Chapter 1 preview + new book

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Summary: Rachel an agoraphobic has known Steven Grant for years. Both are awkward around strangers, but always find comfort with each other. But after spending some time with him and his disappearences. Rachel realizes he's been acting differently with more than one personality living inside of his body. They'll find hardships along the way with some revealing secrets and a few broken hearts.

(This book will be inspired by a one shot I wrote a few weeks back titled 'Two Faces' I changed it since this new titled fitted better in my opinion. I do hope to make it as entertaining as the show and I'll try my best to finish it entirely since the show will only be having 1 season.)

Warning this book will continue some sensitive topic! abuse, childhood trauma, self harm, abandonment issues, self hate, etc.

These issues will be here since the show heavily focuses on most of them. I'm just glad Marvel finally decided to talk about some heavy subject's.

🌙🌙🌙 Soundtrack🌙🌙🌙

Mad World- Gary Jules

Panic Attacks in Paradise-Ashnikko

Pieces-Sum 41

Heavy-Linkin Park

Fake Happy-Paramore

Look What You've Done-Jet


The Ghost Of You-My Chemical Romance

Break My Heart Again-Finneas

Whatsername-Green Day

Today, Disarm-The Smashing Pumpkins

Clockwork, Anxiety-Palaye Royale

Tess-Timony-Ice Nine Kills ft Ash Costell

Where Is My Mind-Yoav ft Emily Browning

Smile Like You Mean It-The Killers

🌙🌙🌙🌙Chapter 1 preview🌙🌙🌙🌙

I continued knocking on the door to Stevens apartment and heard no sign of him on the other side. Damn it! That means I have to go out on my own. The thought of heading out alone, being surrounded by crowds of people began to fill me up with anxiety yet again.

"I-I can do it." This is what I get for getting up late. Even though it was extremely hot today, i decided to wear my hoodie since I felt extremely comfortable in it, it also means people won't stare at me.

Making my way outside of the building was when I noticed it was full of people passing by and others with their small shops. I felt my breathing quicken and my heart began to beat faster.

I stayed still close to the wall and felt my hands shaking. "Why did you knock on my door?" I bite my lip and remembered what he previously told me. "Take steady breaths and try to stay calm."

My hands pulled down to hood of my hoodie down and I quickly began to walk and continued to stare down at my feet. I was stupid enough to look up and my breathing hitched when I saw a few kids staring at me weirdly.

I'm gonna run then. My pace quickened and before I knew it I was running toward where Steven works. Where we both work. Unfortunately for me I was fired from my previous job which consisted of me staying up all day at my apartment, I was happy because that meant not interacting with another human being.

But some trouble happened and Steven did tell me a few months back that the museum needed employees. So, I had to work at a public space which made me feel very drained.

Steven is the only person I feel comfortable to be with, and because he knows of my extreme fear of being out in public, he started to help me out. Never pressured me or got tired when he knew I couldn't go any further.

It has been extremely hard but I feel like I've down great progress. Just a year ago everything was much worse where I wouldn't even go out to buy food for myself. I felt like there were eyes watching my every move.

Looking back up I noticed the museum up ahead not far from me. "Steven!" I began to shout when I started making my way closer to his working place. Ignoring the stares I was probably getting, because of it I was hiding my face with my hoodie.

I made it inside the museum building and started searching around for Steven, trying not to push or fall onto one of the many children here are having a field trip.

My eyes instantly lit up when I saw his figure up ahead behind a counter boredly messing up with whatever he was forced to do this time.

"Steven!!" I shouted running towards him. As soon he looked up through his dark tired eyes I was already almost on top of the counter leaning towards him almost our noses touching.

He froze in his spot surprised to see me here so early. He slowly took a step back. "Rachel? What's gotten you all giddy?" He asked through his English accent.

I began to pant and felt myself relieves that I made it this far. "I finally had the courage to come here on my own."

A smile spreaded across Steven's face, "Right! S-Sorry I called you earlier but never responded. Promise I'll treat you to lunch after we're done."

"That's f-fine. You have no idea what anime I just finished. It's so good! I think you might like it. You see the character has to eat fingers to obtain-"

"Late again, are you?" I froze in my spot and turned my head slowly to see Donna, our co-worker. I stood up straight and turned to face her, it was difficult to remain looking at her in the eyes. Steven remained silent staring at us both.

"I'm not l-late! Umm..Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you guys are early...?" I slouched and saw her angry eyes on me.

Someone please kill me.

A chuckle erupted between us and I looked over to see Steven trying to not laugh at my awful way of getting out of this.

"S-Sorry. It's wasn't even good, but made me laugh nonetheless." Steven said covering his mouth and quickly stopping to do so when Donna also glared at him.

"You will be packing each of these all afternoon, and I want all of those glasses wiped. The children I'm afraid are too lazy to read the warnings below."

Donna handed me a massive box and made me stand far from Steven while he was doing his own work.

I pouted my lips and began to open up the boxes and felt Donna right behind me with her arms crossed and staring at what I was doing intently. "Seriously, Rachelle I don't know who's worse, you or Stephen."

"It's a-actually Steven with a V. And my name is isn't Rachelle, it's Rachel." I corrected her since she always gets it wrong. She raised an eyebrow and continued scowling at me. My throat got tighter when I decided to continue talking.

