Grudgby Cancelled?!?!

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Note before Chapter: Apologies for the delay, I originally wanted to create a tournament for this chapter but I couldn't come up with all of the battles. I hope you enjoy this after the unplanned hiatus.

Luz's attire in this story: A red sleeveless open hoodie/hoodie vest, black sports tank top that goes to her stomach, dark blue shorts, black leggings to her calves and black steel toed slip on sneakers.

Luz's Glyph Gloves: Elbow length grayish black gloves with a texture mix of paper and leather, smooth yet tough.

Light Glyph: Located on the palm, below the middle and ring fingers, center.

Fire Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area below the thumb.

Plant Glyph: Located on the palm, above the wrist at the base of the hand below the center of the palm.

Ice Glyph: Located on the palm, in the area between the thumb and pointer finger.

Power Glyph (symbol of Construction Coven): Located on the back of right hand.

Healing Glyph (symbol of the Healing Coven): Located on the back of left hand.

Her Kickboxing stance: Fists in front of her face, knees slightly bent, right foot back and her left foot forward.

After the delightful Grom night, lots of great photos, canceling the next kickboxing class so she can heal, and working out a date for next weekend with Amity, Luz was now riding with Eda to Hexside for a new week of school. Though for some reason, Hexside was looking a bit different then usual as blue and gold flags wrapped around the trees and a large banner floating in front of the school saying, "Go Get'em Banshees!" and fireworks were exploding around the school. Eda landed in front of the school and let Luz get off as she took in the hype for the Demon Realm equivalent of Football.

"So this is what Grudgby season is gonna be like? Seems like it's gonna be big." Luz said while gazing at the school.

"It's gonna be a really big deal." A voice said, making Luz turn to see a stereotype ghost holding black pom-poms.

"...Are you a cheerleader?" Luz asked him.

"More like the school spirit but also that." he said to her before he floated away, wailing like he was haunting somewhere. "Ooooooooooooo."

"Ah, there's no better time to be in school than during Grugby season. Some of my best memories of when I played in my gory days." Eda said, gesturing to herself.

"Gory days? Don't you mean "glory" days?" Luz asked her teacher.

"It's all the same to me. I was an unstoppable force on the field with my combination of best moves and best cheats!" Eda said with a cunning smile while her chin was on her hand.

"Cheating? You know if you need to cheat to win, then it doesn't count as a victory in my book." Luz said, pointing her thumb to herself. "Victory taste a lot sweeter when you work for it instead of cheating for it.

"Eh, what do you know you "fair sportsmanship?" You may know combat sports but you don't know magic sports" Eda said as she grabbed her staff, looking blandly at Luz. "How could a cheater never prosper if I was the star player?"

Luz let out a sigh as she shook her head, somewhat expecting an answer like this from a con-woman like Eda.

"Then I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree." Luz said before reaching into her cowl hood and pulling out King, who slept inside on the way to school. "See you later King, you cute little snoozer."

Luz gave him a kiss on the snout before she placed him on Eda's staff, waving goodbye before he climbed into Eda's hair.

'Okay, that is officially the weirded place to sleep ever. And just how dead is Eda's hair anyway?' Luz thought as she continued her way into the school, wondering if all witches had the potential for magical, storage hair.

After walking to her locker and greeting her friends, Luz sat with Willow and Gus in history class as the teacher was giving a lecture. He was snake man with green skin and a French moustache dressed in a black robe with an orange end, beige white sleeves, a light gray hoodless cowl with a matching turban like hat, and black pointed shoes.

"Over 50 plus years ago, Emperor Belos had appointed a head witch to each and every coven." he said as some students looked bored with the lecture.

Three of them were Amelia, Skara, and Boscha, who were all Grudgby players with the last one being the captain and wearing a lettermen's jacket.

"I wonder what Grudgby is gonna be like, I've never seen a game before but I have been studying it." Luz said to her friends, sitting in the desk in from the the Grudgby players. "I've been studying about some magical sports since I heard of it, even watching this."

