Morning, Evening, and All Through The Night.

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The tragedy of duality, a prose of love;
above all, a tale of end.

Lyra North and Regulus Black have nothing in common.

He is Slytherin's king. She is the princess of Hufflepuff. He is a god among men when it comes to Potions. She is the best in their year at Charms. He is Seeker for his house's Quidditch team. She is much preferred by all those around her with both feet firm on the ground. He is dry, quiet, and quick; she is vivid, like the North Star.

He is slotted to receive the Dark Mark by the end of the year.

She is born of dirty blood by his standards.

Even still—even through their hiccups and faults, through a plethora of obstacles the universe tends to throw their way—Regulus and Lyra find each other.

The belligerent exterior Regulus upkeeps around the general population is cold and uncaring, and Lyra originally has no plans to even attempt to break through to the inner side of it. Regulus, on the other hand, has absolutely no desire to spend time with any Hufflepuffs, much less the queen of them all—the shining, glittering star that is Lyra North has never intrigued him and never will. The mutual disinterest between them is just that: Nothing. Not love, not hate, not attraction, not opposition. Just—a bridge that does not exist over a vast ravine.

Funny how easily one detention can change first and long-lasting impressions. Like how rain washes away footprints; one hour out in the snow, and Regulus and Lyra have formed a rope bridge to tie their two sides of the pit together.

He is the rougher side; the uneven cliffside with treacherous water at the bottom.

She is the other; the smooth, flat rocks hundreds of feet above crippling black stone.

The thing is—and even Regulus isn't aware of it until he's tumbled in himself—the smooth side is what's dangerous. Nowhere to plant your feet, nowhere to hold onto when the wind begins to blow you around.

The smooth side looks safe; the sort of thing people would pick if this were a riddle. Rocky cliff or even terrain? The answer is obvious; the safer side. It provides comfort, superficial solace.

Just like Lyra.

In the end, it's a trap, a way to lure in people like Regulus and draw them to their death. A calculated ruse that everyone—everyone, without fail—falls for.

Just like Lyra.

✺ Thank your lucky stars
that you don't have a Lyra North in your life!
(Regulus sure wishes he heeded such a warning.)

Rachel Zegler ☥ Lyra Arabella North
Hufflepuff The North Star The lyre is winged.

Timothee Chalamet ☥ Regulus Arcturus Black
Slytherin A Fallen Star Is the toss even fair?


Maxence Danet-Fauvel ☥ Bartemus Crouch, Jr.
Hugh Laughton Scott ☥ Evan Rosier.
Elle Fanning ☥ Pandora Rosier.
Anya Taylor Joy ☥ Narcissa Black.
Kiera Knightley ☥ Andromeda Black.
Courtney Eaton ☥ Bellatrix Black.
Anok Yai ☥ Dorcas Meadowes.
Adam Driver ☥ Severus Snape.
Ben Barnes ☥ Sirius Black.
Rieky de Valk ☥ James Potter.
Havana Rose Liu ☥ Lily Evans.
Maxwell Donovan ☥ Peter Pettigrew.

Lyra North/Regulus Black, 1978
"A child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort."

happy regulus black fic? never.
death, gore, violence, harsh language, war themes
also heavy heavy themes of obsession and unhealthy love

to moony wormtail padfoot & my citruslemon

Author's Note
willy wonka meets lucy gray baird and absolutely NOBODY is prepared for the outcome

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