"There's actually a huge difference, both sound the same but are pronounced differently. There's this awesome guy who's actually named Stephen and he's a-"

"Rachelle, continue working. I'm not here to babysit you or him."

I decided to keep my mouth shut and began to get out the small items that were inside the box. I hate this job but the only reason I decided to stay was to remain close to Steven. We've known each other for many years, since middle school to be exact. He was always the quiet weird kid who kept to himself, and I was the same.

In fact I was the one who decided to speak to him first, and that's how our friendship grew. We both have always been socially awkward around other people, and he was the only one I felt comfortable telling everything..well maybe just a bit.

Keeping my head down while taking out the small pyramids out of the box was when I sighed loudly and felt Steven continuing with his work, we remained silent until we saw that none of our coworkers were nearby.

"Did you seriously stay up all night watching anime?" Steven muttered making me chuckle.

"Yes I did and I regret nothing."

Steven smirked and looked up from tagging a few things, his dark brown eyes staring into my own and at the item in my hand.

"Doesn't this remind you of something?" I smile at him and saw a small smirk across his lips.

"The millennial puzzle. The one Yugi possesses, and the Pharaoh of Egypt who resides inside of it."

I hold the item in my hand and chuckled at the fond memories we had growing up. "We did spent a majority of our time watching anime."

"Don't we still?" Steven jokes and takes the pyramid from my hand to examine it closer. Noticing all the small imperfections of it. One of the many things I love about Steven besides his nerdiness, is his love for Egyptian mythology.

For as long as I can remember he's loved it, always spent his time dedicated on knowing more. In fact he knows way more about this than me or anyone else, he should be tour guide instead of being here behind a counter.

I grabbed the pyramid back from him when he handed it back. "I remember you owning one exactly like that."

"Hey, I still have it. It's the one you gave to me." I feel blood rushing up to my cheeks when I looked back at Steven. "I did swear that I would never lose it."

He regained his posture and nodded his head. "W-Well..glad to know someone still appreciates it."

It's so hard to try and confess to Steven. I've given him a few hints here and there throughput the years and he's never said a thing. That or he doesn't know of it at all. "L-Listen..Steven I-"

"Rachel, get back to work!" Donna shouted from across the room making a few children look back over at us. I felt extremely embarrassed and tried hiding my face from the crowd.

"Relax alright? I'm here." Steven whispered and giving me a thumbs up when he saw my worried face. I shakily gave him another thumbs up and continued with my work.

He knows me like the palm of his hand. Being here in an big open space with crowded people isn't something I take lightly, for some reason I've always felt comfortable around him. He gets me and my struggles.

"I'll be in the back, alright? Be back in a a few." He smiled again and began taking a box to the other side.

I nodded worriedly and began to see him slack away. "Laters gators then." I replied and saw a smile on his lips again.


"It appears that I got a date."

I spat my drink and the small piece of croissant i had fell to the ground alongside my pencil, I glanced back to see at him also confused while taking slow bites out of his veggie sandwich that I had made for him. It was already night time and out hard days work had finally ended, we were sitting by a fountain where Steven always likes to sit and talk to the man who always comes by to perform.

"A date?! A real one?" I couldn't help but feel disappointed that someone asked him out first. "W-Who is it?"

Now I was intrigued on what happened. I had been drawing on my sketchbook and stopped to stare at him, his brown eyes focusing on his view up ahead. I had been sketching Steven up on my notebook but now I won't be able to finish it.

Steven simply hummed and stared off into space. "Still not sure how exactly I got it. Seems like strange events have been happening lately, eh?"

I tilted my head and realized he was talking to himself. "Umm Steven?"

"I mean can you believe it? A nobody like me having a one in a lifetime opportunity? I wonder what my mum would say." I heard him chuckle and finish up the meal.

His mom? Steven began to get up and glanced at the man sitting next to him. "Thanks for listening. Guess I'll be seeing ya tomorrow mate. Cheers."

My mouth fell open and I began to grab my belongings quick to not stay with the silent man next to me. I noticed Steven's hair messier than before since he had been running his fingers up to his curly set of hair, his face still tired but hopeful now that he landed this date.


His pace slowed when he remembered he wasn't alone. "Oh, sorry, Ray." I know how much of a habit it's become of him mostly being alone.

"You think I deserve this? Bein' happy and all?" His voice broke down a bit when he stopped and I did the same to look up at him.

My expression softened since I hated seeing him this upset. He's always so sad "There's no need to apologize for the way you are, Steven. I very much love you being like this. Awkward, very kind, helpful and loving. Though, I do wish you wouldn't disappear from time to time."

It was Steven now who tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows together. "What do you mean?"

I hummed and thought of what happened about two weeks ago. "Well, I did notice you hadn't arrived home for about five days because you told me to feed your goldfish."

"Huh? I don't remember blacking out. But I do remember waking up in your couch."

"Maybe you got drunk and entered my place instead?" I shrugged my shoulders and noticed him slowly nodding his head.

The both of us resumed walking over to out building and we weren't far from it. "Rachel, would you mind showing me that anime you mentioned earlier?"

Steven said as soon as we were about to enter each if our apartments. I smiled lovingly at him and nodded, "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Laters gators!" I absolutely love it when he says it back.

He raised his hand and waved back, "Laters gators, Ray."

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