Guild 8: Miria

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This guild was made by wordsmith-. The guild seal is above. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games. 

Guild Name: Miria

What Planet the Guild is From: Aihiri is a small planet, who is best known for its production of clothes. Many of its inhabitants are clothing makers, their jobs including pattern makers, tailors, seamstress, and dressmakers. The planet is a mostly peaceful one. Its inhabitants are varied in their race, so it isn't surprising that half breeds make up a good portion of Aihiri's population. Aihiri is relatively close to Tythan, close enough that they trade clothes for supplies.

What the Guild is Like: The Miria Guild is made up of those were given or needed a second chance. Therefore, while at first glance they are a rough and unruly guild, they are actually much more honorable and peaceful than most expect. Most are determined to prove their worth and that Antioch was right in giving them a second chance. And while some are definitely less than stellar examples, the Magi who have been in the Miria Guild the longest are extremely patient and understanding, yet tough enough to gain the newer members' respect. As such, while the Miria Guild is rough around the edges and on the reckless side, they are loyal and follow their own moral code.

Guild History: The Miria Guild, despite its small size, was among the first guilds to be created. It was started by Anahita Zavala, a human Magi. Anahita's brother was always a troublemaker, kind hearted and with the best intentions but always on the side of too reckless. A few months after he turned 23, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up in prison. Through Anahita's help, he was released two years later. However, he wasn't allowed into the current guild that existed because he had been in prison. So, Anahita created the Miria Guild, which she, her brother, and a few others in similar situations became the first members of. Ever since then, the Miria Guild has been known for its tolerance and propensity to take in people that others would not.

Guild Master: Kalmiya is a human Magi, one of the few humans in the Miria Guild. Her parents were a part of the guild, and were well-liked by all of the members. As such, Kalmiya is also well-respected. Anahita, her great great great grandmother was the founder of the Miria Guild, and Kalmiya is the first of her descendants to be the Master of the guild. She became the master after going through several trials to prove herself against three other members and became the master at the age of 28. In the five years since, Kalmiya has worked to gain the respect and trust of her fellow guild members. Her age has made it difficult for some of the older members to listen to her, but she's managed to prove herself to the majority of them by listening to and taking their advice, as well as making sound decisions after a few missteps. Kalmiya has become known as a strict but fair leader, but with a soft spot for her guild members.

On a more personal level, Kalmiya is a guarded person. Because she takes in what some would term 'troubled' people, Kalmiya has learned to not show her softer side until she's earned their respect and trust. Strong-minded and stubborn, Kalmiya is also incredibly loyal. She's also analytical, and has learned to read people. However, being a leader gives Kalmiya great pressure, resulting in times where she needs a break from everything and to get away from people. She can also be a proud person, which she struggles with when making decisions. It makes her difficult to keep her own emotions and opinions from clouding her judgement, which is why she relies heavily on her friends and mentor.

Number of Members: 27

Anything Else About the Guild: 


Thulok: "I know how reckless you lot can be, but Miria is a guild that has frequented the games. It's an honor to have you back."

Evina: "Aihiri is one of my favorite places to visit! I'm wearing  a dress I bought there just last week! Hehe!" 

Pimret: "Rough around the edges? Well, I think Miria and I will get along great!" 


Laesirrah: "I have the upmost respect for Miria. I have many acquaintences and friends in the guild. It is an honor and I wish Miria the best of luck."



Name: Tilani Not

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Tilani has black hair that reaches just past his chin, which complements his olive skin. He wears mostly black, favoring short jackets and clothes that are easy to move in. Tall for his age, most people don't realize his height because Tilani has a tendency to slouch, something that Nylisa always scolds him for. He wears a golden chain around his neck, one that he never takes off. His eyes are dark brown, and are often said to twinkle.

He's skinny, with long limbs and few muscles. Unlike many of his fellow guild members, Tilani lacks the grace and control over his body to be anything but clumsy. It isn't uncommon for Tilani to be sporting papercuts or other small scars and bruises from running into things or accidentally dropping sharp objects.

