CH.7 The carriage is a pumpkin, Cinderella

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Dear all, I am finally updating this story and I am REALLY SORRY for the long absence and wait, but as I explained in the message I sent you, I had to study and prepare for a huge exam and then had other many things to do... then I thought I'd be able to update straight away, but my brain was out of order and I needed a break.

But here it comes a NEW and LONG chapter!

I want to THANK YOU ALL for your patience and for you support and amazing and sweet messages: you gave me great energy and love, thank you very much! You are all fantastic!

This chapter starts from the sneak-peek I posted in March and then goes on introducing a new POV and then something else. You'll find here many new things and many links for the following chapters and I'll be so thrilled from your comments, so much that I can't wait to read them! I really miss this very much! So please, let me know what you think with your wonderful comments!

I want to dedicate this new chapter to all of you and in particular to SmugDevil as a big hug, you know why honey.

On the right, a picture of Adrian --> Marlon Teixeira

And now, let's not wait any comes the new chapter!



“Oh, Fortuna, you capricious sprite!” by John Kennedy Toole in “A Confederacy of Dunces”


I opened my eyes at the usual time and immediately looked to my right side, where Anatoly laid completely sprawled and clearly invading my personal part of the bed. I sighed silently and then my eyes ranked his figure and chest, now slowly rising and lowering at the rhythm of his deep and calm breaths.

Anatoly did not snore when sleeping; Anatoly did move around a lot and I do not mean simply rolling from one side to the other, but literally moving around and tossing his arms and legs just like the brat he was. That woke me up a couple of times, but it seemed not to disturb his sleep, as he just tossed around, therefore I let it go and let him rest there.

He was basically sleeping with his body forming an angle with the side of the bed, his legs completely wide apart and one of his calves almost hooking my leg, as his left arm rested on my abdomen and his head formed a quite strange angle while tipped on my pillow. His form reminded the one of a starfish and I sorted of smiled in seeing him sleeping so deeply and serene; his blonde and punkish hair was quite a mess and I realized he must have removed his top in that mess he had called sleep, because he was just wearing his sweatpants. My eyes closed a moment as I took a deep breath.

Sharing the bed with the last person I should have, but at the same time the only person that I would allow to and want here. Slowly my eyes opened again and studied his sleeping figure once more.

Last night I knew I would regret this the following morning, because it was not easy, not even for someone like me used to self-control and discipline; Anatoly might see me as a machine, but I was not. I was a human being, maybe a very strict and disciplined one, but still human and with pulsing blood.

Anatoly was constantly on guard and used his sarcasm and harsh attitudes as shield and weapon in every moment of the day, but when he was asleep he was completely relaxed and his barriers were completely down and it looked as if nothing was on his mind. He said my quarters were the place where he could find some calm and as much as it pleased me to hear that, it was as well rather problematic. But I would never chase him away and that reality just drowned down in my brain in that very exact moment. Even though he would not admit it, it was clear he did need some more guidance and I think he felt he could trust me. And that was correct. Anatoly could indeed trust me entirely, because I would never betray the Denisov family or him. I would rather die than betray them and the trust they placed in me.

I sighed silently another time as I realized I would need extra attention and control, because apparently Anatoly had something in him able to pull some strings deep buried in me capable to trigger some strong reactions; it already happened two times right in front of him and I sure could not afford to have this brat here understanding that.

Remember the limits; remember the line dividing the forbidden from the permitted.

Yiest, remember the duties.

Quietly I pulled back and shifted the weight of my body on the side, as my eyes trailed his sleeping and quiet figure, a rather rare event, given his usual attitudes and immature remarks. His tattoos stood out on his skin, as a dark mark of his past, and then the scar on his lip caught my attention; it was a scar he gained the day he left the gang, the day he decided to do something so risky right when I was not in New York or around to watch over him.

Again something threatened to awake in me as those events replayed in my mind. He had taken a very high risk and it could have cost him more than what he paid. Something more began to agitate and menaced to grip my blood, thus I forced my eyes closed and took a deep breath.

When it had begun?  When I began to look after him?

I had watched over him in the past three years, especially after he joined that gang, as at first what worried me the most was the threat such gang could pose to the Denisov family. But last year there was something else that worried me.

When had I let my personal emotions slip out without realizing it?

I did not know, but there was no point in even taking time to dwell on the matter as it was out of question and out of reach. It was over a limit I could not step and surpass. Anatoly might have triggered my personal emotions to slip out of control for a brief and unexpected moment while doing my duties, but that did not mean I would let it happen again. Therefore I pushed myself up and walked to the bathroom, where I stripped for then stepping into the shower.

The water dropped on my head and neck and slid on my back warm and strong, as if washing away those lingering thoughts and emotions, especially when I recalled about what happened that day. At that specific thought my fist clenched and I found it ready to smash the wall of the shower with a strike as images of how he looked after that beating flashed in my mind. I had wished to hunt them down and make them pay one after one, painfully and slowly, even though I knew that was the price to pay for leaving the gang. And hearing what he said about that vermin had dangerously threatened my control to break.

How unprofessional of me.

This was absolutely unforgivable and inappropriate of me.

I took another deep breath and commanded everything to withdraw and shut down.

I indulged another moment in the shower as my eyes closed and my body and mind regained the usual and familiar composure. I went through the agenda of the day and that was enough to remind me of the position I had in this family. When I walked back to my room, Anatoly was about to wake up even thought it was rather early for him; he rolled his head to look at me and he seemed confused for a moment on why I was standing in front of him and then his eyes sparkled with sudden life and intensity as they ranked me up and down.

No words passed between us for a moment as I observed his reaction while looking at me with his stare growing deeper as the pupils travelled the lines of my tattoos. That was correct; Anatoly was curious to know more about them and right now he was studying the one on my left side that represented an angel holding the end of the rosary around my neck. I followed his eyes and he did the same, so we crossed glances. He kept his gaze on mine as he was now completely awake and I knew he did not want to lose the battle by letting go, but I as well knew it was not easy for him to keep it up. As a result, he snorted shaking his head and looked away; I subtly smirked and quickly observed the side of his face and his bare chest. I let go of it and walked to my closet to get dressed and again I felt his stare on me.

But there was something different in the way he looked at me and when my eyes shifted to his, Anatoly did not turn them away but stood there and quickly ranked my body and tattoos once more. He shook his head another time and muttered something under his breath I could not hear. I observed him a moment and then opened the door of the closet as I realized a fact that never registered in me before.

The way I felt his stare on me still now while getting dressed was something different than his usual way of assessing me with his questioning and challenging eyes.

Anatoly was not just looking at my tattoos.

Did it elude my attention another time or was it not evident and so blunt before? Was he even aware of that?

I grabbed a white, impeccably ironed shirt and then selected a pair of dark grey pants to match dark grey blazer and black tie.

I decided to speak first as he kept silent on my bed, something that was strange to say the least considering his potentially explosive and bratty nature.

“You can sleep longer if you wish. It is still early for a kid that has school.”

“Damn bastard…” He murmured with quite thick voice and then looked around probably trying to understand what time was then. “What time is it? Better not be too early, but hey, old geezers don’t need to sleep, right?”

