You Can't Know Yet

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"Where are you and Klaus heading to?" A voice asked from behind me, closing down the boot of the impala. I turned around and smiled, seeing Dad standing there. His hands in his leather jacket pockets.

"Hey dad, we're just heading into the city for two nights. Just to try and get some space away from the drama." I explained, starting to walk back inside with him. I was lying to him, I had a baby appointment to go to.

"Oh, is the queen and king running now?" He teased, playfully shoulder nudging me.

"Hey, were not crowned yet. So we get off easy." I smiled, closing the door behind us.

"Where's Klaus?" He questioned, helping himself to the cupboard as usual. Knowing where jug and I get out food cravings.

"The whyrm and then the bank, sorting some stuff out before we leave. To make sure we're covered while we're up there. Klaus is also buying Archie a new guitar when we're in the city, cause he broke it." Dad bursted into laughter.

"How did he manage to do that?"

"It's Klaus, anything possible." I shrugged, hearing the familiar sound combination of combat boots and the jingle of keys. "Speak of the devil. Hey you." I smiled, him pecking me on the lips.

"Hey." Klaus looked to Dad. "Fp." They shook hands.

"Klaus, heard about your guitar accident. Never was a music junky." Klaus looked back to me.

"You told him?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I tell dad everything." Well not everything.

"Do you need anything up in the city?" Klaus questioned my father. He shook his head.

"Nah, I'm good. You guys go, I'll lock up here." Hugging dad, Klaus and I begun to walk to the front door.

"Don't eat all of my food!" I called out.

"I can't make any promises!" All I could do was role my eyes, closing the door behind me. Klaus skipped down the stairs, just like he was a child.

"You're excited." I laughed at him being adorable.

"Cause I want to see the baby, let's go." He pulled me along, trying to hurry me up.

"Klaus, I'm only a few weeks. He or she will be very tiny on the monitor." Both of us getting into the car, Klaus's started the car.

"I know." He replied, I just lowered my head at my phone in my hands. My heart warm, full of love how excited he is about the whole situation.

Where the uncrowned king and queen were on the highway to their appointment, the young prince walked up the stairs to the castle. Attempting to open the front door, he frowned. Walking over to the snake statue in the front garden, lifting it up. He went to grab the spare house key from the hole, realising it wasn't there. He left to Pops, where his father was on shift. "Hey dad."

"Hey Jug, what's up?" The king asked, drying the bench top. His son sitting down in front of him on a stool.

"Any idea where Lucifer and Klaus are? Cause the house is locked and the spare key from the snake statue is gone." Jug seemed concerned.

"No need to worry Jughead, they left to the city. I've got the spare key, before you ask. They told me they're in the city to get away for a little bit." The older man explained to his son, them continuing on with their conversation. The hours passed, leaving the king and queen. Hand in hand, waiting for the doctor to walk through the door. Klaus paced the room, laps.

"Klaus, stop pacing. You're stressing me and I'm carrying your kid." I grabbed ahold of his hand, making him face me. "Everything going to be ok." I tried to reassure him.

"Lucifer and Klaus, I'm so sorry for the wait." Knowing Klaus was about to have a go at the doctor, I squeezed his hand. Talking before he did.

"That's ok, can we start?" I questioned.

"Yes we can, just lay down for me on the bed." He instructed, doing so. He turned on the monitor, bringing out a tube I raised an eyebrow at it. "This is the gel, just lift your shirt for me. It might be a bit cold." Lifting up my shirt to my belly button, He squirted on the gel. He wasn't wrong, it was ice cold. Rubbing it on, he started circling over my stomach with the small hand device. Which would show us the baby on the monitor, while also letting us hear his or her heart beat. Looking to Klaus, he was so fascinated to the screen.

"How long do you think it'll take before I start showing?" I asked the doctor.

"I'm guessing around 12 to 16 weeks. Oh here we go." He smiled, my eyes widened. Hearing the sound of a small heart beat, I smiled. Feeling my eyes fill up, I looked to Klaus. Who was smiling down at me. "There he or she is." The doctor pointed to the screen, hearing Klaus gasp. While the doctor pointed out the head, arms and the tail of our child. Due to the baby not developing legs yet.  "Do you guys have any names thought of for your boy or girl?"


"Yes." I added after Klaus, him surprised as we haven't talked about it yet. "You can't know yet."

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