Personality: Tilani is serious for his age, with a sarcastic sense of humor. Although he can be sweet and gentle, he is more often known for his moments of harsh honesty and quiet demeanor. Unlike many of his fellow guild members, Tilani was always a stickler for the rules, in no small part due to being raised by Nylisa. However, being around so many ex-prisoners and similar people, Tilani is tougher than his appearance would suggest. He knows how to appear in control of a situation and how to make himself blend into the background. He's a very accepting person, something Nylisa made sure to teach him. However, Tilani can be moody and emotional at times, as most teens are. He has a tendency to be self-centered though he's working on that.

Back History: Tilani's first memories are of living in a group home for abandoned children. He lived there until he was 10, and was adopted by Nylisa. At first, Tilani had difficulty adjusting to his new life. It was very different from the group home, much stricter and the people more attentive. He was enrolled in a different, better, school and also taught about the Miria Guild by Nylisa, unable to skip like he had before.

Initially, Tilani rebelled and got into trouble, testing his new mother. However, Nylisa had experience with far more troublesome kids and adults, so she knew how to deal with Tilani. Tilani slowly warmed up to his adoptive mother after realizing she wasn't going to abandon him and that she genuinely cared about him. The turning point in their relationship was when one of the younger guild members taunted Tilani about not being Nylisa's real son. TIlani then got into a fight with him, resulting in both of them getting into trouble. However, later Nylisa talked with Tilani and reassured him that he was her real son, even giving him a family heirloom. This reassured Tilani of his importance and place with Nylisa, which made his time with the Miria Guild go a little smoother.

How They Joined the Guild: Tilani was adopted by another guild member, Nylisa, when he was 10. One of the rules made by the guild's founder was that children could not be born or adopted into the guild, as Anahita had wanted those who were in the Miria Guild to be there voluntarily. So after the adoption was made official, Kalmiya made an agreement with Nylisa that until he was 16, Tilani would be an honorary member of the Miria Guild as Nylisa wanted the protection and benefits being a guild member afforded Tilani. Kalmiya agreed on the condition that Tilani contribute to the guild and that when he turned 16 he would be able to go through the tests and become an official member of the guild, as she believed his extended time among them would make him more prepared than other potential members. (If Tilani had not wanted to join the guild, he would have been free to do so, though he would no longer have been able to live in the guild's headquarters and would no longer have the benefits of being a guild member.)

Magic: Sunlight Magic - Light Mage Magi

Tilani can manipulate any sunlight in the surrounding vicinity, though he can't create light. He has so far been taught how to change the light into different shapes, use the light to burn objects, and gather light around himself or others, making it difficult to look at. He is still working on bending light so as to make himself invisible.

Friends: Narti is a Sun Elf, and Tilani's best friend. She has been since she was first introduced to him by Taggar, an older member of the guild. She's a little odd and eccentric, but fiercely loyal to her friends and family.

Gef is another one of Tilani's friends. He's a dryad who is constantly chattering and never fails to make people around him smile. Of course, like most dryads, he is very in tune with nature and wildlife, and Gef in particular has an affinity for growing plants.

Enemies: Caruk, the younger guild member who taunted him in the beginning, has been Tilani's rival since he was adopted. The two have never gotten along.

Strengths: Tilani is laid-back and accepting of nearly everyone, a common trait among the Miria Guild. He's fiercely loyal as well, evidence of Narti's influence, and athletic, which comes from Kalmiya. He's not traditionally smart, but he's good at thinking outside the box.

Weaknesses: Tilani is moody like many teens, and he can be self-centered, thinking of himself without any regard for others. He's also very clumsy and so terrible at anything that requires someone to be discrete.

Passions: Tilani is fascinated with history, Aihiri's and other planets. Solving puzzles is his favorite past time and he has a soft spot for small animals.

Dislikes: Tilani dislikes the cold, talking about his time at the group home, and being by himself.

Fears: The guild abandoning him like his mother did.

Goal in Life: Tilani aspires to be like Kalmiya and one day become guild master.

Everyday Life: As Tilani is now officially a member of the Miria Guild, the last few weeks have mostly consisted of him learning more in-depth information about the Miria Guild and how it works. Before that he went to school and trained with Kalmiya.



