Chapter 21: "...hoping I wasn't too late."

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Sitting in the veterinarian's office with Hoseok, I couldn't help but wonder about how he knew. How did he know Chicken Nugget was sick? When I took him from Hobi's arms, I couldn't feel any difference, but I wondered if maybe Hoseok was just more sensitive to temperature than I am. Leaning against his shoulder, I let myself be comforted by the arm he wrapped around me. I know some people might think I was being silly about the whole thing, but I loved my little dog. He was the first dog I had ever owned and the idea of losing him so soon scared the hell out of me.

"It's going to be okay. The vet even said it looks like you caught it in time. You don't have to worry about losing him. Trust me." Hoseok's voice was confident and I wanted to question how he knew, but I just wondered if he was being optimistic about it all, trying to make me feel better about what was going on.

I nodded, letting his words wash over me. I don't know how long we sat there, but soon Melanie came back in, Chicken Nugget in her arms. "Hey Y/N. I've got the labs on rush so it shouldn't take too long." She handed the little dog back to me and I could feel the heat in his little body. "There's nothing I can give him for the parvo, but I can give him something to lower his temperature. It's rising and we don't want him to go into shock." I nodded and Melanie pulled a little plastic syringe out of her pocket. She pulled off the cap and gently gripped Chicken Nugget's chin, squirting the medicine into his tiny mouth. "There. That should help with the temperature."

"Thanks Melanie. I know I sounded crazy rushing in here like that, but... but thank you." I didn't know what else to say. Melanie could have easily turned us away, claiming the dog had no symptoms, but she didn't do that. She trusted that something was wrong, even if it was only based on Hoseok's intuition.

Melanie patted my shoulder then rubbed Chicken Nugget's head. "Don't even worry about it. I'm glad you brought him in. Hopefully we caught this in time and he will be okay." Melanie looked down at her watch. "I'm going to check on those lab results. Maybe see if they can rush them a little quicker." She winked at me and I gave her a small smile. "I'll be back in a moment."

After Melanie left the room, I snuggled the little dog close to me, my smile turning sad when he just lay in my arms, his energy gone. Hoseok wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close and I was surprised when Chicken Nugget looked up at him then struggled to get to him. With a tilt of his head, Hoseok sent me a silent question and I handed the little dog over. I smiled again when Chicken Nugget snuggled close to his chest, letting out what sounded like a sigh of relief.

"I guess I'm not the only one that likes being close to you." I stroked the little dog's head then looked up at Hoseok.

Hoseok grinned at me then winked, making me blush. "It's okay. I like being close to you too."

"Hobi? I don't know if I thanked you. If it wasn't for you, Chicken Nugget would have gotten worse and I would have never known. So thank you." I felt my eyes sting with tears, tears that threatened to slide down my cheeks. I rubbed my eyes with my hand, trying to stop them.

"Oh Daisy. You don't need to thank me. I would do anything for you. I love you. Remember?" Hoseok's voice was gentle, sincere and it made everything that happened today just feel a little bit better. "You take car of the people you love."

Moving closer to him, I laid my head on his shoulder, enjoying his support, his silent strength. "I love you too Hobi."

We sat there in silence for a little while longer when a quiet knock came on the door. It opened and Melanie came in, a paper in her hand and a frown on her face. "Y/N? I've got the lab results back. I hate to say this, but it is parvovirus." My heart shattered at her words and I could feel Hoseok's arm tighten around me. "Don't panic just yet. I'm going to prescribe him some meds for the fevers. The parvo is going to cause vomiting and diarrhea so you need to make sure you try and keep him hydrated. Keep him on a bland diet to help with the vomiting: chicken, rice. That will help."

Not knowing what to say, I nodded my head, wishing I could change everything, wishing I could make everything better. Melanie handed me a packet of papers and from what I could see on the papers, it was information on the disease that was potentially going to kill my dog, take away the little guy that meant so much to me.

"Read this over and if you have any questions, please let me know." Melanie hugged me, her hand rubbing my back gently. "I have a feeling it's going to be okay. Chicken Nugget is a strong little guy." Melanie's voice was soothing, sincere and I tried to have faith in her, faith that she was correct, that things were going to be okay.

After talking to Melanie about other things to do, other things to look out for, Hoseok and I left the veterinarian's office. This time I drove as he held Chicken Nugget. The little dog had fallen asleep in his arms and I didn't want to disturb him. I didn't know how well he would sleep from now on so I wanted him to get any rest that he could.

When we arrived back at my apartment, Hoseok carried Chicken Nugget inside, setting the little dog gently in his bed. Chicken Nugget opened an eye and looked at us before falling back to sleep. I could feel his temperature was a little cooler and I hoped it was a sign that he was going to be okay.

Sitting down on the sofa, I leaned my head back, letting the stress of the day escape in a frustrated sigh. A weight next to me and an arm around my shoulders had me looking up to see Hoseok sitting down next to me, his eyes full of love. "It's going to be okay. I have a good feeling about this."

Wanting to trust his words, I just nodded, letting his silent strength comfort me, hoping with everything that he was right.