Luz pulled out a DVD with Azura on the front playing against an old wizard in an orange witch hat while a white balls with stitches and a face was being thrown by her. It was titled "The Good Witch Azura II, The Field of Deadly Fates."

"It's a little different then Grudgby but it's mechanics are close enough." Luz said as Willow, who had a hairpin pink flower with an eyeball in the middle on the left side of her hair, took the DVD and read the back.

" Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking a chance on the deadly Thorn Vault?" Willow reads before opening the case to show the shiny DVD.

"Oh! Shiny cookie." Gus said as he reached for it before Luz smacked his hand away.

"A DVD is not a cookie, Gus." Luz said to him as she closed the DVD case.

"Ouch, no need to be tough. I'm delicate." Gus said as he blew on his hand.

Back wit the lecture, the snake teacher had taken a step forward to finish this portion of the lecture.

"The headquarters of the Council of Coven Leaders, lead by the head witches of the nine main covens, was built and paid for by...?" he stopped, looking around for anyone to answer the question. "Anyone? Either someone answers or I call someone out?"

Seeing most of the class was not brave enough or paying enough attention to answer the question, he decided to call someone out to answer the question.

"Willow Parks." he said, making Willow turn to him. "As I asked before, what paid for the construction of the headquarters of the Council of Coven Leaders?"

'Okay, okay. I know this...' Willow thought as she tapped her lip for a moment before standing up and clearing her throat.

"It was...the Pixie Dust Taxes?" she answered, feeling only a 50% chance that she was right.

" correct. Very good, Ms. Parks." the snake teacher said with a smile to Willow.

"WOOO! GO WILLOW!" A student cheered, the one with a lizard/turtle like mouth and green skin in an Oracle Track uniform, from outside the classroom.

The History teacher quickly drew a white spell circle to shut the door as the class complimented Willow, making the plant girl blush.

"Looks like someone is becoming a school favorite." Luz said with a smile as Gus nodded.

"Ever since you started your class and I patched things up with Amity, I've really been more confident." Willow said as she gestured to her hairpin. "I guess it's been showing more than I thought."

Before the compliments could continue, the P.A. system came on and drew everyone attention.

"This is Principal Bump speaking. Pardon the interruption, students but I have to important announcements to give." Bump said over the system. "First, I would like to announce that Grudgby practice is canceled for this evening."

This caused a gasp to resonate though the whole school, especially with the Grudgby players! It was their school's most popular sport and Bonesborough national pass time! What could be some important that Bump would cancel their practice of the season?!

"Second, would Luz Noceda please report to my office for an important matter? I repeat, would Luz Noceda please report to my office for an important matter?" Bump asked before he shut off the P.A.

This second announcement made all eyes shift from Willow right onto Luz, making her gaze around as they wondered why she was part of the announcements!

"Ms. Noceda, please hurry to the Principal's office." the snake teacher said in shock as he pointed to the door. "Please asked Principal Bump WHY he decided to cancel practice for our star player and her team."

"Star player?" Luz asked before she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"That would be me." Boscha said as Luz turned to her, seeing the letterman jacket. "And please hurry, I feel like my bile sack is going explode."

'WOW! Grudgby is a WAY bigger deal than I thought it was.' Luz thought as she got up from her chair, walking to the door before the teacher gave her a note.

"Pass to run in the halls?" Luz read before turning to the teacher in confusion.

"Our Grudgby season takes top priority. NOW RUN, HUMAN!" He screamed at Luz, panicking as he pushed Luz out of the door. "AND DON'T COMEBACK UNTIL YOU HAVE NEWS OF OUR GRUDGBY SEASON!"

Feeling her feet skid against the floor and the door slammed behind her, Luz slowly blinked as she looked at the note and back to the door.

"...Witches must take their sports REALLY serious. Kind of makes me fear what will happen if Kickboxing becomes an official thing here." Luz said, putting the note away and actually running to the Principal's Office.

Arriving at Bump's office after a minute of running, Luz entered and saw Principal Bump working on some papers before he saw Luz enter his office.