Name: Nylisa Aer

Age: 178

Gender: Female

Race: Fairy

Appearance: Despite her age, Nylisa maintains a youthful appearance due to being a fairy. She's on the small side, and petite, if a bit round near the middle. Her skin is pale, save for the markings wrapped around both of her forearms. The markings are a thick band from which intricate designs spiral off of. Her hair is a mix of dark green and black, kept short, barely reaching her chin. Her wings are a similar color, a glossy obsidian with green running through them.

Personality: Nylisa is one of the older members of the guild, but few would call her wise. Nurturing and responsible certainly, but Nylisa still yearns for adventure and travel. Most of the time, Nylisa is upbeat, taking care of those around her like it's second nature. However, sometimes she will have or come close to a slip, which puts her into a mood that often lasts several days. During these times, Nylisa becomes self-pitying, guilty, and angry in turns. This is when other guild members step in, and with their support, she normally can recover from a slip relatively quickly.

She is a very overprotective, if strict, mother to Tilani. Although a part of her still wants to travel, Tilani is more important to her, and she makes certain that he knows he's the most important person to her. In many ways, she can be overbearing with him, but that has tapered off as he's grown older.

Back History: The first 50 years of her life, Nylisa lived on Hurth with her family. She was happy there, but she was always dreaming of traveling and going on an adventure. Not long after she turned 75 she left Hurth and roamed from planet to planet. She rarely stayed in one place long until she arrived at Aihiri. There she became friends with Kalmiya's mom, Mercia, when Mercia was a kid. At the time, Nylisa was 146. Nylisa took on a maternal role with Mercia, as both of the girl's parents were very busy. They became very close, Nylisa viewing the human as a daughter. After Mercia married and had a child, Nylisa left Aihiri, as she loved to travel. During her time roaming the different planets, Nylisa met another fairy, Cirro. The two of them traveled together for a short time and fell in love. They were married not long after, and even had their own child, Morel.

However, Morel grew up to a be a sickly child, and died before his third birthday. This caused a rift between Nylisa and Cirro, the two eventually separating. Not long after Nylisa took to drinking a little too often, becoming an alcoholic. At one point when she was drunk, she raided a bar in Lesca and nearly killed the owner. She was taken back to Aihiri where her grandmother collected her and then spent the next several months helping her go through withdrawals. After this, Nylisa joined the guild to ensure she'd stay sober.

How They Joined the Guild: After the incident on Lesca, Nylisa returned to Aihiri, where her grandmother had settled. Her grandmother was understanding and helped her to start becoming sober; however, she felt Nylisa needed more help so she appealed to the guild leader then, asking him to take Nylisa in. He agreed, and Nylisa has been a part of the guild since.

Nylisa adjusted relatively quickly compared to the other guild members, and nearly a decade after joining, decided that she wanted to try taking care of another child. She didn't want a husband this time, so she decided to adopt and soon found Tilani.

Magic: Portal Magic - Space Wizard Magi

Nylisa can create portals and keep them open for a relatively long time if she needs to. She can teleport herself, other people, and objects.

Friends: One of her friends she sees most is Mercia (Kalmiya's mother), and the two often chat together about everything. Nylisa sees Mercia as her confidant, and Mercia is very motherly toward Nylisa, a reverse of their original roles.

Bytall, the guild leader at the time when Nylisa joined, is also one of her closest friends, as he was vital in her dealing with her addiction. He is supportive and encouraging, very compassionate and understanding.

Enemies: Jyta and his family: Jyta is the man Nylisa nearly killed, and the understandable animosity is one-sided.

Strengths: Nylisa is understanding and compassionate toward everyone, understanding what it's like to be alone or lost. She is determined, which has helped her greatly in life, and she is always ready for action or adventure.

Weaknesses: Although Nylisa has been sober for nearly a decade, she is often tempted and so sometimes has a slip, though that hasn't happened in years.

Passions: Nylisa loves traveling and seeing new places; she also has a sweet tooth that makes her a favorite at the local bakery. Surprisingly, Nylisa is passionate about music of all types, and spends her free time trying to learn how to play new instruments.