I simply smirked and let it go. It seemed to me that Anatoly was already wide awake.

“It is actually later than usual, as it is already 6.30.”

“Already?” He snorted with oozing sarcasm. “Damn, and I here I was worrying and fretting I’d be late for school.” When I looked at him he was rolling his eyes for then plopping back on the bed. “Fuck me, no way I’m getting up this early. Wait, did you do some freakish Hulk-like push-ups or other crazy work out this morning?”

“No, I did not.”

“And why that? I think you told me once that you do some exercise almost every morning, which is crazy as fuck, but hey, whatever. It’s you getting up this early, not me.” I said nothing and of course it ticked him off. “Hey, I asked you something.”

He shot one of his typical irritated looks and sprang up ready to say something, but he fought it back and instead cursed under his breath.

“And I heard it.”

“Are you going to answer to my question or not?” I shot him one of my usual granitic and cutting glares and he understood what I meant with that.

“If I recall correctly, a brat was and is still occupying my bed and quarters.” I simply said and needless to say it fired him up.

“Well sorry to freaking be a bother. I’ll leave at once and let you do your usual things. Oh right, it’s Monday and so we are back to damn annoying duties. Is that so?”

That was correct. Duties. Duties and rules and principles I could not afford to forget about and sure could not permit myself to infringe.

“Yiest, Anatoly.”

“Impassive and annoying bastard.” Anatoly ranked my figure another time as the shirt slipped over my arms and shoulders, for then concentrating on my fingers working to fix the tie. He shook his head another time and slowly looked up at me once more. I said nothing and simply went to wear the blazer and in that moment he cursed in English and groaned. “Oh damn, this gotta be a fucking joke.”

I arched a brow in a questioning way and he just snorted.

“What do you want?”

“You are rather talkative this early in the morning.”

“It’s your fault I’m already awake.”

“I told you this is not a playground for kids, Anatoly. You want to sleep until late? Then stay in your room.” I cut it short and moved to the door, as it was time for me to begin the day and review the particulars of a meeting we would have in the afternoon.

“What the hell is that suppose to mean? I’m not a freaking kid and I swear it, it fucking pisses me off when you treat me as one.”

I said nothing but simply casted him a dark smirk and glare. Anatoly was not a kid. Anatoly was an immature brat and that was a considerable difference.

“You are a brat, Anatoly. Never said you are a kid.” With that I opened the door and ignored the remarks he fired after me. I stopped a moment only to give him a quick instruction. “Make sure to be on time for school and when you go, you better leave this room in order as it usually is. Am I understood?”

He narrowed his eyes visibly fuming with annoyance and about to crack temper, but he well knew how that sorted no effects with me. Therefore he swallowed it down and took a deep breath before mocking a “Sir, yes sir.”

As I said, immature brat.


It was as feeling something solid and unbreakable beside me that in some weird way made me feel quieter and calmer than usual. Freaking hell, it felt so damn good…what the heck was that? I think I was about to wake up and when I finally managed to open my eyes the room around me wasn’t mine, but…oh damn, true enough, I had spent the night with that bastard and…no, wait. Spent the night? That sounded freakish in a different and hot way, because it could mean something completely different and…oh for crying out loud, stop it now Anatoly, and stop it for good.

Again, what the hell are you?

A horny puppy in need for a tree?

I groaned and rolled my eyes at myself and then froze completely. My hand slowly went to explore the other side of the bed and I breathed out when it found it empty. I exhaled and took another breath for then freezing again. So what I felt earlier on was just a dream or was actually that bastard’s body?

I swallowed down.

That could not be, I mean, I didn’t do anything of stupid and damn embarrassing as rolling to his side and crap like that, right? Oh freak, I knew I moved a lot while sleeping, but hell, I..I..oh damn, no I didn’t do it right? That would be so incredibly lame and not cool! I mean, for crying out loud, I wasn’t like that cheesy fairy of my brother and his boyfriend that sure enjoyed all those sappy things.

“Fucking great Anatoly…” I hissed silently at myself for then shutting up completely.

I turned my head as I heard someone moving around and no doubt it was that old geezer probably getting ready or doing some Hulk-like push-ups or whatever the heck he could do right after waking up.

My eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness of the room and right when I glanced back they stopped on him. More likely, they damn glued on him and widened to darn hurting point.  Oleg was basically naked aside for his tight and black underwear.

The first thing I thought was: oh fuck. Actually, oh fuck me. And then, damn you and damn the morning wood.

My eyes widened more as my downstairs buddy decided to wake up completely and announce himself right away, making me cringe and grunt for how pathetic and mental the whole situation was, but give me a break, will ya? I should have been still half asleep and grumpy, but here I was, completely awaken and ready to jump up and my blood was literally whistling in my mind so damn loud that for a moment I thought I had turned insane. Ok, scratch that. I had turned insane, because I fucking knew I was staring at Oleg without bothering to cover it, but I couldn’t do differently.

He was…I groaned more at myself because this was beyond ridiculous and lame, but darn it. He was so damn hot and arousing right now. There he stood like that huge and Hulk-like statue he was, covered in layers of not-quite-human-like muscles, dark inks, dark eyes probably drilling into my brain and realizing I was staring the hell out of him and the mix of shower gel, cologne and the scent of his room…oh damn it, cool it down Anatoly!

I tried to distract myself with concentrating on one tattoo he had on his side, something that was probably an angel and was touching or holding the hand of some chain he inked around his neck; oh right, it wasn’t a common chain, but a rosary. So was this hot and mind-screwing, but damn annoying and impassive bastard a religious type? He didn’t strike me as one, but again, I still knew close to nothing about this man and the mere thought was enough to piss me off right there and right then.

Great, wasn’t that?

I think I had a screw loose in my mind, let’s make it two or three, because that was the only explanation for the way I felt when thinking about that. Damn, not knowing everything about this old geezer here set me on fire with annoyance and anger. Why the hell was that? This was not normal, not one freaking bit.

I let go of that tattoo because sure as hell it wasn’t helping me in the least. I was still wide awake and so hard it almost hurt. Scratch that. It did freaking hurt. Happy and satisfied now? I felt his gaze on me and so I naturally searched for his eyes and so we met halfway and those black and impossible to read globes pinned me where I was, but like hell I would let it intimidate me and so, more stubborn than a mule, I locked my glare with his and we just stared at each other for a few moments without saying a word. I would pay some crazy huge sum of money to know what the heck he was thinking about, not kidding dude. My eyes went for the challenge, but his were so strong and imperative that it was all so frustrating and tiring to a point I had to give up. Great. I grunted annoyed at my lameness and cursed under my breath. Damn annoying and impassive, hot bastard.

Yeah, deal with that. Oleg was hot and I mean, he was damn steaming hot. Oh this is just perfect…I had just admitted he was hot and…and what? No, no, no…stop it right there before adding anything else of not necessary. We are talking about ice-made and rock-shaped and no-blood-in-my-veins Oleg. An old geezer. A damn annoying and boring bastard. Right, that could ride that red babe like some devilish creature and that had such huge and…just stop it!

I shook my head and grunted more.

This was insane. This was mental and completely fucked-up.

Not him.



