now looking almost green. "Do not dare to throw another of your annoying and judgemental look to Anatoly or to Sergey. They might have made mistakes in the past, but they had the courage to pay for them and get things straight." Adrian paused a moment and looked down at him as if wanting to make him disappear. "Now, you take your time to think about your stupid and selfish actions. Anatoly did not try to steal your friends away. You lost them by betraying their trust. Think about this carefully."

Freaking hell, not enough slaps and punches would have hurt deep enough as Adrian's words and the way he assessed that guy. He then turned around to look at me and gave me a quick, rather eerie smile. As I said already, I think I should worry for Vincent.

"I think we are all done here," Adrian said and none of us felt like contradicting him. He spared another cutting and disappointed look at Cameron veiled with intimidation. "Have I made myself clear enough, Cameron?"

"Ye...yes, Adrian."

"That's very good to hear." He then walked to Viola and Sharon, and made them leave. I understood his reaction and also his attitude, as I understood it was all meant as only possible way to make this little shit get some sense back into his head.

"Same applies for me: stay away from Viola until she says otherwise, got it? You're lucky for being this damn small, because I no longer enjoying beating the shit out of a small blockhead as you," Sergei hissed out and then gave him another slap on his neck. "And this is for drugging this queer here."

"How sweet, Lebedev," I joked, but that actually surprised me. I didn't expect it from him and I looked at his back, trying to see if something might be actually growing there. He caught that and asked me in his usual very nice way what the hell I was staring at. I replied in all honesty. "Just checking if your backbone is finally growing or if a nice pair of pink wings are about to sprout out of your back."

"Fuck off," he barked and I chuckled. "So, beat it for now and thank your big damn luck, because you sure have a huge one." He stared at us appearing even more pale and I couldn't resist the annoyance he moved in me.

"You hear the jerk here? Beat it and don't worry: we're not going to kick your ass. I think what your actions caused will bite you hard enough, right? And make me a favour: next time you have a problem with me, get it out straight at me only. Got it?" He slowly nodded and I gave him quite the dark and haunting smirk. He deserved that. "Nice, because we all know where you live," I added with a darker tone of voice and he really had tears in his eyes. Pathetic little thing. "I was joking, you moron." And with that, Seryozha and I left him there on his own and went to reach Adrian and the girls, but before getting them, Lebedev stopped me.

"Are you and that scary man you date fine for real? I never thought that woman would arrive at such crazy point."

"Yeah, she really wanted me dead," I said and then looked at him. "We're fine, thanks. He's a tough bastard," I said while smirking, even though my emotions were on a different tune, and he nodded at my words.

"Am I still on his bad side?"

To be honest, I believed Oleg had put our fight behind and, after seeing Sergei at our house yesterday and being around Viola, he decided to give him a second chance. But where would be the fun in telling so to this jerk?

"Well, you're still not his favourite," I replied and he grunted something out.

"Oh wonderful..." He then pushed his shoulders back and threw quite the sneer at me. "Stop with pinching her ass, got it Denisov?" I burst out laughing at that and he cocked his brows up, looking even more annoyed. "What now?" He barked out and I pressed a hand on his shoulder.

"How sweet of you, Lebedev: you're freaking jealous. Did you forget I am gay?"

"I haven't forgotten, queer, but I'm telling you: stop that."

"Or what?" Taunting and making fun with him was going to be awesome. "You'll punch me? As if that would really hurt."

"Fuck you."

"You, fuck you," I threw back and then we stopped a moment, shaking our heads and both trying to hide a smile. "I'm starving." Lunch time was actually about to approach and it was a miracle we have been all excused from classes and nobody decided to pry on our business.

"Yeah, slapping that idiotic guy made me hungry, too." We walked to the canteen and then he threw an amused look at me. "But I must admit it gave me great satisfaction seeing him about to piss himself."

"Yeah, same here." I scratched my left ear and played with my earring. "Will you join us on Saturday?" I casually asked, observing him with the corner of my eye. He stayed silent for a few seconds and then shrugged.

"Maybe, why not?"

"You should invite your sister, too. And wait, are you decent enough in playing games?" He gave me a crooked glare and snorted out.

"I suck at that, Denisov, why?"

"Then my brother will definitely want to bother you with that," I said unable to hide the amusement and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh great, double Denisov annoyance," he grumbled out and then, his face completely changed the moment he spotted Viola. She also saw him and in no time, she was smiling in front of him.

"I got lunch for you," she twitted at him and I decided to leave them at their fairy cheesiness, going to sit with Sharon and Adrian, who looked at me with more questions in his eyes. Questions concerning Vincent. I slightly nodded at him, meaning we would discuss it later in private, because he obviously must have heard something or being worried for Vince.

And so was I, all damn considered.

Author's chit-chat:

What are your thoughts, opinions, reactions, ideas and emotions after reading this?

Who expected or guessed Anatoly's memories and the real mess behind this? Well, this time we will see Oleg taking the matter in his hands personally and what will happen? We will see in the future chapters ^^

I believe they needed making love in this way and of course, I wouldn't cut it out. I am happy to see how you All love this couple and how much you love Oleg. Amazing!

What about the confrontation in school with Cameron-the-depressed-shrimp?

Let me know what you think of this chapter with your wonderful comments and messages and votes: THANK YOU!

Stay tuned, as another chapter will be posted soon (of Fallen for an Angel)! And in the next chapter of LYIF someone will celebrate his birthday...are you curious about it?

Have All a lovely Monday and week!

Lots of Love, Magic, Hugs and Meows,

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