Dislikes: Nylisa dislikes sour food, strict routines, and remembering her time at Lesca.

Fears: Nylisa is scared of relapsing and also disappointing those who have helped her to come as far as she has.

Goal in Life: Nylisa wants to raise Tilani to be better than she was.

Everyday Life: Her routine varies, depending on what Kalmiya and Tilani need. Kalmiya often sends her to other planets for various reasons so that Nylisa can travel, and on those occasions, Nylisa does whatever job is needed before exploring a little. She never fails to communicate with Tilani when she's working. On the days that she is on Aihiri, she works with the newer guild members in the morning and afternoon and spends time with Tilani during the evenings.



Name: Ulag Lokin

Age: 478

Gender: Male

Race: Half Orc, half fairy

Appearance: Ulag is easily one of the largest members of the Miria Guild, towering at a height of over 6 feet. Well-muscled and covered in an impressive number of scars, he is intimidating to say the least. Dark green skin is covered in strips of black leather and pieces of armor. His eyes are small, set deep into his sockets and his ears are pointed, with a single golden hoop through each. He stands tall when the room he is in allows it, his body relaxed and open to others.

Personality: Ulag can be hot-headed and impulsive, but not enough so that he could be called irresponsible. He has a sweeter personality than one might expect from his appearance. Ulag finds joy in helping others and feels a responsibility to look after those he cares about. He has a tendency to downplay his own problems, and dislikes not being on good terms with anyone, with a need for others to like him. While not necessarily loud, he's outgoing, quick to set others at ease. He's also very honorable, adhering completely to the Orc Code of Honor as well as the Miria Guild's rules.

Back History: Ulag grew up on Aihiri to an Orc father and a fairy mother. He inherited his father's looks and his mother's abilities, such as long lifespan and the ability to bond with flowers. As such, he often felt lonely and so quickly grew attached to the few others who didn't look at him with disdain. One of them was Anahita. Ulag kept in contact with her even after they had completed their schooling, when he was working in a factory as a manager.

Due to his heritage, he rarely found anyone that wanted to stick around for him, which left him lonely and often miserable. Still, he remained optimistic and helpful. He eventually left the factory and slowly worked his way up the chain of command at a local hospital. The other healers were slow to warm up to him, but the patients Ulag worked with were quicker to come around, and he was much happier with his job.

A decade or so after he started working there, Anahita called him and asked him to join the guild. At first, he refused, deciding that his work at the hospital was more important. However, he ended up changing his mind after Anahita told him about the guild's purpose.

How They Joined the Guild: Ulag was one of the original members of the guild, and the first recruited that didn't have a record. Anahita needed someone who would be able to help and heal those that joined, and Ulag was a close friend of hers. When she asked, he accepted.

Magic: Health Restoration - Healer Wizard Magi

Ulag can heal small injuries such as scrapes and bruises, as well as give small amounts of energy to help people heal. If he has enough energy, he can also heal broken bones.

Friends: Ulag considers all of the guild members to be his friends/family. However, he is closest to a dwarf named Verda who is known for her honesty, a human named Malia who is shy except around Ulag, and a Nixie named Paleine.

Enemies: Ulag doesn't have any enemies, as he kept to himself for the most part until joining the Miria Guild.

Strengths: Ulag is kind and compassionate toward everyone; he is also good with children. Despite his large size, Ulag is also very nimble and quick on his feet, something he teases Tilani about.

Weaknesses: Ulag can be something of a doormat at times, not wanting to appear threatening. He can be gullible and impulsive as well. And, while he's graceful, Ulag is actually not very strong compared to other Orcs, though he's still stronger than most other races.

Passions: He is passionate about healing and helping others, as well as learning about anything he can. Ulag also enjoys gardening, specifically tending to flowers.

Dislikes: He dislikes fights and arguments, as well as people who don't take responsibility for what they do.

Fears: Ulag is scared of being alone.

Goal in Life: Ulag's goal is to help as many people as he can.