Not him, Anatoly.

He moved away from where he stood and went to open the closet to get dressed and no big effort in guessing which color the suit would be: dark grey or black. Guess what? I was right. I didn’t notice my staring until he spoke and I had to control my reaction of surprise. He better had not registered it or I would beat the crap out of myself later on.

“You can sleep longer if you wish. It is still early for a kid that has school.” He said in the clear intent of pissing me off.

“Damn bastard…” I muttered under my breath, repressing a yawn with all my mighty. What time was it, anyway? Damn, why the hell the room had to be so dark? “What time is it? Better not be too early, but hey, old geezers don’t need to sleep, right?” Right. Especially damn hot old geezer like this bastard here…damn, look at his muscles ripping while moving around and that annoying smirk. It pissed me off, but turned me on at the same time. This was not normal. Not one freaking bit.

Oh crap.

Oh shit.

Nope, this was not normal at all.

Did I just use the words “turn” and “on” in the same sentence with him?

Now I want to smack my head somewhere.

Not. Him. Anatoly. You. Hear. Me?

“It is actually later late than usual, as it is already 6.30.”

I think I blinked a couple of times at his “later than usual”, because dude, this man here was literally crazy. Why the heck he needed to get up this early? Dad sure didn’t start to work at 6 in the freaking morning, so why? He needed time to fix his make-up? I rolled my eyes and groaned. Yeah, deal with that, I was grumpy and cranky in the morning. Got a problem? Well, got news for you: I could care less about that.

“Already?” I scoffed as I ran my hand in my messed up mohawk. “Damn, and here I was worrying and fretting I’d be late for school.” Gee…now I have time to fix my hair, my nails and even to do my make-up! Awesome. Oh God, it was too early to getting up and I still wanted to sleep! I slumped back on the bed and cursed in my head. “Fuck me, no way I’m getting up this early. Wait, did you do some freakish Hulk-like push-ups or other crazy work-out this morning?”

Sure as hell it wouldn’t surprise me.

He said nothing for a moment as he kept scrutinizing me as if looking for something, so I looked a moment away and when I turned my eyes he was still there glaring at me. Why was that?

“No, I did not.”

His eyes felt rather heavy and intense on me and I had to swallow down. I had to talk to break this tension because it was about to suffocate me and the very weird thing was that the tension was physical…and cracking the hair so much that it felt palpable. And I didn’t like it. Darn it. More likely, I didn’t want to like it. There. Happy?

“And why that? I think you told me once that you do some exercise almost every morning, which is crazy as fuck, but hey, whatever. It’s you getting up this early, not me.” Oleg of course had to ignore me and simply cast a rather granitic look as if nobody had just talked. It was so annoying and irritating and even though I should have been used to it, well fuck, I was not and my blood shot to my head. “Hey, I ask you something.”

“And I heard it.” Was the only reply I got aside another dark and rather meaningful glare.

“Are you going to answer to my question or not?”

Again another intimidating and hard glare and then he silently sighed and smirked. I was not sure and I bet I was being absolutely wrong, but somehow it felt as if he didn’t really mind my rather short-tempered and “bratty” side, but hey, wouldn’t bet my nuts on that. I cared too much about them.

“If I recall correctly, a brat was and still is occupying my bed and quarters.”

“Well sorry to freaking be a bother. I’ll leave at once and let you do you usual things. Oh right, it’s Monday and so we are back to damn annoying duties. Is that so?”

No need to tell you how all of this got me so annoyed that I felt almost about to burst for it, clenching my fists before doing or saying something else that I would regret while probably kissing the floor of the room. The idea that it was all over like nothing just because he was back to his damn routine of the impassive and ice-made bastard he was, still regarding me only as Mr. Denisov son, well, it sprang my temper to no end and my pressure kissed the Moon.

The look he gave me did not help and especially his answer, which made me so angry that for a moment I weighted the idea of jumping up and punching his damn square jaw, but we all know how that would end.

“Yiest Anatoly.”

I took a couple of breaths and counted to hundred.

Ok, not for real, but same thing.

“Impassive and annoying bastard.”

I muttered and then my eyes glued on him once again as he moved to wear a white shirt over dark grey trousers; his arms and shoulders stretched and so did his muscles and inks and darn it, I felt as if under some hypnosis because I couldn’t tear my gaze away not even with the knowledge I was bluntly staring at him as if not giving half shit about that. Then his fingers grabbed a black tie and fixed it around his bull-like neck and fuck me, I swallowed down even more hard as my buddy was about to go mental. What the hell was this? I mean, yeah, I was gay and he had a hot and bulky body, but I mean, we were talking about Oleg. I mean, Oleg! You got it. I ranked him another time and our eyes met. We said nothing, but as he kept staring down at me, he slipped into his dark blazer. I swallowed down more as more images of that damn tie crowded my mind.

Tie and Oleg. Tie and a darn bed with Oleg. Tie and...oh for crying out loud.

This could not be.

The bastard here aroused me to some dangerous extent.

Oh fuck…I groaned and smacked my head.

“Oh damn, this gotta be a fucking joke.”

He cocked his brow in a question, but no way in hell I would let him know. Shit, he would kick me out of here pronto and we would not longer ride our babes and the idea did not please me one bit.

Oh shit.

This was really not normal. Not one bit.

“What do you want?” I barked out overly irritated with myself.

What I had just discovered had thrown me in some crazy and mental daze and it was as well scaring the shit out of me. It could not be possible and even if that was the case, even if I was that suicidal and fucked-up to really get hard and excited by Oleg, well, he could not find it out. Period. The idea of him knowing that almost had me go insane: what would he do? What would he think? Oh shit, he really couldn’t find that out and so Anatoly, you better get a damn good check-up and get rid of it.

I froze another time.

“Shit…this is so fuc..” I swallowed and looked at him.

The bastard there observed me silently and stood where he was. I heard my own gulping and mentally cursed at myself. I had frozen because I had just realized something else and I didn’t like that one fucking bit. I refused to admit it aloud even in my mind and so no way in hell I’ll ever say what the hell was that. It could not be possible. I was beginning to think there was something weird or rotten in the pizza we ate yesterday, because this was absolutely fucked up and because this would explain many things, but shit…

“Why you keep looking at me like that, ha? Don’t worry, I’ll get out of your air in no time, as it’s not like I like being here.” Right, keep talking and behaving like a stupid teenager and you’ll sure do just fine, dumbass! What the heck was wrong with me?

“You are rather talkative this early in the morning.” His left eyebrow lifted of a degree as he scrutinized me. Blood boiled in me as more thoughts crowded my mind.

“It’s your fault I’m already awake.” I fired to mask whatever came over me anytime he used sarcasm with me and smirked in that way.

“I told you this is not a playground for kids, Anatoly. You want to sleep until late? Then stay in your room.”

The bastard obviously had to be his usual all-duties-and-business and darn emotionless self. He went to leave the room, but as if I would let it go like nothing. It bothered him that I spent the night here? Did he really think he could call me kid as nothing? The hell with that. I was no kid, for crying out loud. I was a nineteen years old dude with damn tattoos and riding a super cool bike. He could shove his “kid-bull” in his ears, so to be nice for once.

