This is how I cope, okay.

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I finished Merlin a week ago. When I finish a series, I go through a long period of not really knowing what to do with myself.

1) Rewatch/ reread my favorite parts a gazillion times

Read a bunch of fanfiction

Lay in bed at night while staring at the ceiling contemplating life

Look at Pinterest pictures for five hundred hours

Write my own fanfiction

Read/ watch the whole thing over again

There are only three series I've done this with so far.

Harry Potter, the Maze Runner, and Merlin.

I'm currently in the Pinterest stage of Merlin, and I keep coming across pictures of Merlin/ Harry Potter crossovers with Arthur as a Gryffindor and Merlin as a Slytherin with a bunch of people saying that Merlin is a Ravenclaw.

I'm sorry, but Merlin saved the lives of an entire kingdom so many times we all stopped counting and never sought any credit.

Merlin hid a secret from his best friend for years just so he wouldn't have to decide to honor his father or honor his own morals.

Merlin knowingly drank poison for Arthur only a few weeks after he threw him in prison and hit him with a mace.

Merlin admitted to having magic in front of the royal court so that he would be burnt at the stake instead of Gwen.

Merlin went against the advice of someone who could basically predict the future just because he didn't like watching other people grieving over someone he knew to be evil.

Merlin saved a boy he knew would kill Arthur later on because he felt it was the right thing to do.

Merlin help a random boy who broke into the citadel in the dead of night when there was an evil witch on the lose just because there might have been a girl who was dying and he could save her.

Merlin lied to the king so that Arthur could go on a date with someone he knew was actually an evil she and was put into the stocks.

Merlin gave Lancelot a proper sendoff, even though he knew he wasn't the real Lancelot.

Merlin was the worst servant in the world, but Arthur preferred him over George because he made him smile.

Merlin was loyal to Arthur for 2,000 years, watching all the people he loved die, because he knew that one day he would return and he would need help.

Merlin is the biggest Hufflepuff to walk the face of the earth.

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