Everyday Life: Ulag mostly spends his time working, either acting as a healer when someone is injured or counseling guild members.



Name: Eludia Wyne

Age: 78

Gender: Female

Race: Nymph

Appearance: Eludia, like other nymphs, is tiny, not quite 3 inches. Apart from her size, the first thing one notices about Eludia is how colorful she is. Her skin is varying hues of green, lighter along her arms and legs, but darker around her torso. Her hair is the color of flames, orange near the roots and gold closer to the tips. Her eyes are silver, and always sparkling with mischief. Tiny dark green freckles dot her face, and her mouth is a similar shade of green. Eludia further brightens her appearance by weaving flowers into her hair and wearing brightly colored dresses.

Personality: Eludia is strong and driven, but guarded. She is abrasive to everyone around her, and finds it hard to trust people. She strives to bring justice to herself and the world around her, one of the only teachings she remembers from her father. Her loyalty is hard won, her trust even harder. Eludia hates to be seen as weak by others, and will fight if she feels the need to assert her power.

Back History: Eludia was a very different person when she was younger, known for her laughter and bad jokes. She had an older sister who teased and took care of her in equal measures, and a mother who loved them both dearly. Her father had left when her older sister was still a baby, but Eludia was fine not knowing about him.

However, when she was 23 her father showed up and Eludia learned that he was deep in debt. Despite her mother and sister's warnings, Eludia helped him. Unfortunately, this involved Eludia sneaking into the house of a lower level gang member. Her father told her it was to steal money, however it was actually a distraction for her father to try and kill the man: Hetren. Her father didn't succeed, and the two barely escaped.

When Eludia tried to go home, her father reminded her she was now a criminal, leading Eludia to live a life on the run for several years. During this time, Eludia grew bitter and less inclined to follow the law. This only became worse when her father died due to Hetren. Angry and grieving, Eludia decided to get vengeance on Hetren. Her plan to kill him failed, and one of his daughters was caught in the middle, resulting in her death. Eludia was arrested and spent the next several years in jail before joining the program Bytall set up. She integrated slowly into the guild, and these games are one of the final tests before she can officially join.

How They Joined the Guild: Eludia is a part of a newer program that Bytall set up. It's a bridge between the prison system and the Miria Guild, where prisoners in for lesser crimes and those who ask specifically are given a trial period with the Miria Guild where they work to see if they are not only able to rejoin society but also become a part of the guild. Eludia is one of the participants who asked to join the program.

Magic: Appearance Changing - Shapeshifter Sage Magi

Eludia can alter different aspects of her physical appearance, such as making herself taller or changing the color of her hair. If she has enough energy, she can change her body so that she looks more like a Nixie or similar humanoid, though this takes quite a bit of energy.

Friends: Though she has been with the Miria Guild for a several months, there are few Eludia would call a friend. She is closest to Ulag, due in no small part to the fact that he has taken care of her when she was injured and was the first to offer her friendship.

Enemies: Eludia has quite a few enemies, too many to list. However, the one she is still the most bitter and angry toward is a dwarf named Hetren. Hetren is the one who murdered her mother and whose family she stole from.

Strengths: Eludia is an excellent planner and strategizer. She's also good at reading people and is in good shape.

Weaknesses: Eludia is still bitter, with unresolved anger about what happened with her father. She is impulsive and can be easily swayed by her emotions. Additionally, her size often makes it difficult for her to navigate at times.

Passions: Eludia has a fondness for painting, and a soft spot for pets.

Dislikes: Eludia dislikes insects, reading, and being in crowds.

Fears: She fears going back to prison.

Goal in Life: She wants to avenge her father, in anyway possible.

Everyday Life: Eludia spends most of her time helping the other guild members, however needed. Sometimes she works as a secretary of sorts and sometimes she trains some of the other members in self-defense. And, as she's still not an official member, Eludia has to go to counseling once a week.


Name: Aconi Blueoak

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: Mountain Elf

Appearance: Many people say that Aconi is the personification of winter. His skin is pale, near white with only the faintest hint of a tan. His hair is pure white, like freshly fallen snow; it hangs past pointed ears and reaches past his shoulders. Aconi is muscular despite his slim, lean build, and graceful. Even his clothes are pale, white shirt and tan colored pants, with a golden vest.