“What the hell is that suppose to mean? I’m not a freaking kid and I swear it, it fucking pisses me off when you treat me as one.”

Oleg stopped to look at me with a dark smirk and after a moment he spoke.

“You are a brat, Anatoly. I never said you are a kid.” He calmly said and then paused another time to properly and completely annoy me, because sure what he had just said wasn’t enough. “Make sure to be on time for school and when you go you better leave this room in order as it usually is. Am I understood?”

Many nice words came to my lips, but I had to repress them just like my idea of showing him how this brat here could kick his ass, because darn it, I knew he would kick my lame ass. Argh, so infuriating! I clenched my fists and almost bit my tongue as I swallowed down more insults. I then snorted and smirked. There, take it bastard.

“Sir, yes sir.”

We exchanged another mute glare and then he left without uttering a sound.

“Annoying and boring old geezer.”

I slumped back once more on his bed and avoided with all my best to think about what was thundering in my mind.

It was not normal.

It was not possible.

I would never admit that I was afraid of…no. No.

There was nothing to think about and being afraid of, because nothing was going on.

It was just my lame and tired imagination and the lack of sex.

End of discussion.

Right when I opened the door that connected the first floor to the basement I met my brother about to walk into the kitchen. We both stopped and I cursed at my damn luck, because I could already see the idiotic amusement on his face. Honestly, what did I do wrong this morning?

“So Tolya, you actually slept with Oleg? Oh man, this is priceless and so damn creepy.” He burst out laughing like the dofus he was and I just rolled my eyes and walked past him, climbing the stairs, but of course he followed me. “Oh c’mon, bro, it’s super funny and you know it. That man is like super scary and always so serious.”

“Don’t you have classes to attend? Aren’t you hungry as usual? Bet mum has breakfast ready and waiting for you in the kitchen. Actually, where is your chipmunk, so you can annoy him instead of me?”

“Uhm, good morning Anatoly.” The midget himself greeted looking at me and then at my idiotic twin. “Dima, you have an early class this morning, what are you doing now? You said you were about to have breakfast so we could leave. Boy, you cannot be late another time.”

I widened my eyes and felt like rolling down the stairs with mental amusement in seeing that little thing behaving and speaking so seriously to my twin brother. And after a few seconds it was me bursting out laughing. Can you believe it? That midget there was scolding my brother; freaking hell, he was so whipped he had no clue.

“Are you on some drug?” Dima asked me.

“Dima, you’re such a loser. You got Jasper here bossing you around, I can’t believe it.”

“I’m not bossing my tiger around.”

“Yeah, he’s not.” He paused a moment and scratched his hair. “Well, maybe a bit, but that’s so hot kitty.”

I stuck a finger in my mouth and made a gagging noise.

“It’s too early for your cheesiness. Spare me, will ya?”

Jasper rolled his eyes and then smiled. Yeah, he wasn’t that bad and sure, not so annoying as I thought he was, but hey, it didn’t make us best buddies, clear enough? I just tolerated him and that’s it.

“Dima, let’s go have breakfast or you’ll be late.”

“Oh c’mon, I was having fun in teasing Tolya.”

The chipmunk shook his head and shot me a quick look as to say “he’s like that, what to do about that?” and of course he sort of giggled. Damn cheesy fairies. But hey, more power to that chipmunk for standing the idiocy of my twin. I repressed a chuckle only because I didn’t want him to see me laugh. Right, I have always liked that side of my brother, because I always thought he was hilarious and very out-going. Sure he had no problem in telling you what was on his mind and sure he could be freaking blunt right to an embarrassing point. No kidding and Jasper sure knew that and already experienced it. So yeah, more power to him.

“Yeah, listen to your chipmunk, tiger.” I mocked him while dodging a slap. I stuck out my tongue and he did the same. “Go fetch breakfast, Fido.” I mimicked to toss a bone down the stairs and he managed to slap my arm, but then chuckled.


“Look who’s talking.”

“I’m looking at him right now.”

I snorted and rolled my eyes.

“My hair style is much hotter than yours.”

“Yeah, right. You look like a punk.”

“And you look like a boring and cheesy fairy.”

“And you are a moron.”

“And you are a blockhead.”

“And you are a..ouch, baby that hurts.” Jasper had just pulled my brother’s ear and was giving him a serious look that was rather ridiculous.

“You are going to be late again, Dima. Let’s go now, no breakfast for you today.”

“Oh c’mon kitty, you want me to starve?”

“We are late, so you can grab something in college.”

“Oh pretty please baby, just a little bit..c’mon kitty..pleasee..”

I had to decide whether I was about to throw up at this show as first thing in the morning or to laugh the crap out of me. It was comical almost to a hilarious point, like, seriously. But well, I had to get breakfast, because my stomach nicely reminded me how hungry we both were and no way I could gulp some food down with them around. I had my limits for crying out loud!

“Alright, enough. Get the hell out of here, so I can have breakfast in peace.”

“Fine.” Dima shrugged his shoulders and winked at his chipmunk. “Oh Tolya, you free this afternoon?”


“How about we do something with Sasha? Maybe River will join us, too.”

I considered that a moment and as I did so, I felt eyes observing me. It was Jasper. We exchanged a quick and silent look and then I exhaled. I couldn’t avoid it forever, right?

“Sure, why not.”

“Cool, so I’ll let you know where to meet after school, roger? We can meet right after school, what do you say? You are with your bike, right?”

“Roger, and of course I’ll ride my baby, moron.”

“Jackass..ouch..fine, fine, I’m going, I’m going Jas..”

I shook my head and walked to my room to get a shower, but as soon as I closed the door behind me, more images flashed in my head. I banged my forehead against the wall and cursed because it hurt like a bitch and then cursed because it did not help one bit and I was still thinking about the same. And I got hard. Freaking awesome, well done, moron. Another thought crossed my mind and everything stopped.

I gulped and let a hand slipped in my hair as my eyes closed. I shook my head as to answer to a mute question and simply refused to formulate that thought loud and clear in my mind. It was not like that. It couldn’t be possible. He couldn’t find that out.

No way in hell.

Like seriously, no freaking way.


My sister giggled as she surpassed me on the stairs for then jumping on the handrail and slipping down like a little kid having fun on a slide. I shook my head and smiled. I believe God had been very merciful with me in letting this family adopt me; talking about my biological family was not easy for me, as I had little memories of it and what I remembered was not very pleasant. The man that was supposed to be my father was an alcoholic that enjoyed beating the woman that should have been my mother and then me, for then leave to find another woman, younger of course, and shallowly beautiful. However, the most vivid memory was not the fear for that man, as I simply hated him and strangely enough felt no dread whenever he came back home drunk or in some bad mood; the most striking and strong memory was the deprivation of food that could reach almost starvation. If that woman that gave me birth had money, she sure would not use them to feed her son.

Karen and Jonathan Taylor adopted me when I was six years old and I was wary and suspicious at first, because they were complete strangers and because I was not used to delicacy, tenderness, being caring, love, protection. They were all feelings foreign to me and sure that young and loud and very lively little girl that was introduced to me as sister was too overwhelming in showing me her welcome in the family. But it didn’t take long before I was running toward them with open arms while calling them dad and mum, or better, papa and mama. They were not my biological family only because they did not give birth to me, but they were my real family and I couldn’t have been luckier than this.

