What Are We Waiting For?

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Rushing through the hospital doors, dad and I held Fangs up as Jug rushed ahead of us. "Help us! We need a Doctor!" We all exclaimed, trying to get someone's attention.

"Ma'm." Jug begun.

"Sir, you'll need to wait your turn." The woman behind the desk replied.

"He was shot!" Jug yelled, stressed.

"I need you to step back-!" Jug slammed his hand onto the counter.

"He's dying!" Jug choked.

"Hey! What's going on here?" A doctor called out to us, walking over.

"My friend was shot right in the stomach." Jug quickly explained to him, looking to Fangs I saw his eyes closing.

"Hey Hey Hey, stay awake." I patted his face.

"Get me a gurney." A doctor said to one of the many rushing around nurses. The gurney ready to go, dad and I slowly started placing him on it.

"Fp, Luci." Fangs muttered.

"It's ok, we're here. We're here." We reassured him.

"Be careful." A doctor told us to be, Fangs awing in pain as Jug got his feet up. Fangs took ahold of my hand. "Let's go!"

"Hang in there. Hang in there." Dad repeated.

"Lu-Luci." Fangs coughed.

"It's ok baby, I'm here." I reassured, Watching as Fangs grip left my hand. Dad held me back as we watch him being taken down the hall. Wiping my eyes, Jug started following Fangs's path down the hall. Dad and I followed behind Jug. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"To find the guy who shot Fangs."

"You're not going. Not with people rioting." Dad started, whilst we emerged through the crowded halls. "You're angry, you want justice? So do I and your sister. You've got a fallen soldier here boy." Dad swung him around, stopping him.

"Jug, we need to talk to his family. That's part of being a leader. For you, a future one." I explained to him.

"Some leader I am." He sobbed.

"Don't go down that road. All right. Come on. Come on." Dad gave us both a gentle shove back towards the waiting area. Feeling my whole being worry about Klaus, just as I went to message him. He sent. I'm all okay, I'm with Archie.


Jug and I pacing around the room, we saw a nurse who was one of the many that took Fangs in for surgery. "Excuse me, Ma'm." I begun, stepping over a small child at his mothers feet.  "How's Fangs Fogarty?"

"He's still in surgery." She explained to us, my body tensing as the new sheriff walked up behind the woman we were talking to.

"I wanna talk to him as soon as he wakes up." The nurse nodding, she left to answer a call.

"Sheriff Minetta." Jug said in a hello way. "Shouldn't you be on the streets? Lookinh for who shot Fangs?"

"There's a manhunt underway. Your serpent pals aren't making things easy." He looked over to dad who stood in the dark corner, taking a drink out of a plastic cup from the fountain. Looking back to us, he continued his list. "Rioting, carousing, terrorising. Already arrested a few."

"Fangs wouldn't have a slug in his gut if you had done your job." Dad stated as he came and stood beside me.

"I don't know the details of your parole Mr Jones, but I'm certain harassing an officer would violate them." Having my hand in a ball, I wedged myself between the two adult men in front of me as dad huffed. "Aww, how cute. Daddy's little girl standing in front of her dad to protect her, what are you gonna do?" Minetta mocked.

"Don't. Test. Me." I gritted my teeth.

"Jug?" Looking back as dad said Jugs name, he was gone. "Luc."

"Dad, stay here with Fangs. I think I know where Jug left to." Rushing back out the hospital. I drove to the first place that came to mind, one of two places in sunnyside trailer park. Our main home. Parking the impala at front, I rushed through the door just as Jughead ended his call.

"Luci!" He seemed shocked.

"Thought you would've been here. Who were you on the phone to?" I folded my arms.

"Arch, we have to go and get the serpents. They're heading to high school. Klaus says hi."

"Well... What are we waiting for?" I rhetorically asked, grabbing my spare helmet off of the dining table. "Let's go."

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