Personality: Even after his time in prison, Aconi is still a caring individual, though more guarded. He loves his wife and daughter more than anything, and everything he does is so that he can reunite with them. He's determined and much more cautious than he used to be. Aconi is resilient, and strong, both physically and emotionally.

Back History: Aconi was born in the cold mountain ranges of Aihiri, where he spent the first 23 years of his life. He worked alongside his siblings for his father to keep their house running, as they were a mostly self-sustained family who were alone in the mountains. However, Aconi wanted to explore the rest of Aihiri, and once his youngest sibling was able to work for his father Aconi left. He enjoyed his newfound freedom, traveling to Aihiri's most famous sights and meeting all sorts of people.

It was at Aihiri's capital, Vis, that he found a girl who asked him to stay with her. He did, and the two started a life together. They even had a kid together, named Valia. When Valia was 8, Aconi accepted a job at a company that made silk dresses. Only a few weeks after he started working, he got into an argument with one of his co-workers because he'd caught the other stealing from the company. He went to tell his manager, but it turned out his co-worker framed him and so he was sent to prison for stealing from the company. He wasn't able to see his daughter or wife during that time, so he asked to be a part of Bytall's program as soon as he was able.

How They Joined the Guild: Aconi was one of the first to join Bytall's program that rehabilitates prisoners.

Magic: Metal Manipulation - Metal Mage Magi

Aconi can manipulate metals, changing its shape or properties, to an extent. He's most proficient with the common metals, and has a hard time manipulating large quantities of metal.

Friends: Aconi gets along with most of the guild, but is closest to Talsey, a nixie who gives him updates on his family. Talsey is a very patient person, with a soft spot for families.

Enemies: Makta, the man who framed him. Makta is very ambitious and clever.

Strengths: Aconi is good with kids, and very compassionate. He's also good at diffusing conflict.

Weaknesses: Aconi can be single minded at times, and can be overprotective of his family. He's also bad at conflict.

Passions: Aconi loves listening to music, but doesn't play any instruments or sing. He also loves running and dancing, though he refuses to admit the latter.

Dislikes: He dislikes intense heat, criticism, and dark colors.

Fears: He's scared that he won't be able to get his family back like they used to be.

Goal in Life: His goal in life is to reunite his family.

Everyday Life: Aconi spends most of his time learning about the guild and going through the tests required for him to join the guild. And, as he's still not an official member, he has to go to counseling once a week.


Name: Caruk Saviene

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Half merman, half siren

Appearance: Caruk is often mistaken for a full-blooded merman. This is due in no small part to the fact that his tail and fin are a bright, vivid purple, rather than the more muted colors sirens often have. Tiny spots of white are scattered along his tail and fin, similar to freckles on a human's face. There are even a few on his cheeks. His torso resembles that of a human, pale and leanly muscled. His hands are webbed, soft pink skin easily torn. His eyes are large, dark blue and often crinkled with laughter.

Personality: Caruk tends to be more passive than active, preferring to view the world from a distance. He keeps to a small group of friends that he knows well, though he is friendly to most. Although Caruk enjoys the spotlight from time to time, he mostly prefers to sit back and watch others. There's less room for him to disappoint that way. His need to both impress and help are what make Caruk the 'mom' friend of his group. If one of his friends feels uncomfortable Caruk has no problem dropping everything and pushing aside his own discomfort to help them.

Compassionate and empathetic, Caruk demonstrates his care through actions rather than words. He's the first to notice when someone isn't feeling well and the first to offer to walk them to Ulag or one of the other healers. When someone is upset or sad, he's there with their favorite comfort food and a hug if they want it, or a shoulder to cry on.

Back History: Caruk was born on Aihiri to a single mother with a drinking problem. He spent the first ten years of his life primarily taken care of by his aunt, Magda. Despite this, Caruk loved his mother greatly, as she would have periods of sobriety where she'd take him to museums or the nearby lake and promise to work on being sober. She never kept any of those promises, and when Caruk was 11 he found her passed out in her bedroom. She wouldn't wake up and so he ran to Magda, who called the healers.