Vivi gracefully and soundlessly landed on the floor and in that moment our mother walked out of the living room and widened her eyes in seeing that.

“Viola, how many times have I told you not to do that? It’s dangerous.” She looked at me and I simply smiled and shrugged my shoulders as to say to give it up. Viola wasn’t going to change it, not even if she were to break some bone.

“But mom, it’s funny and faster! And good morning!” She chirped and wrapped her tiny and skinny arms around our mother’s neck and so everything was forgotten.

She pulled back then and made a pirouette to show her clothes. As usual she was her colorful and bright self, with new purples strings in her light-blue hair, rainbow tights and a light pink gown made of several layers of tulle over them, and an adherent black t-shirt completed with “I love my gay friends” logo written in the colors of the rainbow on it. She had even painted her nails in the colors of the LGBT flag and wore a pair of arm-warmers coordinated with the colorful tights and completed with black lace. I could already see Anatoly’s expression at the sight of that t-shirt and sure enough Vivi will make some loud statement of how much she loved her new best friend. Needless to say Sharon had a crush on Anatoly, but it was a waste of time for many reasons. Aside the obvious fact that he was gay and not even bi, someone like him would never consider a girl like Sharon; she sure was nice and rather friendly, rather smart and clever, but nothing for a guy like Anatoly.

“So mum? What do you think of my new clothes? Don’t I look supportive and bright? My new best friend is gay and I think he would be perfect for Adrian, but he is quite stubborn and Adri doesn’t want to ask him out.” I sighed and walked to the kitchen to grab something to eat and mum chuckled softly and sent me an understanding smile.

“Morning Adrian, your dad is in the kitchen and coffee is made.” She said as she reached up to caress my hair. “You are growing so tall, another inch and I won’t be able to hug you anymore.” I laughed at that and squeezed her in my arms.

“But I’ll be still able to do it.”

“So, how do I look? You two haven’t told me yet.” Vivi stomped her foot on the floor and stuck her tongue out to me.

“You look fabulous as always preciosa, and si, you look supportive, but you know Anatoly, right?”

“He will love it!”

I had my doubts about that, but why arguing right now? I knew school was going to be rather amusing today, considering she wanted someone like Anatoly to bond with her other two friends, Sharon and Cameron, who had a huge crush on Sharon but no guts to tell her. At first I thought he fancied my sister, but that was not the case and in truth I knew he stood no chances with Viola. I think she had to still meet a person that would make her head spin and I wondered what type of guy would be able to do so, but mind me, he better behave as a perfect gentleman or else, he would see for himself how dangerous my temper could be if someone dared to touch my family.

“Yes you look lovely Viola, now how about some breakfast? Pancakes are waiting for you, unless your father hasn’t already finished them..”

“Dad!! Don’t eat all the pancakes!!” My sister shrieked with all the power of her tiny lungs for then zooming to the kitchen, probably turning dad almost deaf with her good-morning-hugging-surprise-attack.

“Adrian,” mum said placing a hand on my arm, “is this Anatoly the same Anatoly I have heard about in school and that brought all that discussions among parents?”

I sighed and nodded.

Yes, Anatoly had quite the past in our school, but I had always sensed it was not his real nature, as if something had happened that turned him into that other bad self. Something that was really deep and traumatic, because for some reasons, he had always given me the impression of living in some limbo, as if he was there with the body, but not with the mind. Yes, he bullied other defenseless students and not just them; he got into countless fights and was harassing everyone that wasn’t white or “cool-looking” according his and Sergey’s standards. Yes to that and more, but there was something in him that always caught my attention and curiosity, and I knew it was the same for my sister. We talked about him many times and we both kept observing him.

“Yes mum, we are talking about that same Anatoly, but he is different now and has changed completely. You know we can all have our moments, right?”

She considered what I said and then slowly nodded.

“I remember his mother at school at the end of last scholastic year defending him with everything she had in her. Her son created many problems and I believe it wasn’t easy for them, I mean, his parents, but from the way Mrs. Denisov defended her son last May I think something probably happened with him. You said he changed?”

“Yes, mom. He changed and I believe you are right; something probably happened that made him act in that way, because he’s smart and even though he likes to show otherwise, he is actually a nice person.”

Mama looked at me and then smiled and I shook my head, knowing what she was thinking about.

“Do you have a crush on him?”

“No, but I like him as person. And he sure is hot.” I winked at her and then joined dad and Viola in the kitchen for some breakfast.

I stood purposely a couple of feet behind my sister to better enjoy Anatoly’s expression in seeing her dressed the way she was this morning. I could barely contain my laughing and when he noticed that, he sent me a rather murdering and annoyed look, for then rolling his eyes and shaking his head, probably about to give up.

He stopped at this locker and eyed my sister with large eyes, for then snorting something in Russian, slowly passing a hand at the side of his mohawk. I liked his hairstyle and thought it actually looked good on him, because somehow pointed out some hidden sides of his personality. I came to believe Anatoly was a human maze that would take time to completely discover and know, and I must say the idea was rather fascinating and thrilling. Would he let me closer to him? Hard to say it now, but I sincerely hoped he would.

“Anatoly, you dork! Don’t you love my t-shirt? I made it for you!” Viola of course had no barriers in showing her enthusiasm and feelings, and simply jumped at his neck, making him feeling rather uncomfortable.

I wonder why he was not a touchy-feely person, but maybe it was just part of his nature. I had the impression his twin brother was completely different under this aspect, as he gave out vibes of someone being easy-going and relaxed. Was it maybe related to what happened to him in the past? Of course I wasn’t sure something happened and I would never ask him, as he would not like someone minding his personal business and life, but I was ready to bet something had happened to him.

“The hell you did? And for crying out loud, get off me. Gee, what kind of perfume did you use this morning? Vanilla-freaking-chocking-attack?”

“Don’t you dare to say that I am heavy and this perfume is super lovely and sweet. Don’t you love it?”

“It’s chocking me, Vi, so no, I don’t love it. And you are not heavy; you probably weight what? Fifty pounds? You are simply damn loud and annoying as first thing in the morning.”

“You are not a morning person, aren’t you?”

“Want a lollipop as reward for the guess of the year?”

“I want it with cream and strawberry.”

“Can you be more girly and fairy?”

“Hello Anatoly? I am a girl and I am a lovely and beautiful fairy that is friend of all gay people of this world and loves you very much.”

My sister somehow had managed jumping on his back, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and I simply smiled looking at that, because Anatoly was doing exactly what he was used to: showing how that annoyed him, while in truth he had adjusted his stance to better accommodate my sister on his back. As I said, he was actually a nice person, but with a bitch-slapping and very abrasive sarcasm. I must admit it: I really liked his sarcasm and his attitudes.

“Damn it, I’m done, right? If you think I’ll ever join you in some freakish tea-party, you can kiss my ass. And those other two fairies better not..”

“Hi Viola!” Sharon and Cameron just showed up in that moment and the look on Anatoly’s face was purely priceless. I felt sorry to have fun at his expenses, but it was not something bad or mean.