Hoseok POV:

After Y/N dozed off in my arms, I sat there my mind racing, thinking of my spell book at home. I knew there was a healing spell in there somewhere, one that would be enough to help the little dog that I had adored from the moment I met him, the little dog that my soulmate loved with everything she had. Not wanting to disturb her, I stayed there with her in my arms for a little while, enjoying the comfort I could give her, the strength I could lend her, the things I knew she needed at the moment.

A short while later, I nudged her arm gently. "Daisy? Can I stay tonight?" I had a feeling she would say yes, but I didn't want to assume anything.

Y/N opened her eyes, a sleepy smile on her face. "Please. I don't... I don't want to be alone tonight."

Nodding in agreement, I stood up then gently lifted her into my arms, smiling when she let out a surprised sound. "Don't worry my Daisy. I won't drop you." I carried her into her bedroom and seeing the exhaustion on her face, I grabbed a t-shirt from her drawer and slipped her out of her jeans and sweater, then slid the t-shirt on over her head. I grabbed a pair of soft flannel pants and slid them up her long beautiful legs. Although I knew part of her wanted to protest at me dressing her like a child, I knew another part of her was enjoying being taken care of, letting someone spoil her for once. Once she was in comfortable clothes, I pulled back the blankets and tucked her in before climbing in next to her. "It's okay. Sleep my love. I will be here when you wake up." Snuggling into my chest, she finally fell asleep, her cheeks streaked with the tears she had tried to hide, but couldn't.


The next morning came far too quickly and the incessant beeping of her alarm waked me up. She groaned and rolled over, smacking her hand down on the button before burying her face back in my chest. Laughing at her cute reaction, I hugged her tight then leaned down and kissed her nose. "Wake up my love."

Y/N shook her head, her hair brushing against my chest. "I don't want to. Since the shop was closed yesterday for Serena's wedding, I have to go in today. I have a couple orders to get done and I want to make sure I still have customers." Her voice was wry as she spoke and I grinned in response.

"Well I'm going to head home for a bit, go spend some time with my brothers." Y/N nodded at my words and I hugged her again. "If you need me, let me know and I will be here in a flash."

The morning was quiet as we got ready to leave, each of us lost in our thoughts. We checked on Chicken Nugget, who was still a lethargic and I could sense that he was sicker than yesterday and it made me worry. Y/N put him in a little carrier, wanting to take him with her so she could keep an eye on him. The way she doted on the dog made my heart weak for her and I could just imagine her being the same way with a baby.

We said goodbye outside her apartment and after she drove away, I went into the alley behind her apartment, disappearing and reappearing in front of my house. I went inside, giving a quick greeting to Jimin and Princess, who were snuggled on the sofa. Jin was in the kitchen making breakfast and I assumed he had a late shift at the hospital. Yoongi was nowhere to be seen and I assumed he was still asleep. Namjoon and Taehyung were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee as I came through.

Taehyung must have noticed something on my face because he stood up and made his way towards me. "Hobi? Are you alright?"

I shook my head. "No not really. My soulmate? Her little dog is sick, really sick. I need to go look at my healing spells, find something to help the little guy."

"Aww that's terrible." Taehyung's eyes were sad and I could tell he was thinking of the little dog he had owned a hundred years ago. After he lost that little guy, he never wanted another dog, saying the death of a pet was one of the hardest things he had ever gone through.

Namjoon stood and placed his cup in the sink. "Do you think you have one that will work? One that will do what it needs to do without any side effects?"

I nodded my head, knowing exactly what Namjoon was thinking. Some spells, if not used correctly or in the correct situation, could have serious effects, including death. "Yeah. There should be a simple one for things like this."

"Okay. Good luck." Namjoon put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it and I smiled at the silent support.

Leaving them in the kitchen, I headed down to my workroom. I picked up my book of spells, quickly scanning it and letting out a sound of triumph when I found the one I was looking for: a simple spell to promote healing. I grabbed the necessary materials then started a fire in the fireplace. When it was roaring, I waved a hand, changing the colors to the ones I liked when I was working.

Picking up a bowl, I set it on the counter then read over the spell carefully, not wanting to mess anything. I crushed the herbs in the bottom of the bowl, a mixture of dandelions, ragweed, and a citrus flower. Adding in the drops of jade water, I watched as the potion began to swirl, turning a silvery color. I added in the medicum, the final ingredient and the silvery color turned gold, indicating that the spell had worked. I lifted the bowl and poured the contents into a vial then set it on the counter. Now I had to figure out a way to give it to the little dog without making Y/N suspicious. A ding from my phone had me looking over at it, not realizing how much time had passed.


Please help me

He's gotten worse and I don't know what to do

2:17 PM


I'm on my way

2:17 PM


Pleas hrry

Im scareed

2:18 PM


I'll be there soon

2:18 PM

Grabbing the vial, I stuck it in my pocket before hurrying out of my workroom. I disappeared and reappeared in the alley outside of her flower shop, hoping I wasn't too late.

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