Unfortunately, Caruk's mother died, and Caruk ended up living with his aunt. Magda tried her best, but it was common knowledge that she had never wanted kids, and didn't know what to do with them. However, Magda loved her nephew and did what she could, giving him as much time and attention as she could. Despite this, Caruk blamed Magda for his mother's death, convincing himself that if Magda had been there or done something sooner, it wouldn't have happened. He acted out often, getting into to trouble for minor things like shoplifting.

By the time he was 15, Magda had enough of Caruk's behavior and asked for help from several of her friends. Talsey, a counselor for the Miria Guild, suggested that she send Caruk to be a part of their juvenile rehabilitation program. After much deliberation Magda did, and Caruk refuses to speak with her to this day. Still, he eventually settled into life at the guild, making friends and coming to terms with his mother.

How They Joined the Guild: Caruk was initially with the guild as part of their new juvenile rehab program. At first, Caruk didn't plan to join the guild, wanting to find his own way. However, he ended up deciding to join after making several friends and realizing he didn't know where else to go.

Magic: Ice Magic - Water Mage Magi

Caruk can freeze small quantities of water, shape ice, and manipulate ice for various uses. He can also stand much colder temperatures than most people.

Friends: Ulag was one of the first to reach out to Caruk, and Caruk has always liked him for that.

Plaith is his best friend, a nixie with a sarcastic sense of humor and fondness for swimming.

Enemies: Caruk gets along with most people; however he has a rivalry with Tilani. It started when Tilani picked a fight with Caruk and the two have been at odds ever since, despite numerous attempts to make the two reconcile.

While not really an enemy, Caruk still refuses to speak to Magda and blames her for his mother's death.

Strengths: Caruk is usually laid back and easy to get along with; he's very organized and enjoys helping people. He's also an excellent swimmer and as an aquatic being, can stay underwater for long periods of time.

Weaknesses: Although Caruk generally gets along with others, once someone is his enemy, they tend to stay an enemy. He holds grudges long past when they should be forgiven. While caring, Caruk tends to distance himself from people, never quite sharing all of himself with anyone. Caruk is also bad at making quick decisions, overthinking and making things more complicated than needed.

Passions: Caruk loves winter and snow, and adores making crafts of any type. He's particularly adept at miniature ice sculptures.

Dislikes: Spicy food, large crowds, and extreme warmth makes him uncomfortable

Fears: Becoming an alcoholic like his mother, bugs, disappointing people.

Goal in Life: To become a healer like Ulag

Everyday Life: Caruk is one of four others in charge of keeping track of guild paperwork, making sure things are in order and helping Kalmiya to start or continue various programs the Miria Guild has started.


Name: Kesie Miranth

Age: 38

Gender: Female

Race: Forest Elf

Appearance: Kesie is tall, towering over most she meets. Her skin is pale, made paler still by the sharp contrast of the black tattoos that cover her entire body. Most of the tattoos are hidden underneath dark black and red clothing; the most visible are the ones on her face and arms. Her dark brown hair is often pulled into a thick braid, showcasing her delicate features and shining golden eyes.

If not for the thick, swirling lines of her tattoos and the deep red of her markings, Kesie would be considered beautiful. However, the black swirling sigils adorning her skin, burned into her skin from a young age, make her appear intimidating and at times, scarred. The red stripes running parallel to each other down her face divide her face into uneven sections, each of them slotting together like the pieces to a puzzle. Her skin is further marred by the many scars Kesie has earned from her fights; to her they are badges of honor, while to others they simply another reason to avoid her.

Personality: Kesie is aggressive and outspoken, unafraid of almost everyone. She's stubborn and strong-willed, always thinking in terms of blood and violence. Her upbringing ensured that Kesie will always be a fighter, but Kesie detests senseless fighting. For her, a fight has to have stakes, even low ones such as saving face or winning a bet. Violence or fighting without a cause of any kind is distasteful to her.