“Anatoly, good morning! Can I kiss you?”

“The fuck? Since when I gave my consent to joining the tea-party and morons club?”

“Hey, we are not morons, dude. And have you looked at your hairstyle?”

“You got guts saying something about my hairstyle, especially with sizes like yours, shrimp.”

At Anatoly’s words Cameron shrank of half size and in that moment I couldn’t anymore contain my laughing and they all looked at me. I shook my head and decided it was time to give him a break, as he already withstood enough, especially for someone like him. My eyes observed his rather amusing expression in looking at Viola and trying to keep it cool without being harsh, which was quite a task for him, and stopped a moment on the tattoo on his neck. Why someone like him would join a gang? I shook my head as I knew no answer and then something else caught my particular attention. Anatoly seemed rather in deep thought, even though he was trying to mask it, and I could tell by the absent way he was interacting with Vivi, because he usually was more “verbal” in expressing his opinions. But not today. He moved his stare on me and si, he clearly was thinking about something. I smiled at him warmly and his lips twitched as to answer to it, but I knew he wouldn’t openly do it.

I felt as if asking whether everything was sailing fine, but in that moment I eyed the door of his locket and felt sudden anger. Why people had always to be so judgmental and such pricks? I’ll have to clean that one this week, because I didn’t like it and even though he said he deserved it, I believed he did not. We already cleaned it time ago and they wasted no time in spraying on it different insults. I shook my head and Anatoly of course read into me as he shrugged meaning to say to let it go.

I quickly nodded and winked. I’ll let it go just for now.

“Guys, we are about to be late, so Vivi preciosa, maybe it’s better if you let Anatoly go. We have class together, so not a problem, right?”

“But he hasn’t said anything about my beautiful t-shirt!”

At those words I eyed Anatoly quickly and he understood. He shook his head and silently exhaled.

“Fine, your damn t-shirt is cool and I will order thousands of them and give one to my idiotic brother and to his chipmunk. Happy now?” Viola chirped something and surprised Anatoly with a kiss of his cheek, making him fake a gagging motion for then shaking his head. He walked to me and I simply smiled, as we moved to our class. “What the hell she eats in the morning? Like, seriously, tell me. I want the same.”

“We all had the same, Vivi is just normally hyper.”

“She’s not normally hyper, Adrian. She’s a freak.” He grunted and then someone bumped against his shoulder rather harshly, but it didn’t really sort much effect on him. Anatoly had quite the solid and big built, sure an interesting and attractive characteristic you couldn’t miss.

“Hey bitch, you got accepted in the losers club?” It was Sergey, apparently a cousin of a friend of his, and three of his other friends, because he never really approached Anatoly alone. Anatoly tensed a moment, but it was due to pure irritation, and then surprised me with his answer.

“The fuck did you say, asshole? The only one here being part of some nerds club it’s you and your confederacy of dunces.” Sergey didn’t understand it, but I got it and it surprised me to realize Anatoly liked to read. I had read that book a few years ago and found it rather mental in a good way; now it was rather the nice surprise discovering Anatoly enjoyed it too, probably.

The idiot over there immediately grabbed Anatoly’s hoodie and as reaction I took a step and stopped right beside him, eyeing that Sergey, daring him to do more.

“What the hell do you want, Taylor? Stay out of this. Why do you even waste time with such trash? Oh maybe because you want a fuck from this bitch here?” Before I could answer, Anatoly went to react, but I placed my hand on his shoulder as to say to let it go. I could care less what he said about me, because vermin like this idiot here did not worth any attention or energy. Also, I was aware Anatoly couldn’t afford much trouble in school.

“Oh you are soooo annoying, Sergy.” Viola flipped her hair back and shook her head. “I don’t want to be late because of someone like you. You have something against gay people? Well, guess what? We don’t care and we think you are absolutely NOT fabulous and nice.” She stuck out her tongue and grabbed Anatoly’s and my hands. “Let’s go.” And then she stopped a moment and assessed him. “You know, you look so boring. Do you even have a girlfriend? I don’ think so, because your clothes are so boring…” She stuck out her tongue once more and I began to chuckle. She was incredible.

“What the hell did you just say, you bitchy barbie?”

“Shut the hell up, mama-boy. Get lost, because I’ve reached my patience limit for today.” Anatoly sort of groaned, sending out rather intimidating glares, for then turning around and dragging Viola away.

I smiled and shook my head. He was indeed a very nice person, but let’s keep it a secret, shall we?

“You heard him, Sergey. Get lost and don’t you talk to my sister like that ever again, am I understood?” He said nothing and it was clear he got it was not an empty menace. “In fact, don’t you ever dare to utter a sound to her.” I spared him another warning glare and then went to join Vivi and Anatoly.

“You sure it’s a good idea to provoke that guy? He’s positively a gigantic jerk and one of the most psychopathic walking around school.” Cameron asked as he nervously eyed back to see whether they were following us or not.  I refrained from rolling my eyes and chuckling in his face, but Anatoly sure had not such tact.

“You need to refill your dose of get-me-some-backbone, because dude, you are so lame and pathetic it’s almost hilarious. How do you plan to get that chick over there like you if you act in this way? And Seryozha being a psycho? Ha, give me a break. He’s a fucking nullity and he is shitless scared of his own cousin, and that just because Sasha is a huge beast.” Anatoly snorted and rolled his eyes, while Cameron turned green and nervously shot quickly glances toward Sharon hoping she had missed the conversation, and lucky enough, the girl was now engaged in some discussion with Viola. “Stop sweating like that; the weirdo there didn’t get a word, and you know what? She probably has a crush for Adrian.” He slapped the poor guy on his neck and smirked like a wolf. I shook my head smiling, because it was clear he was just messing around, but Cameron didn’t get it and shot me quite the worried look.

“I’m screwed against you.” He admitted and I kept silent only for Anatoly, because in fact the girl had a crush on him and it was clear as day light, but they both missed it.

“He’s just messing with you. Sharon has no interest in me.” Cameron looked at me and then at Sharon and sighed out.

“Get some damn backbone, for crying out loud. You want that weirdo over there? Ask her out.” Anatoly slapped his neck once more

“Hey, who’s the weirdo here? Don’t you look at yourself in the mirror every morning?”

“I said grow some spine, not annoy the fuck out of me. Piss off and leave me alone, got other things to think about.”

The boy over there paled a moment, as Anatoly sure still had that rather “dark” atmosphere around him when being serious, but I winked at Cameron and he understood me, as he went to join the girls. I purposely slowed down my steps and Anatoly looked at me puzzled.

“What’s up?”

“I wanted to ask you that in the first place, Anatoly. Everything ok? You seem a bit lost in some thoughts this morning. I know you don’t like people invading your privacy and I respect it, but can I ask you if everything is fine with you?” He considered my words and then let out a deep and long exhale.

“I still don’t know why you two guys waste time with someone like me.”

“We both like you, Anatoly. Nothing very complicated to understand, don’t you agree?”