"Ah, Luz, you're here." Bump said as he smiled at Luz, putting his quill down.

"Yeah. I was even given permission to run her by the teacher. Grudgby is really big here and everyone reacted-" Luz said, trying to word it nicely.

"In panic and shock when I canceled this evening's practice?" Bump answered.

"Exactly. Boscha even said she felt her bile sack was going to explode." Luz said with a nod.

"Well, I should say that's an overreaction but I can understand it. Grudgby is her realm's favorite sport and everyone lives to see the epic matches." Bump said before gesturing to his crystal ball. "See for yourself, I have last year's championship recording on it."

"Thanks but no thanks. I've already looked up Grudgby and watched some clips of past games." Luz said as she waved her hand at Bump. "I can tell it's a big deal but why did you suddenly cancel today's practice?"

"Well, it's quite simple really. It's because I want you to prepare something for the next Grudgby game." Bump said as he pointed to Luz. "I want you to put together a presentation of Kickboxing with your best students to show not only Glandus but all of the Boiling Isles."

"...What?" Luz said in surprise.

"I know this may seem like nothing but I think it would lead to something big in our realm. Perhaps just as big as Grudgby if going over your progress reports from your classes are anything." Bump said as he pulled out some papers, reports of progress from Luz's Kickboxing class.

"I-I-I guess...but do you really think Kickboxing could have a place here, on the Boiling Isles?" Luz asked, finding her voice as the shock was fading.

"I believe it could, I also peaked in on one of your classes and it was a sight to behold. Especially when seeing the students mix their magics with a combat style so useful. I think it would be of great opportunity to show all of the Boiling Isles this Kickboxing." Bump said before gaining a smirk. "Plus, I would like to rub it in other school's faces that Hexside was on the cutting edge of a new "combat" sport as you put it."

'Is he really this petty?' Luz thought with some surprise.

"So, shall you do it?" Bump asked Luz.

"I guess, I could give it a try but everyone has a different level of skill. The only way to decide on my best, top four at least, is to..." Luz said before stopping, not knowing if her students would be up for this or not.

"To what? Don't leave this old Principal waiting! I've only 400 years left." Bump said, leaning forward while gesturing for Luz to continue.

"Well...the only way for me to find my best for students would be to pit them against each other in a tournament." Luz said delicately. "But it might not work out so well since they've gotten to be friends and their still beginners."

"Hmm, if that is true, them maybe you should discuss it with you class after school." Principal Bump said before turning on the P.A. system. "Attention to all students that participate in Luz Noceda's Kickboxing class, you are to assemble in the designated room after school for a special announcement. I repeat, all those that participate in Ms. Noceda's Kickboxing class are to assemble after school."

This made Luz gap at the Principal while the entire school was now curious about this announcement, especially the ones that at Luz's students in kickboxing! The Human Appreciation Society, the Blight siblings, even the entire Grudgby team!

"Now, I trust you to give them the news of the presentation and help them learn a bit more to see who the best of your class is for the presentation by the next Grudgby game." Bump said as he pushed the P.A. mic aside and smiled towards Luz.

"Suuuuuure. I can do that but what would happen if, say, other people decide to drop in and watched? It could disturb our focus." Luz said with grit teeth, trying not to be made at the low blow as Bump was practically forcing her host a class at the beginning of the week.

"It will be fine, besides who doesn't appreciate a crowd?" Bump said with a smile before gesturing for Luz to go. "You may go now, Luz."

"Okay...but first, do you think you can have some outfits made for my class?" Luz asked him.

"Outfits? What kind of outfits?" Bump asked her.

-Timeskip, the end of the school day-

Just as she expected today would go after she left Bump's office, Luz's day was full of questions from both students and teachers that knew of her Kickboxing or her Kickboxing class. It was a lot of dodging or telling them it was only for her class after school. The most aggressive happened to be Boscha and her crew, the Grudgby team itself minus Kyle but Luz was able to keep them calm until all of them were assembled at the Kickboxing classroom. They sat around the ring in their groups as Luz stood before them in the ring but they did mix a bit after growing closer through her classes. Boscha's group (Boscha, Skara, Amelia, Cat, and Kyle) sat between the mixers (Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus) and the H.A.S. (Bo, Eileen, and Asriel). The three Blights with the mixers while Gus, Willow, and Amity sat near the H.A.S. while they talked to the other groups.

