Chapter 15: Tell

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Chapter 15: Tell

Taehyung felt something warm when he woke up. He felt odd but at the same time, he can't help but felt heat up to his cheeks. Jungkook was hugging him from behind. He doesn't know how he ended up in that position.

His pillow was Jungkook's one arm with Jungkook's face nuzzling on his nape.

It felt odd but at the same time comfortable. It was his first time waking up with someone. He touched Jungkook's hand that was on his hips wanting to remove it. Yet, he felt Jungkook intertwining their fingers.

"Good Morning, my beautiful omega." Jungkook greeted with his husky voice.

His warm breath fanning on Taehyung's neck made Taehyung redder than the tomatoes. Taehyung biting his bottom lips, he likes to hear Jungkook's husky voice in the morning.

"G-good morning." Taehyung stuttered.

He wants to slap himself for stuttering. He didn't like to be stupid this morning. Jungkook snickered, he subtly peck Taehyung's neck making Taehyung felt a shiver sent down on his spine.

"I felt something was wrong." Jungkook suddenly uttered.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked confusedly.

He turned around, looking at Jungkook with his confused look.  Jungkook lifted their intertwined fingers.

"I mean, your ring finger was still empty. It'll look beautiful if you will wear our wedding ring." Jungkook grinned, pecking Taehyung's ring finger.

Taehyung giggled at Jungkook's silliness.

"Where did you learn that huh? I just accepted you as my mate and now your acting as if you're older than us." Taehyung retorted.

"I can't help it, hyung. Being your mate is a big deal to me. Since you're my mate now, I want to take care of you and show you that you won't regret accepting me, hyung. I don't want to be just a good, I want to be the best mate for you, that's my goal as your mat." Jungkook stated.

His thumb soothing on the back of Taehyung's hand.

"You don't have to do that, I can understand if you felt uncomfortable. It's your first time, you don't have to force yourself to act as my mate. You can still treat me as your hyung." Taehyung smiled.

"But I want people surrounding us to see that were mate. So no one can take you away from me, mostly betas and female omega were flirting on you. I was losing my confidence to get near to you." Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung giggled, he found Jungkook cute.

"Don't mind them, they can't flirt with me, I have your mark, remember? There's nothing to worry about." Taehyung assured.

"But that still not enough, hyung. I want you to wear our wedding, but we're still not married." Jungkook soughed.

"Aish, don't make everything rush. You're still young and need to know a lot. You need to learn how to be a good and strong Alpha. I don't want to hear those bastards calling you weak like what happened when you got crowned as the new Alpha." Taehyung stated and cupped Jungkook's cheeks.

"Okay, hyung, I'll make you proud of me." Jungkook smiled, brushing his nose against Taehyung's ones.

They both chuckle, yet, Taehyung felt a spark when Jungkook was touching him. Jungkook's hand was inside of his shirt, caressing his curvy line. Their eyes met an odd silence filled his room. Jungkook looked at Taehyung's lips then his eyes while Taehyung was just looking at him. He get closer until his lips touched Taehyung's soft ones.

Taehyung closed his eyes and let Jungkook dominate him. Jungkook's lips were moving gently and softly. He didn't notice that Jungkook had made his back laid on the bed and hovered on top of him. Jungkook's hands were roaming inside his body making butterflies go wild in his stomach.

He clutched his fingers on Jungkook's locks, kissing him back. Their intimate's touch was turning them on. None of them wants to pull away not until the door was slammed open with Eunha barging inside.

"Oops, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stop both of you but Alpha, one of the guards from the pack was looking for you." Eunha said immediately turning around facing the door.

Jungkook and Taehyung both jerked up with flushed faces.

"O-okay, aunt, I'll go there. Thank you for telling me." Jungkook retorted shyly.

"Okay, you can meet him in the living room." Eunha said and she left.

Taehyung sighed in relief, he cursed under his breath yet he thought it was fine since they weren't naked, or else, he let the ground eat him alive.

"Thank you for good morning kiss, hyung." Jungkook grinned pecking Taehyung's lips.

He left dumbfounded Taehyung in the room and went out to check who was it. Taehyung bit his bottom lip, cupping his red cheeks.

"What are you doing here, Rae?" Jungkook asked when he came into the living room.

"Alpha, your father was looking for you. He told me that he's going to tell you something important. He wants you to go back to the pack house." Rae responded, standing from the couch with his head low.

"Right now?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, Alpha." Rae replied.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's room and sighed.

"Okay, I'm coming." Jungkook uttered.

Jungkook and Rae left Taehyung's house. They immediately went to the pack house.

"What's the matter, dad?" Jungkook started when they arrived.

"I got a call from your uncle in the States and I told him about you. He offered me that he will help and train you to become an Alpha." Ki-eon stated.

"But I have Taehyung hyung, he's my trainer." Jungkook retorted.

"I know, but he doesn't know how will he treat you and your wolf and become one. He still has less knowledge about true blood Alpha. It will be better if you learn from your uncle. I know Taehyung was a defense expert but that's still enough to make you fully Alpha. Besides, you have to handle our company soon." Ki-eon explained.

"So that means I have to leave?" Jungkook muttered.

"Unfortunately, yes. Your uncle there has a lot of stuff that can help you and there's less distraction for you. I don't want you to leave but I can't stand those people calling you weak. I kept hearing them everywhere I go. I hope you understand me, Jungkook." Ki-eon added.

"But can I bring Taehyung hyung with me?" Jungkook asked with hoping eyes.

"No, he also had responsibilities here. He also has to train those new beta and alpha. Taehyung was my ace when it comes to training. He can't leave them." Ki-eon continued.

Jungkook sighed looking on the ground.

"Okay, I understand." Jungkook mumbled almost a whisper.

He sighed, he also wants to learn and experience more things but he didn't expect it'll happen sooner.

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