“Look who’s talking. I just discovered you like to read.” He froze there on the spot and narrowed his eyes. “No worries, our secret.” I winked and let my hand venture on his shoulder. He let me and so it slipped slowly up reaching the back of his neck. I could tell he was really working-out more than before, because the muscles of his shoulder felt harder and for sure looked more prominent. “Anatoly, just let me know if everything is ok and I promise you I won’t ask for anything else.”

He thought about that and then let out another long exhale.

“I don’t know to be honest.”

It actually surprised me that he admitted something like this with me, but pleased very much at the same time. I liked him, not sure in which way yet, but I liked him, because there was something in him that attracted my curiosity and interest. Si, he was very attractive and couldn’t help my flirtation with him, and you would very well understand me if you saw him.

I stared at him trying to understand what the source of his rather not bright mood was and my fingers automatically stroked his hair. Strangely enough, he let me. Again that surprised me, because usually he would pull back. It didn’t mean he liked that, but that he simply really had something important on his mind and that worried me.

“Anatoly, do you have some troubles with that gang?” I hoped I hadn’t stepped too further with that question, but from the way he gazed at me, I knew I hadn’t. Just sheer luck.

“Nothing like that, and anyway, I don’t give a shit about me. What worries me it’s them finding out about my family, but why the hell I worry about that? That fucking damn impassive and sadistic bastard will take care of everything.” He shook his head violently as he spoke those words and I wondered who that person was.

“Who is this bastard you talk about? Is that your father’s personal assistant, Oleg?” When he heard that name he gulped and his eyes drilled a hole in mine. They were beautiful, not the most shining, but so deep and with such breathtaking silvery specks.

“Yeah, he’s the sadistic bastard.” His voice sounded annoyed and worried at the same time, which had almost ask a question I knew it was better to keep silent for now. I went for another one, though.

“You can trust this man? If you’ll have any problem, I mean.”

Anatoly thought about that a moment and then quickly groaned irritated, and must admit his expression had me smile.

“As much as it fucking pisses me off, yes, I know I can trust that bastard…right, as long as I don’t do anything of very mental and fucked up.”

“What do you mean?” I didn’t get what he meant with that last sentence.


He looked away and I got the message.

“Alright, if you say you have no issues with that gang, then I am satisfied. I will respect your space, but you know you can count on me.” What I said clearly took him aback and to mask the surprise, he reacted in his usual harsh way.

“Let’s not get all mushy here, shall we? And let’s go to class; don’t need to be late, because you know what a damn pain in the ass they are with me.”

I smiled and nodded, and right when we were about to reach Viola and her two friends, he quickly muttered something barely audible.


I said nothing and simply winked at him.

Under that thick armor of sarcasm, harshness and diffidence, Anatoly had a huge and warm heart. He just needed the right person to wake it up and make it beat to life once more.


I had to get a grip on myself because I couldn’t let people see what the hell was going on in my mind, and for the press, nothing was going on in my freaking mind. Not a damn thing. Got it?

I sighed and massaged my temples.

Whom was I try to kid? Since this morning I had a hard time to concentrate on everything, even on elementary subjects as Math and History, even though they were both boring as fuck. Thank God it finally was lunch time, because aside being fucking starving, I needed a freaking break from everything. I groaned as I realized those two little things would join us today, because let me tell you something: that little moron over there was a pain in the ass with his pathetic shyness and lack of spine. The other one, the weirdo-emo-girl, kept looking at me as if I was some rare animal and that was enough to get on my nerves, but somehow Adrian’s presence was quite enough to sooth my irritation. He kinda reminded me of River and the moment his name crossed my mind, I sighed once more and grabbed my phone.

Should I send him a message or not? I know my brother wanted to meet in the afternoon and with all chances the Mighty Sasha would be there, but what about River? I knew he would be the right person to talk to, but what was I? A pathetic little kid in need of help? I needed nothing and anyway, I had no right to call him and ask for anything, as I still hadn’t really spoke a word about what happened years ago and I damn owed them that explanation. I wondered if Travis was right about that, but he seemed to know his man very well, so maybe…ah, let’s leave it for now. There was nothing to talk about, because it was simply mental and suicidal. End of any discussion.

I sank in my chair and then almost lost the sensibility in my ears as crazy-hyper-princess over there jumped up from her seat and clapped hands, obviously attracting a lot of attention; attention from guys that literally drooled over her. I shook my head after trying to calm my heart beat. That crazy fairy will be the death of me one day or another. I should seriously consider spiking her meals with something to chill her down and then I could sell her to some secret Army department, because sure as hell, they could use her as mass destruction weapon.

“The fuck, Vi, next time why don’t you directly punch me in the face? That would hurt less, especially from someone as skinny as you. Jeee, can’t hear anymore.”

“You dork! As if I could punch my best friend!” I made a terrible mistake in giving her a bored glance, because she immediately jumped on my laps and locked her arms around my neck. Ok, let me reiterate. Her voice and her perfume will be the death of me one day or another. “I almost forgot to tell you about the party!”

I said nothing, but didn’t miss those other two fairies’ excited faces and then Adrian smirking at me amused. He was having fun at my expenses, the bastard. Right as I thought at that word, I froze on the spot. Oh freaking hell, this gotta be a joke. Snap out it and do it now.

“So, you want to hear about the party?”

“Do I have a choice?” I even gave up on putting her down, because I knew it was pointless.

“Halloween party! And guess what? This year I am in the committee with Sharon and some other friends and we are going to organize something absolutely fabulous and unforgettable. You must come!”

I gave her a flat look and honestly, she expected me to join this retarded madness? Well, I don’t think fucking so.

“You gotta be kidding me. Halloween party? What are we, ten years old? Treat or trick? You want me to dress up like what?”

“Oh, you are fine like that, lord of Darkness..” the shrimp there joked and I immediately sent him a look that shut him up for good.

“And you gotta be what? The depressed shrimp?”

“C’mon, Anatoly, you must come! You’ll look so hot in some costume.”

“Forget it.”

Adrian smiled and winked, as to say to give in something, knowing his sister very well. He probably was right. Better give her something now, so she’ll shut up and we’ll be able to finish lunch. It’s not like I was going to promise anything or go to that stupid party, so yeah, better get some peace and quiet.

“Fine, I will probably, and mark my words, probably, show up for a few minutes, since you’ll all need a bit coolness among those lames monkeys.”

Right in that moment the phone vibrated in my pocket and when I went to look at the screen, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a message from River telling me he would join that dofus of my brother a bit later, as he had something to do in college with Sasha. I refrained from being completely ridiculous and so I avoided to smile, but must admit to my annoyance that it was hard. River was the only one, aside Dima of course, that called Aleksandr Sasha. I wondered why he decided to send me a message and then wondered how the hell he got my new number, but I already knew the answer. That dofus of my brother.

“Something interesting?” Adrian smirked and his dimples still showed on his cheeks. He sure was hot, but … I shook my head and let it go.

This was wrong and mental for too many reasons.

And it was damn suicidal and no freaking kidding. We were talking about that impassive bastard of Oleg and if he would just suspect of anything, he would get my neck snapped in no time. Plus, the idea of…argh, how pathetic was that of me? Get your head out of your ass, you moron!