"Okay, everyone let's settle down! I know you're all wondering why you're here and I can give the answer to you." Luz said as the all began to calm down and look to her. "Okay, so here's the truth, Principal Bump called me into his office because he wants us to give a presentation at the first Grudgby game of the season."

"Presentation? He cancelled practice for that?!" Boscha asked in anger.

"Well it's a special kind of presentation, one that involves what I've been teaching you for the past month at least." Luz said, crossing her arms.

"You mean the kickboxing lessons?" Viney said in surprise.

"Exactly, Viney. Principal Bump wants to introduce/show off Hexside's first kickboxing class at the first Grudgby game, try and bring it as a new sport to the isles." Luz said as everyone muttered in surprise. "And for that, he wants me to pick the four best students for presentation matches before the first game but the thing is, it's hard to choose you myself since you all are still beginners. Not matter how much skill and progress you've shown an made."

"But then how are we gonna chose? Fight each other?" Emira asked as Edric pointed to her, nodding in agreement.

"Actually, no. Principal Bump wants me to increase your classes to twice a week so you guys can get better faster. This also gives me a chance to teach you guys different stances for kickboxing since all I've taught you is my own." Luz said to them.

As the class was muttering in surprise again, a demonic chest with bat wings flew into the classroom and landed beside Luz.

"The outfits are ready, Ms. Noceda." The chest said as everyone turned to it.

"Outfits? Luz, what is he talking about?" Emira asked.

"It's nothing much, just the standard kickboxing outfit you'd wear for a match. Can't have you guys ruining your uniforms, so I asked Principal Bump to have some made." Luz said as she opened the chest, revealing the outfits. "Each one color coordinated like your Hexside uniform to avoid confusion and enchanted to adjust to any size. Bump really wants to show off Kickboxing to Glandus, so he spared no expense."

Calling them up one at a time, Luz handed each of them a uniform and let them examine it for themselves. For the girls, it was a padded sports bra, shorts, sweatpants, and foot sleeves while the boys only got the shorts, sweatpants, and foot sleeves. They also had special fingerless gloves, footpads, mouth guards, and groin guard to protect their hands and sensitive areas in case their opponents went for those areas.

"Not bad." Boscha commented, looking over the gear.

"Rocking!" Kyle said with a nod as the H.A.S. was fanning over the human world attire they got.

Copied or not, it was like they had a piece of the human world they know now!

"It is pretty cool." Viney said as her's was half orange and half light blue.

"Bark!/(Even I got a some in my size.)" Barcus barked as he look over the purple and yellow shirt and short he had.

"Glad you guys like them. You can change into them now if you want or you can save them for the next class." Luz said to them as the demon chest flew out of the room.

After everyone got their kickboxing clothes, they turned their attention back to Luz as she began their emergency lesson. Since this one was exactly planned, so Luz was just going to show them the stances/forms that could be used for Kickboxing.

"Alright, the first stance I'm about to show you is the same one I just against Grom last week, so you should be able to recognize it it." Luz said as she put her left side forward and her left arm in front in a swaying motion while her right arm tucked close to her chest, bouncing her feet. "This is the Flicker or Hitman stance, specializing delivering one armed barrages of flicker jabs. Keep in mind that it's better to use you non-dominant arm for the jabs and save your dominant arm for strong knockout punches."

Luz gave an example by throwing a barrage of flicker jabs in the air, making them see her fists in almost flashes as they tried not to blink!

"Whoa! It's just like Grom!" Skara said in awe of the speed.

"That looks like it's best for a Striker." Amity commented as she rubbed her chin.

"You're right, Amity. This would work out best for a Striker, but you never know what would work for you." Luz said as she stopped her jabs and stood straight. "It can also work for fighters with longer limbs since they have a longer reach to attack."

