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Mephisto had a tailor at the Manor on Saturday to literally make Rin a new wardrobe. Rin grumbled about having to stand so still for so long, but Mephisto and Amaimon could tell he was enjoying getting fitted. Let it be known that Rin Okumura was not a shy person, he just had years and years of social trauma. But as long as Mephisto and Amaimon trusted this person, he could trust them too. He obediently stood still as a statue.

The first step in getting Rin a new wardrobe was taking his measurements. Next was going through materials Rin could pick out himself.

Silk was an obvious choice–Rin loved stealing Mephisto's silk robe and sleeping in Amaimon's silk sheets. Silk was smooth and lustrous, lightweight and flowy. Rin could slide around in it all day long.

Cotton, Linen, and Nylon were the next few materials he picked out. Cotton was soft, cheap, and easy to clean.

Linen was good for hot weather because it was a breathable material and lightweight.

Nylon was something to be used for undergarments and stockings(or lingerie). Mephisto grinned at the thought. He wondered if he could convince his darling Crown Prince to wear lingerie for him sometime....

"You'll have to bribe me for that." Rin warned him from across the room knowingly.

"How did you know what I was thinking, Dearest?" The Time Lord asked, an innocent expression on his face that Rin didn't buy for a second.

"Because I know you and that look on your face. You're predictable." Rin told him, smirking at him in the mirror in front of him.

Amaimon nodded in agreement. "If one spends enough time around you, you have obvious tells. Not obvious enough for the humans to get, since they haven't found out in your over 200 years of service to them. But they're obvious for Rin and I because Rin can read people very well and I've known you for thousands of years." Amaimon added.

"Sounds like they've got your mannerisms down very well, Master. Will this be all for now?" Belial entered the room to deliver Mephisto's tea.

"I'll be cooking dinner tonight and we have chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge. Thank you Belial, that will be all." Rin answered for the Demon King. The Butler bowed to Rin and left the room, barely concealing the smile on his face. Mephisto snorted. His Butler seemed to be enjoying the fact that his Master had chosen such a kind and humble partner.

The tailor left to start making the several items of clothing and they relaxed for the rest of the day.


On Sunday, Mephisto had another tailor designing clothes for Rin, but this Tailor was a specialist in androgynous/femme clothing. The woman seemed very excited to make clothes for the teen and he raised an eyebrow at Mephisto.

"Oh, come now Darling, you'll look lovely in clothes that aren't just all specifically male, don't give me that look. And if you're going to be living with me, you're going to need diversity and style in your wardrobe." The Time Lord chuckled. Rin rolled his eyes while the woman wrote notes down on her notepad and measured nearly every part of Rin's body.

"Androgynous designer clothes are very meticulous, you know! I think you have a gift being made this way!" The tailor told him, grinning brightly.

Once again, she left to have the clothes made and The three Demons had a peaceful evening.


Two weeks later, Rin was walking around in a whole wardrobe of brand new clothes that fit him perfectly. He asked Mephisto how the tailors had gotten the clothes done so fast over dinner one night.

"Oh, those two sold their souls to be able to make clothes they designed perfectly until they died. They used to be married, but they had a disagreement on who made clothes better and divorced." The Headmaster explained. Rin blanched.

"But she looked so much younger than him!" He recalled. Mephisto laughed.

"Ah, yes. See, the woman sold her soul to me for the fashion. She sold her body for immortality to another high-class demon to possess her whenever the demon pleases not long after she made the deal for her soul with me. That woman wanted it all and she got it all. She can do her dream job and look young and beautiful forever. The man sold his soul much later than she did and missed out on the second half of that."

"Wow. She sold her body and her soul.... that's some devotion right there. Or maybe it's just total disregard for one's health, but that was her choice." Rin noted.

"On another note, how's training going?" Mephisto changed the subject.

"It's going great actually! Shiemi and Bon actually asked me if I could help them train. Bon knows I'm good at hand-to-hand and he wants more training under his belt than just shooting guns and memorizing scriptures. Shiemi wants me to teach her self defense. It''s nice. I think they realized they left me behind for a while there and wanna make it up to me." He smiled down at his stew.

Mephisto smiled warmly. "That's good, Darling. As much as I'd love to keep you myself and Amaimon, I know you love your human friends too." He said. Rin blushed and looked away.

"What do you think of polyamory?" He wondered suddenly. Mephisto froze as he was about to take another bite of food and put his spoon down.

"Why?" He asked carefully. Amaimon sat up more, looking very interested in this sudden turn of conversation.

" guys are so good to me and I'm so happy that I decided to give you a chance." Rin started nervously. "But at the same time, I miss Bon a lot. Before that asshole Lightning came along and took away from us, he was always so patient with me. He'd study with me, even if it was mostly just me asking stupid questions the whole time and getting distracted easily. He....He was good to me too."

Rin's shoulders hunched and he wouldn't look at either of them. He played with the vegetables floating around in his stew nervously and his other hand tapped on the table constantly. But the biggest tell was always his tail. He trusted his lovers not to ravish him every time they saw it and instead used it as a way to indirectly tell them how he was feeling when he didn't want to say it outright.

He heard a snap and his chin was pulled up gently by Amaimon, who planted a kiss on his lips. It was a very soft, tame kiss. "You can love whoever you want to, Rin. Because I care for you so much, I won't stop you from loving others." He murmured quietly. A poof sounded and Mephisto was on his other side, pulling him in for a soft kiss.

"I agree with Amaimon. Your love is a gift that others should strive for. It's their fault if they don't see it, but those who do and want to be worthy of it deserve a chance. They see how much they should value you." He added.

"He may react badly to us, but if you want to give it a try, do your best. We'll welcome him if you do. And the blonde if you choose her too." Amaimon told him.

Rin grinned up at him. "So you really liked Shiemi, huh?" He teased.

"She's good with plants and she gives sanctuary to many of my kin. I respect her." He answered, not embarrassed at all.

"That's good, Amaimon. Maybe I can try to get Bon and you can get Shiemi. She wouldn't turn you away if you tried to get close. She's too kind." Rin pulled them both down for one more kiss each, these ones happier and more energetic, before they went back to eating dinner.


So, I began this story as a fic similar to both Opalescent by PresidentGuppy
and Incandescence by TheBeingOfEverything on Ao3 and then I started reading Burnished through Blue Fire and loved the idea of a ployamorous group of lovers, so here you guys go. My OTP for Blue Exorcist is BonRin and my OT3 is AmaiMephiRin, so this is what's happened. And then there that sprinkling of innocent RinShi love and AmaiShi romance.

A lot of different aspects on relationships and the different kinds of people that can fall in love with each other. I hope you'll keep enjoying this story!

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