A wrong step and everything would be screwed and fucked up once more and I sure couldn’t afford it. Mostly, I sure didn’t want that to happen even again. I almost had my family and friends back again and there was no way I would screw it up another time. Chances don’t grow on trees like cherries and I knew damn well how lucky I had been. So I better keep my mental and suicidal self in check.

“Just a friend of my brother and..” I wasn’t sure how to describe it.

“I got it, so no ride, I suppose?” I looked at him and realized he just spared me from explaining myself. Ridiculous, did I always need someone to pull me out of the gutter?

“We used to be friends, like with the Mighty Sasha.”

“I see.”

Adrian wasn’t a bad person and for sure he did not annoy me or get on my nerves, as he actually seemed to understand my need for space and of a certain distance from people in general. I guess what happened years ago let some deeper scars into me.

“Want to join us? You already met my brother and Sasha, and I think you’d like River. He’s a smartass like you and get this: his boyfriend is the chipmunk’s older brother.” I sneered at that, but I heard from Dima that they were doing fine together, from what he could get out from River. I shook my head thinking about that; he always used to be reserved, so he hasn’t changed one bit apparently.

“Are you sure, Anatoly?”

“I’m going to dig my own grave in this way, because that moron of Dima already makes idiotic jokes about this, but whatever. I honestly feel for his chipmunk.” Better to hear his dumb jokes about Adrian than about Oleg. Damn right it was better that way.

“Well, in this case, why not? I’m honestly curious to meet more of your friends.”

“Former friends.”

“Friends.” Adrian winked and then I caught that moron of Seryozha and his dimwits staring at me from the other side of the cafeteria.

Ah, what a pain in the ass. Will this ever end someday? I knew it, I knew it; I deserved every single bit of this and didn’t even try to deny it, but give me a break, would you? It was quite the pain in the ass and mostly because I was afraid they would touch my babe or get me in some deep shit with the principal and all the teachers. That would suck big hell time and I sure couldn’t afford it. I was literally dancing on the edge of a knife and a wrong step would really fuck things up big freaking time.

My phone vibrated again and it was a message from my brother telling me he would be a bit later because he had to stop somewhere on the way. I bet it had to do with his chipmunk, but well, it surprisingly didn’t irritate me. I quickly replied I would wait for him at the fixed spot and then shoved the phone back in my pocket.

I realized I was nervous at the idea of meeting River and Sasha today, because I wasn’t sure what properly tell them. One thing was to meet with the others, as Derek was always a clown and Hayden wasn’t part of our old group of friends, but one thing was facing them with just my brother. I swallowed down and then thought whether asking Adrian to join us was a good idea; I quickly shot a look at his direction and decided I was acting worse than a really freaking annoying little girl. I didn’t ask him to join us out of cowardice, but simply because it felt ok to ask him and that was all.

Adrian removed the helmet and let out an excited laugh, combing his dark curls with one hand. We reached the park Dima told me about and I removed my helmet too, looking a bit around. I remembered the place, as we used to come here and play when we were little brats. I bet that moron of my brother did it on purpose.

“Hermoso, I must admit riding with you is really exciting…we should do it more often and change something in that.” He winked and I simply shook my head.

“You should see me in a circuit, where I can go to fucking real speed. Ha! That’s what I call real excitement.”

I smirked at that idea, for then feeling real excitement coursing in my veins as my mind raced to the previous day. Shit, it’s been awesome and didn’t care one bit in admitting it loud in my mind. I had a hell of time with that bastard of Oleg and I freaking enjoyed that much that I felt still like shivering for the adrenaline. He even showed me his place…damn, quite the surprise. He even said I could go there sometimes…I shook my head and let it go.

“What do you call excitement? You sucking dicks?”

At those words my blood froze in the veins for immediately turning into pure lava. What the fuck did he want from me even here? Adrian shot him a worried look and then shot one at me as to say to keep it cool. It was seven of them because of course the trash over there would never dare to face anything alone; not even himself in the mirror.

“What do you want?” Adrian asked before I could voice something less polite.

“Nothing from you, Taylor, so why don’t you get the hell out of here?”

Adrian said nothing, simply put the helmet on the saddle of my Ninja and then stopped right beside me.

“Why don’t you get out of here, Sergey?”

“Am I interrupting some romantic date? Oh wait a moment, you are another fag too, isn’t that so? Yeah, so you too are like this one here. Bet your parents were the same and maybe those one too, aside your sister, who’s really hot for the weirdo she is, you know that?”

The sneer on his face was enough for me. I knew this pathetic little shit here was only words and nothing more, and I knew he wouldn’t actually touch Viola, but I came to realize you never really understood a person completely and they could deceive you right when you less expected it.

“What did you j..” Adrian couldn’t finish his sentence before I took a step toward the little shit there to grab his jacket.

“You want to get even with me for this morning, right? Go ahead, dickhead. Go ahead and let’s see if you have enough guts to beat me by yourself, fucktard. You don’t, right? Ha, you are so lame that ain’t even funny.”

“Anatoly..” Adrian said sounding worried, but I couldn’t care less.

This shithead here had already got on my nerves way too much and right now we weren’t in school.

“You called for it, Denisov.”

“Bring it on, asshole.”

And I fucking knew it he would not have the guts to fight fairly with me. Why should he? It’s the same way I used to be and I fucking deserved what was about to come, but it didn’t mean I would take it passively.

The first punch connected to my face as Adrian was stopped by three guys to prevent him from doing anything. I smirked at that asshole of Sergey as I spat a bit of blood, and then my fist connected with someone’s jaw.


Someone stood in the shadow of a tall tree and observed the scene in front of his eyes without knowing what to do. He wanted to jump out of there and kick the shit out of him, but at the same time, he wanted to jump out and help that idiot out. He had always thought of that punk as a brother of his and it wasn’t easy now to stand there and do nothing, but what could be done? He had his hands tied.

The person standing there clenched his fists and cursed under his breath. He knew Anatoly had left that kind of life time ago and he knew now he was clean and that was how it was supposed to be, because someone like him never belonged to that life, but nothing was that easy. Their boss was about to be back soon and he knew how obsessed Caden was with Anatoly in some sick way. He sure was obsessed with Anatoly not in the same way the person standing in the shadow was, and Caden’s obsession held nothing of sane and normal. His obsession only called for insanity and real troubles.

The person observed that more and right when he decided to intervene because he couldn’t stand to stay there and witness to that madness without doing a thing, other people arrived and he recognized two of them. His eyes closed and his lips spat out the cig.

He took another look and realized there was no need of his presence.

His presence would only complicate things for Anatoly and Vince was aware of that.

It was better to leave him alone, at least, until it was possible to do so.

Author's chit-chat:

So, how did you like the chapter? I can't wait to read your comments! Looking forward to them!

What about the new POV? You liked it? Do you like Adrian and the way their bond is somehow forming? But what kind of bond will form between them?

And what about the last part, the EXTERNAL POV: what are your thoughts, guesses, ideas on that? You worried about that or not?

And what about Anatoly's discover? What is he so afraid of to voice even in his mind?

I shall update soon, probably end of this week or beginning of next week, as I also need to update "Fallen for an angel"

Let me say something more: it's great to be back and I missed all of you! Once more, thank you for your messages!

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