A hand suddenly shot into the air as Luz turned to it, seeing Bo had raised her hand. Luz nodded to her so she could speak.

"If we were to chose that one, how could we improve to use it?" She asked as the HAS nodded in agreement.

"Well, the most common yet doubtful training for it, is to grab some leaves and drop them in front of you. Then you have to try and catch as many of them as fast as you can before they all fall to the ground." Luz said to them, seeing some of them look doubtful. "I know it sounds strange but that the best way to build up speed for your arms."

Everyone nodded and murmured in agreement as Amelia looked the most interested, looking at her long limbs.

'Flicker huh?' She thought, making a mental note for later.

"Alright, the next stance can be good for Sluggers called "Peek-a-boo." It offers extra protection to the face whilst making it easier to jab the opponent's face." Luz said as hold her fists close to her cheeks and pulls her arms tight against her torso. "Since Sluggers already specialize in defense, this helps them protect the vitals of their face and deliver easy jabs. It's also the perfect stance for a move called the "Dempsey Roll.""

"Can you explain what a "Dempsey Roll" is?" Jerbo asked with his hand raised.

"Sure. It's a move where you lower your stance, can your center of balance, and move to aggressively weave in a pattern similar to the shape of an infinity sign. This can let you put your full weight into hook punches that can't be fully guarded against." Luz said before she began moving, lowering her stance to perform the Dempsey Roll! "A major factor is to put your back and hips into it but you have to be careful, powerful as your punches can be, this move can be predictable! So you'll have to be creative!"

Willow took this to heart and the move to memory as she felt this would be her stance to use, given her heavy body and strong arms. Luz stopped for a moment and wiped some sweat from her brow before continuing.

"This next one specializes more in kicks than punches but it's a bit too common because it lends itself well to kicking and allows for greater mobility and stability. It's call the "kick stance."" Luz said as she changed her form. "Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and take one step back with your dominant foot before your orient it so your feet are at right angles to each other. Your other leg should be relaxed, with the majority of your weight on your dominant foot. Keep your body straight but maintain the same angle while you hands should be in the guard position, putting your your elbows forward so they protect your ribs."

Luz moved to throw rapid kicks, aimed toward a chest or sides of a body as everyone watched in interest. This would serve Out-Boxers or any fighter with long legs well.

"The last one I know is two in one by they can be used together. They're known as "Sway Back" and "Step Back." They're no guard techniques that specializes in speed and reaction time. It can be used in all types of style to dodge punches, kicks, or any other physical technique. They basically universal in use." Luz said as she move her arms to hover at her sides, bouncing on her feet. "You can either bounce on your feet or hop on your feet, either can be good to dodge attacks. Though it is risky since most people that use this don't hold up their arms in defense or only use defense when someone gets to close, so they can focus more on speed. The perfect stances for Outboxers."

"Can we have an example?" Asriel asked with his hand up.

"Sure. I'll just need a volunteer." Luz said as she looked around before pointing to... "Amelia."

"Huh?!" She let out in surprise. "Me?"

"Yes, you. Don't worry. This will be quick, so come on." Luz said to her.

"O-Okay." She said, quickly getting on her feet and hurrying into the ring. "So, how do I-"

"Just attack me. It's alright, I can handle it." Luz said as she got into the "Sway/Step Back" stance, bouncing a bit on her feet. "Come on, show me what you got."

"O-Oh! S-sure." Amelia said as she quickly went into the kick stance, even though it was sloppy. "Here I go!"

Kicking off the mat, Amelia sent a side kick to Luz but human dodge by bouncing back on her feet. Though she felt a good amount of wind behind the kick, meaning Amelia put a lot of power behind it.

'She's a natural with the kick stance, it makes since due to her long legs.' Luz thought as Amelia pressed on.

The tall plant girl threw mores kicks, side and straight to try and hit Luz but the human continued to used the "Sway/Step Back" stance to dodge. Left, back, duck, right; Luz dodged every kick Amelia threw before she Luz slipped on her feet, stumbling off balance.