She's extremely loyal and expects the same kind of loyalty back. There's a code of honor that she follows, and she holds herself to it religiously. Not much is important to her, but her code and family are. Without them, Kesie feels she has nothing.

Back History: Kesie was born in the forests of Rixel on warring planet of Hath. Her family was part of a forest elf tribe called the Iron Spirit tribe. The elves of the Iron Spirit tribe are like most of their kind, brutal and vicious, unafraid of pain or violence. The Iron Spirit tribe's culture is centered around warfare; an elf's ability in battle determines their social standing.

As such, Kesie learned from a young age how to fight, how to defend herself, and most importantly, how to win. At the age of 12, she completed Neer, the customary rite of passage. Neer involves winning a fight against an opponent of the elf's choice and killing an animal of their choice. Kesie won her fight easily, but it was the animal she killed that brought her respect. She managed to take down a Urg, a creature similar to wyvern, something very few elves had ever done.

This gave Kesie a high social standing, and she became the tribe leader not long after reaching adulthood. Soon after becoming leader, the war on Hath became worse. The government, already weak, was quickly overthrown and anarchy quickly took over. Kesie and her tribe killed their way to the top of the food chain, where they lived in relative wealth.

However, it didn't last long. A humanitarian group, S.H.A.R., from Jing soon came to Hath and started to rebuild. S.H.A.R.'s first goal was to form a new, more stable government, and as a result Kesie's tribe was quickly captured and sentenced to prison time. On the way to Jing's prison Kesie escaped and went on the run for several months. During those months, she heard of a guild where criminals were taken in and quickly made her way to them. After several weeks she was able to find the Miria Guild, and Kalmiya let her join. It took a few years, but Kesie was officially made a member of the guild and is now waiting to see if a few of her family members can be admitted to the guild as well.

How They Joined the Guild: Kesie heard of the Miria Guild from an old friend of Eludia's. As she was on the run, Kesie saw it as a chance to recruit people to rescue her family, so she stowed away on several different ships until she reached Aihiri. Once there she managed to get a meeting with Kalmiya. At first she only wanted Kalmiya's help in getting her family out of prison, as she thought a guild of current and former criminals would be sympathetic to her. However, Kalmiya managed to convince her that if she was seen as rehabilitated, they might be able to do the same with her family, and so Kesie worked to prove she was a "good" citizen.

Magic: Fire Mage Magi

Kesie can create fire projectiles of varying sizes and can summon flames that range in heat. She is also, with some difficulty, able to use the flames as a type of propulsion and "fly" short distances.

Friends: Her family from the Burning River tribe, including her parents and her sisters Nessie, Jyla, and Vestra.

She is also friends with Ulag and and Eludia, finding the other woman to be something of a kindred spirit.

Enemies: Similar to Eludia, Kesie has too many enemies to list, having made an enemy of nearly everyone in Rixel. She's most hated by the Burning River tribe, whose leader she killed. Other notable enemies include Grax, a nymph with a penchant for the dramatic whose brother she killed; Filia, a half Orc half Mountain Elf whom she blinded; and Hallia, a siren who she permanently injured.

Strengths: Kesie is resilient, both mentally and physically. She's an excellent leader and good at making decisions under pressure. Like the rest of her tribe, Kesie is a skilled fighter, able to make use of anything around her.

Weaknesses: Kesie is hot-headed and stubborn, reluctant to admit when she's wrong. She's difficult to get along with unless she respects or wants something from you, and uses violence as a first resort. Additionally, despite her excellent fighting skills, Kesie is a bad strategist.

Passions: Kesie loves fights of any kind, especially ones she gets to participate in. She has a fondness for starfruit and loves learning about weapons.

Dislikes: She hates cowards and disloyalty, as well as doing nothing.

Fears: She has a fear of dogs and drowning.

Goal in Life: To get her family out of prison, no matter what it takes.

Everyday Life: Kesie doesn't have a specific job within the guild yet, so she works as floater. Some days she goes on missions with Nylisa, while other days she helps train other members and initiates. Most days when she's not busy Kesie goes hiking or researches what is needed for her family to get into Miria's rehabilitation program.

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