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The first thing Jungkook noticed was that he wasn't in his own bed.

The sunlight filtered through the only window in the room, Jungkook squinting his eyes as he sat sat up. His skin was completely bare, and he looked to the ground, immediately noticing his clothes scattered across the floor of the unfamiliar room.

It was strange, because he knew that he got drunk last night yet a headache didn't rattle  through his skull as he attempted to take in his surroundings. He did however, feel a tad bit lightheaded, his skin feeling tingly as he looked beside him and found an empty space in the bed beside him.

He just felt out of it. Sighing softly and sniffling, Jungkook pulled the bedsheets over his body more, shivering due to the cold temperature of the room he sat in. It took almost all of his effort to swing his legs over the side of the bed and stand up, muscles aching and legs feeling almost like jelly.

Keeping the sheets still wrapped around him, Jungkook bent down to pick up his clothes. The scent that could be detected as he picked up his shirt however, was enough to snap him right back into reality.

So sweet. Like a cocktail of everything Jungkook loved.


Where was he? Jungkook's eyes scanned the room once more, now aware that it was Jimin's. He remembered the male dragging him there at the dead hours of the night, the air filled with Jimin's soft moans and whines of approval.

A chill went down his spine as he thought back to how Jimin looked at him, crimson irises seeming to glow in the dark as a smirk graced his lips. He was so surreal, Jungkook would've been sure that he was just a dream if he had woken up in his own bed.

He would normally not remember a thing about the night before after he went drinking, but his memories were so vivid now; leaving Jungkook desperate to try and make them a reality once more. It felt insane to him to try an pass this off as a one night stand.

He needed more.

Jungkook quickly tugged his shirt over his head, attempting not to let himself get distracted by Jimin's distinct scent as he tugged the fabric over him. He shook his head afterwards, then looking for his pants and underwear until he was fully dressed. He didn't know where his socks were, and he remembered absentmindedly kicking his shoes off while pressing Jimin up against the doorframe.

He could remember every single detail about Jimin, from the way his lips parted to the way his fingernails scratched at Jungkook's skin. The deep red of his eyes and the and the flushed pink of his skin.

Jungkook sighed, mind still clouded as he stood up and slowly walked towards the door. He gulped, not so sure why he felt almost nervous the moment his fingers touched the doorknob. A feeling of fear collided with the high he had still been on from the night before, creating a very weird mixture of emotions that clashed against each other.

He attempted to shake it off, allowing the scent that still clung to his clothes to calm him as he turned the knob and stepped out into the hallway. Jungkook attempted to ignore the atmosphere of dread that filled the apartment, but it only became stronger as he walked further out into the living room, negative thoughts forcing themselves into his mind.

"So you were the first?" A deep voice sliced through the silence, causing Jungkook's heart to stop for a split second before he was whipping his head around; eyes darting around to find whoever the owner was. "I'd tell you to consider yourself lucky, but that's not the word I'd use to describe you. Lucky? No.. Not at all. Gullible? Probably."

The man he laid his eyes upon sent chills down his spine. He leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen, arms folded across his chest as he stared down Jungkook with narrowed eyes. His eye colour reminded Jungkook of Jimin's, although they were much deeper and richer in colour, much more intimidating. "You reek of him. Did it feel good? Getting with a slut like him? I bet you're so proud of yourself."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed, jaw clenching as he allows the other's words to sink in. "Can't believe he actually managed to drag you in."

"And you are?" Jungkook took a step forwards, looking the stranger up and down. "If you're Jimin's roommate then... God I feel sorry for him."

"Oh yeah?" The other scowled, silently loving that he could already see irritation growing in his eyes. It brought him a bit of joy, knowing that he had instilled anger within somebody else. "Why are you getting so offended about me insulting someone that you slept with once? Kind of pathetic."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, shoulders tense as he stepped forwards once more. "But since you asked, I'm Yoongi, and I know Jimin far better than you do so don't even try to start shit if you don't know who you're coming for."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow once Jungkook didn't respond, nodding his head in the direction of the front door. "Go ahead, do your walk of shame."

"You aren't top shit." Jungkook muttered, purposefully knocking his shoulder against Yoongi's as he walked past him. "So don't act like you are."

"I could say the exact thing for you." Yoongi countered, turning around and sending a glare in Jungkook's direction. "Get out of my house. I don't expect to see you again after this, I doubt that Jimin would go for the same person twice."

"You really don't think highly of him do you?" Jungkook's fingers itched to just knock some sense into the judgemental stranger, but he knew that wouldn't do him any good. Though the urge was there and it was clawing at him.

Jungkook had to take a moment to calm himself, nearly ashamed of himself for succumbing to his urges so easily lately.

"I have no reason to." Yoongi deadpanned, keeping his eye on Jungkook as the other slipped on his shoes. "If you knew who he was you'd have no reason to either."

"I'll make that decision on my own." Jungkook huffed, opening the front door and stepping out.

It was so strange, the way that almost all of the anger left his mind the moment he stepped into the hallway, leaving Yoongi's presence seemed to allow him to calm down completely. God, he didn't even know the guy and he already hated him - how could Jimin be friends with someone like that?

Jungkook shook his head, bringing his hand up to his head in attempt to tame his bedhead.

He sighed as pressed the button to the elevator, attempting to rid himself of all of the stressful aspects of his life at the moment. He just needed a moment to recollect himself, and calm down.

"Jungkook?" Jungkook recognized that voice as Jimin's in a split second, looking over with wide eyes to - sure enough - see Jimin stepping out of the elevator. "Hell, I... I thought you'd be long gone by now."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he took in Jimin appearance. He wore a different shirt than yesterday, but the buttons of his shirt were done up all wrong, hair extremely disheveled, and shoes being carried in his left hand. "I'm guessing that you're on your way out?" Jimin stepped out of the elevator, pushing back some the hair that was still matted to his forehead with sweat.

"Yeah, I am." Jungkook replied, attempting to make himself seem composed as he stepped forwards. "Your friend's an asshole, by the way." He mumbled, pressing the button in the elevator that held the door open.

"My friend?" Jimin looked genuinely confused for a split second, Jungkook frowning before elaborating.

"Your roommate?" Jimin's eyes lit up the moment Jungkook clarified, nodding and smiling softly.

"Oh, Yoongi." He laughed, "Yeah, he's a piece of work. But he's just doing what he's been taught to." He sighed softly, scratching the back of his neck before shrugging. "I do need to get going though, I guess I'll see you around?"

"Speaking of, could I get your number?" Jimin's eyes widened at Jungkook's words. "You know, it would make it easier to get ahold of you."

"My number..." Jimin bit his bottom lip softly. "I actually lost my phone last week, sorry." He smiled apologetically. "But stop by anytime, okay?"

Jimin frowned softly, but nodded nonetheless.

"Yeah, of course." He mumbled, stepping into the elevator before turning around to face the other. "It was nice meeting you."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, staring straight into Jungkook's eyes.

"You think so?"

Jungkook just caught sight of the smirk that graced Jimin's lips as he spoke those words before the elevator door closed, and that was all it took to send a shiver down his spine.

He hoped so.

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