'There!' Amelia thought, changing to a punch and she charged to Luz.

Amelia thought victory would be in her grasp until Luz suddenly squat and bounced back to balance!

'Huh!?' Amelia thought as Luz quickly moved out of the way! 'But I thought-'

A fast punch to the chin cut off Amelia's thoughts as she soon fell forward, collapsing on the mat as Luz stood above her. Everyone was silent as Luz kneeled down the the girl and began shaking her awake.

"Mmm?" Amelia moaned as she slowly opened her eyes, coming back to conscious.

"Hey, Amelia. Nice to see you're alright, I hope I didn't hit you too hard." Luz said as she helped her up.

"W-What was that?" She asked, rubbing her chin a bit.

"A common tactic in fighting sports, one hit to the chin and your mind goes spinning. Best to protect it." Luz said as she patted the girl on her back. "Still, that was an excellent example of the kick stance. A bit more work and it'll be just right for you."

"Oh! Thanks, Luz! I'll keep that in mind." Amelia said with a nod as she walked out of the ring.

'Maybe it could be a second stance for me?' She thought as Luz addressed the rest of the class.

"Alright, those are the four stances I wanted to show you. Now it's up to all of you which one you would like to work with for the remainder of the class." Luz said to them before holding up two fingers. "You can choose at least two to work on and make your desired stance but that's it. I don't want anyone over working themselves, understand?"

"Yes, ma'am!" The class said.

For the next 2 hour, everyone picked at least one stance to work on that they felt would be best for them.

Those who chose the Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Those who chose the Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel, Willow, and Viney.

Those who chose the Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Those who chose the Sway or Step Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle.

Luz went around helping anyone that needed adjustments or tips in adjusting their bodies to better work with what they thought. Some of them even gave comments of how fitting their stances felt. Such Gus saying the Sway Back was perfect for dodging with flare and showmanship, Eileen mumbles how the perfect the Peek-a-boo was for protecting her eye, Edric saying the Flicker can be good with hand tricks etc. By the time the class was done, everyone had gotten used to their new stances and thanked Luz for showing them.

"Good work today, guys. I want you all to work hard on your stances so they'll become second nature to you, alright?" Luz said to them.

"Yeah! Sure! See yeah, Luz." They all said as they exited the class, waving goodbye.

"Hey, maybe we could practice them a bit after Grudgby practice." Skara said to her group and team (Boscha, Cat, Amelia) as they left the room.

"Sounds like a plan but we're gonna have to save it for later. We lost a lot of practice because of this surprise class, so will have to make up for it tomorrow." Boscha said to the team.

The team agreed with her as Luz locked up the classroom for now, at least until Friday. Her friends were with her as they walked out of Hexside together, planning to head back to the owl house to hang out together.

Kickboxing Class Students: 16

Flicker/Hitman stance: Amity, Boscha, and Edric.

Peek-a-boo stance: Eileen, Asriel (goat cyclops), Willow, and Viney.

Kick stance: Amelia, Skara, Bo, and Emira.

Sway Back stance: Gus, Jerbo, Barcus, Cat, and Kyle (skull cap kid).

Light Glyph Uses: Illumination, blinding light blasts, flashing punches

Fire Glyph Uses: Fireballs, flaming propulsion, fire punches, fire barriers/pillars, fire flight

Plant Glyph Uses: Vine ropes/whips, giant plant constructs like a fist, fixing palismen, plant bomb to capture enemies

Ice Glyph Uses: Ice creation, ice cage, ice spikes/pillars, ice encasing, ice punch, ice wall

Power Glyph Uses: Increased bodily strength and magic output

Healing Glyph Uses: Healing/recovery ability to oneself or to others by touch

Glyph Glove Combo Spells:

Light and Fire = Golden Flames

Fire and Plant = Fire Whips

Ice and Fire = Water Blast

Special Moves:

Nature's Wrath: a giant plant arm and fist that Luz can control for a powerful punch.

Esperanza Brillante/Shining Hope: a spiraling orb of all four glyph elements, used as a projectile or as a striking object. Effect may vary.

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