Always Right

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        {💛Bill's Point Of  View💛}

She looks so cute on those outfit.....
"Let's go" i said taking her hand
Then I see her blush
"Shooting star?" I said
"What?"shooting star said
"Are you blushing??" I ask
"Noooo......🙄🙄🙄..why you ask?"she said

❤️️~A Minute Later~❤️️

"Were Here!" I said

      {❤️️Mabel's Point Of  View❤️️}

This house is soooo faarrrr! I'm tired of walking
"We're Here!" Bill says
Thank God Were here!(I said in my mind)
"Cmon shooting star lets go inside!" He said
"Ok!"I said
"Wow!....This Place is beautiful!"I said looking up
"Bill! You came! And you bought a friend..."The man says
"Yeah....This is mabel" bill says
"Hi I'm Mabel pines"I said
"I'm Ty Bill's Friend" Ty says
"Nice to meet you ty" I said
"Cmon shooting star lets have fun!"bill says holding my hand
"Ok" i said cheerfully
We hang together
I wonder how Dippers Doing?

     {💙Dipper's Point Of  View💙}
"It's Been 2 days Mabel's Gone"I said to myself
"Dipper?" Stan says
"Yea gruncle Stan?" I said standing up
" I talk to your parents and they said your leaving on 3 days"
"I need To find Mabel! I don't wanna leave her here"
" it's on Wednesday kid"Stan says
"I think Gideon has her"stan says
"Yea let's go!" We run outside

~One Minute Later~
On Gideon's House
"Gideon!!!!" I knock on the door
"Gideon we know you have Mabel!"stan shouts
Then the door opens
"Well the pines are here" he says
"Where's Mabel gideon!?" I said
"She's not here dipper"He said
"Liar!"stan says
"Go check my house....I'm telling you she's not here"
~An Hour Later~
"Well????" Gideon says
"Gideon's right she's not here" i said
"You just waste your time dipper pines"Gideon says
"Maybe someone take her"I said walking out
"Maybe...........Bill!"stan says
"Maybe he took Mabel" i said
"Cmon lets Summon Him!"stan says running

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